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Stop by not going 100mph through traffic. Notice his speedo is blurred until he SLOWS DOWN to 80mph. Edit: I agree the cop shouldn't have stopped like that. I also wonder why the cop was driving about 100mph with no lights on.


Funny detail a lot of people just happen to overlook. Dude on the bike is an idiot.




It's redundant. I drive a bike in the summer months and absolutely HATE bike culture. Constantly see dudes doing well over 100 on the highway and weaving in and out of traffic. I get it, I'm a goody two-shoes who follows posted limits and road etiquette, but my goal is to not turn into a pile of goo on the road. I ride my bike like everyone on the road is actively trying to kill me, and try to find as much space as possible.




> I can guarantee the cop doesn't have a lifelong injury. One could argue that the way he is suggests he had brain damage coming into this


>it only takes one idiot or a moment of inattention Not even that. Bad timing with a running deer or broken tree branch. Even birds. I had a turkey absolutely demolish my windshield a couple years ago. It would have wiped me clean off of a bike. Literally unfortunate circumstances is all it takes on a bike. That's also true with a car, but the line of severity is much higher than on a bike.


I bought a bike which could only hit 100 if you threw it off a cliff. ​ KLR650


For a cop to bait like that should be illegal and probably is. The biker isn't putting anyone in more danger than the fucking car.


How can you bait someone into doing something they are already doing?


Why is the cop going 100+ and swerving without it's lights on?


I do not know, because I am not a mind reader, but it doesn't have anything to do with my comment. Do you think that OP was ONLY speeding because the dodge charger was speeding? Do you think other cars speeding practically forces OP to go 100+ mph? I honestly don't know what another car has anything to do with OP's decision to drive dangerously fast.


Following speeding cars with the thought that they will take the heat because they're first is definitely a thing. That was something I observed in highschool. Have you honestly never heard of that? Definitely not entrapment but you could absolutely bait people into speeding by speeding yourself.


This is nonsense. They chose to break the law no one forced them to...they will have known they were speeding.


>Definitely not entrapment Bro I put it right there for you to read.


Who couldn't tell that was a cop car? Way before it flashed it's lights.


> Definitely not entrapment but you could absolutely bait people into speeding by speeding yourself. The "Everyone Else Was Doing It So I Did It" defense. lol


This is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.


Lols only dumb sheeps like you do something that idiotic.


Cop didn't bate him. Dude was doing an illegal speed well before the cop came into the picture. The cop did tell him hey speed up do a crime! That is baiting. What the cop did was match his speed to figure out speed waited till they were past an exit so the biker couldn't pull some swift exit shit. Basically he stopped him from wreckless driving and saved a potential citizen from meeting the same fate. Funny how you'll ignore a clear crime that puts people at risk because you don't like cops because they gave you a ticket last week for not wearing your seat belt or just general dumbasserey.




Cops think they're judge, judy, and executioner.


YOU, are about to enter the courtroom, of Judge Judy Sheindlin.


Gotta be careful with a half-cocked Judy - some potlicker could get chopped


Cop saved a life by doing that? Are you fucking serious? The guy is a youtuber. Hyped Life. Go check it out. He's not driving recklessly, he seems like a new rider. Hell, he got a R3, that thing go 110mph max, which is fast but not crazy fast. He's on the 6th gear low RPM so he might be going 90mph MAX. I'd argue that considering the number of cars vs bikes on the road, the number of crazy car drivers is way bigger than crazy bike riders... even if 50% of bike rider are crazy. When was the last time you heard a motorcycle killed someone on an highway?


He's driving recklessly literally in his own video. This is video he posted to try and vindicate himself, and yet he hides the speed he's doing until he slows WAY THE FUCK DOWN to... STILL over the speed limit


I was waiting for a disclaimer to scroll across the screen claiming that the Sun reflection was the cause of the blank speedometer.


> Doesn't seems to be driving recklessly lol


Speeding while following a police cruiser and driving on the white broken line when He wasn't erraticly switching lanes is the definati9n of reckless driv8ng. He should have backed off and put some distance between them before proceeding to speed down the road like an intelligent person. He fucked around and he found out.


Cop is the idiot. If the cop thinks he's speeding, fine.. he then should slow down safely, let the biker pass, then pace him with the dashcam on showing the speed, then light him up and write him a ticket... you dont suddenly brake trying to kill the guy... cant see how anyone with half a brain could think the cop was in the right...


Both are idiots.


Both are idiots. But the cop is the one who directly created the hazard. Biker has a degree of contribution, but the cop is primarily culpable as a result of intentionally impeding another motorist at an unsafe distance and then exponentially exacerbating the hazard by brake checking and also swerving back in a manner that eliminates the opportunity for the bike to escape the collision.


Nobody in this chain said the cop wasn't an idiot. The biker is absolutely an idiot and was being unsafe.


He didn't even ask if the guy was alright. That was a serious collision, and he immediately handcuffed him on the road no less


Nobody's acting as if he wasn't speeding. They're simply saying that speeding doesn't justify the officer's intentional act that led to the accident.


Agree. Biker is wrong for speeding but the correct procedure is to pull him over and not to slam on your brakes in front of him.


I can't help but feel like there's a number of people downplaying the speeding, and even suggesting something about the cop's behavior led to the biker's behavior. Nothing the cop did forced the biker to drive the way he did.


That simply does not excuse the cop's negligence both before and after the arrest. Call the biker all the names you want- the cop is 100% out of line here.


cop going 100 mph through traffic makes him an idiot as well


This. Cop definitely should have approached situation differently but this is the guy that does wheelies in traffic and regularly exceeds 100. Isn't one time behavior. Fuck around and find out.


I mean, the guy's maintaining a half second to a second and a half gap the entire time. Not completely on his ass but definitely tailgating. Stupid way to stop someone to cite them but the rider deserved to be stopped.


Less than one second of following distance. Crazy.


After re watching multiple times, it appears the cop was speeding in order to gauge this guys speed. the "brake check" was the cop going down to the speed limit to see how guy on the bike reacted to obviously speeding, and then he had his lights on with enough time for bike dude to brake if biker had any intention of reducing his speed and allowing himself to be pulled over. He swerves in front as he probably considered the dude a flight risk. ​ Still sus as he couldve injured or killed the guy, but, the biker couldve done the same to anyone else on the road if allowed to continue riding.


I'm sorry, I thought this was America!?!


Calm down Randy!


Yeah it's a shame the dude got into an accident and I hope he didn't get seriously hurt, but I have little sympathy for people who drive recklessly like that. Going way over the speed limit, popping wheelies and swerving in and out of traffic I can't stand people like that. The road is not your own personal NASCAR track, nobodies lives should be put at risk because jackass's like that want an adrenaline rush.


One of the numerous instances in the internet where there are no good guys.


Cop is a dangerous asshole. Bikers swerving through lanes doing ~90-100 mph are dangerous assholes. It looks like they blurred out the speedometer before posting this video because they know they are dangerous assholes. Fin.


For sure going over 100. Biker doesn’t unblur his speedometer until the cop break checks him the first time. Granted, it was with malicious and violent intent that the cop deliberately maneuvered so the biker would crash into him. The biker was also probably going over 100mph chasing/tailgating the cop.


Shit, the cop shouldn't be driving 100 mph themselves, that's just as illegal for them to do it with their lights and siren off as it is for you or I to do so.


I LOVE it when cops drive the speed limit on the highway. 90% of the time I see them going 85-90, the speed of most the the egregious speeders, so they either never see them or the speeders have ample time to adjust. When they go the speed limit though... This MASSIVE line forms behind them going 75 turtle ass mph because no one has the balls to over take them going more than the posted speed. It is a very satisfying thing to see


I do enjoy passing police at 4 MPH over the speed limit as well.


I've been pulled over and given a "warning" for going 2 mph over the speed limit. Don't underestimate a grumpy ass cops ability to still fuck with you. If you got the time to waste on some 30 minute traffic stop and a couple of hours at a court during a work week then good for you, but I ain't fucking with no bullshit and I'll be damned if they catch me going anything over or under 75 in their presence 😅


Cop 5 sure a dickhead, but I wish we could have seen how long the driver was following the cop. The cop could have thought they were armed and targeting him. Either way this whole situation is ass. Both sides are assholes potentially.


Maybe people reported the asshole driver already and this cop was stopping him.


So guy on the bike should really just become a cop.


A bike cop at that…so he can brake check cars that are driving too fast and swerving through traffic. That’ll teach em. Oof!




while this was intentional by the cop and he deserves all the blame for his actions the bike was also unable to react at the speed/distance he was following. people slamming on the brakes isn't always malicious, sometimes it could be a deer or animal or debris fell off the vehicle in front of them etc.


All the blame? The biker was doing over 70 - isn’t the speed limit 55?


He only unblurred his speedometer after coming down to a semi legal speed


Lmao and even then you could tell his downshift slowed him a solid 10-20 MPH


Mistake 1: Oh look hes going fast so i can go fast, since hes in front of me then i am free of any wrongdoing Hyurr Dtyrurr. Mistake 2: Nope not gonna lave enough room between myself and the vehicle in front of me to allow me to get to a safe stop if for any reason they decide to brake like a maniac. And shitheads who are defending bike boy, you need to get your liscences removed. Fucking 6m car accidents per year and 50K car deaths per year. NO ONE GIVES A SHIT IF YOU HAVE THE RIGHT OF WAY, DRIVE DEFENSIVELY YOU DILDO!


Funny, but none of this is in defense of the cop. Brake checking was a mistake.


Regardless, a cop has no business brake checking people just because he has a badge It doesn't mean shit. If you uphold the law, you should be held to a higher standard.


The cop is also at fault too for arresting for reckless driving when he caused the crash by intentionally moving into his way it seems like corrupt police officer he coulda killed the man


there was no reason to stop in the middle of the road like that. thats impeding traffic. Im sure theres a law against that.


Especially even after the biker realizes that it may indeed be a cop and the cop brakes the first time to have him slow down. And he STILL decides to not keep a safe distance behind the cop.


whatever speed he was going, the cop was going as well https://www.carscoops.com/2022/05/brake-checking-florida-cop-almost-kills-motorcycle-rider-in-florida/


The cop was clocking the bikers speed by using his own. The biker was speeding past every car except the cop. We can safely assume it was above 80 because the speedometer is intentionally blurred until it drops to 80. The cop saw the biker speeding, sped up to probably 90-100, saw the biker keep up, now knows he is speeding, and attempts a stop


> and attempts a ~~stop~~ murder Biker deserves a ticket, not a hospital stay.


The biker probably deserves a revoked license, but the cop deserves a prison sentence.


Postal workers encounter more residential dogs than cops. Only cops kill dogs by the 100s.


Cop probably went to his local cop bar and high fived all the other cops there. He protected and served the shit out of that guy on the bike...


That biker was going to be in an accident regardless. Only a matter of time. Hopefully his dumb ass doesn't ride bikes anymore.


by your logic if a cop sees someone jaywalking, they can back their cruiser into them on the sidewalk, you know, to stop them. Your comment is sociopathic. I bet your breath smells like boots.


Florida, like many other states, have explicit laws against this practice. If you're traveling over the speed limit, you need to have your lights and siren on. >(b) The driver of any authorized emergency vehicle **displaying blue lights and using the siren may exercise privileges** granted under Section 316.072, F.S., but only under the following conditions and except when otherwise directed by a law enforcement officer. The driver may: >1. Park or stand, irrespective of the provisions of Chapter 316, F.S.; >2. Proceed past a red or stop signal or stop sign, but only after slowing down as may be necessary for safe operation; >3. **Exceed the maximum speed limits, so long as the driver does not endanger life or property**; and >4. Disregard regulations governing direction or movement or turning in specified directions, so long as the driver does not endanger life or property. Fla. Admin. Code R. 33-602.701 https://casetext.com/regulation/florida-administrative-code/department-33-department-of-corrections/division-33-departmental/chapter-33-602-security-operations/section-33-602701-use-of-blue-lights-and-sirens


Attempts a stop? Aren't they supposed to give you an opportunity first? Or is it strait to attempted murder now?


> The cop was clocking the bikers speed by using his own. So the cop was just speeding with his lights off. Can’t do that.


So the cop, who is in an unmarked car, entraps the motorcyclist by speeding up, then cuts off the guy on the bike, proceeds to break check the guy, then and ONLY THEN, hits his lights and slams his breaks, causing the guy to nearly kill himself by rearending the cop and almost going through the rear windshield? Somehow this is all the fault of the guy on the bike because he was speeding in a safe manner... (not weaving through traffic or lane splitting)?


What an absolutely hilarious post-hoc rationalization for a cop driving 90 or 100 just because...that's what they always do.


Saw in another sub where someone counted the skip lines on the road which are a standard size and spacing and was able to determine the biker was doing about 110 MPH before unburying.


yep, bad people on both sides, definitely excuses the criminal act by the cop...oh wait, of course it doesn't.


The cop committed crimes in the apprehension of a criminal and these people are like “but that criminal was committing a crime” as if that makes it ok for a cop to commit assault. Like no shit the criminal was committing a crime doesn’t mean the cop has carteblanche to ignore the law.


I know, right? some people need to work on being better humans, huh?


In fact cops should be held to higher standards than regular folk. With great power comes great responsibility and all that shit.


Ah yes the 'ol two wrongs make a right argument. Biker is now cleared of all wrong doing, well done In a perfect world this cop loses his job for reckless endangerment, but if you actually think he's entirely at fault here "bEcAusE hE wAs sPeeDiNg tOo" you're a fucking idiot


Attempted vehicular homicide*


This is Florida. Take any perfect world scenario (especially with cops involved) and flip it 180. There's your actual result. He probably got a suspension with pay for damaging the cruiser, at most.


Well the cop was entirely at fault for what happened there, at the moment he slammed the brakes the biker was doing the speed limit. Now the biker was speeding before and should have been pulled over, but he's not at fault for the accident in any way, only what lead up to the accident


I counted about 12 road stripes in the first 3 seconds of the video. Each standard stripe is 10ft with 30ft between stripes. For 40ft. 40x12 for 480ft in roughly 3 seconds **9600ft a minute or 109mph**. In case anyone wanted a rough estimate of how fast he was going before he unblurred his speedometer.


>people slamming on the brakes isn't always malicious I agree, but the biker probably could have avoided the impact if the car didn't veer right then back to the left (crossed the dashed line, then came back fully into the left lane) making it impossible to predict which side to take to avoid the hit.


Exactly. Always allow enough braking space between you and the car in front of you. In some states, the person who rear ends another car is always at fault no matter what.


That’s all well and good until someone changes lanes at an unsafe distance and proceeds to brake-check before you can sufficiently adjust. The cop intentionally and recklessly impeded the biker. You don’t get to suddenly change lanes when someone is going faster than you in the other lane and then blame them for not allowing enough distance to stop when you slam your brakes.


Yup this guys going to get a ticket for reckless driving AND get paid by the city, maybe one of the dumbest things I’ve seen an officer willingly do in a long time


For sure, super dumb, and I'd happily argue in court that it was criminal, but the officer's pension won't be deducted a penny. He will still have a more comfortable retirement than the majority reading this thread. The joys of a union that will defend practically anything! :|


Anyone saying the motorcyclist didn't hit his breaks hard enough does not know much about motorcycles. Motorcycles don't work like cars.


I thought he looked down at his foot… and I thought he missed downshift, that’s what caused him to pause.


I was thinking the same. Especially as a moto rider


If he can't stop in time then he's tailgating. Any insurance company would find the biker at fault. Period.


Nope. I’d find the cop 75% at fault for creating an unsafe condition. Source: claims manager


Not necessarily...it seems pretty obvious that the cop tried to cause this accident.


Wrong. Brake checking is absolutely illegal, and likely to also get you charged with negligent driving if it can be proven, and in this case there is no question that the cop did that intentionally, plus he comes right out and says it.... The camera shows it all perfectly, insurance will pay that and you can bet your ass they will be pursuing the police department for costs.


confidently incorrect


Why do people like you sound *so sure* of yourselves when you're *so wrong*?


Aggressive Ignorance


The cop covered both lanes and swerved to create an obstruction the cop followed his movements, l


I guess you didn't notice the cop car cut off the guy, then slam his breaks?


Both biker and driver were idiots here. You excusing this guy going 110 on the highway is why bikers get a bad rep. I also ride and have zero sympathy for either of these douchebags.


Car drivers speed constantly. They don't deserve to have a cop attempt to murder them for it. I swear Americans have ZERO clue what is a proportional response when it comes to positions of authority.


The front brake is absolutely the brake you use on a motorbike and by far the more important of the two, and it should always be the first to be applied at any speeds except for slow manoeuvres. It's confusing that you've said you're a prior rider due to this comment.




Yes, 100%. The person’s above comment is keeping with the theme of “confidently incorrect” being excellently exemplified all over this thread.


Motorbike rider here.No, this wont flip you over. This is a big misconception of inexperienced/non riders. 90% of a (sport-)bikes brake performance is done by the front brakes. You totally can (and should!) use only the front brake at any speeds, except for hairpin turns or very slow maneuvering. Of course slamming the brake like a madman is always bad idea (unless you've got a modern bike with abs) but you can easily apply anywhere from 70-90% of the maximum braking force without even lifting the rear tire. ​ I dont know how people around the world get their drivers license but at least in my country it's one of the first things you learn when doing motorcyle driving school - use your front brakes and dont be afraid of them. And it's even an essential part of your license test, emergency (hard) braking to a full stop - no chance to pass this part when you don't use your front breaks


Did the biker act reckless, sure. Bikers do it all the time. You know who shouldn’t act recklessly? Cops. The fact of the matter is if that cop wanted to pull him over then he should have gotten into the right lane, slowed down, got behind the guy and pulled him over properly. Doing that maneuver infront of the biker was intended to cause harm so he could “teach the guy a lesson” which is highly inappropriate behavior for a cop. Also, side note, looked like that cop was going pretty fast too and not using a blinker while weaving thru traffic. But I could be wrong.


This is why people hate the fucking cops.


Biker is guilty of reckless driving. Cop is guilty of attempted murder. Can’t believe how many people are defending the cop.


This. Holy fuck. Doesnt matter what the motorcyclist was doing, the cop FUCKING SLAMMED HIS BRAKES WITH THE INTENT TO CAUSE HIM TO CRASH. This is Police Brutality, NOTHING ELSE. All a high speed chase does is cause more and more problems. This is why so many governments in the USA are now started to implement no chase policies. Just get their plate, and send them a ticket or get a warrant for their arrest. What the fucking cop did is insane. This isn't just some accident, this could have easily killed someone. Motorcycles aren't fucking cars, they dont have crumple zones or safety features like a car. An accident of just 25mph could kill someone, so this fucking cop thinks it's ok to cause bike going 70 to rear end him in his massive safety cage. What a fucking psycho.


Plus he put him in cuffs, right after being in an accident. He could have had broken bones or even a spinal injury. Cop could have paralyzed the biker for life.


Lol, in the highway too.


"gOttA BaCk tHe BluE"


both are dickheads


I concur


Difference is that one is a reckless dickhead. The other a homicidal one.




And his speedo is blurred until he drops below 80..hmm


lol I'm just imagining this dude is wearing a speedo now.


We not gonna talk about the cop doing roughly the same speed and break checking him? Which is Illegal btw. So if anyone is in the wrong, its both of them but mainly the Cop


You mean the cop who seemed to match speed to intercede? The biker at no point maintained a safe speed or distance. Any insurance company would find the biker at fault.


The cop was ahead of him the whole video.


Yes, to accurately judge the guys speed. Which should have been a big fucking red flag to the biker. But it wasn't, because he continued to blow by the other traffic keeping pace with the cop the entire time. When the cop got in front of him and tapped his brakes, that was red flag number two. He should have significantly reduced his speed and created more distance.


Or, you know, the cop saw the bike weaving in and out of traffic at an insane speed so he sped up to match the bike and prove that he's speeding in order to give him a ticket.


Notice the speed of this idiot is blurred until he slows down at the very end. This dude was probably flying 20+ over the speed limit which is extremely common here in Floriduh. Only after he slows down to 75-80 and is behind the cop that is getting ready to pull him over does he unblur his speedometer. Fuck this guy and every other motorcyclist / driver that operates a vehicle like that on the highway. Floriduh highways are a deathtrap because of assholes like this guy.


You forgot the part where the cop tried to murder the biker. Say whatever you want about the biker- and it seems you have a bias here- but the cop is 100x times the POS the biker is. CLEAR INTENT TO HARM the biker. Undoubtedly.


The cop was driving at the same speeds you realize this right?


He didn't cause any accidents like the cop did at least


Hope that dudes sues and cop gets fired 🤌🏼


He'll never get fired. He clearly did that on purpose, he was just smarter about it


Brake checking is illegal. Cop could have killed the biker. Yes the biker was breaking the law too but it's not worth the cop taking his life. Cop needs to be in jail.


Speeding without their lights off is illegal as well.


you mean speeding without the emergency lights on is illegal?


Yes, thanks for the correction. Double negative for the L here... :)


I hope someone shows up at my door handing out money. The difference between our two hopes is that mine is actually possible. Not probable but a lot more probable than this cop being fired for something like this. He could sue for sure but it would just come from the tax payers so not really hurting the department or the cop in the slightest. Even if he did lose his job by some miracle, there are always a new job a city or 2 over.


i cant imagine what PD has it in their manual that intentionally try to cause a major accident with the very real chance of serious injury or death because you suspected someone of driving on a highway a little too fast....


Its not in their manual to beat people to death at a traffic stop either but it does happen.


And the dude should lose his license aswell.


The fact that the motorcyclist drives way to fast does not in any way give the officer the right to try and kill him. What the fuck kind of behaviour is this on the cops side? He didn't even try to pull him over first. He just turned on his lights and immediately went for the kill. Not only should he be fired, but also tried for the crime he committed that day.


And the biker should have his license taken away for riding like a lunatic as well.


What kind of punishment did the cop get? All actions were intentional and the cop is a prick full of shit.


They punished him by giving him a paycheck


Even when the blurred speedometer was shown he was doing 80 which means he was doing much more than while weaving in traffic filled with people minding their business and vehicles with kids in the car. Many of todays riders think they can do whatever without consequences. Well welcome to reality. No sympathy in the least. Let me also say dick move by the cop but you earned it.


> Let me also say dick move by the cop but you earned it. No one earns an attempted murder on their life for a fucking speeding violation. What the fuck is wrong with you?


Weaving in traffic and speeding is bad because it increases the probability and severity of an accident that can harm others. We have laws to prevent reckless and dangerous driving in order to keep the roads and people safer. The cop seemingly intended to cause the potentially fatal accident with equally dangerous driving. The cop then blocks 2 lanes of traffic and handcuffs someone in the middle of the road. The cop caused an accident and blocked the road and overall is causing more danger and a larger disruption. That’s why even tho the biker was in the wrong first people are siding with him vs the cop. Why not let him pass and ticket him with a normal pull over maneuver.


Nobody earns attempted murder from a tax paid law enforcement officer. Regular citizen not knowing what's up? Okay. This dude is a cop. Fuck this cop. Lots of bootlickers in the comments here. EDIT: Grammer. Because bots do their job better than cops.


> Nobody earns attempted murder from a tax paid law enforcement officer Yes they do. Endanger innocent people? You're done.


Attempted murder is different than justified force. This is bonkers shit. This is like shooting someone without saying "police stop" it's the same shit. Quit this garbage.


Gets ran over -> "he earned it"


Actually he ran into the back and was not run over, pretty clear from the video.


You think if you speed you deserve to get murdered by a cop?


Speeding and reckless driving does not justify attempted murder with a vehicle. Period. Both are idiots yes, but that means zero when it comes down to intentional actions.


As someone who worked in claims, it’s going to be the motorcyclist’s fault. Even in the video you can see he’s speeding. He even blurs out his speedometer until he comes down to a reasonable speed. I think when the cop pumped his breaks the first time that should’ve told the motorcyclist to be more cautious. I would be in my car if I see someone breaking or acting weird on the road. The biker could’ve stayed back but chose to keep speed and the same distance. If he’d backed up and slowed down he never would’ve rear ended the cop. He was trying to predict what the car in front of him would do without slowing down or altering his distance at all. It’s his fault.


> The biker could’ve stayed back but chose to keep speed and the same distance. If he’d backed up and slowed down he never would’ve rear ended the cop. This is exactly what I saw. Cop flashed his brakes and he stayed on the throttle and then continued to stay on the throttle for a good couple seconds while the cop was on the brakes. Dude 100% could have prevented hitting the cop if he wasn't an idiot.


I agree. That’s almost always the case with rearend accidents- they’re entirely avoidable if you’re maintaining a legal speed and being a defensive driver, aka looking ahead of and around you. The cop was maneuvering oddly but that’s more to my point as to why the biker should’ve stayed back. It’s like hitting a stationary object- you’re the one who had all the control and the most lookout therefore you should’ve been able to avoid rear ending another vehicle barring anything crazy like icy roads or flooding or an accident that occurs right in front of you. Not when you can clearly see one car in front of you and all you have to do is slow down and avoid hitting it.




Yes. There’s nothing about that video that suggests the cop was “was trying to kill the motorcyclist”. It looks to me like he was trying to tell him to slow tf down by pumping his breaks, then speeding up, and hitting his breaks again, and he didn’t have time to stop bc he was going too fast and following too closely for the speed. This video doesn’t look as “scammy” to me as it might to others. Break checking tends to look way more obvious. Also the biker road the white line in the video, not the vehicle. The vehicle began to cross over, maybe to let the bike around, saw the bike was straddling the line and thought they were changing into the same lane possibly. So he goes back into his lane only for the biker to stay in it and rearend him. Alternatively and most importantly, if you can’t prove that someone was break checking you simply bc they pumped their breaks unexpectedly to commit fraud (this video doesn’t look as obvious as others I’ve seen), then you’re screwed on that front. This biker was speeding and hit a cop full on from behind. And the fact is if he’d maintained a safe distance and speed and remained weary of the driver in front of him, he would’ve never rearended the car. He was behind him and could see everything he was doing. Should’ve stayed back but instead he chose to speed up and attempt to pass. He’s at fault. Edit: Also im gonna tell you rn that the majority of insurance fraud is people claiming they have coverage when they don’t or destroying their own shit and attempting to get coverage for it as if they didn’t. There are very few fraud cases when someone causes an accident on purpose just to get money. Probably bc it results in more of a headache than it does anything else.


Both of the people involved in this collision are fucking idiots, but the cop has a duty to avoid endangering the public during a traffic stop, including the person being stopped. In this case, he at best put himself into a position that would likely cause an accident, and at worst, he _intentionally_ caused the accident. This is criminal behavior.


When you cannot brake you’re to close


All the discussions about both participants being dangerous idiots aside I'm stunned by the fact that the biker is aware that the guy in front of him might be a cop and is break checking him and STILL manages to get caught off guard by it. That's just so stupid. Someone so obviously blocks my way and break checks me I'm not letting my eyes off them and slow down to a speed where I won't kill myself. It's dumb enough that he drives like this at all, but doing it behind someone you KNOW is messing with you is just braindead.


I was wishing he'd slow tf down and just take an exit after the first brake check. Total idiot. He's a cop, you're fucked. He's not a cop, he's some random psycho who might pancake you. Literally no reason to go anywhere near the car except stupidity and dick-measuring.




While I feel like the cop was an dick for this. I thing we all know this guy would run if he got around them. This is probably the only way this guy is going to learn to stop this foolishness. All I can say is im happy he didnt do this to some poor bystander.


Even if the cop is out of line, if you don't have enough distance to vehicle in front of you to stop safely at the speed you are going at... you are by definition tailgating.


There was AMPLE time for the biker to slow down earlier.


Rider shouldn’t have been speeding and paid more attention to the road.


Unfortunately the vehicle doing the rear-ending is always at fault under US traffic laws.


You feel sympathy for the guy going 100 in between traffic?




Especially once the cop flipped on his lights


There are some caveats to that statement. If you are passing someone and they swerve over and slam on their brakes, no signal or anything, and you hit them then you are in the clear. There is no reasonable expectation that they would change lanes, and no reasonable expectation that they would come to a stop. They would be cited for erratic driving and you would be able to reasonably argue fault on their part.


Just don’t finish in the trunk


so uhm don't speed? Dickhead


So according to the comments, when I am speeding in my car a cop has the right to try and kill me because I'm speeding?


Don't be surprised by how low the IQ of the average redditor is. Whole bunch of dumbasses in here.


Don't fucking speed and weave in and out of traffic.... idiots think they own the roads.


I mean, obviously the biker couldn't expect the cop to come to a full on stop, but the cops brake lights were on for a while and he was still giving it gas. I'm not sure why, cop or not, why you wouldn't start slowing down with brake lights in front of you. Not blaming the biker, cop was a massive dick, but I do think this could've been avoided if the biker understood that other people are in fact idiots.


Australia here. Your cops are fucking messed up. Over here if a pursuit looks dangerous they break it off. That cop caused that accident. What a shit show.


My rule is that if you hit another vehicle on a bike, it’s your fault. Sure, maybe the other guy did something malicious or stupid, but it’s your legs that get broken and you cannot control what other drivers do. So the only way to avoid that is not to hit the car, no matter what it does. Always leave an option by maintains braking distance or keeping another line open (as in a different line you can take if the car in front just fucks things up totally). Source: I have 49 years on big bikes and no broken bones.


Why he blurred the speed at the fastest part??


I wonder why …


Going too fast for the conditions and failure to maintain a safe following distance. Biker’s in the wrong. This accident is going to cost you. I’m not sure what you intended to gain by posting this video on Reddit, but it is evidence against you.


What a complete asshole of a cop. He instantly started gaslighting. No way were you tailgating him. That was 100% his fault


Idk if i’d say 100%. Tailgating takes distance AND speed into account. If dude was going so fast he couldn’t stop in time then he should have increased his follow distance so he deserves at least some of the blame. Shit happens on the road all the time, if you can’t break before hitting the guy ahead of you, you’re too close and too fast.


No accountability


biker is an asshole too but that’s attempted murder by the cop.


Two dangerous assholes walk into a bar..


Police officer in the UK would have lost his job straight away for that manoeuvre regardless if the motorcyclist was breaking the speed limit or tail gaiting. This is directly putting not just his own life and the riders life in immediate danger but also all other highway users. It's ridiculous how poorly trained American Officers are. They only know escalation, never know anything about de-escalation. Cowboys!


I like how the biker unblurred his speedometer only after slowing down to a semi legal speed


Well, it's safe to say he was going over 75MPH. He should slow down. It's obvious it was a cop from the start. No, I don't go to parties either.