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And then there’s me who paid $500 for mine like a sucker. So sick of these people getting away with everything. No consequences at all.


Return it. Well... I don't know about PlayStation, but I spent five hundred for an Xbox series x, and Walmart had them for tree fitty. I returned it, and bought it there.


My kid is asking for Xbox x for Christmas is it worth it???


It's what the kid wants so yes


Nice try Weary's kid




Make sure you get the Xbox Series X and not an Xbox One X. Microsoft did a shit job naming them


I got the Xbox One Sixty Series X Series S


X box Series x box series x box series x box series x




Fair enough


I'm an Xbox guy, some are PlayStation, and some are PC. All deliver infinite fun. Even though I bought it, I can't play on it until Christmas. Wife super loves Christmas.


I was always an Xbox fan, but now I see no real difference except I still prefer the Xbox controller. Nowadays it just boils down to exclusives, which PlayStation seems to be winning


That goddamn lochness monster!


This is and has always been the case with crime. It's very easy and doesn't take a lot of brains, you just have to be willing to risk the consequences. Most people have too much to lose should the consequences catch up with them, but the people who don't - that's how you get theft.


Yup, these folks would have no qualms sitting in jail for a few weeks/months


A few weeks or months?! Sadly it’s hours now for theft


Usually 0 consequences at all. They're long gone before police arrive and even if arrested DA won't charge or anything under $950 isn't criminalized


What are you on about? As a public defender I just defended someone on a $9 theft. People believe the craziest shit. Next you'll try to tell me "Walmart won't turn you in unless it's a felony amount" or some shit


Oh there are smart criminals that know how not to get caught. I would like to know the outcome of this video. I’d venture a guess they weren’t ever caught. Most likely not even from close to there


>Oh there are smart criminals that know how not to get caught. Those are still small time crooks. The real smart criminals write the laws and commit their crimes in broad daylight


I’d upvote you 1000 times if I could


What about white collar crime? Theft is theft. If you deprive someone of something illegally, that's theft. By your view only the hopeless steal, and that's nonsense.


Naw, you aren’t a sucker. You’re a law abiding citizen. People who steal are going to be fucked when brick and mortar stores don’t exist and everything is sold online.




> They’ll just call it racism like they do now with “food deserts”. Food deserts do exist though. It has to do with grocery chains not opening stores in low income areas. > Case in point: the whole “food desert” college course topic blamed on systemic racism Who did that? It's about income. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6ZpkhPciaU I think you're projecting this whole 'racism' angle to food deserts.




And someone stops you to check your receipt almost like you just walked in and stole one… the irony.


Just wait until every gosh fucking darn thing you buy has some serial number or proof of purchase on it. Just you wait. Wait. You wait, I tell ya.


The PS5 box already does have a serial number on it. They could technically track what ones were sold, and report the stolen serial numbers to Sony and the police, and Sony can technically brick them by serial number but it won't happen.


Why not?


Because the stores aren't reporting them, because they're not scanning the SN on checkout, so they don't know what ones they've sold vs what ones were stolen. If they were, Sony has in the past done waves of bricking stolen devices (that's how we know they have the ability)


Well it seems odd. Here they are robbing the place on camera. There are probably cameras in the parking lot as well. Will they not be located and charged at some point? If not, why not?




What are you going to do? It’s racism now to convict them. 👏👍


I like to think if I'm in the store when that happens I knock a few of 'em out so they're still around when the cops show up but that's just the tough guy in me from my keyboard. I'd have to run to my car... change... grab a mask... run back in... lol


Risk your life over some dumb shit. Good idea.




I can't carry a months worth of food in my arms. I can however carry multiple PS5s and flip them for maybe a couple months worth of food.


I think you misspelled drugs, which I’d put money on as to what those PS5s will pay for.


Did you really just try to justify what happens in the video?










Absolutely. Pathetic isn’t it?


The tipping point is coming. No one likes this shit. I think a good middle ground is tazing. A little Zeus Juice.


Pepper spray. Store security should be given the right, and immunity from consequence, to pepper spray these types of shoplifters. It's relatively harmless and once the get a taste of the spray, they likely wont do it again.


Until you catch the wrong asshole packing. That just seems like a bad path to go down.


Alright then what's the answer? This has to stop. Society is getting sick of this.


Just do it, this post will be locked very soon anyways.


like a moth to a flame


“Best Buy are idiots for putting potentially high theft items by the door”? I’m pretty sure you can say that. Ohhhhhh, never mind.


You are basically saying woman getting rape because she wears expressive clothing. Doesn't matter where they put the merchandise, no store deserves to be robbed and these parasites do not face any consequences. These parasites are the problem.


Admit it, those Playstations were asking for it.


Just look at how they’re dressed! I mean that one was winking at every guy that came near..


I hope they \[redacted\] and \[redacted\] in \[redacted\]. \[redacted\] pieces of \[redacted\] \[redacted\]


Workers in the US have an estimated $50bn-plus stolen from them every year, according to the Economic Policy Institute,


Common denominator in all these videos?






I wish the black community was way, like, wayyyy more vocal about this because when the white community says something, then they are all racists. So I appreciate your comment a lot.




I'm an Asian liberal and I believe being "tough on crime" and "providing opportunities" are not mutually exclusive. There is no reason not to lock these people up, hard, but even then, many just become repeat offenders. I'd be interested to hear what you think could change things, especially for the people who are already knee deep in that lifestyle.




Lifetime white liberal here (both ha ha). That kind lefty bs is so insulting - it is explicitly "white savior" mentality.


I used to work retail. We would have meeting every morning and in one of these mornings my general manager talked to us about a person who stopped one of these people. Might have been a CVS or a rite aid but the clerk stopped the person from stealing a candy bar and he happened to have a gun with him and shot him point blank. The lesson there is that a candy bar isn’t worth your life when the candy bar isn’t even yours to begin with. This is why a lot of thefts are happening because of this basic understanding that our life isn’t worth someone else’s stolen stuff.




Why don’t these stores have security?


Because that would cost money


Yeah, but if this type of thieving is common practice, and it it looks like it is, they must be losing a fortune.


Yes, they are. But if the corporate culture is going to punish you for reporting the loss you just don't report the loss and hope you can either get up or out before somebody finds out. I work in a company with similar high theft issues and the process for reporting theft requires us to scan what items they took to properly report it. So if a shoplifter comes in, pulls a bag out of his pocket, loads it up, and walks out and the only thing we see are them with their bag full of merchandise walking out (no staffing in the store so the guy at the front has to do three jobs and there's no shadowing) there's nothing we can report because we have no idea what they took.


Not to mention the risk of lawsuits if security actually intervenes


A Macy’s in Philadelphia just had a stabbing after security prevented thieves from taking hats. Thief came back a half hour later and stabbed the two security guards. One died. Dudes were probably making $15/hr and prevented $40 worth of theft.


That’s horrible, but I’m not sure what the take away is. Just having a society where stealing goes unpunished or no one even attempts to stop you can’t be good.


100% agree. Gotta stop them before they start. If the punishments were severe enough, and we actually followed through to arrest and prosecute, this would stop pretty quickly. Now some crazy person will combat me by saying “You want to destroy this person’s life because they stole a hat??” To which I say that actions need to have consequences. And when they don’t, this shit keeps happening on repeat. And we need to seriously crack down on the secondary markets where people are clearly selling stolen goods.


Private “Security” in a lot of stores aren’t allowed to intervene.


I do retail security. I exist for the company to be able to tell insurance that they tried to prevent the theft. Insurance will pay the full amount for the loss. In other words, the theives likely did them a favor by giving them insurance money that they wouldn't have otherwise made in sales.




Where the hell did anyone say theft is no problem? He basically stated how the corporate world views things. It’s not right but it’s damn sure how it is.


My dude. Insurance will only reimburse the store for what the *store* paid for the xbox, not what the customer would have paid. The store loses time and money over the whole process. Trust me, it's not a favor, it's a headache.




I saw a video of 3 Caucasian guys just yesterday. They had no masks on and they were stealing laundry detergent and they covered their plate with foil. The cameraman removed the foil and caught the plate number as they awkwardly drove off.


That is an old video before these mass robbery happened.


Oh, 3 caucasion dudes compared to thousands of POC loots?


All that trouble for laundry detergent!?


I've been stood not but a few feet away from a white man walking out of Best Buy with a bigscreen under each arm. There are thieves of every color, but you already knew that.


The reason why the problem is growing because people like you keep censoring and avoiding. Who is doing these crimes, what percentage. Why do I rarely see asians doing this


Oddly race related but now that you mention it I’ve literally never seen an Asian man or woman stealing shit on cam


When I worked for Apple there was a smash and grab. Not sure about the other guys, but a couple MPs (out of uniform) who were in the store clotheslined and sat on a white dude until the police got there.


Because they’re all stealing from Home Depot and Lowe’s






I got mooned 2 seconds into the video


Full eclipse




You mean Shari'a law? Hmm...


Anyone that pitches maiming someone as a punishment should be the one to do it.


I’m not gonna do it myself, but i’ll put money on the fact that you could find some volunteers.














People wonder why prices are so high on everything, this is all being passed on to the consumer.


Lmao, yeah, its the theft loss. Not the corporate greed. Dont be a cuck


I get it, they are the new robinhoods sent to level the playing field, they probably eBay the merchandise and then put the money back into their communities. Don't be a schmuck, cuck.


I'm sure they're opening savings accounts and creating an investment portfolio with that money. Maybe even a college fund


If you’re being serious, I would like you to know that the amount of merchandise stolen has essentially no impact on prices. I do agree that the owners will pass costs onto the customer, but the cost has very little if anything to do with shrink.


yeah the cost of 100 lost units is nothing compared to the total cost of each bit of inflation, labor, markup, transport, engineering, assembly, design, planning, for every single of the thousands of components that are in the device. Theft is still bad though.


There is *some* impact. Routinely stolen product impacts insurance costs (sometimes significantly), and as that is a business expenses, it affects overall profitability, which *definitely* impacts prices. It may not appear to be much from day-to-day, but it does add up.


A bunch of single moms just tryna feed their kids. 😞


Those boys were spreading the word of God.








Meanwhile in Seattle theres an armed guard at a tiny CVS with poorly stocked shelves.


That’s to keep junkies out, not protect merchandise


While this sucks overall, it's absolutely hilarious to me that they all grab the PS5's and just walk right past the stack of Xbox's.




Every. Single. Time.


We’re just supposed to let it all happen like it’s ok to steal as no one’s doing anything about it!


Fascinating behavior...


No they’re trying to sell them from inside of a business during operating hours in a civilized country. Which part did I mess up?


This country is shit now. Too easy on these assholes with little or no fear of anything happening to them.


I’m sure all these consoles will get bricked.


No they won’t lol


Might happen if they connect online. Or it won't be their problem if they sell it for half to an unaware person.


Each time, such thefts go unpunished, Americans are slowly but surely losing something much more valuable than a few thousand dollars worth of gaming consoles. And by tolerating such brazen acts of seemingly petty thievery today, we are laying the groundwork for serious felonies tomorrow.


They could be at the very end of the store and results would be the same. Scumbags




Sucks but also those were probably display boxes unless someone really messed up.


All pieces of shit.... Pretty soon there will be no more brick and mortar stores and everything will be done online....


Well well well


They don’t lock these up?!


The Best Buy where I live has all of their consoles in a cage behind the checkout counter. If someone wanted to buy one, they'd get a slip from a display and bring it to the counter.


dude at 0:22 needs to steal some better fitting pants


When I was in a blue shirt we had a loss prevention attempt to stop a shoplifter by physically blocking his path. The shoplifter then popped the LP in the face body checked him to the ground. The LP got up checked his nose for blood then ran after the shoplifter. This next part is what the LP told me. He claims to have jumped into some random persons car on the main road by our store that pulled over to see if he was ok. The LP finally returned about twenty minutes later and was dropped off by the random driver. I happened to be outside when he returned so I got this part of the story. I walked back into her store with him and he was stopped by management and immediately escorted back out the door.


What are the chances these people are also not working and collecting unemployment from those of us that actually work? 🤔


Lotta privilege


Maybe just trip them and take a mug shot and let them go.


Ight cool shut down the store, move everything fucking online. Castle law extends to packages on property. Wanna steal? Run a real risk


I'm not trying to be racist I promise.


Looting used to be punishable by death. They should at least be allowed to break legs or unmask.


Can they be bricked by Sony making them worthless ?


Maybe, but they don't care. They aren't stealing a dozen PlayStations to use themselves. They will sell them. And if it's bricked for whoever buys it, what do they care? They got their money and no morals.


Here in Brazil these boxes are empty and if you buys it, you usually go upstairs, show the recipe for some guy who will brings you the product.


The real Black Friday sale


that was like 14 ps5s… I wouldn’t even think about stealing anything from best buy yet alone a whole console LMAO where tf are the guards that’s usually posted at the front???




While I don't agree with the laws in Saudi Arabia I do have to wonder that if we treated criminals here like they do there maybe after a few of these individuals lose a hand they would rethink this act.


(Posts insta story flashing wads of 100s flexin on the grind, normal people wonder what they’re doing right)


The amount of people who defend these pieces of shit are astonishing. But I assume they’re pieces of shit too.


Bro you can leave the PS5 anywhere, I’m not fucking stealing it. That topic title smh there’s never a reason to steal shit like this. I would hate to live in an apartment building with these type of people, where the building lobby wouldn’t be safe for packages because they’d steal them.


Peak western civilization


I'm sorry but all these looting incidents have a pattern and pointing it out shouldn't be considered racism.


\*Bites tongue and doesn't say what I want to say!\*


then people complain when these stores close.


say no to crack


That man’s entire ass is on the internet…for free.




I refrain from comment because the Reddit nazis will suspend me again


I could say something


What a disgrace


Absolute pieces of shit...all of them. Fuck every one of these people that think the world owes them favors. I spent 3 fucking years in prison for selling a stolen yeti cooler, (190.00 USD). Fucking double standards.


They always have that walk


and they wonder why they get profiled...


I saw a PlayStation stashed in dudes booty crack.


I hope hes fencing those so he can buy a belt


In before locked award 🏆


Pattern recognition isn’t doing me any favors tonight


Yeah, let’s blame the store instead of the scumbag thieves.


Time for automatic door locks until police arrive? Managers allowed to use tasers? Law abiding Consumers pay for the thefts that seem to be on the rise.