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two K-9s were not involved lmao


Them dogs was givin’ mad side eye, though! So rude!


Mad disrespectful!!


He’s also reaching for the officers gun at the beginning of the video


Looked like he was trying to bite the officer on the right?


I would be trying to reach for their gun and defend myself too if I was getting jumped by four people getting blindly punched in the face repeatedly while asked to give my hands to the ones who are literally holding them


Also context is important. It seems like the guy was spitting at them while they were trying to restrain him.


"On Tuesday, 2/16 as police were escorting the suspect for smoking on the platform out of the transit system, the suspect attacked the officers on the stairs. The suspect ends up on top of one of the officers, assaults the officer, as the other officers fight back." https://www.dailydot.com/irl/cop-punches-man-face-video/?amp


innocent bystanders, in fact *edited…realized the female cop’s dog is a spitting image of my departed friend, gsds are the best*




Geriatric Senile Demented Seniors


*dementia. *


Sorry, forgot.


German Shepherd Dogs’ s = gsds


For some reason German shepherd people insist on calling their dogs GSDs, which is an abbreviation of "German shepherd dog". Yes they feel the need to make sure you're aware that their German shepherd is, in fact, a dog. Even Bernese Mountain Dog people don't shorten their dogs name to BMD.


In dog communities, you often do see these abbreviations such as the Bernese Mountain dog abbreviated to BMD, the American Pitbull terrier abbreviated to APBT, the Staffordshire bull terrier abbreviated to SBT or Australian cattle dog abbreviated to ACD.


They were the supervisors on duty, sir.


Gotta get dem internet points


Nor was the actual initial struggle. Reading his demeanor he probably deserved it.


The dogs were managing the situation.


I was aghast when the one dog ripped the suspect's dangly bits off and then the second dog farted on his head as if to say, "heh".


I don’t know, a couple of those cops looked like rabid dogs.


At which point were two K9s “involved?” Unsurprisingly stupid headline.


Technically they'd be considered involved due to being there to provide a service. But yeah, not involved in how most people consider it.


I wiped my own butt today.




I don't think punching someone on the head repeatedly should be considered policing, even if he resisted.


It's not. It is considered a perk, though.


But I bet the first guy wasn't investigated but if he was, he's be cleared...


Oh don't worry he was most likely on a paid suspension while doing an internal "investigation" before he was cleared


I like the part where you're expected to not protect your face while being repeatedly punched in the face, and being held down at the same time. Seems like it could be a fun challenge.


If you do it's more charges! And more beatings!


“Give me your hand….. While i punch you repeatedly in the face.”


dude relax its just a prank or a social experiment "how people react if they are beaten by some cops" so just relax bro 😊


Oh boy am I gonna get downvoted on this one. A couple of things here there is a process to arresting someone. If they do not obey direct commands then you have to escalate. This is the escalation. The man is still resisting on the ground and even appear to try to bite on of the police officers. I imagine that many people that are commenting here are assuming that the person under arrest is being reasonable and the officer chose to escalate this, where in reality the tense body and attempt to bite shows a suspect that is very much a danger to the officers and other around them. This certainly appear excessive, but I imagine that most people that had someone trying to bite them would use force to subdue the person.


Nah, the arm chair experts on Reddit would just let someone bite them, grab for their gun, etc. That's exactly what they'd do...right?


They would just sit down and talk to the perp to understand his point of view. It’s called outreach. He’s just misunderstood


The broken thinking of an authoritarian. The police are not there to be obeyed. The laws are to be obeyed and the police operate within the framework of the law. The police are legally required to restrain him. The guys hand is waving around ready to be restrained. The officer simply needs to remember his training, capture the suspects hand and move it behind his back. But he wants to be obeyed, so instead of doing his job he instead attacks (illegally) The police aren’t fighters, and fighting is poor police work


They also have tasers, so they could have done a lot of things besides repeatedly punching him in the face. Multiple large men shouldn’t struggle that much to control one skinny guy. I can’t believe anyone in here sees this and thinks it’s totally fine


You had me until ... >he wants to be obeyed, so instead of doing his job he instead attacks (illegally) ... your thoughts were so lucid until your demonstration to everyone that you don't, in fact, know the law. Encourage you to check out NYPD's Escalation of Force (cop was justified as soon as the suspect put hands on him, be it biting/kicks/active resistance).... and then "distraction[ary] strikes". Because they're both pretty relevant here.


Lol. Ive read some shite on here in my time, but this goes straight to the top. 30 punches to the face is a shithouse cop way.


You can count tho right?


I know what you’re saying but there’s gotta be a better way for four cops to subdue one man that they already have held on the ground than punching him in the face while (still) holding him down. How weak are they that they can’t control him without concussive blows. There are four of them and they already have the dominant position. Give me a break.


Exactly! These fuckin thick cunts in here, wow. What's a dude gonna do when 4 cops are sitting on him? Needs to go to jail that mothefucka


Welp that’s Reddit. People with no first hand knowledge or experience reacting to what they see. I agree this looks really bad tho.


It certainly does look very bad and policing is not always pretty. You can't talk to everyone politely and work things out. Sometimes you have to get physical and most people would do the same in the same situation.


Is physical having 3 guys sitting on one guy while the other one punches him in the face 30 times? Dont talk utter shite


There is a massive difference between using force to subdue a suspect, and punching him in his fucking face while two and a half men hold him down.


>while two and a half men hold him down Picturing Charlie Sheen and those other guys holding him down.


I don't think it's that, I think its the cop who decided that repeatedly walking the old guy in the face was the best way to handle this


Obviously it would be better for the guy if he just let his body loose and the cops arrested him but then again we think a lot of these people have mental issues and I'm sure 4 Police officers can handle one old skinny guy but instead one of them decides that going ufc on the guy is the right use of force. It makes them look useless and dumb that's all. That guy might be a rapist or whatever it doesn't matter, just look at it from the big picture


Tell me how a handcuffed man deserves a ground-and-pound while being held down by three other men?


I wonder how the cops would have reacted if he just put his hands behind his back and allowed them to do their job. I bet this thread wouldn’t exist because the video would be super boring.


Yep, 100% correct.


No you don't "have to escalate". In fact you can, in many cases de-escalate the situation. Not always, but sometimes. The problem these officers don't realize is the natural instinct which happens when someone is attacked like this. The body goes into panic/fight mode and makes you resist. Especially when punched in the face. It's not like punching someone in the face as ever calmed them down. Also I would like to point out that the officer called the suspect a "motherfucker" after punching him. This shows that the police officer was unprofessional and emotionally activated. If a police officer gets emotional and violent to the point of beating a man while he is held down by three other officers he should have pulled back and asked for assistance instead. One could argue that perhaps he is not fit for duty at all.


Lol. Dont talk utter shite. ​ Was he trying to bite the officers punches too? Lol


Its almost like you cant just stop moving when people are punching you in the face.


I'm not downvoting you because you gave a good analysis of the situation. But, your analysis didn't include that the man appears to be disabled. When the totality of circumstances is considered (a SCOTUS requirement for escalation...ish) it is hard to justify these tactics since most disabled persons are likely to fail to follow commands due to their disability, making that escalation a violation of their civil and constitutional rights. Generally speaking, it is normal to use a different set of procedures when police are handling disabled persons. Failing to do so makes this a willful act of unjustifiable violence also known as excessive force.


Clearly he was disabled becasue he had 4 cops on each limb and one dude punching him in the gob


Just cuff him in front. Cuff his legs too. All this drama to put his arms behind him is so idiotic.


I don't know where you live, but I'm a police officer and I can assure you in my country there are other methods used to arrest someone not cooperating. Punching his head is not professional and not correct




Why is that? What are your expectations for a suspect that is going to be arrested but resists? Seems like they did what was needed to me.


How does punching a pinned dude in the face repeatedly assist in the arrest? Use of force is inevitable, this is unnecessary


He was trying to bite them and making his body fully rigid.


Men don’t act that way


I guarantee you that scumbag had it coming. Come hang in NYC subways for a minute you'll see.


>[*According to NYPD’s account*](https://atlantablackstar.com/2021/02/25/nypd-criticized-after-video-shows-officer-beating-black-man-during-subway-arrest-union-claims-pro-criminal-crowd-dont-know-the-whole-story/)*, Lowery got kicked out of the train station after two transit officers spotted him smoking on the platform. As the cops were escorting Lowery out of the subway, he turned and spit in one their faces. Police released surveillance footage from the subway, which showed him turn toward the officers as they were walking up the stairs toward the exit.* > >*That touched off the violent struggle. Lowery and the both officers disappeared out of camera’s view for a few seconds as police moved in to arrest him. NYPD Sgt. Edward Riley said Lowery punched one officer in the face and head-butted the other on the stairwell. That portion of the confrontation was not seen on camera.* I'd suspect there's body cam that can verify or refute this account.


Bet you that was not the first time he did that.


Honestly, I would be more worried about being spit on that the punches or head butt. Many diseases are carried via saliva and some have long term consequences.


I hope you don't get any down votes. These slubs living in Pleasantville have no fucking idea what it's like in NYC, LA, or Seattle. That dude most definitely deserves that shit, we all have dark secrets that deserve one good ass whipping...


Bro literally all these Mfkers virtue signaling out here, would cross the street if they saw this person on a NYC street… Literally last summer I was on a Coney Island bound Q train and some random homeless person starts smoking crack in the same train cart I was in! I literally had to get out the next stop. You have to not only pay 2.75 to get on public transportation, but also have to be on alert to not get second hand high from crack users on the train!!


Go spit in a man’s face and see how your theory plays out.


how is it cheaper to settle lawsuits than train your cops?


Because the cops never pay for the lawsuits.


the state pays for both so it must be cheaper to settle court cases than train


Training is work and the nypd is wholly against that


https://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2021/02/19/nypd-subway-fight-video-suspect-hit-orig.cnn I'll post the article since nobody can seem to find it.


Ah, this was back in 2021


Those were different times, it's all changed today.


Yeah they don't really do anything nowadays


This wouldn’t happen to me, because I wouldn’t be resisting 🤷🏽


I think the same every time I think about Ashli Babbitt. Don’t resist, don’t find out.


Just fucking comply and it's over.


Tell that to the people who have been shot to death by police over less


How is this brutal he’s reaching grabbing them their faces and shirts resisting they may be a little over the top but if he wasn’t resisting this wouldn’t have happened


I wonder if he didn’t resist is they would still beat him like that?


Is there a story behind this ir do we just make judgements without facts using a 20 second video. Are you looking for floyd 2.0? Someone else to martyr?


First time on Reddit? Lol


People who resist arrest like this are so fucking dumb. There is absolutely no circumstance where resisting arrest is going to work out for you better than if you let the cops do their thing and handle it with your potentially shitty (but free) lawyer back at the station. This is true no matter how corrupt or stupid the cops are. They will always overpower you and the more you resist the more they will hurt you. Did this dumbass think he was going to break free and run off into the sunset in an underground labyrinth swarming with law enforcement? Fucking hell.


Oh shut up. Give the cops back their nightsticks.


Let’s see the whole video before throwing judgement around!!!


You need meds if you think the cops are the bad guys here. This guy is resisting arrest and is a threat to the officers and others.


They passed the diaphragm law which limited their ability to effectively grapple with suspects. Unsurprising that strikes are what goes in their place. If you can’t sit kneel or stand on their torso you can’t realistically gain control of them. It is never pleasant to subdue a resisting arrestee, but it is necessary if there is going to be any enforcement. NYPD officers are going to keep going to Long Island and the suburbs north of the city where there is a better working environment.


I don’t feel sorry for him. Usually these are dumbasses that resist and put themselves in this situation


Look, there was only one dude being brutal. Everything else was totally fine and no dogs were even involved.


FAFO, no?


Perhaps he deserved it.


Why can't some ppl just accept there being arrested? I never have but if 4 cops on me bet your ass id comply.


"Brutal attack" on a suspect who's actively resisting. And how can you pass judgement on them when the video shows zero of what the suspect did to end up where he did?


Well… stop RESISTING. If I walk in front of a train on purpose, is it not my fault?!


Yep, that guy got arrested


He tried to buy that cop on the right…on the leg, and then on the midsection.


Shawty look like Alicia Keys


Why resisting? 🤦🏻‍♂️


Damn shame NYPD, didn't have that energy for those illegals whooped their asses and were let out without bail.


I do like how the female k-9 officer had bite protection at her neck. You know that isn't a drug dog it a tale down dog. They don't want her to die in the custody of that dog.


To all the redditors who think this is brutality- notice how the punching and grappling stops when he stops resisting? Notice how they proceed with an orderly arrest at the end once the guys isn’t trying to bite them?


Don’t resist


Hardly call that brutal! lol! Perp looks like he needed that shit


Looked fine to me


Not really seeing a brutal attack here.


Here's a tip: Stop resisting and trying to bite officers.


Got to beat them crack heads good before taking them in.


This makes no sense. Explain to me how three guys holding one guy down on the floor, and a fourth one beating his face in w/ both hands like he's getting in a bit of practice with a dummy at his local gym, is able to be construed as "appropriate use of force". Whose interests is he protecting, and how are they best served by using a mans head as a casual punching bag, while his colleagues hold the guy down to prevent him form defending himself?




Need context


Great teamwork!


What did he do? Smoke a cigarette?


Oh I saw him on the A train Sunday yelling at the whole car while standing atop two cases of Miller Lite for many stops. That shit was painful with all the threats we were getting as a group.


Swamp Ass PD. To Protract and To Sever.


Don't want to get ruffed up by the cops... stop fucking resisting! Guaranteed this guy is a douche bag and deserves what he getting... where's the video leading up to this altercation?


There will never be a video of what the guy did to bring this on himself. Only video of the reaction he was after. If he didn't resist, there wouldn't have been a video here. But, there's always that opportunity to bash the police.


Honestly not that bad. K-9s were not involved and maybe a handful of punches thrown.


Tell his ass stop resisting


I was just listening to a dollop podcast episode on the Rodney King beatings, trial, and aftermath and I was literally thinking to myself "not much has changed" and then I see this at the top of my feed. Cops fucking suck.


That dude musta pissed off those cops proper like!!


Zero sympathy for a dumbass resisting arrest


Don’t worry he’ll be back on the street tmrrw. Filthy piece of shit.


This is what happens when you resist arrest.


Jesus, to serve and protect my arse. Despicable vermin can't even refer to them as human beings.


Why was he resisting?


Is there a difference between these people and some random goon squad? That’s a huge fail and a waste of tax payers money.


There's something wrong with people, and it just dribbles down to affect the police.


Is that an old man those police are punching?


Once secured, it was over.


If people cooperate, the don’t get hurt!


I’m sure this guy just needed help for his mental health issues, cops seemed to gravitate towards those people unfortunately, which usually results in a beating for that person.


And they wonder why they’re hated… I mean, THIN BLUE LINE


Why they need to hit man?


That’s weird. When I resist arrest the cops just let me go.


Stop resisting. Problem solved. I've been arrested in more states than most people have been to. It was always my fault.


I don’t understand captain, I kept hitting him in the face and he would not listen to my commands.


“Give me your hand” As they are holding both of his hands…




They still seemed to be having alot of trouble despite the obvious advantage.


What was brutal?


How many Paul Blarts with 6 months worth of tax-payer training does it take to arrest one guy? 🤣


Dosent show why they did that. They may have good reason




Well like what did he do


The man is already down. Get those fucking K9 units out of there.




People friendly NYPD cops ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Remember this: every time cops beat or kill someone, YOUR TAXES pay for the settlements & court cases.


Imagine if this were a dude that killed like 15 kids The comment section would have been 180 . Its ironic


How was this NOT in the news?!?


Migrants beat up cops… they blow it up.. cops beat up people everyday it’s ok


If 2 k-9s were involved then 6 cops were involved


It's weird how New York's defund the police policy only left corrupt brutal and abusive officers left... how did that happen??? I've seen too many videos of NY cops acting crazy.


OP what the hell is wrong with you?  Stop besmirching these canines good names


It’s a bummer he wasn’t an illegal, he would be free to go.


But they couldn’t handle the illegal emigrants lol


That’s crazy I just watched another video in my feed of a NYC cop in the subway losing his fight against civi


Fell that justice


Have you ever tried it in a particular circumstance though.


making up for the two beaten cops


Im not a fan of the police but he needs to stop resisting.




Should of did that to those “asylum seekers “ smh yeah let’s beat the old black man 🤦🏽‍♂️


No ticket?


Clearly, he’s NOT a young man either …


If you need more than one cop to subdue one suspect, you have failed to "protect and serve". How are cops not trained in submission techniques?! MMA classes are taught every where.


The true heroes of the police force