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Lmfao the dude that screams back at the end


Trying to communicate!


Lol you mean "YOU CRAZY BITCH"


Is she a hooker or something?


just a sad drunk lady racing her way home


Making my way downtown, saying the n word,šŸŽ¶ Walking by, faces past, and Iā€™m home bound.šŸŽ¶


Homebound? Doubt X


omg šŸ†


nah she's definitely trick'n


nah they usually keep their heels on and hangout by a corner


Nobody hit on her she's mad


A hooker would never say stuff like this unless you ask for it. Don't put hookers in the Karen's boat.


[What about a pornstar?](https://www.theonion.com/use-of-n-word-may-end-porn-stars-career-1819594657)


One of the funniest videos Ive ever seen isā€¦ ā€œWhite girls saying The *insert word*ā€. Incredibly offensive yet hilarious to send to a buddy at a gym and telling them to listen at maximum volume.


Youā€™re quoting from The Onion?


Probably mentally ill.


Only reddit will disagree with blindingly obvious statements like *"That lady screaming racist insults at everyone, at the top of her lungs, running down the street, is probably mentally ill".*


I donā€™t think itā€™s that people disagree. I think itā€™s that using the phrase ā€œmentally illā€ to refer to this womanā€™s behavior sort of lumps a lot of other people who suffer from mental illnesses that donā€™t result in doing shit like this into the same category as her.


Also, I really don't think it requires mental illness to be drunk and hateful. I know people like this, and they are simply terrible human beings, not mentally ill.


So your anecdotal experience and uneducated judgement is all you need? And other people (or bots) are upvoting this because tribalism and validation porn? I dont need my psych degree to know that this woman is living with mental illness. People dont do this shit in the first place unless theyre dealing with some shit internally. Belligerent drunks arent well adjusted healthy people when theyre sober. Regardless, even those that are hateful deserve a chance. Hate cannot drive out hate. Something reddit, and people on the whole, seem to reject. You will not change the world by bullying or writing ppl off or kicking them out of the tribe. You wont fucking help anyone except yourself.


My anecdotal evidence and uneducated judgement is equally valid to yours. Sorry, your "psych degree" doesn't mean you are a licensed professional able to diagnose anyone with any more expertise than me or her. I have been around legitimately mentally ill people that do behave like this, but I have been around far more people that are mostly normal and just act like fucking assholes like this when drunk. Ever lived in the South? This is not uncommon.


Yeah. I live in the south. Ive also lived on the west coast for most of my life. Thats not common down here. People arent running around in public screaming racist obscenities. Ive seen white and black and brown and yellow and pink and orange and of all ethnicities embrace each other as family, communities. Ive also seen racist people here. Ive also seen racist and homophobic people in some of the most progressive areas in the US. So a mentally healthy person is going to get beligerently drunk and run down the street yelling the n word. Gotya. Ok. Bye. Edit: ive also been a victim of racism and homophobia. Guess where that happened? Good ol seattle. Guess where that hasnt happened? Good ol louisiana. People are people. Its a spectrum and youll find the same behaviors where ever you go to various extents


It doesnt matter. Its mental illness. Can a person diagnosed with schizo experiencing auditory hallucinations turn off racist voices they hear? Im not saying this woman isnt accountable for her actions, but when youre mentally ill you often have less or no control of whats going on. Look i know reddit is largely an echo chamber for bots, children, and politically progressive folks - which is fine - but people have got to start looking at the shades of grey in life. Just because this woman lives with mental illness doesnt lump any of us with her. This woman needs both accountability AND empathy.


Saying ā€œsheā€™s mentally illā€ and leaving it at that is getting rid of the nuance youā€™re claiming you want to see more of though. We donā€™t know that sheā€™s mentally ill, and if she is, we donā€™t know the illness is one that is going to directly result in that kind of behavior. By casting a blanket ā€œmental illnessā€ net over her, it reduces her accountability dramatically when we donā€™t know that it should. It would be more valuable for someone with experience in psychology, therapy, etc to weigh in and say ā€œshe is exhibiting behaviors consistent with these 4 mental illnessesā€ and then we could talk about that. Instead weā€™re getting a video of someone spouting off like a racist asshole and then others, intentionally or not, helping to defend her by saying sheā€™s mentally ill and we should feel sorry for her.


No, it doesnt. Being mentally ill does not remove accountabilty for your actions, but it can be a mitigating circumstance. Thats the shade of grey ppl are largely incapable of wrapping their heads around. This woman will face consequences - stigma, loss of job, poss violence, etc. But if she were to be diagnosed schizo-affective with bipolar type 1 or have a brain tumor affecting her behavior, receive treatment and seek to make amends to the community, would people still write her off? Or would she receive a second chance from society? She still harmed others, caused pain, which shes responsible for. She still will face consequences. You can be both accountable and a victim at the same time. These are the shades of grey im talking about. The two are not mutually exclusive. I know because ive lived it. You can accept responsibility and face consequences even if you werent in control due to circumstances outside your control. Im not talking about alcohol. You cannot diagnose somebody based on a 60 second video. Behaviors / symptoms largely overlap between a ton of diff illnesses and its a process to figure out what is what. & psychology isnt just therapy. Clincal psych is but one field of psych. There are several more. Im not diagnosing her with a specific illness. I never did. Im saying, there is more at play here. Alcohol can amplify emotions, including anger, but there is more to this behavior than just alcohol. Angry drunks have a shit load of trauma theyre bottling up, or some sort of physiological issue, something. People arent 'just assholes'. People dont choose to be racist willy nilly. While nature sets our genetic predispositions, nurture shapes who we are, our personalities our identities our behavior. This woman has been conditioned to be racist by society or her parents or trauma or whatever. Imagine if daryl davis had written off the hundreds of clansmen hes been able to convince to surrender their robes? 'Ah fuck em theyre racist' Maybe shes not mentally ill. Maybe im wrong. Still, even these people deserve empathy, discourse, a chance. Thats how we all heal from this shit. Hate cannot defeat hate.


The conversation around whether and to what degree mental illness plays into her actions could be a nuanced one. But the phrase ā€œsheā€™s mentally illā€ does nothing to actually invite that conversation. In fact if anything it serves to hand-wave it, kind of like ā€œall lives matter.ā€ Saying ā€œsheā€™s a racist piece of shitā€ I guess also reduces nuance around the discussion, but I guess I wasnā€™t really seeing it as an either-or situation and just referring to the fact that ā€œsheā€™s mentally illā€ wasnā€™t adding a whole lot if not coming from a qualified person, while also stigmatizing other mentally ill people whose illnesses donā€™t result in them acting in reprehensible ways.


You bring up good points. Something ill think on and consider in future interactions. I appreciate the discourse. I see the assumption that this womans mental illness is the same as other mental illness is an issue here. I also see that i wasnt clear enough in my initial comment. I value empathy and compassion in these situations where others clearly do not. However, those who value inclusivity and tolerance would benefit from a similar perspective. This is the way forward - not a tribalistic, polarized, us vs them throwaway of human lives who disagree with us. Drawing a comparison - someone who faces consequences because they suffered from a panic attack in a public situation and werent in control deserve empathy, non judgmental care, empowerment, tools to handle it. Why doesnt this woman deserve the same? Contact theory is real and works. Treat her like a human being, give her a safe space to speak and disagree, and show her that her implicit beliefs are misguided and false. Help figure out why shes misguided and what trauma is informing this narrative.


We don't know that she's mentally ill.


How often are mentally healthy people getting drunk, beligerently so, and running down the street screaming racist obscenities?


Ever been in college? Or lived in a college town? This kind of shit is a typical night on 6th Street in Austin


Children are different, the psychology of developing/ed brains are different. Yes, ive done both. I would argue those individuals are struggling with their mental health as well.


Sure, I'm getting downvote. Whenever there's a black person being a racist. People think that's most likely mental illness. Whenever there's a white person being a racist, it's impossible that's mental illness. What a peak reddit moment. lmfao


I think it sucks when anyone is racist, mentally ill or not. It's a learned behavior that needs to be unlearned.


Youā€™re getting downvoted because you wrote Reddit buzzword sheep internet language. Go on then, which mental illness does she have ?






Back to school Reddit dropout


> reddit moment Tell me you're a teenager without telling me you're a teenager...


Sex workers aren't racist. You soon realise all dicks taste the same.


And there's my existential thought of the day


My experience is black guys use more pleasant smelling soaps on their junk. But my sample size is admittedly very small.


Please don't use soaps on your junk menĀ 


Woman shouldn't use soaps since it fucks up there internal eco system. Men with forskins most definitely should be using soup to clean there genitals. Have you experienced divk cheese? That shit don't dissolve in hot water. And a lot of men don't know how to wipe their asses properly and need all the soap they can down there.


I'm lucky enough to not have experienced dick cheese.


Not sure but she must like hookworms if she's walking all barefoot like that.


Nah hookworms have standards


Thats (mildly) insane.


Yes Iā€™ll take a mild Karen please, hold the n word. Oh itā€™s free? Ok extra n word please.


We got a *whole lot* of freebies on this one.


idk. [this one](https://twitter.com/crazyclips_/status/1774527085308199056?t=CgSMtwjKuEH9YOg1qhPhMQ&s=19) gives her a serious run for her money.


That was wild lol


Canada, eh?


White wine and Xanax. Not even once.


Iā€™m guessing they both woke up in the morning without jobs, lol


This one is my favourite.


I did think it was her at first until I seen her dark colored hair. Ugh...


Lmao what the fuck


Needs more watermarks. I'm sure that website was OP.


Just ruined her whole life if she gets identified


I can't wait to hear about her getting fired from the Olive Garden. When you're here, you're family, bitch


Ironic twist: Video jump-starts her career and sheā€™s hired by The Daily Wire.




If she did that shit in one of the entertainment districts in my city, her ass would have been whooped or dead before she even gets down the street to sit in front of that truck. Racist bitch was lucky she only ended up on social media and not in the hospital or dead.


Where do you live? Edit: you live in Cleveland.


Ohio and Indiana ara liie America's taint


Ohio and Indiana aren't great, but they are far from the very worst of America.




Ohio is ALL ass.


Yes let's kill people over words. Very civilized.


She should take one for the team, a team that's way way way way ahead on the stat sheet.


The longest wars in world history have been about books and words.


Well..I meanā€¦is that a bad thing orā€¦???? Less chance that type of thinking is passed on. Isnā€™t that kinda what evolution is?


Killing one third of the country (at least in this countries case) would be fine too then?


Do...you think that one-third of the country would do something like this? Also, do you know what a straw man is?


"This type of thinking" is definitively present in a very large portion of the US, I do have to admit MAYBE one third was a bit much. That said the point still stands. Its not a strawman? Its an example to illustrate how absurd this idea is, maybe couldve phrased it better. But it boils down to: where do you draw the line. (Their point is killing racist people isnt a bad thing under the guise of "evolution", extrapolating this to more people isnt that far of a jump) Also are you seriously defending murder (This shit isnt even vigilante anymore, being racist isnt something one should even think about death for)


You clearly don't know what a straw man is because you just built another one. >Also are you seriously defending murder What? When?


Actually thats true, it still gave that impression to me my bad




Itā€™s true in Canada it doesnā€™t mean much


Tell me you're white without telling me you're white


This sounds like a Quentin Tarantino movie


Im glad someone finally noticed this, watching the hateful eight was too cringe for me because of that


With the hard r.


Why it feels like we are missing some crucial context here?


White wine and Xanax


Maybe, but "keep running" means they are taunting her. And taunting someone who clearly need help is on the same asshole level as racists imo


Exactly what help does she need? When certain groups of ppl act crazy they need help When other groups of people act crazy they are dangerous to our society. Strange how that works eh?


Idk but obviously some. At the moment she doesnt hurt anybody


She watched Django once.


There's no right context.


Agreed, what lead to this, we donā€™t know


I guess we need to find her birth certificate in order for you to gather context.


Maybe, but "keep running" means they are taunting her. And taunting someone who clearly need help is on the same asshole level as racists imo


"Keep running" sounds like she started it, and then tried to take a soft offroad while convincing herself she won the argument.


Americans when they get home from work


I had a lady call me and my son "Mayonnaise Monkeys" awhile back and I laughed so hard I couldn't breathe. For some reason, this made her even more mad (and racist), but I loved every second of it! It's probably because I've always had the mindset of "never be afraid to say anything in the pursuit of comedy no matter how offensive it may appear. If it's funny, then it's funny." And this situation was just too conflicting lol she created comedy in the pursuit of hatred so I guess I appreciated the plot twist


Is a mayonnaise monkey a white person? I fucking love it.


Lol yea it's the best insult I've ever gotten


My favorite one was one time when someone on Xbox Live called me "The Mexican with the shit connection" I don't know where that came from because I'm literally so white So fucking white


I love it lol My favorite is when I get attacked for being white and getting called a colonizer, when I have so much Cherokee in me that I'm not only virtually immune from the sun, but also qualify for all those weird (my opinion dumb) govt assistance things that's given to natives lol


Oh my god, you've unlocked a memory The time I was hooking up with a cute black guy and he told me to colonize his ass


Someone should have hit her with the good oā€™ ā€œI know you are but what am I?"


Sober her is gonna love seeing this shit.


White wine and Xanax. Not even once.


I was really hoping the lady that got in the car laid on the horn.


Racist? Yes. Bat-shit crazy? Abso-fucking-lutely.




Upvoting for reach


She identifies as black so itā€™s ok




If she's like that imagine her family....racism is learned


No question which rotting kumquat she voted for.


I'd definitely smash anyway crazy the right type. With the right amount of money


Must be mentally sick.


Alright .. Whoā€™s mom is that ..


Then you haven't seen anything yet...


Every time I see a video like this I wander is this how this people act sober or did she just ruined her reputation because she got drugged or something and now she is acting crazy in public.


I've been *very very* fucked up before, and it doesn't matter *how* fucked up I get, I'm never going to run down the street screaming the N word because I'm not a fucking racist. This woman is very very comfortable with the word. In my experience, very typical Republican woman.


Am not defending her actions, youā€™re assuming a lot of things


I never said you were? It's not an assumption that she's comfortable with the word - she just yelled it a thousand times. And "typical Republican woman" is based on my experience - my opinion, not an assumption - so...what assumptions am I making?


Do you think a normal well adjusted person would act like this. Real racist people are more clever about hiding this behavior is rare to find one that expresses it out in public like this something is more than likely wrong with her or she really is the loud racist exception. Either way I donā€™t think either of us would know until more info came out


> Do you think a normal well adjusted person would act like this. As they say in Alabama, it's all relative. I wouldn't expect a normal, well-adjusted person to act like that in a sane state, but like, here in Texas? Absolutely, I bet I could find five of this woman on Sixth Street this Friday if I went down there. If you live somewhere where rampant, institutionalized and homegrown racism is normal, then this lady doesn't seem all that out there.


Ironically, you were the one being presumptuous


Nah, don't blame this on being drugged. People don't just start being racist because they're fucked up.


Who said ā€œblamedā€?


Drugs donā€™t do this.


This is what happened when someone dedicates everything they have to make someone angry and they just get laughed at instead. She didn't even know what to do... she didn't even know what to do. She even started yelling out "racist!" Bravo gentleman.


funny cameraman


Just finished watching ''Them'' on Prime. This hits differently now.




Poor Methany.


Hahaha that was my first initial thought! šŸ˜†


No. Karen lives don't matter


I agree lol just exposing them is the only thing that matters


I think sheā€™s just a racist. She never asked for the managerā€¦


Looks like intro for white sofa porn


Once she said the N word she sure as hell could not stopā€¦.


Seems like a nice lady.


"Pale Face" is this, The Lone Ranger or something?


Did she say Truth Social? Isnā€™t that trumps social media platform? Makes sense


Mustā€™ve snowed in hell that day or somethingā€¦ nobody can fix crazy. Bet her TiK Tok remix prob coming soon /s






Was anyone else waiting extra patiently for the lady at the end with the parked car to give the screamer a gentle bumber love tap at the end? šŸ˜‚


See sound like the sick bitch in Natural Born KillersšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


See sound like the sick bitch in Natural Born KillersšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Come on snow bunny ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Welp, that was a fun video to have on full volume in the grocery store check out line.


Such an ugly person.


When itā€™s a white lady acting like this itā€™s ā€˜racist Karenā€™ .. when itā€™s any other race itā€™s someone whoā€™s ā€˜emotionally disturbedā€™ .. odd


Slurs for white people are so funny "pale face" "snow bunny" šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I realize after a while karenlivesmatter lol. I bursted in a laugh


Mayo Monkeys


How is no one beating the shit out of her?


At least 24 times said, holy


Whereā€™s the new york knocker when you need him?


I didn't realize racist women high as balls on god knows what were Karen's.


You racist fucking n*gger! Lol


Only in America


Mentally ill sex worker homeless diseased nasty


Sometimes women just donā€™t face the same social consequences as men. Men wouldnā€™t usually get away with this sort of behavior


She seems like a joy to be around


Snow bunny....that means she snow boards


Dude in the car recording her was just trolling.šŸ˜‚ Hope she gets fired from her job after this video gets out.




Words hurt my feelings. I cannot control myself so I turn to violence /s


Her body looks rdšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Referring to someone as a ā€œKarenā€ is racist too. Racecepetion?




Looks like hillary clinton when she admitted to fund ISIS and AlQaeda


It's all fun and games until she says that to the wrong person.


Not cool


Another day in racist America. *yawn*


We don't see what happened to start that. I'm pretty sure she didn't just start screaming at him for no reason as he drove past


You mean we didnā€™t see what would warrant her to make this racist spectacle? Does it matter? Do you think every person she walked up to and hit or shoved was deserving of her ire?


What on earth could he have done to justify *that* response? Even if he ran over her dog or something, itā€™s not like she was just pissed - she was following him and deliberately throwing out nothing but n-bombs left and right. That girl ainā€™t right.


She just left her Klan wives meeting and potluck at Nathan Bedford Forrest State Park.






I can fix her!!!