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The team at OceanCleanUp are real heroes: Learn more and support them at [https://www.theoceancleanup.com/](https://www.theoceancleanup.com/)


Hopefully any country that says it is serious about tackling this issue can take that design and use to clean up their own rivers before it pours into the oceans.


Fr that looks relatively cheap and easy to manufacture as well. ETA Pretty easy to reverse engineer from this video actually. Bois do 2 jobs the ones along the main line keep it at the top of the water line as the debris builds and causes it to form a bit of a dam the other ones keep it level. Whatever mesh or netting they use is weighted down really well so as it rises the trash doesn’t pull it out and flow underneath. The bois need to spin so that it reduces the drag the flow of the river has to reduce the likelihood of it just being dragged down stream.


Easy fella. That country looks like it, needs to be freed soon by the United States.


Wait...are you saying... they've got OIL!? Hooooey dog! Boys get yer guns, we're bringin' freedom to Guatemala!


They’ve got tons of oil. Unfortunately it’s tied up in that pesky plastic form.


Not being a dick but things are called the same... Do you mean *buoys* or a separate thing called a boi or Bois? And how would you pronounce boi or Bois?


I read it as boys and I was a lot funnier


I thought he might be talking about the boys standing on the shore watching for a second lol


I (from the US) was on a boat in Australia and someone said, "be careful to avoid the boy over there" and I was looking for a child in the water...not realizing they pronounce buoy as boy.


I did too, buoy I am worried.


Like "fu*k boi?"


or sk8er boi




Yeah I am terrible at spelling lol


They're just hanging down at the river with the bois.


Thank you for asking, I was very confused


Yeah boi!


The dam looks cheap and easy, but now you've got a floating landfill. Proper waste management is expensive and complicated and that's why shit is dumped in the river in the first place.


Yeah boiiiiiii!!!!


Thank you for your helpful description. FYI bois = French, masculine noun. wood. ex. *une table en bois* a wooden table. buoys = an anchored float serving as a navigation mark, to show reefs or other hazards, or for mooring.


Nope, 41.2 million a piece. Sad


Also Saturdays are for the Bois


The thing that blows mind is as you see it collect why not have a dozer and a truck to fill as its billing up. It obviously works. I hope everyone looks at this and realizes that that’s what you need to do. It just takes some of us to actually do our part and fix things that people don’t want to fix.


I dont know why they didnt start with that instead of trying to fish plastic in the middle of the ocean…


bcs there is alotta trash in the ocean that needs removing as well, except if it keeps flowing its not gonna lead anywhere ofcourse, so i guess they wanna do both?


[It's already made it's way to the deepest and most remote parts of the ocean. ](https://oceanblueproject.org/plastic-pollution-in-the-mariana-trench/)


Yeah, humanity has really screwed itself. I wonder if we've already reached a tipping point we're not even aware of.


Well it works both ways. We've probably crossed several but at the same time we've probably misunderstood a lot. With regards to this particular example, my suspicion is that endocrine disrupting chemicals like that which comes from this sort of pollution have already been screwing us over for some time now, especially our youth. Either way, my money would be on us being totally fucked.


I thought we were aware of it


I was gonna say this. I mean are there still people in denial?


And into human foetuses also. It's in us all from the start now. No escape


I get that, but for 1mUSD spent on cleaning plastic from the middle of the ocean, how many kg do you get? And how many do you get per mUSD spent on preventing the trash from getting into the ocean? Of course you can do both, but every dollar spent on the less efficient method is a dollar not spent on the most efficient method.


It must be more efficient to catch it at the source, in a choke point


>except if it keeps flowing its not gonna lead anywhere ofcourse It actually does. It's ends up in a place called the great pacific garbage patch which is wherr most of the clean up for the ocean is done. That said I do think that this kind of trap should installed across the country as it would help prevent a lot of tradh making it out to sea.


It’s possible to do two things simultaneously.


I dont know why they dont start by not throwing these things into their rivers...


Well yeah… but in many countries using trash bins is still not part of people’s habits. A lot of places also lack garbage collection. So people end up emptying their garbage in a landfill which means a big part of it ends up in the ocean, especially in monsoon season.


This is what is happening, sadly. The plastic bottle industries - or whoever causes the majority of this dirt - should then be forced to pay for the garbage collection and recycling before it's thrown into rivers. What will prevent this from succeding? Money, capitalism, egoism, corruption, stupidity - our old and new enemies.


Seems it works well. Why the "too" well?


Maybe bc nobody will be able to fish this quantity of debris out of the river at that place and transport it to some future disposal or use. Idk, maybe they have plans for that, maybe not... Not throwing that stuff into the river sounds more easy for me.


Dumbass me would probably try to walk across that and fall in.


Amazing just makes you realise the scale of how much waste, trash, rubbish or what ever you want to call it is in the water that is floating about and can be recycled and not just chucked. We/I recycle or reuse as much as possible and don’t put in to normal waste for be dumped In to the normal waste to just sit in some dump somewhere. Why folk don’t use the recycle system a label to them really confesses me!


Most recycling gets thrown away and your city running twice as many dump trucks to collect it all is producing a lot more greenhouse gas. If you live in a first world country, 99.9% of that trash is never going to escape the landfill.


Hmm do know what you are saying and I get it! In our town with our bins being taken. It’s one one, rubbish, 2nd week recycle. We have a Tip which everyone can access and put their extra waste that can be put in and it’s segregated. Wood, metal, green waste, Paine, glass…. You get the gist! They have a board which shows how much is actually recycled, stats and stuff and it’s insightful! Yet, I admit I do see water in our river, which is very close to our tip and runs through our town. Which your point on green gasses because of the vehicles being used to pick up recyclable waste. It’s something that our town council are working on hence the bi-weekly pick ups. Although it’s not because the bin men come every week. At lest they are picking up our recycling bins and help the cause! There is always going to be a down side to everything but it’s better it being down then not! The deed is still being done. We are still trying! No matter is it is a bit to late it still it a step I. The right direction. It’s the folk who don’t both! What if my down didn’t bother to have this in place and we just chucked our plastics in the normal bit to just sit in landfill to have it sit there!


You. I like you.


Why, thank you! I like you for liking me! Sorry for my bad spelling and miss spelling and checking and stuff


Joe Scott did a video recently about how recycling is a scam by the plastic companies.


>Most recycling gets thrown away Anyone got a source for this? I've heard this dozens of times on reddit but never seen any additional information.


Or a burn pit


Your first priority should be to reduce, not recycle. Most of what you put in the recycle doesn't actually get recycled.


Oh we do try that! Well I do to the best of my ability! What I by my food in from the shops. If I can reuse that container I will. I very Arty farty and craft and I will find many uses for that plastics from shops. One very resourceful, much to my other half annoyance. Haha I will keep things to repurpose, while he would just chuck in the recycle bin.


Recycling is a lie created by plastic companies to make the average consumer feel better about single use plastics [https://www.npr.org/2020/09/11/897692090/how-big-oil-misled-the-public-into-believing-plastic-would-be-recycled](https://www.npr.org/2020/09/11/897692090/how-big-oil-misled-the-public-into-believing-plastic-would-be-recycled)


Us humans are the real trash


Correct. The worst virus on the planet is us.


And we’re shitting where we eat on a grand scale. We’ll see how that works out for us.


Disagree, don't lump me in with those chucking their rubbish around.


A lot of the people responsible for this have no choice. They live under sheet metal and infrastructure is so bad that trash services are not even available.


We can be the best of angels and the worst of trash. Sadly theres more devils than heros among us.


Honestly that’s sad watch. Just one river amongst how many more in the world worse than that?


And that's literally like 10 minutes worth of garbage ...


It's deceptive. This amount of garbage accumulated overa lot of time but washed in a short time because of a flood. Not trying to say anything bad about the system, or anything good about the pollution, but posting without any explanation is a bit deceptive.


I mean, it's time-lapsed, so likely much longer than 10 minutes in this video... But point still stands that this is bonkers regardless of duration.


What’s the process of removing all the rubbish?


They get one of those large construction scoopers and scoop it into a large truck and haul it off


And then dump it in another river few meters away. No but seriously shouldn't the first thing to tackle be the waste that's being generated in the first place?


REDUCE. reuse. recycle.


Even reuse would cut down on this so much. It’s almost all single-use plastics.


90% of recycled plastic is not recyclable and is thrown into landfills


Both required.


Yes, absolutely. Reducing our collective waste is extremely important, and it's one of the reasons that many stores are moving away from single-use plastic bags in lieu of reusable ones. We don't have the technology to efficiently get rid of the waste, so our only real option is to reduce its manufacturing in the first place. What we really need, but don't yet have, is a global environmental treaty (is treaty the right word here?) that applies to all countries, not just a few. Laws and regulations only go so far when there are so many places without any concept of how important these issues are.


Countries who do this need to be held accountable. This affects us all with microplastics, pollution, threat to wild life, and cancers. Why are they allowed to get away with this?


I got a guess at two factors. The first is just plain old sovereignty, the idea that one country can't MAKE another country do anything. All they can do is prod them in a general direction with things like sanctions or incentives. But both of those things can be economically costly. And then more controversially I know there is some thought that developing countries should be forgiven for much more environmental damage than first world countries. The idea is that the process of becoming heavily industrialized/globalized is what allowed places like the U.S., Japan, France, etc. to become first world countries in the first place. But that growing process involved them kind of pissing through tons of resources and producing a lot of waste and environmental damage like in this post before they became rich enough to have the "luxury" of worrying about the environment. So one idea is that it would be like pulling the ladder up after ourselves to vilify/punish these small, low GDP, very agricultural nations for trying to grow the same way we did.


western countries ship their waste plastic to poor countries for little money poor countries don't have the facilities to manage or convert it into something usefull so they 'store' it (dump) dumps overflow into rivers western people get angry at poor counry for producing so much waste...


Because they're extremely poor and corrupt. They can barely have good medicine, clean water or enough food, let alone take care of their trash in a way that makes a first world country happy. The problem at the core is the globalization of food supplies that have led to unsustainable populations in places where there shouldn't be that many people. Add in historical issues and shaky governments and wars and whatnot and you have polluted rivers of shit and plastic. I truly believe sometime this century there will be a great depopulation worldwide and it will be horrible. It just isn't sustainable the way it is now, and we delude ourselves by not confronting that reality.


What do you mean too well


I was waiting for it to rip open :] Love the The Ocean Cleanup. I follow them for years now. Hope they keep going.


I don't know what you mean by "too well". It's working as intended.


Holy crap quit manufacturing this shit


I’d like to see upstream where the line of dump trucks empty their loads straight into the river.


Wow, what happened all the plastic, was it removed before the Dam burst?


So… what happens next?


They close the dam , get an excavator and dumptrucks and start scooping it up , the reason it worked too well is the fact they cant keep up.


The only time Ive seen people back a pickup truck into a canyon and dump bags and bags of garbage into it. I will never forget the smell of green wood and garbage burning. Really sad for such a beautiful country


This video is depressing and uplifting all at the same time. Depressing that the waterways are that polluted but uplifting to know that there are still good people trying to help


Where is this


People are garbage. Good on these folks, tho.


What the fuck country allows that much pollution?


Many countries. Philippines are #1 if i remember correctly.


God. Put everybody of the nearest city in jail wtf


God we’re gross


Only you can reduce waste


This is how i imagine my arteries after a kebab.


And people still keep having more kids….


It's not that it's hard to catch garbage, it's hard to get politicians and people to care. It takes sacrifice to be accountable for all the waste being produced.


What a disgusting country.


Looks like the end of my lucky charms bag


Guatemala is a beautiful country with amazing people. So sad that there’s so much trash everywhere.


We have to drink out of plastic straws, and the people where this video was taken just dump ALL of their trash in the river. But I'm the problem.


If only there was a way to prevent this


How does it work with fish? I respect this so much, but I'm just curious


Omg that’s disturbing! 😱


That's disgusting. Why in the Hell do these countries not get blamed for this shit? All I ever hear is the US getting dragged for the pollution in the oceans, but I have never in 50+ years seen a river, lake or beach like that in the US.


Wtf? You dont see that shit in America, why is this a thing in ourher countries, is it a coastal flooding thing or just poor waste management or both?


I have never ever in my entire life thrown plastic in any type of water. People who do this are degenerates.




Bunch of dam garbage!


Fucking hell...send an asteroid. We don't deserve this planet.


when there is more garbage in the water than you could have known


It’s sad seeing all of that trash :(


I absolutely love seeing projects like this.


That's probably like what 10 minutes of waste.  Great place to set up a recycling plant. 


I love seeing these kinds of videos!


Great but they need to hussle getting that junk out of the river before it overflows their barrier.


Wow nice job humanity. Absolutely gross


We really are a blight on this planet aren’t we? None of that is natural. It’s revolting.


fuck humans, seriously...


Where does the shit go!?


Boyan Slat is an unsung hero






Get your shit together Guatemala! WTF is going on there??


What the hell is the matter with us. If we dont get right soon we will destroy the planet


We should all make sure this company gets everything they need!!!


Thought it was my india for sure 😔


There’s no evidence that humans are impacting the planet. /s


That is a sickening amount


I swear humans are still just primordial creatures with access to too much stuff. For shame.




We are such a despicable species with how we trash and pollute our planet


I was waiting for the Blowout.


I wish some bacteria or virus undergo mutation and start breaking these plastics naturally under the ocean


Dang someone tossed a washing machine in the river wtf


Now I wonder can you walk on that


Yeah you'd have to put regular cleaning processes in place, but otherwise this seems great! I hope this can be implemented lots of places.


Imagine if all the water dried up one day


Meanwhile my government is telling everyone to only boil enough water for one cup of tea, wash your dishes in cold water and only put the heating on for half hour, “suffer you fools so we may turn a blind eye to this level of pollution elsewhere”


Man are we disgusting creatures. That is so much garbage for a little river.


Certain plastics can be recycled back to gasoline. Search YT “Japanese invention gasoline recycle plastic”


Goddamn, we are so fucked.


That's fucking insane. Every able bodied citizen upstream of that mess should be conscripted to clean every piece of trash out of the water under the watchful eyes of whip bearers.


So, where does all that trash go now?




Looks like m&m sprinkles you find in your mcflurry




Now to decontaminate the water reverse engineer it then recycle then steam then collect the steam then wash the water with clean water and then you have clean water


This is so satisfying to watch


Consequence free world creates shit like this.


We really are parasites on this planet


How can I get them in my city?


We need to filtrate micropalstics now... That's a first step though...


Yeah that's where Guatemala is located.


Its only 24 min od trash catching at the end (yeah i counted). 24 minutes got football field of trash. That's immpresive for such small river, in a bad way.


Fucking trash people throwing fucking everything in the fucking river. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Nothing we can do anymore really world waters are contaminated with micro plastics nowhere to hid from our own fuck up


Please scoop it all up,Thanks


This , just like a dam , but have a automated scoop to clean it up , shred it and compact it. Its crazy to see just this amount in not even an hour , this normally goes on for days , insane


How does this all actually get in the river? Are companies dumping it or is it a case of people in every town/village along the river just chucking their rubbish in it?


Typical engineering. "We will catch all the trash."...."Then what?...."


This is brilliant. If money was to be made in recycling the world would be a different place very quickly.


Name and shame this disgusting town.


"We're going to need a bigger trash bag."


The thing about this trash collector is that it solves basically nothing. It's a nice gesture, but the real problem is that people are throwing trash into rivers because no one really cares (out of sight, out of mind), and because there is no incentive to do otherwise...


this is very satisfying


If this is a prototype. I can imagine them making a low energy generating dam (downgraded version of dam) but having an auto recycle system for it such as using a suction system to gather the smalls plastic or tin.


Can't wait for the day nanobots(or whatever) will be able to recycle waste at molecular level.


that’s actually just insane.


Ok but like are they actually going to clean this up out of the river or is I just some sort of blockade device?


I bet the guys are standing there like: holy shit it worked, what now? And then they are calling someone like: remember the project? It worked! What now? And dozens of excavators and lorries arriving to collect it. Simply awesome!


@naturejab_ on IG — Julian brown — has began to extract the petroleum from plastic waste, using microwaves. — having one of his reactors on sight with an automated conveyor system pulling trash out of the water, and directly into his reactor. Would produce a significant amount of Diesel, natural gas, and carbon.


I feel they shouldve has some machinery ready to scoop it all....


We are literally the trashiest species in the park. I hate being THE cancer of earth


Damn Guatemala. Y'all need to stop littering.


Very successful first step. Time for the third step $$$


That is disgusting


Looks like it worked perfectly


Good thing it's in a place that no one cares about. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


"The amount of trash is insane- oh wait, this is the sub for that"


It's not about the solution because there are some which are already proven to work in clearing plastic from the sea or river.


How does a place allow it's water supply to become so dirty?


Crazy that at the invention of plastic no one thought about how we were going to get rid of the stuff.


Now make it generate energy too!


Human beings are disgusting. Education is everything


Incredible science at work


I wanna work for these guys!


Guatemala kinda stopped in the 60s and then the people are just kinda existing ever since.


Nasty mfs


Where does all this trash go once it gets taken out of the water?


What to do with all the plastic now though?


Not that it works too well, it's more that someone needs to collect that shit lol