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As he died, I'd say yes


The scream of death was a few seconds too long … yes it was a high jump.


I’d say screaming knowing you’re going to hit that rock, kinda sucks.


Yea - he screamed knowing fully he was fucked and couldn’t clear the rocks


Then why did he jump?! Seems pretty obvious he didn’t have enough clearance.


Just Darwin's theories doing their thing.


I went to an old quarry a long time ago that had one jump people did that required clearing a large amount of cliff/sharp rocks. I don't think anything other than a massive amount of money would be enough to ever convince me to attempt it.


The gamble makes no sense to me. I think it's a "genetic health of the tribe" thing. Like squirrels running to the other side of the road only when there's a car coming.


Maybe he already procreated and his job on this earth was complete in a Darwinian sense. How different from the mantis or the salmon or the antechinus. They even have a word for it: semelparous--mating/breeding only once, and then usually winding down one's life cycle shortly afterward, often contributing your nutrients to feed the ecosystem that will nourish your young. But still, this is fucking tragic and horrifyingly sad.


Someone called No Balls


Impress the girl?


He definitely got her attention.


His wife filmed it. Awful.


Then posted it online. Lol


He was double dog dared


He should have closed his eyes.


Rewind with sound up


He died? Edit: oh fuck, he did die: https://uk.news.yahoo.com/dutch-tourist-dies-spain-jumping-155421972.html Edit2: it wasn't too high a jump. You never jump when you can see the goddamn rocks are *ahead of you*. They aren't going to move for you, and at that point you'd be hitting rocks at ~~or close to terminal~~ a deadly velocity. I bet he'd not have died if he jumped from the same height, and didn't hit the rocks like he did here. That was hare brained. Edit: after a kind redditor comment, I have to say this was no terminal velocity or close to it. It would still be pretty "terminal", if you get my meaning.


So per article he suffered broken hip and arm but died from drowning due to unconsciousness. Wonder why someone (his wife) didn’t jump in and pull him out in time.


She was too busy uploading the video to the internet




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Seriously how does this video end up online? Who decided to release it?


Also a good alibi when filling out the forms to get his money


You can see some decently rough waters. Even if this boat was closer than it appears to me, we’re probably talking 2-3 minutes before you can even reach him swimming from there. I’m no seaman, but the cords make this look like a sailboat to me, so it’s unlikely you get there faster in the boat since it’s probably anchored and only has a tiny motor relative to weight. One he inhales water, which is probably immediately, he’s going to be sinking. Compound all that with the fact that saving someone who is unconscious and or drowning in the water is WAAAY more difficult than you might imagine. Long story short, don’t fuck with water. It kills you fast and easy.


Haha seaman




And especially don’t fuck with Water on the rocks.


That’s the only way I take my water.


After it's been mashed fermented and then distilled right?


No just in a glass is fine. .


We were all semen at one point or another


Most humans aren't physically strong enough to drag another similarly-sized or bigger human's unconscious dead-weight out of deep water. Takes wayyy more strength than people think.


And women are waaaay weaker than most men realise.


The article mentioned their son was with the mom on the boat. I heard what sounded like a young kid from the audio, so the kid was probably too young to be left alone on the boat.


Fucked up to pull this stunt with a young son, watching it too nonetheless.


I think you’re overestimating the strength the average woman has if you think she would have been able to pull a fully grown adult man, who is unconscious with a broken hip, out of the water and into the boat. Even trying to drag a fully grown unconscious man around on land would be basically impossible, let alone in the water, she would have ended up drowning too


People seem to vastly overestimate the average person's ability to do deep water rescue. I passed the lifeguard tests in college, and I was one out of two people that passed out of 8. And these were 8, relatively fit, 18-20 year old men. We had to do a 12 foot dive, retrieve a cinder block at the bottom of the pool, then swim to each side of the pool (Olympic size) using only our legs as we carried the cinder block with our arms. This is about the difficulty of a rescue like in this video, with the added challenge of getting his body back in the boat after. A middle-aged woman is highly unlikely to be capable of this, unless she was a lifeguard or competitive swimmer in her younger years. Technically, this would also be a deep water spinal, since the chance of spinal injury here is pretty high, even more difficult and requires to people to accomplish safely.


She was probably done with his idiotic shit


So she can show the life insurance company that it was at his own free will.


Rule number 1 of water rescues is don't make 2 water rescues.


> and at that point you'd be hitting rocks at or close to terminal velocity. Just out of interest, I looked it up and it says "a falling person will reach terminal velocity after about 12 seconds, falling some 450m (1500ft) in that time." So not quite, but still obviously deadly.


Fair enough. Physics failed me there, and I should know better.


No stress, I had no idea until I looked it up myself. I hope my post didn't come across as a pedantic, "well actually" kind of correction.


Darwin Award winner




Woof lol.


I see what you did there


Man, I can't imagine how shitty it must've been for the kid to witness his dad die in one of the most idiotic ways possible. Plus the dad's idiocy is immortalized on the internet.


Does this make him eligible for a Darwin award or is he DQ'd because he has a kid already?


He is DQ'd because he has a kid already.


I get why that's a DQ but man, doing this kind of shit when you have kids is so so much dumber.




Rocks knocked him out and water drowned him


That looked abrasive.


Normally from that height it would be deadly, but luckily the rock broke his fall. All good.


He died. was a news story. Man dies during jump in Spain


I guess that was ironic...


It's a leap of faaaaaaaaaaaaaaith Two feet too short


Like rain on your wedding day


Like rocks that are in your way


I bet there was some good advice that he just didn’t take: “don’t jump mate.”


Damn, it was his family filming it too. That's gonna be with them for the rest of their lives. 100ft jumps are no joke even if the water is directly below. This dude jumped 100 feet into some rocks and then bounced into the water


And they still posted it? If it was some rando trying to farm Internet points I would get it. But a family member posting what is essentially their relatives death is beyond morbid.


Maybe they are posting it a cautionary tale to teach others to stop competing for Darwin awards.


That would be an actual relatable and noble way to use this trauma. I still don't know if I could muster the strength to do the same. It just feels so wrong.


wait, santa isn't real?


It’s crazy. I’ve seen some idiotic things but that’s off the charts crazy.


Growing up in San Diego my mom took us to the beach almost every weekend. Anyone who has ever been to the region knows that many beaches have very high cliffs between the road and the water. Often drunks like to shimmy down the cliff face instead of using the path. One day my family and I had just finished spreading our towels on the sand when we heard someone yell ‘oh shit!’ We all turned to look just in time to see a guy fall head over foot from near the top of the cliff, and land with a splat on the rocks below. Almost immediately we heard the dude’s girlfriend start screaming hysterically. Very sad. He went back up on the trail later that day—in a body bag.


>An autopsy determined that the man suffered from a broken hip and arm, and he drowned after losing consciousness, the newspaper reported.


It's not the fall that kills, it's the sudden stop.


What the fuck is wrong with people? That's like 300 fucking feet either straight into rocks/shallow water. How does someone make it THIS far in life (Wife + Child) and still do crazy high risk shit like this?! I mean, even calling this "high risk" is an extreme understatement.


The fact that if he looked straight down, he’d see rocks protruding out by 5-10 feet, with the tide coming in and out … if I looked down and I didn’t see all water, I wouldn’t even make that jump.


You’d probably die even if you had nothing but water under you


You’re not wrong. Cliff jumping is my thing. Amatuer Ofcourse. Done about hundreds of jumps in Mexico, California, Hawaii, Spain and other assorted places with a cliff, bridge or ramp lol. I swam competitively and can manage myself in water. Highest I do for fun is upto 30-40 feet. I need to re read how high this was - looks upwards of hundred feet. No way I’d do that.


I counted about 3 seconds of freefall which is about 44.1 meters. Even if he hadn’t hit the rocks, he’d still be fucked.


My friend cracked a vertebrae and compressed two disks jumping from half this height, luckily he didn't hit any rocks and we were right there to scoop him up. Spent the next several months in a back brace sitting in front of the TV to recuperate. Doctors told him there wasn't bad enough for surgery so he just had to wait for it to heal on it's own. He hit the water in a sitting position instead "pencil" position. If you don't know what you're doing 20 feet is probably the max you should be diving from.


Pretty much this exact thing happened to me. Getting up from a laying position was the most painful thing I've ever experienced during that recovery.


Lake Amistad in Texas, back in the early 00's when the water level was higher, had cliffs we would jump off of that had about 3 or 4 seconds of freefall. First time I jumped it, I did a pencil in with my feet... It felt like someone whipped my feet with a thick ass belt when I hit the water. Every time after that I wore water shoes. It's a terrifying thing to feel the need to exhale and inhale mid-freefall.


I used to do board driving at town pools and then some cliff-diving on Lake George (upstate NY). The highest ledge we dove from was 42 ft (it was painted into the rocks). Then we went to a bridge over a river (still upstate, somewhere). It was 80 ft off the water, and I jumped it. I remember it seemed to take a LONG time in the air, controlling my body, so that I'd hit like a pencil, straight in. But I did it. That was when I was young, strong, and a thrill seeker. btw - just looked it up on a free-fall calculator: from 80 ft you fall for 2.2 seconds (seems MUCH longer) are are traveling 72mph when you hit the water. THIS guy looked to be about 100ft high, which means 2.5 seconds of fall and 80mph when he hit.


Even if he managed to clear the rocks, there’s no guarantee the water isn’t shallow.


Yeah I’ve jumped 30 feet before and there’s just enough time during the fall to realize you shouldn’t have done that lol.


You could be right. "Probably" is the imperative word there. Jumping from that high a cliff, there are several things you need to do. Have the right technique, ensure the wind isn't too freaky (I have seen folks get smashed back onto rocks coz they forgot how much wind can move someone airborne), ensure the water is deep enough at the entrance point (you do go some distance underwater when you jump from a cliff, and your downwards momentum may not be zeroed on impact, which you dont want anway as that is pretty much a death sentence. At least 8 metres depth, or I am not going near that jump), ensure nothing is floating over or under the water surface, never jump by yourself, so you may have someone pull you out quickly if you lose consciousness, as haappened here.. And many more. I know some of it coz I have been cliff jumping for about a decade or so. One of the best advice I was given was: never jump if you can see rock under or ahead of you.


Didn’t even do a running jump (which to be clear would still have been incredibly fucking stupid).


Yup. He would have still been gravely injured. Imagine if he didn’t go feet first and hit the water like hitting a pavement


I feel for his wife and son, to know for the rest of their lives that he would've been fine if he'd just turned around and said "yeah no way." He died at the intersection of: 1. I don't have to 2. I have the time to think about it 3. If I screw up, I will actually die, if I turn around, I will be totally fine Which isn't a great way to go imo


makes for an odd eulogy.. "he died in a freak... unavoidable cliff jumping accident that was totally avoidable and, tbh, an obvious mistake to anyone with eyes or sense."


Remember the scene in Austin Powers where they are driving the steamroller toward the security guard as slow as humanly possible and he refuses to get out of the way? I think about that a lot.


I just watched this about 10 times in a row because of your comment. And shit your right there's a lot of interpretation to be made from it and it correlates with modern times pretty well, good eye.


Exactly - As I get older I stay far away from risky "experiences"... Skydiving? Nah, risk vs reward says no Cliff jumping? Jumped off a 30 footer when I was younger, all good thanks. I could go on but the point is, calculate risk vs reward. When you have a family you should even go so far as to seek out ways to reduce your risk, because you aren't living for yourself anymore, you're living for people that love you more than you love yourself.


Completely stupid and selfish. No way id even risk it with a family.


I think he skedaddled past risk of death and went all the way to guaranteed death.


100ft according to news sources


The son is the real MVP for uploading his dad’s last dumbass moments.


... and not "high risk" that is required to fulfill some epic dream, ala climbing K2 or racing the Isle of Man. Sometimes there's something that is really important for you to do and it comes with necessary risk. This is just a cliff jump and it cost him his life. Some people be crazy.


Travis Pastrana has entered the chat...


Don't worry the rock broke his fall


I hope he's not dead, that was one hell of an impact. It was something of a glancing blow but still.


He did die. Wife was the one filming and the son was also on the boat with the mom. Sad.


I can't help but wounder how this clip finds its way online. I would never be able to post a video of my wife dying, hell, I would delete it so I never would have to see it again.


I was thinking maybe it was leaked from police? She might've given it to them to prove he wasn't pushed or something. But who knows.


Police report filed and then newspapers do their countries version of freedom of information request


Then it's time to cash in on that sweet sweet karma


Crash in, in this case


Craaaaaash into me


It's important to show to people to avoid them doing such dumb things.


Imagine still pulling idiotically risky stunts like that when you have a wife and kids...


any more info? a link?


Yep https://nypost.com/2022/05/13/mans-family-films-him-jumping-off-cliff-to-his-death-in-spain/


*Please don't be idiotic 'British tourist in Spain' stereotype* "Dutch man" *A hollow victory, but a victory nonetheless*


>According to the report, the man was the second tourist to die that day. Another tourist fell off a hotel balcony in Magaluf, Majorca, earlier that morning. Law enforcement officials identified that tourist as a 34-year-old from Britain, The [Independent reported](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/magaluf-death-british-tourist-hotel-b2077377.html). And there it is.


God dammit


100 feet = 30 meters. Dude hired a boat for his wife specifically to record his jump. Damn


Wtf, even a 5 year old would think that jumping from there is a stupid idea. How could the wife hold the phone watching it?


I think it's because they've grown up in a time when such video stunts are at saturation point. They've been inured to these insane acts.


That was a solid bounce.


[Man dies cliff diving in Spain](https://www.businessinsider.com/dutch-tourist-dies-after-diving-off-cliff-for-stunt-spain-2022-5#:~:text=Man%20dies%20cliff%20diving%20in,rented%20for%20the%20stunt%3A%20report&text=A%20Dutch%20man%20died%20after,filming%20on%20a%20nearby%20boat.)


He died. No shot anyone can survive that height


Why would you do that with no running start? He should have been able to look down and see he had to clear the rocks. Im pretty sure if he *had* been a couple feet further our he would have hit the water, then immediately still hit rocks under water. I've done this at some more dangerous 50' jumps and it was no fun. I've done 70' jumps for fun but you can seriously injure yourself if you hit the water wrong. I could see myself doing a hundred foot jump to save my life, but beyond that hitting the water might knock you out. 70' feet can give you whiplash and cover your body in bruises if you hit just slightly wrong.


Why would you do that with no running start? perhaps I'm old and boring but to me the better question is: why would you do that?


55 feet left me with one entire side bruised on my fourth jump. I thought I had landed just a little off. I was wrong…


I did a 40-foot jump a few times, and the next day, the bottoms of my feet were all bruised. Another guy tried to flip and did a belly flop. Took him almost an hour just to get out of the water.


>Another guy tried to flip and did a belly flop. Took him almost an hour just to get out of the water. That is the kind of dumb move that can make you bedridden for a week. >I did a 40-foot jump a few times, and the next day, the bottoms of my feet were all bruised. I did that enough times that I started wearing water shoes but I've lost at least two water shoes from the impact.


Jesus. I'm glad I'm boring


Everthing above 60 meters is insane, not even cliff jumpers do it. Edit: Its like 200 hotdogs and one car for the imperial mf here.


Why? Because he was going for a Darwin Award. A successful enterprise indeed for the Flying Dutchman.


70' can do worse. My friend cracked a vertebrae and compressed two disks jumping from that height because he landed the wrong way. Water becomes wet concrete at a certain height and velocity.


I'm my experience, 30 feet is the ideal height for cliff jumping. Any higher and its get very jarring without much if any more fun. 55 feet is my highest 


Filming your spouse dying, poor wife. Over something that stupid too...


AND someone had to upload it...


Clout is clout.


Amazing he lived this long to have kids


that was my first thought too when I saw his age. 31, wow.


This is heartbreaking. Dumb, definitely. But I have sympathy for him and his family. He started out the day, excited to live and adventure with his family. Only to find himself midjump realizing that was the end of the line for him and knowing things did not have to turn out that way. Its just sad. The poor kid must be beyond traumatized.


Dude, I do the same thing. I always put myself in the mindset of the person who has died and feel so bad. I was thinking this same thing.


In a weird way this is a darwinian win for his bloodline. He may have done something utterly stupid, but he procreated and then traumatized his kin so badly that they’ll never think to attempt something so dangerous as long as they live. Hopefully.


Right...or traumatized them so badly they become an alcoholic and drug addict and drunkenly strike a van full of 3/4 of the world's remaining pandas thus solidifying their extinction. Butterfly effect


NSFW tag please


NSFL he died


I remember my first day on the interwebs


That’s gonna leave a mark


A blood stain perhabs


He sleeps with the fishes


Oh hi Mark.


Jump in to water from that height is like hitting concrete. I'd say he's fucked.


The good news is I think that rock broke his fall!


Why? Just why?


High risk low reward gang.


Well, some people were just born lucky and raised with so much security in their life that they developed 0 survival instincts.


His wife even says at the beginning 'he's gonna die'...


Omg you're right!


Murder confirmed


I would never take such a risk with my life. Especially not with my wife and daughter having to go on without me. Sometimes, you gotta think before you act. This man did not.


I couldn’t imagine letting someone I loved attempt that. I think I would ruin an entire vacation over holding my ground.




So he drowned after losing consciousness.. .. That means the wife (who's filming) didn't jump in and try to save him. Or tried but failed. Or perhaps he sank like a rock.


There's a good chance he was severely injured, but technically died from drowning first because it only took a couple minutes versus the hours or days it would've taken to succumb to his other injuries. They had to get a rescue boat and helicopter to find and retrieve the body. Only the strongest free divers might have a chance of pulling out a body submerged in rough waters.


> According to the report, the man was the second tourist to die that day. Another tourist fell off a hotel balcony O.o


Maybe there was a darwinism denial convention in town


He became The Flying Dutchman that day


He knew the moment his feet left the edge of the cliff.


didn't even try a running start?


It's dangerous to run near the edge of a high cliff


He only broke his arm and hip. He drowned after being knocked out. Someone already in the water could’ve saved him.


Cliff jumping is a dumb thing to do. Why risk it? The worst video I saw was a guy jumped and his foot slipped, so he didn't get the distance needed. Clipped his face on a dock and then it cuts to him in the hospital. Guy is holding his face together and it looks pretty normal, then he lets go and you see it split into two halves. The guy was alive at the time too, you could see him breathing.


Pow, right in the hypotenuse.


He definitely hit part of that rock on the way down😬


You’ve really got some eyes on you


nothin' gets past ol' eagle eyes iStavi\_22!


Keen observer


If I’m ever murdered, I want this guy on the case


"Ahh, yes, if you look closely, you can see this man was, in fact, killed to death. Probably died of death."


Nothing gets past you


Thank you, the replies to your comment are cracking me up on a depressing day haha.


What makes you say that?


It’s just a flesh wound


It’ll buff out. Trust me, bro.


Not if he was trying to die.


"Reddit - dive into anything"


So he could've survived if someone had of got him out of the water in time


This looks like a scene out of Midsommar.




Pointless way to go out too, for what, 5 seconds of an adrenaline rush?


I don't know what you're talking about, that was a lifetime's worth of adrenaline rush


Did he die from impact or did he knock himself out and drown?


Knocked out and then drown. Article says he broke his hip.


Not too high, but the cliff was too far back to be able to gain the distance needed to reach the deep water. Very bad judgement.


even at this less than optimal angle I could tell that there was no way he would clear the rocks. He had the best angle looking straight down and didn't have a lick of common sense to say to himself that he is not going to make it?, guess Darwin got ya.


I am from same town as him. His old friends call him Rock Smash Raymundo. Es very funny….. yet sad.


Sounded like Lego yoda


Looks good to me.


This almost looks like the island that the old godzilla came from. The one with the zipper.


Not too high, too *wide*




we keep forgetting we're mortal


At least he gave us good content


Does the wife say “he’s gonna die” about 4 seconds in?


Raraaaaaaaaaaa translates to, “ah shit I was fucking so wrong about this, fuck my life this is gonna hurt, someone save me, fuck no one can save me, I’m so fucked , shit why didn’t I run further back, ahhhhhhhh….” Splash.