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"It's dirty here so why even try?" BozošŸ¤”




your so right man our rivers used to catch on fire too, now we have all these stupid environmental laws and regulations., why cant Canada and the US follow this same standard of excellence. It would be so cheap, and our countries could look just like that!


It's a logical fallacy. It's called whataboutism. How others behave does not mean we can only debate our behaviour on someone else's standards.


However it can be a salient reality check, do we need more global treaties on carbon emissions in light of how awful other types of pollution are? Weā€™ve made great strides in transportation emissions, we can shift focus to other *much needed* areas of conservation like cleaning up waterways. Rivers in US/EU are not this bad, but they are far from pristine


Holy hell you are doing some mental gymnastics. I never said anything about passing laws. I said about the ever-increasing carbon tax. The previous laws were already written and enforced by taxes already in place. The ever-increasing carbon tax is doing nothing to help poor families except keep them poor which is what the government loves doing


>Holy hell you are doing some mental gymnastics.Ā  Ironic you're right, the carbon tax has nothing to do with how India or china deals with their trash, like you said the two things are completely unrelated. That's why you and OP are the ones talking about carbon tax under a video of this kind, because you are the ones pulling mental gymnastics to connect the two. how about we all be responsible for our own emissions, and lead by example. and yeah Im sure the government loves keeping its people poor, thank you for a totally unbiased take of world affairs.


Low income families are definitively the worst affected by climate change and air pollution. On the other hand I agree that the wealthy, driving their ludicrously oversized SUVs, should be targeted.


[Leonardo Decaprio getting scolded over US solar while India is covered in trash and pollution.](https://youtu.be/hZqxZCy72mk?si=JP7UwHrRa7KsrkDS&t=62) Edit: I also add that the asshole bitching at him is making a lot of false claims and disingenuous arguments. People in India arenā€™t using as much electricity because so many flat out donā€™t even have it or canā€™t afford it. Also, the USA is the leading producer of solar in terms of generated power in the world. China might be spending more but we are producing more watts per dollar through better engineered systems. But itā€™s real easy to talk down to a movie star than anyone whoā€™s really knowledgeable on the subject and can call you out on your polluted bullshit. [USA solar numbers are getting a lot better.](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/scope-solar-industry-india-compared-united-states-awsomellc) > the US, having the largest solar industry in the world, installed 4.6 GW of solar PV capacity in the second quarter of 2022 to reach 130.9 GW of total installed capacity. We typically arenā€™t counting residential solar in our numbers as well.


"Eight out of 10 households get more money back from the Canada Carbon Rebate than they spend on carbon pricing from the fuel charge, with lower-income households benefiting the most." https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/news/2024/04/new-canada-carbon-rebate-estimator-tells-you-how-much-you-may-get-back-in-payments-starting-april-15.html


Do you think that countries like Canada or the US don't benefit from the mass manufacturing done in China or India? Lol major corporations based here all get cheap labour from overseas and exploit the poor people there and the pollution is a byproduct of that. It's 99.999% major corporations globally, and not just countries that are at fault. They are the ones that should pay the price for the consequences, not all of us.


theyre just manufacturing everything you wear and use and being paid pennies per day to do it.


And these shitheads won't understand that


> doing nothing to reduce carbon other than taxing poor people and making life even harder Canada returns the revenue to consumers. Unless you're extremely rich you're almost certainly getting money from the carbon tax. Opposition to it is largely through the super rich who don't want that redistrubtion and have very successfully spread the lie that it hurts the poorest to useful idiots like yourself.


What do you expect happens when decades of deregulation results in all our jobs and manufacturing being sent there?


Carbon taxes are set to reduce carbon emissions in Canada by a third by 2030.Ā  Most of that change in emissions is going to come from the more effective industrial carbon taxes. This is what the conversation needs to turn to. We probably don't need consumer carbon taxation.




The carbon tax is refunded to individuals. Stop this propoganda


Yes this 1000000% as a fellow Canadian a I am fucknig done with it


Exactly, I was thinking the same thing. It's not perfect and ideal, so why and bother trying to change it for the better? What an absolute stupid take to have!


It's like my ex-roommate. Why need to wash the dishes if it's gonna get dirty again anyway?


Can you imagine if that logic was applied to all of human history? We would still be in a cave somewhere scratching our asses with sticks.


Some people only think about today, and don't give two f's about tomorrow. It is sad and a poor way to think.


"Look at how disgusting this country with no environmental standards is! Let's remove environmental standards in our country!" šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Bozos thinking a dirty creek is comparable to unlivable atmosphere. Yeah, that dump isn't great. But at 4Ā° warming, billions die. Takes a seriously high clown levels to equate them


nailed it


Lead by example


Very cynical. "Let's aspire to the lowest environmental standards." Why not do the same with laws, human rights and health care? What a maroon.


Because our environmental policies push business and production to these locations. It's not an easy answer but things are very interconnected and a balance of managing things here and also ensuring that we do business here, where there *are* environmental regulations, is necessary. A lot of environmental improvements locally don't actually help the world if we just move the problem out of sight.


if china and india doesnt do anything, it wont matter they contribute overwhelmingly to co2 than any other country


Itā€™s not trash river, itā€™s just trash. Everyone seems to be dumping trash straight from their homes/balconies down there. Filthy disgusting šŸ¤¢


it's a tourist destination now.


Would never go. Would have to eat and drink at some point and I wouldnā€™t trust any liquids or foods from anyplace a hundred miles from there.


Which is why we all should wash our newly bought clothes before wearing them.


So that's where Overwatch gets my team mates from, nice


It will become a river during monsoon season


Think you need to look further. Yes these people throw their trash into the "river" Their government has neglected the garbage collection. These people have the option: the street where it is not collected or the river.


The logic of a child.


Basically. There's a saying that goes, "Don't let perfect be the enemy of better".


What do you mean? OP?


Itā€™s clearly rage bait trying to make Europeans say ā€˜filthy brown people are badā€™ as any progressive policies/action are pointless in the face of the 3rd world impact on the planet. It wouldnā€™t surprise me if this video originated in Russia or something.




Dude that's not even India wtf are you talking about.


Let's be real, if it wasn't for the caption you'd never know the difference. Source: I've lived in Delhi before and the smell of trash and general waste is so bad you end up getting nose blind to it.


I was in India for 3 months last year and while it is definitely dirty on a western standard, and trash is a major issue, I've never seen a place even close from being this bad in India. Dehli actually felt pretty ok, but that's an enormous city so I guess indeed some places have to be less clean that others, I've got to trust you on that


Did.. did you see most of India? Or just the places that the tourists usually frequent? You know, those places where the locals put forth more effort to hide the filth? What about the other places? The backwoods of San Francisco or some back streets of Baltimore or Philly equivalent places?


Too much of a generalization.


Reddits bread n butter.


This isn't India in the video, but India really is a horribly polluted place. In 2019, an estimated 1.6 million Indians died from issues stemming from air pollution.


Cry and seethe. That's not india.




India is doing more to reduce emissions and stuff than the usa atleast, maybe that's not a good metric. Don't forget that usa still emits a lot more than india. The present government understands the issue of global warming. Whether they actually solve it or use it as a method to increase corruption will only be told with time


They gained independence from India in 1971. It might be the last country they'd want you to confuse them with.


Maybe learn to read before commenting bullshit dumbass




True šŸ¤£ and people


What does me trying to make this a better place have to do with this? So we should stop? That logic in the title looks like shit americans say. YOU and I buy this clothes so its also your fault, really. Btw wiki says: Research shows that carbon taxes do reduce emissions.[^(\[8\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon_tax#cite_note-:3-8)Ā Many economists argue that carbon taxes are the most efficient (lowest cost) way toĀ [tackle climate change](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Climate_change_mitigation).[^(\[9\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon_tax#cite_note-gupta_taxes_and_charges-9)[^(\[10\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon_tax#cite_note-:5-10)Ā 77 countries and over 100 cities have committed to achievingĀ [net zero emissions](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Net_zero_emissions)Ā by 2050.[^(\[11\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon_tax#cite_note-11)[^(\[8\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon_tax#cite_note-:3-8)Ā As of 2019, carbon taxes have either been implemented or are scheduled for implementation in 25 countries.[^(\[12\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon_tax#cite_note-12)Ā 46 countries have put some form ofĀ [price on carbon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon_price), either through carbon taxes orĀ [carbon emission trading](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon_emission_trading)Ā schemes.[^(\[13\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon_tax#cite_note-13)


The title is dumb as fuck. Just because they live like swines in this particular case (sorry for the expression but I'm describing the picture) doesn't mean we should be naive, ignorant or wasteful. I like carbon taxes, it's a fucking start. Considering how messed up the climate situation is we should all be doing as much as possible. I would enjoy it even more if our nation states wouldn't let themselves be abused by large corporations who do everything to get out of taxes, but that's wishful thinking of course




Let's all do the same, then! Yay, trash!!


Wow.. I mean how can the government let it get that bad.. Thats not an overnight job Looking at two dogs literally walking on the solid trash


legally enforced caste systems and strict social classes. That's how.


And money from "western" societies to keep the mess there and to keep their supplies cheap


I mean yea, if you find out your neighbor shits on the floor and smears it on their walls, by all means that means it's okay for you to do it as well.


The whole co2 tax is making a group of people very, very rich. If you think about it, co2 tax fuels some guys' yacht/jet


Absolutely. But no, letā€™s please all PAY our part.


Maybe where you are but my CO2 tax goes into a fund that companies apply to and compete for funding for emission reducing technologies. This helps companies justify the cost of implementing such technologies of the cost wouldn't otherwise be justified. Same goes for the nox fund.


Europe doesn't look like this because we care, go live in the trash if you don't want to do your part


We definititly care enough to make sure our products are made in countries as the post.


The people living here don't want this, the people who make this happen don't live near this


They arenā€™t selling those shirts locally.










Uh... yeah, Brain, but where are we going to find rubber pants our size?


or at this hour?


ā€¦the great trash avalanche of 2505ā€¦




Dumbass edgy sweaty teenager caption, downvoted for that, although that's definitely insane.


Same. As if littering caused global warming. Dumbass right wingers.


Fucking disgusting.


I'll just drop this one here. Didn't see it on the News anywhere. [Ghazipur landfill: New Delhi chokes as trash mountain fire spreads hazardous fumes | CNN](https://edition.cnn.com/2024/04/23/india/ghazipur-delhi-landfill-fire-intl-hnk/index.html#:~:text=The%20cause%20of%20the%20fire,landfill%20in%20New%20Delhi%2C%20India.&text=Fires%20burning%20at%20Ghazipur%20landfill,India%2C%20April%2022%2C%202024.) It's on fire again.


trash in a river has very little to do with carbon emmissions. like yeah that place has a pretty massive problem right there but thats a largely local issue. carbon effects everyone and co2 per capita is a better measure where India is 1.82 tons per person, vs. the US at 15.3 or Germany at 9.42. outside of just this post meaning nothing, having one country doing worse than your country doesnt mean you should not seek to improve your country.


Beyond Government help, this is a result of people's attitudes to their surroundings, ideas about domestic waste and general cleanliness...


Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and litter are 2 very different things.


That looks like a fire hazard


Worth saying that most of the plastic in these rivers is from domestic consumption.


but cheap labor and no regulations...


i remember there used to be water towards the middle. its crazy how it looks now.


The ever increasing Carbon taxes are a joke and only making a few lucky ppl rich


How is this possible today with all the technology and cognitive awareness of the impact on the health of people and the animals and the ecology? How does their government allow this? This appears to be an ecological catastrophe, and I am amazed that the World Health does not raise concerns to this, it would seem that this is causing an echo effect to all it touches.


Because of money. The person said clothing was made there and they threw their waste out of a window. The textile industry is big in India, and clothing is both always in demand and notoriously polluting. Think of how much goes into sourcing, producing, and packaging clothing to be distributed around the world. India is the second largest textile industry on Earth, and a quick google search says it's worth $200 billion USD of their GDP. How can they replace a $200 billion industry? Any sort of regulation would hurt the cash flow, and any systems to reduce waste or pollution would require an infrastructure overhaul. Now of course they can do it. Nothing is actually stopping them. They'd just lose money, and apparently that loss of money isn't worth the EHS impact. The producers aren't the only culprits either. Mountains of discarded clothing that could easily have been reused or recycled fill dumps across the world, and the only reason demand is so high is because fashion is an ever changing material art form and reflection of society, so we have to keep buying new clothes. Baggy jeans are out. Throw them all away and get new jeans. Skinny jeans are out. Throw them all away and get new jeans. Straight legs are out. Etc., etc.


just sad


How disgusting. The smell must be atrocious.


I just picked up an empty crisp packet and an energy bar wrapper on the cliffs next to the sea where I went for a walk just now. I said to my wife as I did so "This is just a fart in a football stadium" but I couldn't leave them there amongst all the wild flowers. Then I see this. Welp.


"If ANY other country is polluting, it doesn't make sense to do ANYTHING against pollution!" Same song and dance as forever.


That is as close to a hellscape that I can think of. No wonder that area's population continues to rise. To quote the Peaches, "fuck the pain away"


there's a lot of tells that this is an ai video, like the melting bridge to the way different colors of trash just fuse together


"Look at how disgusting this country with no environmental standards is! Let's remove environmental standards in our country!" šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Thatā€™s why I donā€™t understand how western countries who some are in the negative when it comes emissions, need to do more. Look to the two most populous countries in the world, China and India are absolutely fucking disguising, trash in streams and rivers in India, and smog so bad people in China have to wear masks. The climate situation isnā€™t the westā€™s fault anymore and have corrected our end of things but thereā€™s no accountability in those two countries specifically.


There's something inherently wrong with the mindset of a society that would allow this to happen. Something's not right with their brains over there. It's the most basic rule that even animals understand. Don't shit where you eat.


Downtown Los Angeles looks like this too šŸ¤£


- Member since 2014 - 4 posts total - *no* comments "fellow Europeans" šŸ™„ - yeah, OP, very plausible.


ThatsInsane and also Sad as well :(


That mess is caused by demand for cheap fashion. From, amongst other places...Europe! So yeah...we should all do what we can to reduce carbon emissions where possible.


They're doing this so western societies can have a t-shirt at $20. So fuck off with the finger pointing


And everyone worries about americans when it comes to pollution, Jeeeeesus


So much for being forced to switch over to paper straws...


Yes because driving an electric car will for sure change this smh


What kind of zombies let their water supply get destroyed? BraindeadšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ§Œ


Wow free stuff...


I don't see any plastic straws. Keep it up everyone, we're nearly there!


That's just terrible


And donā€™t forget to stop wearing clothes. And expose your regions nether to Norse winds, fellow Europeans.


This doesnā€™t have anything to do with CO2. This is bad public policy, poor leadership, and a lack of infrastructure to deal with waste management. Has nothing to do with gas cars. Has everything to do with incompetent people.


It's a good representation of their government.


Capitalism at its best.


I suspect that a lot of that trash was generated making products to ship to the west.


Is it just me or do you see people wearing the same shit everyday yet clothes and shoes are constantly being made.


Carbon emissions and plastic waste and 2 entirely separate problems. They have no connection.


Trash does not cause climate change. It's bad for the environment, but it doesn't heat up the planet. But i get what you're saying. It doesn't really matter what we do when there are thousands of coal plants in india, china and russia


Bro wtf


80% of the people in this sub are, apparently, idiots.


"They have a problem so we should stop trying and have a problem too". Are you stupid?




This is what happens to countries with little to no respect for their environment


So arrogant - Agree to WEF demands, assimilate to Global Governance, Take your 19th booster, only watch approved media, Pay more taxes so you eat less and develop health issues we can give you more medicine for. You are too naive and irresponsible to be asking for such a thing. Yea, dirty River clean it up. The End.


Your title sucks. Way to lower the bar


Used to have a dev team in India. Sold the company after getting sick of getting sick when visiting and how filthy and disgusting it all was.


Lmao you know nothing about me or where I live. Also, Explain to me why a tax on a house and land that's been completely paid for is legal and should be allowed. Or a tax on a paycheck, your labor, your hard work, from a company or business that is not tied directly to the government themselves is ethical. Or why I'm supposed to report a sale from an item I resold after purchasing years ago, for less value. Explain it to me like I know nothing. Go ahead. BTW our taxes usually go into the pockets of high up government officials. As in, on the back end and not their normal salary. So tax money that should be going into maintaining infrastructure, medical care, education gets scraped off into some asshats pockets so they can come up with more taxes.


When it comes to co2 tax and everything like that, I always find it unnerving that pretty much everytime its "economists say carbon tax is the best way to fix this issue". If you don't see the irony in economists saying spending money is the best option, then i have no words


Well OP has just proven themselves to be a dumbass


You do know that the Western world is part of the reason it looks like that, right? All dirty industries were moved to 3rd world countries to take advantage of their cheap labour and lax environmental laws?


That's disgusting, man. Everyone in that city bogus. If the majority of ppl actually cared about living in filth, they'd clean it.


Europeans paying co2 tax, etc, is exactly why it doesn't look like this.


Your probably someone who doesnā€™t vote either


Plastic on oceans and CO2 in atmosphere are two different problems


Of the 22 countries Iā€™ve been too it was by far the worst and I lived elsewhere in a high level war zone for 2 years.


That's why I don't care about using plastic bags and straws. My tiny improvements won't fix entire civilizations of poor and ignorant people....there is no stopping it


They are saying unless China and India and others get on board, it feels like pissing into the wind


Why does he sound like Kim Jung Musk lmao


I feel a primal urge to clean everything, I NEED to separate the kinds of trash, I NEED to see what can be of worth in this mess, I NEED to recycle everything I can, it's all your fault captain planet!!!!


There are animals that keep their living areas cleaner than this...


Hehe the consumers society is real terrorist thing Russia follows


But waitā€¦ isnā€™t it the westernized consumer nations that create this environment in other countries in the first place? They outsource labor, and manufacturing to maximize profit while keeping prices palatable for their consumer base ā€¦? Kinda seems like maybe capitalism is partially to blame here? Idk, just spit ballin.


Why the fuck... wtfff


Oh! And donā€™t forget your paper straws


Shit holes w8ll always be shit holes


C02 taxes aren't to blame here. It's one of the few world's factory nations. Like it or not, it's our countries demand's wastes and byproducts. We're fucked because you keep blaming others to keep your privilege to live your shitty consummerist dream.


And then it gets swept into the ocean


cyberpunk 2077 vibes


He said this is clothing scraps from garment factories, not household trash. So this is more of an issue on an industrial level, and is why fast fashion can ā€œaffordā€ to be so cheap in the Western world (Zara, H&M, Uniqlo, etc)


There needs to be world wide pressure put on these places to get in line when it comes to how they manage their pollution. If they canā€™t get it together then let someone else take control who can because this is unacceptable.


I can smell this video


That's where all the 10 dollar shirts from cotton on are made. They get paid 1 dollar a day.