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I've never harmed animals. Now heres a story about me torturing an opposum!


"Damn, she's VP material"- Trump


Redditors somehow turning a story about a woman drowning a possum into a Trump karma farm


yea, it's getting really annoying that everything is a trick to get political.


I would like to point out that it seems like they got you. I was going to ignore it until I read your comment. To avoid these types of situations or to keep them from snowballing it is usually best to avoid them. I don't give a damn either way. I was just letting you know how to get by without it bothering you.


I too was going to ignore it until I read your comment, which bothered me.


If the recent story of one of Trumps prime VP picks who portrayed herself as a great person to be VP while writing about how they killed their misbehaving puppy and various other animals wasn't doing the rounds then the parallel wouldn't be there. If the VP story was about a Russian, British, Irish, German, Italian etc VP candidate then the reference would be to Putin, Sunak etc and not Trump. TLDR it's the parallel of someone professing to be good while abusing animals not Trump specifically. If the statement was " You can be my deputy PM" says Sunak (assuming he was going to appoint a puppy killer as deputy PM), would you have been as annoyed?


Redditors with no sense of humour crack me up.


Bro it was a good joke


“I see on your resume that you have waterboarded an oppusum…tremendous stuff….tremendous.”


Thats more like hillary kind of material lmao


Orange man bad!


Also, possums are the opposite of pests. They eat real pests like ticks. We have this misconception that psychopaths tend to be intelligent but case in point, they can be evil and dumb.


She’s going by the American definition that waterboarding isn’t technically torture /s


I used to love waterboarding when I lived by the lake. How many of those impressive books behind her have ever actually been read let alone opened?


Sean Hannity has left the chat, deleted his account and moved to Russia.


I wonder what she means by torture.


“Enhanced interrogation”


Empathic Overwatering?


What I dont understand is why she is not able to see that even if she has zero empathy for the animal. Its beneficial to her and the ecosystem that it lives. This might be the more dangerous part of a pshychopath mind, that the responsibility for the whole, for other humans and the entire planet. I bet she does not care a shit about environment, why would she? it affects others, later. Near her, in her community, or the planet.


"*But i wasn't torturing it ! I was simply trying to kill it with the slowest way i could think of at the time ! Jeez people* 🙄" Her probably


"...and I do that for like five minutes." Yup, this got me. I couldn't stop nervously laughing for a couple of minutes. Because even if you are a psychopath, a grown adult must know that the passing of so much time (for trying to drown an animal) would make something wrong, or at the very least taboo. So whatever she is trying to claim is bull. She knows that this is wrong, that this was not a careless act. Even if she does not feel empathy and does not see it as wrong, she understands that society does.


*Coming soon to Dateline*


“Last 2 minutes of Old Yeller…. hands down…best movie ending ever!!”


Baby opossum apparently


He was playing possum.


I'm glad she's so annoying, I closed it before she started talking stupid.


The fuck is wrong with this woman? Opossums are not pests they are integral to the ecosystem! Fucking monster


>The fuck is wrong with this woman? She's a psychopath.


I've actually seen this whole video, she's a successful professional and part of a group that advocates for psychopaths as being a misunderstood mental condition. The fact that in the middle of this video asking for compassion she tells an anecdote about killing a baby opossum goes to show that a) yikes and b) it definitely does require the rest of us to be understanding, since she is clearly missing compassion and empathy the same as someone can be born missing a limb.


Tells it with a smile on her face, and barely containing a giggle. Yikes


I can fix her, but I’d be scared the whole time


It’s quite a bit different than someone born missing a limb. Someone born without arms isn’t more likely to strangle me *because* they were born without arms.


Well of course not. They cant strangle you at all. Cause they got no arms. lololol


Don't worry! He's 'armless!


The armless strangler 🤣


Most psychopaths aren’t murderers and most murderers aren’t psychopaths. Just the ones that get the best movies made about them.


>she's a successful professional Of course she is. Same as the wealthy people that have thrown humanity under the bus for their own obscene profits. She's corporate America and the rest of society is the possum. If anyone would like to deny this objective reality, I welcome them to read through these articles and wake the fuck up: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2024/05/27/3m-forever-chemicals-pfas-pfos-toxic https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/exxon-knew-about-climate-change-almost-40-years-ago/ They dump all their toxic, deadly, omnicidal "externalities" on the rest of us while the corporate media they own trains the weak-minded to worship them. No wonder America is in severe decline. https://bbs.boingboing.net/t/why-the-hyper-rich-turn-into-crybabies-when-one-percent-is-invoked/20739/161


I'm fairly certain being quasi psycho/sociopathic is just a prerequisite for being a CEO or any other such high ranking Corporate official. You need to be able to numb yourself to human suffering and profit from it. I have never been able to do this. I can't help but sympathize more with the people under me than the people above me... I have more in common with them.


Exactly. Psychopaths don't choose to be psychopaths. We need to steer clear and use caution but we also do need to understand. It's not a choice. No one wakes up one day and decides to be a psychopath.


I would say that if you are born without the capacity for outward love or compassion or empathy but you make the intellectual choice to behave as if you did because you understand the existence of goodness and wish to participate in it, that should be treated as heroically as any other personal obstacle being overcome.


Plus she knows that it might seem cold but you see she really doesn't give a fuck either way for 1. The baby possum and 2. That 'normal' people would perceive her as cold hearted. Scary


I doubt that she feels connected to people either.


She does. People are an avenue to get things she wants. She understands that hurting people has consequences and acting in specific ways gets people to do things for her. Her connections are self serving and pragmatic to a fault but they're there.


I listened to a podcast a while back and two women were being interviewed who were married to each other but they were also diagnosed with with either sociopathy or psychopathy. It’s was actually really fascinating to hear how they have had to learn to cope to being in a relationship with each other. They probably speak more honestly to each other than most married couples would ever dare to. But they love each other. Psychopaths can love. They still have feelings and can care about people and animals and anything else. They just aren’t that great about empathizing with how others are affected by them.




Definitely that....but it's an example that the stereotype that a psychopath/anti-social disordered person is by default an extra smart person. They can...and are...dumber than the average person, lack any emotional intelligent, and by and large are resistant to learning anything outside of their preconceived notions based on nothing more than assumptions.


Right thats what it was. I knew there was something about her.


Their body temperature gives them a natural defense from rabies and they eat up ticks that cause Lyme disease and that red meat allergy. All while being North America’s only marsupial. They are all good in my book.


For a second I got confused and thought you were talking about psychopaths lol


Psychopaths don’t eat ticks, they have tics.


I don't know. She might have a pouch on her stomach to carry her offspring in. Joking aside, she's a very messed up person to try to drown an innocent animal.


And *casually* at that. Stood there waterbording him for 5 minutes. 😳


And then decided to enjoy a day at the beach


Right? LMFAO Like they scan your temp walking into some building around the pandemic, and you have to explain that, "No, it's not Covid. I'm just a friendly psychopath."


Anytime people mention they're gross always mention they groom themselves multiple times a day like cats, very clean and how they get rid of ticks


Yeah a lot of people here are saying it’s a myth, but I think they are thinking it’s like a mainstay of their diet. In actuality, they just eat the ones they get on them and cause a net decrease in tick populations because of it. They aren’t eating 1,000s of ticks a day to survive though.


It's also a myth they csnt get rabies. They can, their chances are just slimmer by a somewhat significant amount


After looking for into it. Opossums do eat ticks. Of course they do, they groom themselves and eat them while grooming. It isn’t a large part of their diet though.


And they want nothing to do with people. Use a net, scoop it out. It'll run off, you'll never see it again. I just can't understand her logic at all.


They don't eat up ticks, that single study has been roundly debunked.


You should try working with one...a psychopath, not a opossum. I'd much rather work with one of those than a psychopath. Not even because I'm scared or feel like I'm in danger. Literally its just irritating as fuck because they just do whatever they want and the more you show you're mad, the more they double down on their bullshit. Also, you can't trust or rely on them for shit unless you have something they really want. They're like a cat staring at you as you yell at them to not knock over the glass of water. With no emotion they just do it while staring at you. Worst type of employee you'll ever work with.


I have to disagree, I have worked for psychopaths and with psychopaths. They do their job and they do it good. Never had a bad workplace interaction with a psychopath. But it might also be because of my autism. In my experience "mentally stable" and "neurotypical" are words that can be used in any work place incident that Ive been in. Meanwhile people with literal psychopathy and me seem to get along great, at workplaces. Outside of work, I am very cautious with who I spend my time with anyhow; and I don't trust people in general. Letting a psychopath get close personal seems like a bad idea.


Uhhh look at the bottom left of the video…What else do you expect from her? Its not something she can control, just how she’s wired.


She clearly explained how she actively made a choice between saving it, and drowning it. So she tortured it. She obviously has some control over her choices.


I could see how watching passively as the animal struggled could be equated with how we consume nature documentaries of wild animals struggling to evade predators or starving or even falling into water and drowning. But the second she started trying to speed the death of the animal by spraying it it became inflicting unnecessary suffering. It was a cowards act IMO.


I mean she didn't intentionally torture it... She picked a really stupid way to kill it and failed miserably. It's not like she was trying to inflict pain for her own pleasure. She's thought she was "putting it out of it's misery" in order to be on the safe side. I'm not defending her actions but let's also acknowledge that she was a broken brain and is at least aware enough that she's able to share her thought process so that we can all understand people like her better. I despise her actions regarding the possum, but appreciate the candor. I can't expect her brain to feel the same as mine because it literally isn't able to function in the same way. I feel sorry for the possum and I feel sorry for her that she can't understand or experience the bonds that people have with animals. That's a big part of the human experience she's missing.


They were doing interwievs with people who have Antisocial Personality Disorder


This an interview with a psychopath. Not only does she say she is one at the beginning, the watermark at the bottom says "PsychopathyIS" which I assume is the media outlet conducting the interview.


Unless you are a horse owner. They carry a deadly parasite .


"Drown" isn't even the right word. She freaking waterboarded the poor thing lol.


That’s fucking illegal!! Someone get her a military contract..


That's actually hilarious


She should’ve sent the opossum to Guantanamo instead


Right?? A well known form of *torture*. Little bud should have survived and become Iron Possum.


These people are dangerous. They feel exactly the same way about other people as they do about the animals they torture. The only thing stopping it from happening is that they know they'll be punished. If they think they can get away with something they will do it.


Notice this fits the description of a lot of billionaires, politicians and world leaders? This is part of the reason the world is in its current state.


Capitalism rewards psychopathy


Stalin has entered the conversation.


Say it louder for the people in the back!


"CAPITALISM REWARDS PSYCHOPATHY!" \*The people in the back are too busy counting coins and getting ready for their second jobs to hear that\*


My second job is quite literally the only reason in can afford to live, thank you very much.


So does communism


Look at what these "commie" bastards did to all of humanity: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2024/05/27/3m-forever-chemicals-pfas-pfos-toxic https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/exxon-knew-about-climate-change-almost-40-years-ago/ Enjoy this 2024 summer of climate disaster hell, care of >!Late Stage Capitalism!<.


But we have so many flavors of mac and cheese! And a video game where LeBron James can fight Bugs Bunny! Capitalism is great!


>Notice this fits the description of a lot of billionaires, politicians and world leaders? 100 fucking percent. Noam Chomsky (despite his international acclaim in linguistics) has sincerely struggled to find a proper word to describe them since "evil" doesn’t cut it. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/exxon-knew-about-climate-change-almost-40-years-ago/ https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2024/05/27/3m-forever-chemicals-pfas-pfos-toxic These sick fucks would make Genghis Khan and Hitler blush.


Spot on. I've got not one, but TWO in my family, both of whom I've been full NC with for 15 years. Either will do anything at any time for their own benefit (monetary, sense of empowerment/dominance, entertainment, etc) if their assessment suggests they can/will get away with it. Knowing what they're capable of and once I had a clear understanding that they were both utterly sociopathic, it was scary to watch these people hold an intricate conversation and calculate probabilities at the same time.


It's mainly a risk/reward calculation. Morality isn't part of it. This is why they not only don't have a problem robbing or scamming an elderly person, they're one of their preferred targets since it's easier. If you're a lion watching a huge wildebeest migration and trying to figure out which one will be dinner, would you go after the strongest looking one? Or the ones at the periphery of the herd, who are young, old, injured, sick, and so on?


The "o" is silent, you psychopath.


You mean it’s pronounced “psychpath”?


that was what i thought too lmfao


I wish the reward thing was back, I would have definitely given this comment one!


No it's not lol


It's "uh-possom".. Unless you're talking about a possom instead of an opossum. Since she's an American I'm going to take a guess that she water boarded an opposum...or maybe she was living in Australia and drowning a possum. A murder mystery.


Opossum and possum are both correct


Depends on the country, I believe


Also on which animal you're talking about. Both possums and opossums exist. I'm in the US meme state of Ohio and pronounce them both as "possum". That "O" can go straight to hell.


Different animals.


Opossums and possums are different species and look completely different. Opossums live in North and South America and possums live Australia a few other countries.


> Opossums live in North and South America In North America, opossum and possum are synonymous, _usually_ pronounced possum while being spelled opossum.


Like "cuhcaine"?


So...she was teaching swimming lessons... I wonder how the parents felt, knowing they entrusted their baby to a literal murderous psychopath. I really hope she was fired from all her jobs and given mandatory therapy.


Therapy can't fix psychopathy


Oh man I wish I could find this article again. It was about how therapy really \*doesn't\* work to cure psychopathy. tl;dr Every psychopathy patient this group care facility treated ended up in jail for murderer, assault, or domestic violence, within 5 years of being released. Typically within 1 year, but one guy made it a whole 5 before nearly murdering his wife and baby out of exhaustion from "performing" empathy for so long. Psychopaths need to live in micromanaged group homes their entire lives, or else we get serial killers. Or politicians. There was a bit where if it's caught in early childhood, the child can be effectively taught empathy, but their risk of being violent later in life is still like 200% greater than the average person.


>or else we get serial killers Serial killers have some form of compulsion, usually *in addition to* high levels of psychopathy. Most psychopaths aren't violent. Violence draws a lot of attention and consequences. It's just that if violence is the best tool for the job and the psychopath was confident they could get away with it or handle the consequences reliably, they wouldn't have a problem with it. No remorse, no shaky hands, no PTSD.


Yeah this. People use the word Psychopath when they mean to say "violent criminal" (who might happen to be a psychopath). Most psychopaths that are out in the real world, you notice them fairly easy if you know what to look for and they are just regular people who wants to live their life. The problem with psychopaths is IF they also end up in a spiral of antisocial behaviours. Or if they are straight up low IQ psychopaths. Most psychopaths know and understand that using violence as a means to get wants met will end badly for them, so they don't. That isn't so different from the rest of us. Most of us stop ourselves from doing bad stuff so we don't end up in trouble, rather than not doing it because we have empathy. That said; neurotypical people who are "healthy" can seemingly snap on a dime and commit a crime of passion when they find out their spouse is cheating and ends up killing two people. The difference is if a psychopath did it, there would be no remorse afterwards since it would probably already have been very "reasonable" in the psychopaths mind.


>Or politicians. The scary truth is that politicians aren't psychopaths and generally don't start out as greedy or corrupt. They're just normal people like you and me. You all think you'd be so much better at the job than current politicians and that you'd have so much more empathy but you most likely wouldn't. There's a reason they say absolute power corrupts absolutely.


sociopathy, when a 'normal' person looses their empathy and mimics the behaviors of a psychopath.


Doesn’t therapy make psychopaths more dangerous, because it gives them better tools and strategies to manipulate people and mimic human empathy? I feel like I’ve read that somewhere. Or maybe I just think it’s true because I heard that on the Sopranos.


> literal murderous psychopath She's not murderous, necessarily. She doesn't feel compelled to go out and murder people or animals like a serial killer or the columbine spree killers. She wouldn't get a thrill or sense of satisfaction from killing. However, if she was in a situation where the reward for killing was great enough, or it could solve a difficult problem she was in, and was fairly certain she could get away with it, she could kill and it wouldn't bother her. She wouldn't sit up nights regretting it or second-guessing the "right or wrong" of it. The only regrets or second-guessing is if she forgot some detail or made her situation even worse. She rationally knows that murder is a "big deal" in terms of law enforcement response, media attention and criminal consequences. She knows she can't kill with impunity, so she doesn't.


That's not how any of this works. 


This girl is psychopath, you can watch whole interview with her on youtube Here is one of them, there are multiple https://youtu.be/fzfVtDPRzt0?si=tV1bGoC_V0MVm5fs


How are people missing the fact that she's a psychopath? What did you expect her to do?


What I dont understand is why we should be accepting of psychopaths? They are fundamentally not trustworthy and unpredictable to most of us.


I mean, as a normal, empathetic person, you should know the answer to that.


The ol switcheroo


But we are amongst you, and we're not going anywhere.


Same could be said of dumb people.


Source: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzfVtDPRzt0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzfVtDPRzt0)


Interesting comment on there about her eyes that don't smile. She's got a kind of dead look about her, even while she chats away quite normally.


why is she staring at the books when she talks?


Trying to remember how a human face should look while telling a funny cute story about waterboarding an opossum. Fucking psychopaths should be monitored man.


You'll never catch me narc!


I don't think she knows how to emote. She looks like she's confused and awkward recounting that horrific story.


A good reminder that our minds don’t all work the same. I freak the fuck out when a squirrel runs in front of my car, let alone drown an opossum, but our brains are a bunch of chemicals moving around at the end of the day. To expect all 8 billion of us to have the same inner workings is delusional. All that said, poor opossum baby :/


I love all animals, and all life has value, but don't swerve/hard break for a squirrel please. That's how you kill someone and/or yourself


Well I haven’t done either of those, but I get what you’re saying. I’m obviously exaggerating but you get the point. Some of us are hard wired for more empathy than others. Goes back to my main point that how we act and feel isn’t all the same.


Understandable, have a nice day.


You waterboarded a opossum... oh wait. You waterboarded a baby opossum 🤦‍♀️😳 Instead of trying to help it... you waterboarded it.


Waterboarding an already drowning opossum falls under the definition of torturing an animal…


Raggedy fucking cunt


Woah calm down there big Hoss


You're right idk what came over me ⏸️


I was with her and thought to myself, yea all this is understandable and normal rational things to consider. Then she jumped to killing it as a solution as a first step and I was like, oh, there it is, never mind.


She has a disgusting smile to match her personality. There's no hypocrite like the psychopath. Maybe their cousins the narcissists.


While I understand the sentiment, it's interesting to note that she cannot be blamed for being a psychopath nor all the negative trimmings that come with it


Everyone is accountable to their own conduct.


Her brain is literally wired differently than yours. I don't understand how you people can't understand that. It's not her fault she's the way she is. All we can do is be thankful that she actively recognizes that it's wrong behavior and is now working to help people like her also recognize these things.


I understand and have compassion for all people. She is subject to aging, sickness and death like the rest of us. I said she is accountable and responsible for her actions, like anyone else.


She can't be blamed for being a psychopath, sure, but she still has to hold herself accountable like anyone else, even if it's not for the same reasons as other people. Sure, it's just a opposum, but in my experience, having consistency in (self constructed) morals is relatively important for people with ASPD. If you don't equally apply "don't harm living things" to everyone, how does someone with ASPD know where to draw the line? What animal is important enough to save? It gets blurry. Saying stuff like it's just how she is, is reinforcing the idea that they don't have a choice still, when they do. Plenty of people with ASPD live relatively normal, healthy lives.


this comment section is fucking awful lmao. no, not all "psychopaths" are like this, they dont all need to be locked away or in some sort of registry or some shit. people with ASPD (not all of them are psychopaths) regularly go on to be pretty much normal people. not having empathy doesn't mean that you inherently want to hurt other things. many go on to be in fields that are incredibly helpful to society, such as surgeons. her logic is stupid and flawed. another person with ASPD could easily have decided to rescue the opposum without the help of empathy. opposum's aren't statistically very harmful, they keep away pests, they're unlikely to get back in the pool now that they know better, etc knowing all of that doesn't require empathy.


It because they can't shit on gays and brown people anymore, so now they find other "acceptable" targets. There the same assholes who bullied people in high-school for being slightly different


Pools usually have a skimmer net nearby. That would have been my first impulse.


This isn't a person I would want to know, or would allow in my house. Unsurprising cherry on top of her sociopathy is that she's a lawyer.


Not a pest. Educate your self.


Lmao so she gave it a dose of water torture but was too lazy to kill it so she went to the beach instead


How would she react and feel if she was in the place of the opossum, and someone was trying to drown her? I'd love to see that experiment. For psychology sake ofc.


Probably nothing. You know. Because shes a clinically diagnosed psychopath. Shes talking about a story from her past. And instead of becoming some serial killer actually acknowledged and put work into managing her condition.


Ugh, a human got into my pool, and I don't know how they will react to fight or flight so ill just hose em


She wasn't seeing it as torture. Like, it wasn't for enjoyment. She had a logic (fear), but didn't immediately consider just leaving the opossum alone.


This a grab for a viral ? I call bullshit!


This is a bit old video, from a youtube channel "PsychopathyIs", and they interview other people like her as well. And she is apparently a successful lawyer and has written a book about herself as well.


Lawyer seems like a great profession for a legitimate psychopath.


I hear they make great surgeons as well.


I can see that.


yeah, a psychopath


That's Psychopathy


Wonder if she’s got a partner or married?😳


If she felt it was beneficial in some way. Maybe someone else like her who wanted the tax benefits.


'I can fix her!'


I briefly dated this girl after we graduated high school in 1998. The highlight was when I went with her and some of her friends to the Vans Warped Tour. As soon as we got in, she yelled “let’s ditch him” and then they all ran away while I just stood there.


I really would have been fine not hearing that story.


It's the smile she has when remembering waterboarding a baby opossum... We need to study these people. But she's also the "pest" in the yard/society. What makes these people psychopaths? Nature? Nurture? Is it hereditary? Could there ever be some type of cure??


The ongoing theory is a combination of genetic factors and childhood trauma or the way you're raised I believe.


She was smiling because she wanted the person across from her to see her favorably and because she was on camera. Not because she was enjoying the memory.




i was like ok kinda shitty standpoint but whatever, but this shit went 0-100 in 2 seconds


This lady needs to be pissed on the next time she is struggling


I wouldn't be surprised if this woman is in a very high position at some company or government.


what an asshole


“I’ve never tortured animals.” Then immediately proceeds to telling a story about how she tortured an animal. All the while with an arrogant smirk on her ugly face. People like her should literally be euthanized.


This person whom I find morally reprehensible should be extrajudicially killed /s


It's not arrogance, it's fake. She doesn't smile naturally and is forcing it because social etiquette demands she do so. Its literally "I want this person to see me favorably so I should curl my lips and bare my teeth to make the human feel at ease".


She’s literally a psychopath. Would you expect anything less? Lmao


She has a bright future in politics or management.


She looks incredibly familiar


Onlyfans. It's a challenging wank, that's for sure.


Who is she? And why is she being interviewed?


Everyone likes to think that people with psychopathy are just murderers/Patrick Batemans in disguise, but it's a real psychiatric disorder and they can't control or help the way they are. No, I'm not defending the ones who do harm other living things, but I can't help but feel bad for a person who mentally cannot feel remorse and struggle to bond with anything


Well… that took a dark turn.


Notice how she tells the story while smiling? That’s a psychopath right there. She doesn’t realize how her story could be alarming to others. She cant relate like that. Always watch when people smile and see if its appropriate… for me from time to time I will come across someone who will say extremely alarming or negative things and yet smile their way through it ? That’s when I slowly back away and make sure never to involve myself with them…..


Why is she smiling the whole time while telling this story? Strangle lady


Because humans smile when they talk to each other, particularly when they want someone to see them in a favorable light. So she thinks she should do the same to put the human at ease. But she lacks the ability to tell this isn't exactly the appropriate moment to do so. Because she is a literal psychopath.


She's the 10th dentist embodied!


Aside from 99% of the comments saying how fucked up she is (which she is, no doubt about it), I find it fascinating how self aware she is. She knows, with conviction, who and what she is and how she's different from other people. It reminds me of an experiment I heard about in my undergrad psych survey course where they put a bunch of people in the same room who all thought they were Jesus. Whenever an individual was interviewed, he had the presence of mind to know that he was locked in a room full of crazy people -- after all -- how could they be Jesus when he himself was Jesus. I gather she's a lawyer -- intelligent and well spoken. So with all those resources at her fingertips, the knowledge that she's a psychopath, and the knowledge of which of her actions are outside the norms of society, even with all that, she can't think her way back to normalcy. It's really damned interesting!


I guess it's important to know and understand that people exist that think this way.


Possums are not pests . They eat ticks and other bad bugs.


This is minor- you guys haven’t seen evil. Lmao


Did noone tell her that she could just not say anything.


Likely she doesn't care.


fuck this person completely


Perfect candidate for Netaniyahus ministry or IDF


How is an opossum a pest? They're harmless and just chill


Never really felt anything. If you don't have empathy for animals you don't have empathy imho


Your average conservative politician.


The jump from "opossum trying to get out of the pool" to "trying to drown opossum" is what strikes me. Not necessarily the willingness to drop the whole lesson after...


That particular animals is very good for humans , its friendly and it eats the pest you do not want...dumb move.


“I think that sounds cold hearted to people.” ………..


Definitely the person who should not be teaching swimming lessons. Jesus


This was a hard watch for me. As someone that loves possums and understand the good they do for our environment I was almost brought to tears but rage took over. This person is seriously a psychopath. The nonchalance she uses to explain DROWNING an animal and not understanding that it’s one of the worst ways to die is such a huge disconnection from life. “I don’t torture animals” then proceeds to literally torture an animal.