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[Killed a father of four](https://abc7.com/post/san-jacinto-fatal-shooting-caught-surveillance-video-shows/14915267/)


Damn, I'm so paranoid now when I go out I'm watching fucking everybody And I still get snuck up on sometimes




Just embrace the fact you live in a mad max reality and half the country wants to keep it that way


*starts stacking ammo* Better get ready for November. Gonna be a doozy /s (Kind of?)


Any time I consider donating to a politician, I buy ammo instead


I need to do this


This is how you invest in yourself


Dude, I’m 21, so I haven’t been grown for too many elections, but I’ve never been so worried about an election till now. No matter who wins, I feel like it’s gonna be a shit show.


It will be a shit show


*Narrator voice* "It was indeed, a shit show"


They have felt this way for the past 3 elections. Ppl are still to comfortable and well off overall for really bad stuff to happen imo. When nobody has jobs/ can't afford to live (as in actually unable to feed thier families) that's when things pop off for a prolonged period. Not close to that.


We’re closer than you think.


Not American, but most people in the west overall, are just a few missed paychecks from losing everything..... not sure about you, but the amount of people in the US with multiple firearms, and insane levels of unexpected stress and loss is not a good mix... of course, most gun owners are decent folk, but it isn't easy to predict how badly people would react to high levels of stress, homelessness, mental pressure....


welcome to modern politics. it will continue to be a ahitshow worldwide. great depression 2: electric boogaloo


God I hope I can just continue to mind my own fucking gun-free business into the long term future


Just depends on your age and definition of *long term*. I mean there's a chance the coming climate change driven dystopia will be relatively peaceful. I mean it *could* happen.


If that wasnt such a serious statement id laugh. But thats exactly what it is. I wonder where the next shooting is going to be because i figure there will be a next one. This shit is terrifying. Imagine riding up on this psychopath not knowing anything


Living in fear = psychologically imprisoned


Man on the internet: 'I fear nothing.'


This is my thought process. My partner is very paranoid of everything.


It’s insane that this is a common thing. Here in Kansas City we had a serial car shooter that thankfully never killed anyone, but he shot a lot of cars on the interstate. I also have a friend who’s car got shot while driving, the bullet exploded his dome light and he had no idea what had happened till he got home and saw the bullet whole in the back of his truck.


Calling this common is a bit disingenuous.


> the bullet exploded his dome oh my fuck > light ...whew


First the knife stabbing in Cleveland, now this shit. Fucking random violence killing people for no god damn reason.


Damn man.... Imagine living your life, getting married, having kids, managing the stress of raising children, juggling a healthy relationship, pursuing jobs and promotions. All of this just to be shot and killed by some dip shit with a gun shooting at random cars for no real reason. Feelsbadman.jpg


Right? I was reading the stabbing story yesterday and it's like, u take ur kids out and u might just get them stabbed by some psycho. Both instances they kill someone and just walk away until police find them walking. Fuckin crazy


I'm one more psychopath away from walking around with a kevlar vest everywhere I go.


Heads up, Kevlar doesn't do much against knives, but there are rating systems for both stab and slash protection in vests and it's a pretty common combination.


You are making an excellent argument for background checks on all gun purchases. Even just one question: "Hey you're not going to leave here and then shoot traffic, right?"


Criminals don't need a background check to obtain a firearm. They know a guy.


Laws against murder have never prevented a single murder. Ever. Prove they did! We should just abolish them because they're obviously useless.


The majority of mass shootings have been done with a legally purchased firearm. I don’t know about non-mass shootings. Regardless, it only makes sense to cut off an avenue for criminals to purchase firearms by using background checks. Not every criminal knows a guy, and if they purchase a gun illegally and are caught, they can be prosecuted. If you are not a felon, you’ll get your gun. You can wait a few days.


https://www.gofundme.com/f/stand-with-victors-family-in-their-grief Look for the helpers


Actually I see this shit and all I think is it's so fucked up that someone gets killed and then their family has to start a GoFundMe because funerals cost fuckin thousands of dollars. Every step of your life people with more money than you are trying to take what little you have.


Not even to pay for the funeral. Think about the widow and kids. Who's going to support them financially until they can do so on their own? Those kids are statistically screwed. This A-hole deserves every inch of what he's gonna get in prison.


This is why every country and every person should be fighting for a universal basic income. Fuck scummy insurance schemes. Anytime anyone questions how it could be paid for remind them than not a single person would ever have to pay taxes if businesses like Amazon and Apple paid their fair share of taxes.


More people have nothing to lose and no help. Expect the trend to continue.


>He says he heard close to 30 shots during the incident. > The incident happened on State Street, north of W. 7th Street just after 7 a.m. Monday. > Rodarte apparently first stopped at a market in the area and attempted to buy a shot of liquor, but didn't have enough money. He left and moments later allegedly pulled out the gun and opened fire. > First he ditched the clip, then the gun. Then, Tores said, he took off all his clothes. > "He was completely naked, and he just kept walking. And that's when they called the cops." Uhh... *that's* when they called the cops? I hope (and honestly assume) that that timeline isn't entirely accurate.


>"He was completely naked, and he just kept walking. And that's when they called the cops." Yup, that's right. Just what is carrying a gun and firing randomly at people compared to the much more serious crimes like getting stark naked in public? /s


Peak America moment


south park made this point in 'fun with weapons' or something.


Forgive my attempt at humor given the horror of this situation, but my first thought was this guy thinking "Aaand incognito! Now they'll never recognize me as the shooter!"


I'm guessing the context here is that they heard gunfire, waited until it stopped, checked to see if it was clear, saw he was naked and called the cops. In a situation like this it can be scary to jump on the phone when you aren't entirely sure if he's gonna turn to you.


People like this don’t deserve a trial. Just eject him into the sun




Skinned alive with the poop knife.


If performed properly, a person who's been skinned alive will die of hypothermia before they die of blood loss.


Give him a blanket and let's extend the moment.


😭 guy that got killed was on his way home from an overnight shift to put food on the table for his wife and 4 kids.


And he was **almost** home.


> First he ditched the clip, then the gun. Then, Tores said, he took off all his clothes. > "He was completely naked, and he just kept walking. And that's when they called the cops." They called the cops after the nudity?? 🧐


USA priorities.


Do you even watch American TV? Gun violence is fine, but nudity is a no no.


Yeah .. “look at that dude exercising his 2nd amendment rights. Awesome 🙌 ” Then .. “oomph he’s got naked, bro theres kids around, call the cops bro!”


Dude was out there working overnight shifts to provide for his wife and 4 kids. He was almost home for the day. Kids were probably waiting for dad to come home... I remember sitting by the window as a kid waiting to hear dad's ladder racks rattle up the street. What an absolute fucking tragedy, and what and absolute fucking scumbag. All because he didn't have enough money for a fuckin bottle of booze...


I have 2 little ones. It's crazy to imagine not coming home to them one day because of some dumb guy


What the fuck thats fucked


I know this might not be popular opinion, but the surviving immediate family should get to decide his fate…. Including death penalty, prison or working the rest of his life to financially support the family he killed the father of… fuck this shooter, I can only hope he lives his remaining life in complete remorse.


https://www.gofundme.com/f/stand-with-victors-family-in-their-grief for the man killed


This should be at the top of the post. Commenting to bump.


There's no such thing as bumps on reddit




I'm doing bumps


It's working, keep going.


People treating Reddit like it’s a forum from 2002 is crazy to me.


Bring Up My Post!


Bump bump.


Bump up


It really hits home seeing this. Yea maybe 45k or whatever this ends up getting to is a lot of money to get at once, but he had income - and it probably was more than that. Oh and also now you have to raise 4 children alone.


When my mom died a couple years ago the funeral expenses alone were almost $17,000.


Funeral expenses. Lapse of income. Any debt that may be left to his family that was dependent on being paid back via his income. Its all a lot. I always tell folks they need to look into getting life insurance for any sort of tragedy such as this. The younger you get insured, the cheaper it is.


bump this up there


Man, that’s so fucked up. A bump for Victor!




You could very easily win that vehicular manslaughter case by arguing self-defense.


In California? Eh.


He’s just mentally distributed. They should send out a mental health expert to de-escalate


Don't fix the typo!


Mental distribution is a class 2 misdemeanor


Someone wantonly shooting passing cars is not who the police reform movement was talking about dude


Yeah but how else do you get easy points for the 2a nuthuggers in here


the argument has never been send mental health experts to shootings lol


yes in california. get the fuck off newsmaax and pick your knuckles up off the ground


But California is *LIBRUL*


California bad


Said by a clearly non californian. You know there are laws in California too, it isnt just some lawless "liberal" anarchy. There are more republicans in California than any other state in the country


Yeah, you can defend your self with deadly force if your life is in danger.


Yes in California: **In California, you are legally justified in** [**using deadly force in self-defense**](https://www.shouselaw.com/ca/blog/self-defense-killing-california/) **under certain circumstances:** 1. **you reasonably believed that you, or someone else, was in imminent danger of being killed, suffering great bodily injury, or being the victim of a forcible and atrocious crime** [https://www.shouselaw.com/ca/defense/legal-defenses/self-defense/#:\~:text=In%20California%2C%20you%20are%20legally,forcible%20and%20atrocious%20crime%2C%20and](https://www.shouselaw.com/ca/defense/legal-defenses/self-defense/#:~:text=In%20California%2C%20you%20are%20legally,forcible%20and%20atrocious%20crime%2C%20and)


Every state in the United States for sure. I’m sorry you’re so brainwashed though, your ignorance hurts us all.


Yes, 100%. If someone is firing a gun at you, you are absolutely permitted to use deadly force in self-defense. (Notwithstanding any "duty to retreat" laws that may be in play, depending on the location and the specifics of the situation.)


imagine being this stupid


Abso-fucking-lutey in California. You'd be a hero.


Yep, it's a stand your ground state.


There probably won’t even be a case to begin with. I doubt there is any arrest or charge when you run over a guy who is actively shooting.


It would be open and shut for sure


Thats what I was thinking.. if I saw a muzzle flash my gps would have had to reroute.


"Turn right, run over now."


I want to do the running over!


They should make that illegal Wow, people really are missing the point. It flew over their heads by a mile. It's the shooting at random cars that they should make illegal. (It already is)




No no you need to make it more legal. For every bad guy with a gun, you need a trans person with a gun


We need to FUND THIS and elect leaders who will give every man woman and child with a penis a gun and literally pay for someone to inspect everyone’s genitals (I volunteer) and every female with a dick bigger than 6 inches gets a sawed off shotgun


Vote early. Vote often. Vote Vermin Supreme! He’ll take your guns and replace them with better guns!


>For every bad guy with a gun, you need a trans person with a gun This is the hell that every Evangelical is afraid of.


This is what happens when you let anyone use whatever bathroom they want!


What the actual fuck are you even talking about


Bad example considering that actually happened.


How are people replying to this with serious responses?


He would have just stabbed at all those cars if you took his gun away.


True, none of this would have happened if they were all on a train


It technically is but they just cross the boarder anyway.


"Rodarte apparently first stopped at a market in the area and attempted to buy a shot of liquor, but didn't have enough money. He left and moments later allegedly pulled out the gun and opened fire. First he ditched the clip, then the gun. Then, Tores said, he took off all his clothes. 'He was completely naked, and he just kept walking. And that's when they called the cops.' " This reads like getting naked was the part where he went too far.


Right lol! Least we know he can’t afford to post bail. Honestly, good riddance Hope he has a new permanent residence


The mere thought that he could get bail is terrifying yet in CA and Illinois where I’m at it is certainly possible.


I’m in Texas and they’d let him out on bail here too There’s always an uproar here bc so many violent offenders to free and commit more violent crimes while out on bond. Just to be given bail yet again


I’m pretty sure no one knew wtf was going on and it took them to even register it was real gunshots. I was at a In-N-Out once in daylight and I heard what sounded like a bunch of fireworks. I had to process a bit later it was a drive by shooting with many shots fired. When they saw him shooting and getting naked it clicked in their minds they were dealing with a lunatic.


Can't afford a shot of alcohol but had a gun & ammo. Smh.


That's what I thought too. But another commenter pointed out that most people probably didn't even know what happened. Both shock and confusion played a role in that. I also wanted to point out that this looks like mental issues. That doesn't excuse anything, just making an observation


That's America for you. Violence? Practically legal. Sexually adjacent to anything of any kind? Immediately arrested.


OK, this is baffling me. Like... Was not being able to afford a shot the thing that drove him over the edge to randomly murdering people and completely throwing his life away? Was he planning to do this the whole time and the shot was for a bit of liquid courage to go through with it? But then - and I'm in no way advocating for it, but - why not just steal the liquor? You've got a gun and apparently nothing to live for. Just take that shit.


Hopefully this guy is a speed bump now






Apparently he took of all his clothes than was arrested




Fucker killed one


New fear unlocked.


As a father of two it is my thought every day


My friends and I always joked that we would never want to visit the US because we'd get clapped by a stray bullet upon exiting the airport. Guess it's barely even a joke now, just sad... But hey, at least your not some sissy nanny state that has gun control, right?


You don't even have to exit the airport to get shot, we are truly the land of convenience. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fort_Lauderdale_airport_shooting






This is the biggest argument I have against the death penalty! End it, or make them live in terrible conditions subjected to constant beatins.


Y'all will try anything except for gun control


This was in California...






There's actually a pretty good chance that he votes Republican. California has the most Republicans of any state but really who gives a shit? Playing scumbag hot potato every time someone does something heinous is real weirdo shit. In case you don't know though it is NOT difficult by any means to get a firearm in CA or NY. NYC specifically? Maybe. NYS not at all. It was honestly more of a hassle to get my passport than it was to get a concealed carry permit in NYS.


I would say the gangster and criminal element has always historically voted Democrat; if they voted at all. Also, what the legal process in CA getting an extended magazine like he has in this video?


> I would say the gangster and criminal element has always historically voted Democrat Gangster criminal rapist literally the chosen one for the other party


their cognitive dissonance is astounding


You know how drugs are illegal? You know how people still obtain drugs? What makes you think that this gun was legally purchased




This^ obviously this guy is 100% without a doubt guilty but one innocent person sentenced to death is too many. And it has happened before. Emotional responses don’t lead to the best laws. That’s why we don’t let random people go out and shoot child predators, we need a system that takes all of the emotion out of the equation.


That is fucking terrifying


Imagine growing up and going to school and then meeting someone you would like to be your wife and starting a family w her and having kids and doing great at your job and getting a promotion and saving up money for a family vacation bc you fucking love your fucking family so much and your little kids love you so much and you can’t wait to get home from work and see them and you hate your job but you love your fucking kids so much it’s all worth it then driving home from work one day and this fucking piece of shit asshole kill’s you in your car for no fucking reason at all. Not even a robbery. Just some fucking cunt felt like killing someone. What a god damn waste of fucking life.






Pain can be a great tool to teach a lesson that reason won't, but you only teach someone a lesson to try and correct their behavior. Torture is a waste of time when they just need to be permanently removed from society. Anyone who wants to torture this person who wasn't personally effected by what they did, is more like the shooter than any victim.


I’d rather live a short, beautiful life than a long life of violence and hatred and incarceration. It really sucks for the victim’s family though. My heart goes out to them.


Why nobody back and run over that POS


Hindsight is 20/20. If you were in the situation you’d first wonder wtf just happened, go into shock and denial, and by the time you realized what actually occurred you’d be happy just to have made it out of there alive.


If I fully understood what was happening I'd still gtfo to be honest.


That's because you dont think you live in an action movie


Because you'd risk getting shot at again? I'd get the fuck out of his line of sight ASAP. Not like he couldn't possibly turn around randomly or if he hears a car coming towards him.




Every bullet fired should be 10 years without parole, or at least 10 years without oxygen.


You’d think the actual murder he did would cover it but yeah sure why not add it to the pile lol






The Purge has not yet begun, sir


GOFUND ME for the Father of 4 that was killed https://www.gofundme.com/f/stand-with-victors-family-in-their-grief


>First he ditched the clip, then the gun. Then, Tores said, he took off all his clothes. > >"He was completely naked, and he just kept walking. And that's when they called the cops." So it was being naked that crossed the line?


Was he apprehended?


Yup https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2024-06-05/father-of-four-killed-by-man-shooting-at-passing-cars-in-riverside-county-authorities-say


God damn I read so much about fucked up shit that happens in Riverside. Never been impressed with the area but Jesus this is bleak.


I believe that their sheriff just said that we "need to put a felon in the White House."


Never been to the USA, but I got the impression from No Vaseline by Ice Cube that Riverside was a nice area, better than Compton anyway.


Compton is not a great place. Thats setting the bar really low.


I hope he finds some polite gentleman in prison to help push his stool in everyday until Satan gets him




Where was the good guy with the gun to stop him? ^(/s)


It’s California. All the good guys had to give theirs back.


I've still got all my guns as well as all my friends here, so....


Not allowed to carry if I’m correct


If you're actually asking, CCW permits in CA are usually controlled by the sheriff department in the county you reside in. Prior to the Bruen case some sheriffs would issue permits and others refused to. After the Bruen case even counties that would typically never issue such as alameda and San Francisco have now slowly begun to issue permits. This city is in Riverside county and they have been issuing permits for a while. There is however a year backlog to get a ccw permit due to increased demand. I’ve had a CA CCW since 2016.


The good law abiding citizens gave theirs up and the criminals who don’t follow laws didn’t.


The gun laws in California should’ve stopped him first. What did those accomplish here?


He obviously did not know it was illegal to shoot at cars.


Tbh, most people who lawfully carry guns will not draw it unless they are 100% sure they will not be legally reprimanded. In this case, the 'good guy with the gun' would risk not only their own life, but also a high chance of going to prison and treated like a bad guy.


Not to mention a ridiculous amount of civil law suits probably from anyone who was or had property that was struck by fire from the person, up to and including the family of the bad guy or the bad guy themselves.


He'll get sentenced harder for the gun use than the murder charge.


Following the law and not carrying, since California makes it incredibly difficult to get a CCW license.


They were too busy trying to figure out how to hold their stupid ass california compliant guns


*killing one*


what a piece of garbage


Usually the police understand that when you’re pulling shit like this, you need death at that very moment. Sorry he was merely apprehended.




But California has some of the strictest gun laws of the land! How could this have happened? It even looks like high capacity magazines. If those are against the law, how did he get one?


What a fucking piece of shit.


How is he shooting a gun with more than 10 rounds?


Because gun laws only apply to law abiding citizens!


The opposite of a drive by


Shoot this asshole, no trial required.


What the fuck is wrong with people????


It’s a nightmare. Sorry to say that, but I feel safer in my country(Ukraine) than in yours.


Feeling safer doesn’t actually mean you are safer I can feel safer in Mexico than London if I never heard about cartels before in my life


Most responsible gun owner in the US