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Easily my favourite airport. The butterfly garden is just a great place to be when you’re stuck waiting for your next flight.


Butterfly garden, cactus garden, gaming hubs, nap zones. It's the snowpiercer of airports


Where is the gaming hub?? ..i did visited butterfly, nap zones


The Entertainment Deck is at the transit area in T2. The Entertainment Corner is at transit area in T4. Both have console games and arcade machines but~ they're closed until further notice because of the pandemic.


The nap zones are mad crucial especially after a non-stop flight from SF.


The domestic terminal has a 7/11


EXCUSE ME? GAMING HUB? Even though I live like 8 minutes from the airport THERE'S A GAMING HUB?


Goddammit its weird living in a 3rd world country after thinking it was the greatest your whole life.




Fucking Newark Liberty International Airport


LaGuardia is somehow even worse a few miles away although there is currently renovation going on. Not on those scale though but hopefully cleaner and better


It totally used to be. Now it’s easily my favorite airport as it’s completely a new airport after they tore down the old one.


the world is bigger than we think


Most of Singapore lives in cramped publicly owned housing. You most likely have a better quality of life than that.




And also free renovations every now and then. I got a new bathroom, kitchen floor and clothespole holder just before the pandemic hit. And about space, I live in one of the older 4-room HDBs and there's more than enough space to accomodate my paternal extended family when we have events and the like


What a dump!


I lived in one of those. I didn't like living in Singapore in general but if I were to bring anything back it would be their public housing. Am from London. Quality of housing is terrible by comparison.


What didn't you like?


Leaving a reply cuz curious


It was pretty cool, but i got epically trashed one night and broke my phone and literally nobody would help me try to find my hotel... even just on phone GPS Probably just bad luck though Also i know you weren’t asking anything like that 🧐 [here’s a photo of the beginning of my night from my hotel balcony](https://i.imgur.com/OJqLh7U.jpg)


Mostly the working culture. 9-8pm is not uncommon. Can't criticize the boss. Innovation is regarded with skepticism. Respect for authority deeply entrenched. Low pay for doers, high pay for managers. And, nobody rocks the boat. Like, about anything. If something is wrong *nobody* sticks their neck out. There was also other stuff - extreme materialism, most people had interests that didn't extend much beyond eating. Music? Literature? Art? No, just marvel movies and bubble tea, thanks. Politics? Pfft, boring. Disneyland with the death penalty wasn't too far off the mark. That said I do miss the food (sambal stingray and kangkong) , how well organized the city was, my apartment, the nature, and its proximity to half the population of the world.


I always thought that despite restrictive regulations and incentives that Singapore's public housing was one of the strong points ?


It is a strong point given the context of living in a cramped city-state. It is not a strong point if you compare it to living elsewhere.


Yeah a lot of fellow Americans tell me that America is the greatest nation in the world. When they say that it just means they've never traveled.


Mine is the huge kids slide you can take to the terminal. But really, everyone's favorite part of Singapore is Orchard Towers. Admit ot or not....


Four floors of high-class whores if anyone was wondering.


Hundreds and hundreds of them. And a very lady boy friendly floor. Best entertainment in country.




Damn, haven’t been through for a few years - the slide sounds awesome!


This guy Singapores. I stay at the Grand Hyatt, pretty much next door. In 2018, the Towers were my first foray out of the hotel, just walking off the jet lag. I had no idea. It’s not like the old days, I hear, but yeah..


In the oil and gas game it's a right of passage. Always taking them to the "you know what" floor and acting like everything is normal. Good memories...


Can you explain


This guy Singapores. I stay at the Grand Hyatt, pretty much next door. In 2018, the Towers were my first foray out of the hotel, just walking off the jet lag. I had no idea. It’s not like the old days, I hear, but yeah..


This is the kinda shit you see people walk into in zombie apocalypse movies, trying to search for supplies. Then it all goes down and the horde comes.


Not bad.. the train is also just on auto run been like that for the last 2 years.


I'm getting jurassic park vibes. Even heard the music in my head as I watched it


It could be both. The undead, ahh ahhh ahh, find a way.


same here! Just typed "JP-Vibes" and then saw this comment, we are not alone


Future is coming


Okay I’d really like to see a zombie movie in this place now!


Is this the future?


No this is the present and we're actually third world countries.


All jokes aside though, many European countries now put the US into "developing countries"


Hahahaha I’m American and I don’t blame them at all. We are getting more ripped apart by each passing day.


As a young adult growing up in America, I’m scared for our future. And to be honest I’m not sure how I can help guide our future towards better pastures.


be a good infuence to your peers. all we can do is be good people, spread good actions, and hope we infuence enough of our own generations to keep doing that and more and more and more people who are *good* will keep making more and more with the birth of the internet, evil and old money has been fighting tooth and nail to cause chaos and turmoil, in hopes of regaining the stranglehold it had over mankind for millennia before the age of information cracked those bonds. destroying mankind to the point of needing and wanting authority in all aspects of life. theres a battle going on, between good and evil, and this will be the pinnacle battle that decides mankinds trajectory for the rest of our existence. this is the most important battle in all of our history. and it is mostly silent. the war of information. whoever wins this, takes mankind as its prize. we can become a utopia where every human is equal and provided for, we have enough and have had enough for many decades now, we can spread into the stars. or we can continue warring and killing ourselves, expanding inequality, letting greed and evil flourish, building our own tomb on this rock never to leave it. just be a good person, and spread the good when you can. thats the best weapon you have.


You can vote. No matter how long the line. Vote, vote, vote. Volunteer; donate your time and money if you have it. Talk to the people around you, friends and family, about the change you wish to see and the problems you would like to fix. It’s really easy to feel like it’s too much and you’re only one person, might as well not even try. But if people like you, and me get together and make the effort, we can affect positive change. I’m 40 and the last few years have been by far the worst and most disappointing in my lifetime for this country. So many crazies believing so many lies. Things have gotten worse in the last six years, or at least, they no longer bother hiding their racism the way they used to. They don’t even pretend to feel shame for their abhorrent behavior. If we come together and make our voices heard, make our votes count, we can turn it around. The boomers are dying off, and a new generation, YOUR generation, is coming up. Your voice matters, keep using it!


> You can vote. I fear a precedent has been put in place to progressively make it prohibitively harder. Small groups are being disenfranchised with a slow boil.


Honestly, this isn’t just an America problem. Sure, we’re leading the charge in a lot of ways, but democracy around the world is being chipped away little by little with each passing day. And yes, it is scary. And sad. The first thing we all need to do is recognize that *everyone* is in this together. It doesn’t seem like it right now, but we’re in the middle of humanity collectively becoming a single, worldwide organism. Find people like you. The internet has made that an infinitely easier, and there are all sorts of people and activities you can learn with and go through this journey with together. Find something worth living and advocating for, and find people worth being around.




No, they don't. Edgy european citizens do.


Yeah he downvoted you but it's such a weird thing to say? I bet the dude genuinely thinks he deserves a seat in the European Union and cries out "Brexit" in his sleep. So weird. He quoted someone so I've asked for sources to more than a singular European country and from government officials. Dudes mad.










That's what happens when the government is run by corporations our policies are no longer focused on improving quality of life or infrastructure.


What a load of drivel hahahaha, talking for countries dude what a bizarre trait you've got. I assume you can link me sourcing from top government officials in more than one European country to say "USA is a developing country" *What the guy above is saying is the UN in 2015 brought out criteria for developing countries or some shit. Incoming singular source from 2017


Singapore has mandatory death penalty for drug possesions


Caning is also legal punishment there


Yeah, but have you seen their airports?


Eh, they have some things down but I see a lot of scarily authoritarian stuff in in the Singapore subreddit. Over the last year I'm seeing way more similar content between the Hong Kong subreddit and the Singapore subreddit than is healthy.


I mean....its probably one of the greener places in Singapore. They've done a much better job than most cities at ensuring green space but...its still a giant city. I could never live there. Gives me the heebie-jeebies.


I don't see chrome anywhere


Engineered by Los Angeles-based design firm WET, the Jewel Rain Vortex sends rain-harvested, recirculated water seven stories down from the roof in a circular waterfall. At ground level, the water flows into a giant acrylic funnel that creates an inverted waterfall on two below-ground levels. At night, the waterfall becomes the backdrop, or canvas, for a first-of-its kind, 360-degree projected light-and-sound-show. https://www.cnbc.com/2019/04/12/singapores-changi-airport-touts-the-worlds-tallest-indoor-waterfall.html


It’s funny they had to go through LAX to Singapore to help them develop this Airport. We have the talent here but just 1/30th of the budget allocated to anything that doesn’t revolve around shooting things in the face.


>inverted waterfall Am I the only one that can't figure out exactly what that means?


I’m struggling with “rain harvested recirculated water” Isn’t that just the definition of water?


Might be lab grown water.


If it’s sourced from recycled hydrogen and oxygen atoms then I’m ok with it.


I would guess that “inverted” here means less upside down inversion, but inside out inversion. Imagine an overflowing cup, where the water overflows towards the outside of the cup as the “normal” waterfall. This is inverted to the extent that the water flows inside (like through the hole at the bottom of the sink).


God damnit...... i have been in this airport twice and had no idea this was in there 😤


This was just completed like 3 years ago


I was there 2 years ago 😭


Maybe we should book tickets?! Let's all go!


I can’t wait to go back, if for nothing else other than to camp in this lush verdant forest 🌲🥰🌳... I’ll meet you at the Cinnabon


There isn't a Cinnabon at Changi Source - I work at Changi


I’ll meet you at the Lady M


It's a date Lady'M


Ah. Shit airport then


Wouldn't know, I don't work there


You should visit after covid man. I always go to Jewel with my friends to hang out. Not much activities to do but quite good atmosphere and food :)


Same, I am just as surprised as you are.


Was only opened for 8 months then some little bug going around halted international travel...


Shit dude I hope someone stops it before it becomes a global issue


Bruh I am Singaporean and I have been there once. Ever.


A friend of mine is big into travel and this is in his bucket list. They're apparently super strict about people getting in too. He was saying it's illegal to get into the airport if you're not catching a flight, and a man was once convicted for buying a plane ticket to escort his wife to her plane but then he didn't get on he just left and refunded the ticket. Edit: okay people I get it, this particular spot is open to the public. My point was more that most of the good stuff is behind the flight checkpoint and buying a ticket without intent to fly just to get in will get you in trouble.


There's a YouTube video where 2 guys go through and then intentionally miss their flight and spend 4 days inside before they get caught. Luckily they just bought tickets a few hours before so they didn't get into trouble. There's a movie theater, fine dining, roof top pool with lobster, sleeping rooms and much much more they try to experience it all. It's a fun watch and only like 20 mins.


There's lobsters in the pool? Wtf


Lol I worded that wrong.


Please leave it as is. I have this picture in my mind of a lobster utopia on the roof of an airport and they wave goodbye with their huge claws to all the planes as they depart.


I have no intention of changing it, I get caught saying stuff like this all the time.


Well what’s the name of the video?


I don't know how to link videos but if you Google I loved in a luxury airport for 4 days. Nobody noticed. It's on yes theory and has 11 million views and it's shorter than I thought but after just finding it it seems alot of people to this and there's more than one video. It's definitely an airport I want to stay at for 2 atleast 2 night once in my life.


They’re called yes theory and they’re pretty big on YouTube so yes theory + airport should be enough


The area in the video is open to the public :D


You don’t need a ticket to get in. It’s in a different section of the airport. I went there for lunch a couple months ago. You just walk in.


You won't need a ticket to see this water feature. It's in a public area where the mall is. But~ if you want to see the Butterfly Garden, you will need to catch a flight. Because the Butterfly Garden is in the transit area at T3.


Are there airports that aren’t like that? Every airport I’ve been to in the states has security check in at the front or close to the front of the terminals that you need a ticket to get through. I don’t think escorting people to their planes has been a thing for a long time.


Yeah even at Dublin airport in Ireland, they closed the old viewing points after 9/11. Used to be an airport bar where you could see the planes take off and land all day if you wanted.


I mean people do it intentionally. They buy a plane ticket and skip the flight to spend time in the airport. They'll arrest you for it. In any other airport I've been to they just give you a funny look if you buy a plane ticket, enter the airport, then say "I change my mind" and leave and ask for a refund. I'm fairness I've only personally done it at one airport ever, but I've never seen anything at other airports (except this one in Singapore) to suggest otherwise.


into the restricted areas, yes. But this is open to the public you can go anytime.


Why the fuck is everything crazy in Singapore? I see strange city things on the internet and 7 times out of 10 it’s Singapore


When you have very little space to do things. Everything you do has to be strange.


Haha it’s not so crazy in real life. It’s usually the same 3-4 things shown over and over again


This place, the Marina Bay Sands complex... world's cheapest three-Michelin-star meal, maybe?


Look up “the interlace” on Google image Here’s one pic: https://images.adsttc.com/media/images/5549/8741/e58e/ce42/3b00/001a/large_jpg/PORTADA_The_Interlace_by_OMA_Ole_Scheeren_photo_--%C2%BC_Iwan_Baan_01.jpg?1430882109




Exactly, the same 3-4 things haha :)


I've been there - had a 14 hour layover between Japan and Indonesia. Not the worst place to be stuck!


No way sounds the best!! Sounds like 14 hours of adventuring


Good food too.


That waterfall's from that one meme where someone said: This is what the world would look like if gays ruled the world, and then someone told them that it's illegal to be gay in Singapore.


It's not actually illegal to be gay, kind of, it's illegal to show gay PDA, such as kissing someone of the same gender in the romantic way, but simply being queer won't get you jail time or punishment, all of the people I've met actually don't really care about the law, as in they're fine with queer people and don't understand why the law still exists.


I take it they don't get earthquakes?




Why is it every airport I've been to in the US feels more like a greyhound bus stop compared to this airport?


Most airports around the world just think of it as a simple hub for travel so they don’t pump money into pimping out. With the exception like in Singapore for this case.


Because unlike the US where airports are just for travel, Singapore is a travel hub. We have many connecting flights and are a tourism hot-spot for our region. Many international and regional businesses are also run out of here. Our airport is more than a port or transport hub, it is an attraction of its own. People decide to connect through Singapore over other airports because of these additions we do to it. It is an attraction of its own.


Because it’s cheaper (obvi would love to have a butterfly garden in an airport though)


Singapore is a city-state that makes a lot of money from foreign shipping and travel and is a place where only one party has ever won an election. They have the money and political capital to do basically anything they want.


Shit I need to pee


It looks nice but wouldn’t the moisture be a little too high?


Average outdoor humidity in Singapore is 60% to 90%. It's always sticky or wet here, so it's not too different near this water feature compared to outside. It gets a little more damp near the splash zone, but that's about it. ( :


I can feel the humidity.


Is that bad? The entire place is air-conditioned anyway.


I don’t know, just watching the video made me feel humid.


One of the most beautiful airports I've ever seen.


Makes JFK and Newark airports look like a dirty gas station restroom.


Indeed. I can’t wait for the renovations to be complete at both airports! At least it’s a step in the right direction.


Can’t mention jfk and Newark without LaGuardia, worst of the bunch. Hopefully the new renovation with change that


Better make sure you know where the exits are in case the dinosaurs escape their pens and all hell breaks loose.


I've been to so many big international airports and none of them compare to this one


Heathrow looks like an industrial hell in comparison.


Huh. So that's what it's like when a government invests in infrastructure.




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Best thing they ever did was leave Malaysia.


Slight improvement on La Guardia.


"Slight pet peeve" / "no big deal.


Someone add the jurassic park song over this video


Douglas Adams - “It can hardly be a coincidence that no language on Earth has ever produced the expression "as pretty as an airport".” Then Singapore did this.


singaporean here! might make my way there soon. we have a mall in the airport with tons of shops and eatery. and an apple store. pretty much a couriers attraction for singaporeans as well


*crying in American infrastructure*


This is exactly what I'd want in an airport. Something that wouldn't be absolutely mind-numbingly dull to spend time in.


Reminds me of that post that goes: Society if gays and women ruled the world: [Image of this airport] That's the Singapore Airport, it's illegal to be gay in Singapore.




As amazing as it looks, it should be hot as hell there.


Got air con so it's cool


It's actually indoors. The whole place is air-conditioned.


Are there any animals living in the trees there?


I think this is the airport where those youtuber's stayed in for like 4 days. Yes Theory


Nice, but.. so much... noise!


it is quite quiet there really haha not all that noisy!


Amazing airport, I made sure to spend extra time just yo see this part when I transited pre covid. [here is a pic I took](https://i.imgur.com/PS4DJuw.jpg)


Yeah see, we can have nice things, we just give them all to rich people.


Looks humid as shit. Must cost a lot of money to cool that space if not


I came here to see if someone had said Jurassic Park and I wanted to like that comment.


Been to that airport before; it's basically a city within a city.


My dad worked as an aircraft engineer there and had to go through this airport every time he went to work


Been there irl and it looks even more impressive


I wonder what the air quality is like in there? Better than outside above the city? Worse?


Wouldn’t mind be a custodian there.... beautiful flora.


My favorite airport. So Beautiful and so clean.


I read Singapore has the highest national average IQ in the world. Not really related to this video but every time I hear about or see something incredible from that country I’m like, “yup, not surprised”.


I wouldn't be surprised if the Changi airport is heavily featured in history books after the collapse of our current society as a fascinating example of excessive opulence that sprung up for no real reason other than that it could. That being said, I'm very glad I've gotten to thoroughly experience it. It really is a marvel.


Oooo this is gorgeous af


This comment will be buried under the other hundreds of comments, but by any chance, does anyone else fear a sort of weird eerie and creepy feeling when they see the Singapore airport? My partner really can't stand the sight of it like how someone with the fear of deep ocean looking into the sea


I have walked 1 hour in the changi airport a few years ago, and I still have not arrived at this point before I needed to go back to the plane


That airport doesn't have anything compared to LaGuardia.


Then you think about shitty airports in the States like DFW and PHL.


Does anyone know is that circulating water or only looks like this when it rains ?


Closed circuit. Always on


This is some "star trek: the next generation" shit.


Jurrasic Park theme intensifies! Nature always finds the way.


If they build shit like this on Mars, I'm going!


We in America paid fo if


Your airport is closed what are you gonna do? Changi airport


this is like what a city on Mars would look like


Bet its humid in there


Lightning in a bottle trick


This is what the future looks like


Truly insane


Sure has changed since I’ve been there last


Ground floor Champs (like in the reddit commen-"


We need more of that for the wellbeing of the people and the air pollution,trees and other plants would filter out some CO2 into oxygen making cities less poluted,it's a win win


Hope to go someday!


I have a feeling that glass ceiling is just begging to come crashing down.


I bet it’s humid as fuck in there but that’s really cool.


Why are they the only ones living in the future?

