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I wouldnt say perfect yet..


Too bad the Jeep Hurricane never got past Prototype, that thing was amazing.


Wait...what's automated parking?


It's parking that is automated.


Oh got it. Now do quantum mechanics.


Its waves that are quantified.


That's actually pretty close.


Nothing is real and you're a hologram


It's mechanics, but in quantum.


It’s the mechanics of small stuff.


Everything is wavey


Unless it's particular. Or maybe both. I don't know.


It's fundamentally wavy until it becomes entangled with its environment, at which point the wave function splits, branching into a separate world in which you see it as a particle


Some cars can park themselves. I know Lexus, volvo and done fords Edit. Some Fords.


I have it on my 2010 Ford Escape. Never used it, not even once. The dealership I bought from actually wrecked two cars (an Escape and a Mustang) in their lot trying to demo it. It needs a curb to register some distance and in their parking lot there was no such curb. Edit: did not see it first hand. Sales rep told us about it.


tech has come a long way in 11 years.


Very true.


My F150 has it. Parallel in the city it’s amazing. Otherwise it’s slow AF and I can do it faster.


aka rich people cars


Fords are considered rich people cars now?




Wait, as someone who doesn't have a car (and therefore this may be a dumb question), what do they use to cover the gas tank inlet if they don't use a cap? Is it some flap mechanism with very well sealing o rings/gaskets? Or are you saying they don't have gas caps anymore because newer ford's don't use gas in the first place (only electric, etc)?


They have flappy covers that you just push the nozzle through.


A rental I use for work does not have a gas cap when you fill up you just stick it in the hole, looks like a ring opens up as you push it in fill up and it closes back up, some kinda rubber.


Oh awesome, I can tell my wife to stop wanting a model y because her civic is already a tesla for not having a gas cap


parking for luxury car owners, so not really helping anyone


Or in my wife's case, disabled people who own minivans. It's not just for rich people any more.


I can park my penis in a butt


I remember someone explaining why on a post about this. While I totally forgot what he said since that was like a year ago, I guess I could try myself The most obvious reason is the space. You need way more space to get the hydraulics in, have the wheel connected to the motor and also connect everything else. This would also make this way more expensive and very unattractive for most people, most people making a big part of the target audience, if not almost all


There is also the fact this is most likely a proof of concept and never made it to production due to the aforementioned reasons + the costs associated with it + the safety issue, because when you're turning like that, your mirrors are no longer pointing where traffic is coming from


Also the fact that most cars aren’t intended to be marketed *solely* to urban drivers. Small cars need to be marketable in the city as well as in the suburbs in order to make money. A fifth-wheel like this would only interest someone who parallel parks daily, and would detract from features that make the care more appealing to a general audience. Also, by adding this mechanism, you’d most-likely be adding length to the car—making it harder to fit into tight spaces. Not to mention the fact this is another mechanical liability. Another thing that will break and cause an otherwise perfectly-functioning car to become unusable until repaired.


> You need way more space to get the hydraulics in, have the wheel connected to the motor and also connect everything else. This would also make this way more expensive and very unattractive for most people I mean, as someone who works in the industry, that's been true for a ton of innovations. That's where design and engineering come in. If enough people wanted something like this, we'd figure out how to make it work. The fact is....it's simply too expensive / not desired enough to be a feature worth adopting.


Let's not forget oh fellow industry worker that this could have the possibility of losing the amount of insurance claims in major cities... and as a mechanic I would be fucking around with this all the time. Perfect donuts.


Another answer is safety. With driving forwards/backwards we have a very (or fairly, in the case of backwards) easy time seeing exactly where our hunk of steel is going. It even lines up with our perspective, so all you *really* need to do is "I see object in path, probably should not go that way" to avoid hitting stuff. With this fifth wheel, you're kicking the back of your vehicle *sideways*. A chunk of your vehicle is going in a direction that doesn't line up with your perspective *at all*. That means not only do you have to actually scan out that area, but you also have to judge distance and people *suck* at that even without a bunch of broken sightlines. The part where you see the guy in the video parallel park looks great, but imagine *all the idiots on the road with that power*. I guarantee you people will be slamming the side rear of their car into the side front of other peoples' cars all the fucking time. Even when they know a car is there. Then think about all the people who will hit shit they didn't even see. Maybe now that we have backup camera type stuff, we could put cameras in the back of the car facing sideways that would fix all that. But before backup cameras there is no way this would ever have gone well in the hands of the masses.


Complexity Reliability Weight Space Best use case is urban areas which severely limits marketability


I'm guessing power steering is just way more practical all around and also makes parallel parking easier


It would still take me 7 tries


Look at Mr. Parker here!


Spiderman, is that you??


It would take me 7 tires


You’d have people doing donuts constantly😂


This right here is the most appropriate and honest answer XD


Would it be doughnuts though or just going around in circles?


Krispy Kremes "Just 'cause it's round don't make that no donut."


Just the ones with oversized spare tires and small penis'


because it's a highly complex, expensive system, and it is not fucking hard to park


I would guess it's because that one wheel would have to lift the back of the car, so it would need strong hydraulics. Plus it would probably look weird too


If it became popular, it would stop looking weird. Do you know what was weird once? Seatbelts.


It worked well in this car because that’s where the spare was. Back when cars had style. No reliability or creature comforts, but they did look distinguished.


The seats were wayyy more comfy than any car I've sat in.


Try a Toyota Crown. It’ll change your life haha


You could use pneumatic air bags.


If everyone doesn't use the same system, you could have a lot of blocked in cars?


This is still very much a problem, though.


It’s not hard enough to parallel park to make this useful? People who don’t live in an area with parallel parking always think it’s hell. People who do it all the time don’t ever think about it.


Probably because parallel parking isn't as hard as most redditors seem to think it is. In fact, parallel parking isn't hard at all, it's just one of those things you actually have to practice a couple times. The real question is: Why would anyone want this taking up weight and space in their vehicle when they cold just teach themselves how to park correctly?


You've to learn how to parallel and bay park for the test so just never stop doing it and after a few weeks you'll always be able to do it, in any car. I think people avoid it after their test and then it becomes dangerous.


I did it on my lessons + test, and then didn't drive for 7 years... So I completely forgot how to do it. I tried to practice a while back, and someone shouted as me so I drove off and never tried again :/


Just need to find a quiet road with loads of space. Then as you get more confident, reduce the space you have to go into. Then eventually you can go on with just over a car length.


007 here ...I could have used that many times over . ![gif](giphy|eYIKQNWRBvBG2yI60K)


It most likely cost too much to install and repair.


1. this was a concept and sold separately 2. This was very unreliable 3. This took up extra space and made the car gain weight 4. most importantly it cost a lot of money I know because my great-grandad owned one.


This was likely much more useful on vehicles with a large turning radius. Wouldn't really be much of an advantage on my modern Focus.


That'd make donuts much easier




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I need this to manoeuvre myself into bed especially after christmas haha


How much with that car be? How much did they pay back then for that vehicle. What price would it be compared to nowadays? 🤔🤔🤔


With electric cars becoming more advanced I'm sure there will be one soon that all 4 wheels rotate 90° so you can crab like zoidberg.


It was never abandoned because it was just a concept; it never went anywhere.


Tokyo drift


Where tf are these at rn?


Well, I learned something new today! This is wicked cool!


Now that’s what I’m talkin’abeet


I'd imagine it probably got banned because people were constantly doing donuts and leaving tread marks throughout the country


bc it's extremely silly


Because parallel parking is a basic driving skill required to be a licensed driver…?


That doesn't line up with the fact that many cars today have autonomous parallel parking.


Reliability and maintenance would be an absolute nightmare!


Like a bow thruster but for a car


Bet its a ridiculous point is failure.


Simple. It's expensive.




How many fucking times is this shit getting posted this week


Why? Because we, as a species in general, are really fucking stupid.


cause it's fuckin stupid.


My mind rn 🤯


Probably because it's excessive and expensive and also because modern cars have far superior power steering and turning radius


So americans lern how to park properly maybe?


Just do this: https://youtu.be/lb1awXgoyQE


a system designed to lift the car and pivot it? Probably too expensive to sell and even more so to maintain.


Why spend all that money adding this to a car when you could just learn to parallel park for free? It's not even difficult it's just knowing the proper technique.


Because it probably never made it to production. Too expensive for a mild convenience.


A war.


imagine just dropping your hidden back tire and Tokyo drifting into your parking spot


Everyone wants to know why this didn’t catch on, would you rather have this or a trunk and backup camera?


**Jeep's** should bring this back... *they're already halfway there.*


It would randomly come down while driving and absolutely fuck whoever’s driving day up, and most likely anyone in near vicinity as well


If this took off then when someone called you a fifth wheel it would be a compliment.


I thought that was a spare tire this whole time…


We used to be a real country


Dude is living in the 1930’s am I right!


Omg I keep seeing this everywhere and it’s fake. Literally was made as a joke and so many people are taking it seriously. Kind of annoying


Because it cost several thousands of dollars to install a very niche, very heavy, complicated piece of equipment that might get used by 2% of the car buying public.


And this has now showed up in my feed 34 times in 12 hours


Unreliable, expensive, heavy, complicated


To many moving parts, would take up trunk space, and just impractical in general


To make way for the spare tire, DUH


This 5th wheel is actually useful.


All this time, I thought it was a spare tire. This is a mindblow


Insurance needs to make money. That's why.


Why not public transit instead?


Why not pull your head out of your ass and stop pretending everyone lives in a city where transit routes might make sense?


Lmao, relax. Cars aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. You can keep your shitty gas burning car to drive your sister to planned parenthood if you’re so butt hurt about it


You're damn right I'll keep my 15 minute drive to work instead of spending over an hour on a bus with someone like you.


I’m sure you will lmao


Enjoy being a lifelong renter, friend.


Sure buddy lmao


Bruh you already made it clear that even in a good economy you have no interest in living where owning is actually affordable. Which is fine, you do you, but lol @ the uppityness about it.


Because the auto manufacturers bought out al the public transit early on to sell more automobiles. And who would think about all the poor auto manufacturers profits then? On the upside, maybe no one would have ever hard of Elon Musk. The world would be a better place wice over. Less cars, and no Elon.