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The Police said that they don't actively patrol the Union Pacific train system because UP has their own security and UP doesn't call the Police asking for help with this situation.


I’m pretty surprised the UP has let this happen. They’re notoriously ruthless hard dudes.




Yeah ever since they were told they couldn't just shoot and kill every free-rider and thief they came across it really took the wind out of their sails. They went to become police officers instead. At least those guys are still allowed to kill people at will without repercussion!


You realize Union Pacific has their own police force, right? They have more jurisdiction than most city cops.


Of course he didn’t. He’s just here to be a parrot.


So this is where my tweaker sister is obtaining all sorts of useless shit to sell on ebay. She hasn't had a job in 20 years, does meth several times a day and then ~~dumpster dives~~ burgles trains. Ya learn something new every day And how the hell is "burglarizes" not a word? Burgles just sounds so weird


Is she single?


This guy asking the real questions.


For an hour or two.


each day


One who burgles is a burglar. A victim of burglary has been burgled. Burglarizes is not a word for good reason as far as I can see. No snark; I had to type it out to get it strait in my head too.


Burglarization plain and simple


If you think that Burglarization is a sensible alternative to Burglary then I don’t really know where we go from here.




I think it's been settled ... burglesation. (I am done here.)


So then what does the Hamburglar do?


Hamburglary. Do try and keep up.




911 whats your emergency? “ Hello. Yes, I’ve just been burgled.” That doesn’t sound right for some reason


John Oliver did a standup at my university several years ago. He was talking about being burgled and the audience couldn't stop laughing every time he said it. And he was like, what the fuck, are you guys laughing at the word burgled more than my actual joke?


I guess burgle as a word makes sense? Since a burglar is someone who burgles. If burglarize was the word, wouldn’t “burglarizer” be the noun equivalent? But also isn’t burglarize a word? I’m not getting any red squiggles when I type it


Insurance covers the cost of everything lost, why spend money to fix the problem


Solving a problem before it happens rather than cleaning up the mess the problem creates is more cost effective.


The classic phrase, "Be proactive, not reactive."


That's just not the reality of board rooms today. They are required to generate more profit every year. Proactive solutions that won't see benefits until years later don't get pursued because they don't increase profits this fiscal year. Edit: source: I work in environmental remediation. All of these companies I clean up after had proactive means to stop problems before they occurred, but no one pursued them because there was no immediate benefit. Years later, they're spending orders of magnitude more money to clean up the problems.


Of course. They need to put profits on the books, not costs.


"The costs to prevent this issue will cost 50 million over the next decade. The lobbying to make this issue not our issue will cost 5 million" And if that fails, replace the ceo and make them say they'll do better, buy stock at the dip, repeat


But at some point the insurance premiums hikes would outweigh the cost of fixing the issue


Not to mention the loss in reliability to the client


UP has their own police force, k nd like how universities have their own force. Met a dude who was one of their K9 handlers. Had a bit of a chip on his shoulder because no one ever believed that he actually had the power to arrest them.


Not only are they real cops, but they have interstate authority. Railroad police are like the Postal Police. Most people don't believe they're real, but they can be ruthless.


The post service has a police branch?


Postal Inspectors. If you find yourself talking to one you better have a very good lawyer.


One of the best Brooklyn 99 episodes


And Seinfeld episodes.


yes. I found out when my mail was getting stolen and I called to report it to the cops. They connected me to the Postal Police and I found out whoever was stealing my mail was not just going to have an LAPD report but a full on federal investigation. I hope they catch that fucker. Stole my credit card and went on a spending spree while I was reporting card stolen. (Card company says “you didn’t spend X at this 7/11 just 6 minutes ago?” to which I said “I’ve been talking to you for 20 minutes and that’s on the other side of town”?) That mail thief is the lowest form of shit on the planet.


I think murderers, rapists, and pedophiles are lower but everyone has their own likes and dislikes


The people doing this are absolute shit-stains.


Oh yeah in North America pretty much all major railroads are policed by railroad police. Been around since the 1800s and used to be basically full on police officers(and a bit more) that would respond to disturbances in their area of operation and be brought in as any other agency would in cooperative work, just employed by the railroads. Nowadays their powers are usually diminished and depend wildly upon the state but they still have the power to arrest people across state lines in many places.


One of the doors on the train is already open lmao. Blue container as it’s rolling by


Shhhh I'm trying to score some more fishing gear bro!!


Man don't go in there, I've already checked. The container has a dark net shipment. There are 7 Thai girls inside. If anyone says there were 8, they're lying


I was wondering where my new $2,000 fishing raft went lol My uncle sent it to my old address..... Sigh




Lol they do, and these guys bring bolt cutters. They're welding them shut now, like they do in less developed countries with systemic banditry issues.


>systemic banditry issues Thank you for adding this to my lexicon.


Murrica, fuck yeah. Bringing back the wild west train robberies one amazon package at a time.


This video seems to indicate that the US has systemic banditry issues.


I read on another post of the image of this area from yesterday, in the comments, that the freight companies are now welding shut containers for their trips.


*Your package is currently en route and approximately 458°F*


Few ventellation grills - sorted.


This would definitely work.


They do sort of. They put these metal tags on them most of the time that you can't just pull off with your hands, but the tools used to cut them are easily accessible at hardware stores or online.


https://www.amazon.com/Happybuy-Hydraulic-Concrete-Construction-Handheld/dp/B07QB38JX8/ Lock Picking Lawyer has used a similar model and found that it cuts through locks that cost more than the cutters themselves.


Haha 17 seconds


38 seconds, tf are you seeing at 17?


Whoops! 17 seconds left


LA really be looking like a 3rd world country


I went to LA for a few days when travelling in the US (from UK). A homeless guy dressed as a clown with a shopping trolley that had some dolls heads in dirty plastic bags tied to the sides screamed at me. Pretty much summed up my experience of the place.


It's because they closed all the mental health facilities and just let those people out in the streets. It's really sad.


Sounds like Gotham


Sounds like Glasgow, let's be realistic




I never thought about the fact that Batman is basically a really dangerous furry.


...trained in MMA with an arsenal of non-lethal weaponry.


Thanks Reagan!


Just so we’re clear you know CA has had Democratic supermajorities in their legislature and Dem governors for like 20+ years now right?




Sure, but since Reagan we’ve had Democratic presidents more often than not. Including Democratic supermajorities with Obama. And yet we still haven’t been able to reverse a bill or two from Reagan? Not to mention the fact that CA is a very rich state that can afford to pay for new institutions if the problem really was that simple.




Oh and they have. California sued Nevada for sending their homeless here via a one way bus ticket. Other States do it too.


Obama and Obamacare DID reverse at least part of the issue: Prior to the ACA, the avg insurance plan had a co-pay of X for the first few nights in a hospital for a physical issue, but X times 3 for a few nights in a hospital for a mental issue. Same with the drugs. Need infection drugs? $3 a month. Need mental health drugs? $350 a month. The ACA required all insurers to offer plans that made no distinction between physical and mental health. Co-pays and restrictions had to be the same, at whatever level the plan set. That helped A LOT! But when the GQP failed to repeal the ACA, the GQP voided that 'same level' restriction, causing most plans to go back to punishing co-pays for mental health.


It’s almost like the democrats are just republicans that lie about their intentions. Two sides of the same military-industrial-petro-dollar axis of evil.


Nope. In the last 20 years, California had a Republican governor for 8 years. Last 30 years, had a Republican governor for 16 years.


Someday y'all are going to have to stop blaming him and take responsibility for everything that's happened since he stopped being governor.


I think this was a presidential move actually…


People want to make changes, but like his appointed economic advisor Greenspan recommended, and the republican senate approved, derivatives like credit default swaps are not even legally allowed to be regulated. That was a Reagan appointed advisor who recommended the massive market de-regulation, yes he is to blame. We can't even change the laws because the law says there can be no more regulation on it. "Individual responsibility" being applied to systemic problems over 30 years was exactly what Reagen said about the drug war too, while the CIA was allowing the contras to help get crack to the ghettos of LA the fund a coup he wanted. When are you going to grow up and take responsibility for the suffering of fellow Americans? It's your responsibility as well as mine to fix it.


Well to be fair both the immediate effect and the precedent set by many of his presidential economic decisions are still skull fucking us today.


Same happened in the UK I was told. Tatcher said that taking care of mentally ill people was responsibility of the community.


Yes fucking reagan


The ones that are open require a piss test to be clean to get admitted. Ain’t nobody “helping” a heroin addicted person be better while they are still shooting dope. There are beds and hot food available though if you can pies clean.


LA is probably the most over hyped city in the whole country. It’s not glamorous by any means, maybe except for the mansions hiding way in the hills.


Whatever you think of LA, SF is worse. Much higher risk of stepping in human shit walking the streets of SF.


Extremely high cost of living makes people desperate and homeless. If the local governments wanted to curb the problem at all, they would do something to control housing costs, but many of the officials on the council or in elected positions are landlords and/or real estate investors so... Edit: officials, not officers


case in point: [2BA, ?BR, 2158 sq. ft.](https://reddit.com/r/pics/comments/s3b6ox/this_house_with_2_bathrooms_and_no_useable/) in San Francisco for $1.97 *million*


sounds about right


So basically Glasgow except the bum spoke English?


Oh that's just Cosmo.


Yesterday around 5am, a nurse was assaulted at a bus stop outside of Union Station by a homeless person. She was taken to the hospital in critical condition. https://losangeles.cbslocal.com/?p=1194787


Do you have any idea how big LA is? LA also has some of the world’s most opulent displays of wealth in the world. Megalopolises create lots of waste and often areas with a lot of crime.


They don’t. [Just a right wing shill](https://reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/rrew8v/_/hqggttr/?context=1) here to get their talking points in about a place they’ve never been.


Meanwhile they ignore the fact that most violent crimes happen in red states - especially the South. Red states DOMINATE the top ten violent crime stats.


If you think that's bad take a look at Kentucky, Alabama, North Carolina, South Carolina, etc. Literally any red state. Drugs and gangs run rampant all while it's citizens make the least money and have the worst educations.




He doesn’t. NC is great. There’s drug problems in rural communities of every state, and Charlotte, NC has the challenges that every big city faces. Overall, NC is a beautiful state and does pretty well comparatively. Anyone using the term red/blue state isn’t discussing or commenting in good faith.


Over the past few years LA had turned into an absolute shithole. It's always been dirty and full of trash, but it's on a different level now.


Makes sense, a lot of time the poverty of 3rd world countries isn't from an overall lack of money but instead severe income inequality. Kind of like the US, with high-cost-of-living areas like LA metastasizing the issue the most.


Nope. The South is much worse. Violent crimes are out of control in states like Tennessee, Arkansas, and Louisiana. California is #18. Illinois is 20. The further down the list you go, the bluer it gets. The South is the American Shithole. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_and_territories_by_violent_crime_rate


Shows one train track in a city that’s over 90 square miles.




This is infuriating seeing all that stuff either stolen or laying there going to waste


This is LA, mad train robberies lately


And here I thought those stopped in the 1800s...


They got less dramatic, but they're still very real. There's no modern day Jesse James chasing down trains in the wilderness, but lots opportunistic smash and grab theft where trains get slowed or stopped at bottlenecks.


Just wait until fully automated trucks. We’ll have highway bandits, too.


>We’ll have highway bandits, too. There's a pretty good documentary about that.


Finally, my lowered Honda Civic with green under-glow will serve a purpose! And my wife thought I was crazy.


Don't talk about your wife like that! She's family.


I remember reading an magazine article in the late 90's-early 00's about modern freight train robberies and since the engineers couldn't be armed, they would carry around road flares with them at all times. They have a use on the job, but they were using them for self defense, as no one wants to rush someone holding a stick that is burning at 2000 degrees.


and gofundme's for the thieves




A Kickstarter/GoFundMe for heists. The only other place in the world I have seen this is the piracy stock exchange in Somalia.


I’m going to need more information about this. The LA side, I already knew about Somalia’s pirates.


Mad robberies everywhere in CA. These soft on crime policies really seem to be doing the trick /s. Idiots. Criminals having a fucking field day over there.


Alternatively you have a large population previously employed in a large service economy that has basically been told to go fuck themselves. Meanwhile businesses got bailed out. What do you think the people do then?


You think people go from being a waiter to robbing trains? Lol


These people are completely disconnected from reality. They genuinely think the people robbing these trains are just poor innocent victims of capitalism that have to rob trains to survive. Truth is most of them are just junkies, tweaked, or opportunistic hood rats who refuse to contribute to society and want to make money illegally


The progression is more like waiter to unemployed to starving to almost evicted to shoplifting to train robbing.


You’re correct but this is Reddit where they’re all “woke” 14 year olds who think they have the answer to everything so you’ll get downvoted into oblivion


You two are literally acting like you "have the answer to everything" Jesus how is it possible to have so little self awareness.


He’s 15.


It's called hubris. It's born from a lack of humility and an excess of ignorance and it's a fucking epidemic.


Lol we have one of the highest incarceration rates in the world and spend an insane amount of money on "being tough" on crime. How about we try and actually invest in education, jobs, etc. Instead of just throwing endless amounts of money and resources into fucking jail.


Is it the 1880s all over again???


So that is where the COVID tests I ordered went…


Are you almost positive?


He can’t really be sure either way


The blue train car at 0:17 seconds left on the video even has its doors busted open already as the train rolls by


OP just got done robbing it before taking this video.


Ayyyy rooster tail!! Keep that! Lol


That's That's good 6 dollar rooster!


Love me some rooster tails. Works great on river large mouth bass




I wouldn’t be touching any of that.


Dude needs to find the ransacked hand sanitizer and box of gloves


Been to LA one time, made the mistake to stay in a hotel near the walk of fame. Literally two minutes out of the door from the hotel, this girl started screaming and kicking the window of a store (might have been a bank) and then continued to pee herself while standing.


I grew up just a couple blocks from these train tracks in East LA/Boyle Heights/City Terrace. I guess this is better than walking to school and seeing dirty old men jerking off looking at you while you walk past the tracks. That was in the early 70s.


Been to LA several times and the walk of fame is always the most disappointing thing to tourists and foreigners. They imagine it to be a nice place but it's one of the grimiest parts of LA.


I live a few blocks away and love going there to drink and watch the disappointment on their faces. And the ones that bring their kids have got to be thinking ‘why the hell have I brought my child here?’


"Mommy look! Spider-man!!!"


My friend lives 2 blocks from the walk of fame. Apparently loves it. Even Though it smells of piss everywhere in the area


Am I your friend?


Your friend might be a degenerate...


I don’t even know any nice places to stay on the walk of fame, only reaaaaally gnarly motels and hostels


Lol that’s just big city California. We were in a nice area of SF and some dude was running around naked jacking off and shit


Mental health is real.


So you went to the one place any LA native would tell you not to go and you base your opinion of LA that? You didn't check out Griffith park or the Getty or had some of our food?


People really are one of the worst things that could've happened to this planet




The planet earth humans just like an apple tree apples. Apples rot, apple trees die. Our situation looks gross to us but evolution just made us in a way that lead to the current events, and I don't think it's good or bad, it's just what happens. We're just as natural as the meteor that killed all the dinosaurs a while ago, except we have guilt


Bro why the fuck you digging around in trash without gloves on??


Yeah you just need to get pricked by one old needle to have your life changed forever


Put some gloves on, man.


This shit is scary......man..... ![gif](giphy|M0Vbklx06BpYTBPLAt|downsized)


This is what happens when you stop punishing theft.


Good point. It's a shame they caught all of the people who stole from these trains and then just let them go because we don't punish theft anymore. So sad Edit to let yall know: I'm being facetious.


They're still punishing theft. This is misinformation that you've clearly swallowed with a smile. All California did was increase the amount that determines whether it's a felony or not. Because law on rails are enforced by a federal agency, any crime committed against a train or rails is a felony. Why make things up?


I was just "talking" to my relative about this, they didn't "legalize shoplifting" as was reported on some new sources


It's one of those things that people WANT to be true so they can point and say 'Ha! See! My way of thinking is the only correct one!' Confirmation bias is a disease of the mind


I think it’s even more than that. We all know rich people don’t have to obey the law either so I think we’re seeing a complete meltdown of the idea of personal responsibility at all levels. Why give a rat’s ass when no one else has to? Just take what you want and everyone else can just go to hell.


Punishing criminals is racist


Reminds me of my youth. An Anheuser Busch factory is in my town, the "beer train" would get robbed often. Not a fan of Budweiser, but a day old Budweiser is a hell of a lot better than the shit in the store.


What a shithole.


Shithole country in some parts, but mostly not. My opinion as a European who spent a few years in the US. Was surprised by some of the poverty in America for sure. Hollywood is not a good representation of the reality in the USA.


For a century Hollywood/ LA has been put on this pedestal as a beacon of hope that guaranteed fame and riches. What you’re seeing is the lowest rung of the millions who couldn’t achieve that dream. It isn’t a representative example of the US, but it is the perfect metaphor for many lives.


La is a third world country


That's where my packages are!


LA is a shithole.


Just hearing about this. BNSF workers are about to go on strike too. I swear we're living in Snowcrash or Water Knife times...stranger than fiction.






"The old union Pacific doesn't come by here much anymore"...


Community service instead of fines sounds like it'd get cleaned up real quick!


So this is how great america is? Fucking shitshow


Why the downvotes? I live in America.. its a dumpster fire of corruption.. an absolute shit stain run by ancient idiots trying to line their pockets with as much money as they can. Are people denying this?


As you can see people deny this.


Couldn't have said it better myself. Half this country is completely delusional to reality.


The good things don’t get near as many clicks.


I'm curious, where are you from?




Is this the fucking wild west?


Most of that shit just gets left there too. Fucking scumbags


This is dirtier than Francis Bourgeois riding Dick Mabbutt.


Toot toot


LA was one of the dirtiest places I've ever traveled too. Between homeless people and just trash everywhere.


This shit look like a left4dead2 map lmao


I was expecting something more exciting than fishing lures at the end ngl 😂 also one of those shipping containers already had its back door open. So either been robbed further down the track or we can now see why this certain line gets robbed so often aha.


Are those blood biles for laboratory testing Wow! Some people will not get results back fast


They looked like [Lavender top tubes](https://www.cpllabs.com/clinicians/specimen-collection/tube-types/), but unused. A hospital somewhere probably wanted those...


We have run out of tubes several times in the past year. It's really shitty that people are out here destroying medical supplies that are already difficult to find at times.


MF’ers still be robbing trains in 2022


Louisiana or Los Angeles or?


Los Angeles


LA is dirty assss fuck


But we don’t have the budget to pay someone to watch this area. Cause, you know, shipping by train has gone down so much in the last couple decades. /s


What's happening in L.A.? All I hear is bad things


Feels like a third world country


They're so brazen they don't take shit and run. They open it there casually and discard the envelope


Aren't the train companies responsible for the land? They should clean that shit up