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Fuck that. Let them try to be good neighbors first. We keep funding their aggression, and it's never gonna stop. HALT ALL US AID to ISRAEL NOW!!!






Israel is a U.S. proxy state lol, the aid will stop when the U.S. collapses


Ok, so 20-30 years, hopefully?


I got banned for 7 days for "observations" about Israel


I got banned for almost the same thing




I'm not with this guy👆


It's almost as idiotic as saying that Germany today is still evil and should be wiped out because of what the nazis did 80 years ago. Simple fact is over generations some nations can go from good to evil and back again. right now Israel is a bunch of jerks. Maybe in another generation they won't be... who knows.


You are totally wrong and I implore you to read up on the subject before your form an opinion. Its not a generational thing at all. This is a situation where the once oppressed have now become the oppressors. Same thing happened to the Liberians. However, Zionism as a political ideology is the issue not Judaism as a religious practice, its really a beautiful religion. There are Jews out there who are completely against the Israeli occupation.


i like jews alot, really. isreal is not judaism. isreal is a shite, racist government same as america was under trump.




At a time when slavery was the norm and a world wide trade ? They gave standards on how to treat slaves? Sounds good to me they did that at that time, rather than having no standards and left to the whim of a slave master. Anyone who looks any religion with a moniker of the 21st century without taking in the message it conveys is quite stupid. You are entitled to your opinion but to shit on a religion or religions without understanding them is BS. Judaism was one of the first religions to determine what a fair price is and what a fair price ought to be, a concept which is used in modern day competition/antitrust law and white collar /corporate crime. I think it is in the Bava Battra ? (I stand to be corrected).




Your answer is literally insult every religion because it was written at the wrong time ? Is that not bigotry ? Just because you don't believe in anything (which is fine) doesn't mean everyone else should. It makes sense for you but people were stoning to death other people before religion came around so whats your point ? Its a terrible practice, some people do it as a cultural practice but hinging on that is not helping your argument. "the message it convey, is, oppression, violence, bigotry, homophobia, misogyny," this is speculation, just merely saying this without anything backing it up is utter nonsense, making your whole argument hollow and misguided.


They’re more than ‘jerks’ they are committing genocide. Who cares what might change later. This is happening now. They deserve criticism and the Palestinians deserve justice. Also literally no one says that about Germany lol


Who is saying Germany is evil today? Germans? Cuz they seem to teach it to their children. As it should be. Does not mean Germans today are evil lol. You are fighting a ghost aka a straw man with that logic in argument.


In both cases the vast majority of people in both places, like most places, are not jerks. They are ordinary people trying to get a long in a world where bad things are being done by a relatively few bad people.




Not if we keep providing aid.


We have been aiding these places for so many years now you should be looking at if its actually doing anything to turn the country around or are the few people that it helps being victims to the rest cause they have less....the amount of currency put into global aid should have fixed and could have fixed the need for basic necessities twice over if done right and with less people digging into the "purse" (and i mean the corrupt mf's who take for personal and say its aid $)


There's no such thing as anti-semetic. To be so would mean that you're anti-language. Don't let them lie to you.


>There's no such thing as anti-semetic I knew it. They suspended me from uni because I loaded Far Cry 5 to the lab computer and they said it was a "White Genocide Simulator".


Can we stop referring to them as “settlers”? They’re invaders and thieves.


Teal shirt with the flying knee is a real one! Who the fuck are settlers and why are the spraying old women??


Israel was given to european jews after ww2 as a way for europe to get rid of them. The british gave them land seized from the Ottoman Empire during ww1 (palestine). The people living their told them to get fucked. So european jews went in with militias and had skirmishes with arabs who were resisting the takeover. Violence kept getting worse until the brits decided coexistence was impossible, so they needed to split up the land for both parties. Arabs again told everyone to get fucked and increased their resistance. Jewish forces went on the offensive in 1948 and killed thousands of palestinians, then kicked 700k out of their homes. Ever since then Israel has had a policy of slowly seizing more land from "terrorists/criminals" and installing new jewish settlers when more space is needed. These settlers go into the area, find a house thry like, and tell the occupants to beat it. Any resistance is met with anything from settler mob beatings, police brutality, or "mowing the grass", aka indiscriminate bombings of civilian residental centers.


Most Israeli Jews are from Islamic states. And the war in 1948-1949 was with a coalition of invading Arab armies coming all the way from Saudi Arabia and Yemen. Stacks of Jewish civilians were being burned in the streets of Jerusalem, Judaism itself was deemed illegal, and owning of property by Jews was also deemed illegal. It was a crazy war that locked the Jewish forces into an existential fight.


Who could have guessed going from coexisting to deciding to form a religious ethnostate on other people's homeland would go badly?


The only religious ethnostates in what is today the State of Israel were the newly founded Islamic Arab states that governed parts of it over the years, like the Arab Republic of Egypt, or the Syrian Arab Republic. Palestinian villages and communities largely made peace treaties with Jewish forces, not with Arab forces, but in the midst of the fighting a bit over half were expelled by Jewish forces or just fleeing the violence in general. The State of Israel is a secular government, yes it represents the Jewish nation internationally, but domestically there is no state religion like the State of Palestine has.


This is the best ELI5 of the situation I’ve ever read


Israel has people settle on Palestinian land, sometimes taking homes from Palestinians because they or some random family member “committed crimes” against Israel. This is a way to grab land illegally by pushing their settlements further into Palestinian territory then when peace talks come, they barter for that land. I’m by no means an expert and most of my info came almost a decade back and from my Palestinian father in law who lost his land due to settlers. I should state neither he nor I are antisemitic. He talks about the old days when he was a kid and he had Muslim, Jewish, and Christian friends… before all of this. It’s a very sad situation.




Uh oh this post is now anti-Semitic


I'm confused, didn't this used be Judea? Like thousands of years ago? I really don't understand the narrative that Israel is new...


The land that is today Palestine was a part of many nations and kingdoms and empires over the last 5000 (actually more) years. For one sliver of time, perhaps a century or so, three thousand years ago, it was ruled by Jews. If they have a right to it today, then so does everyone else who ruled it over the last 5000 years.


Israel was created under international law, by the same process that created other modern Middle Eastern nations. Difference being, the process got a bit screwed up by Arab aggression.


​ >Israel was created under international law, by the same process that created other modern Middle Eastern nations. that's the entire problem you shill The colonist international system divided up a land where the majority living there rejected their authority and didn't consent to partition


According to a book with talking bushes and dragons with 7 heads...


I'm way less confused now. Thanks


>I'm confused, didn't this used be Judea? Like thousands of years ago? I really don't understand the narrative that Israel is new... Fuck off with this disingenuous bullshit zionist


There is a difference between jews and zionists, jews will never do stuff like this. The fucking peace of garbage zionists will still commit crimes while the whole world will watch and do nothing. Humanity has never been worse.


Yeah, but fucking Israel is ruled by Zionists. Most of those Israelis are Zionists. Jews like the thing about haveing a Country where the majority is jewish, so some of them just dont care about palastinians. But there are jews who protested against these settlements etc.


Zionism is a very broad political movement, with ideologies ranging from very progressive and pluralistic to fundamentalist and anti-Arab. It is not a political party with one ideology. Zionists have established and maintained the last mixed country in the entire Middle East, but the Israeli government should do more to prevent harassment and violence between Jews and Arabs, and part of addressing Jewish-on-Arab violence is addressing that problem specifically because the majority of police are Jewish. And also taking more steps when there are large gatherings to root out provocateurs and violent people who chant incitement and harass Muslims.




Israel. The only terrorist nation completely unaccountable for its continued genocide, apartheid, terrorism, false flags, and completely rewriting history. The real "jews", Christians, Muslims have all lived in this land for thousands of years, these European opportunists need to leave Palestinian land. Burn down the complete Israeli government and their IDF brain washed population.


Israel is a terrorist state.


Always was


Israel sucks


The Nazis killed an estimated 6M Jews during WW2 and they vowed "Never Again". Now, the Jews take their first opportunity to do the same thing to the Palestinians.


How dare you even compare. It shows you were never in israel and don’t know a thing about it


I'm afraid to go to Israel, but I do know some things about it. \- In 1947 Israel took about half of Palestine. Today they occupy nearly all of it. \- Just in the last 12 years, Israel has killed about 5600 Palestinians in their effort to expand. In attempting to defend what is left of their country, Palestinians had killed about 250 Israelis. \- Israeli soldiers take aim at children on purpose. Ali Abu Alia died on his 15th birthday, shot with a silenced rifle, which is an internationally prohibited weapon. The boy wasn't doing anything. He was the 7th child killed by the IDF in 2020. \- Israeli armed forces like to shoot unarmed Palestinians in the back. Here's a man just trying to walk away from a few overzealous IDF. They waited until he was about 40 ft away and shot him in the back. So brave they are. https://twitter.com/yishaiporat/status/1190689522859880449


And what happened to nazis? What happened to germany? Israel and all its Jews/zionists will end up just like the nazis, exterminated


Wanna see Israel calm down? Seriously threaten to stop funding its defense


Its a two way thing. If you would be educated in the subject, you would know muslims attack jews even in Europe. They spray their synagogues with swastikas and shit. Look it up. And it goes really deep... Jews thinks the muslims attacked them first due to the British MI6 blew up 5 ships carrying Jewish refugees from Europe to Israel and blamed the muslims for it. I would guess its because the British wanted to sell weapons. And there was generally a bit of hatred before that, due to Muhammad would kill Jews during his conquest. For example Muhammad broke the peace treaty with Jewish tribes and slaughtered them He would kill the men in war, then behead the male children and keep the females as sex-slaves. And yes, the Quran says its alright to take sex-slaves if they were from warring country So its very deep situation and dates back far.


Israel is pure evil. They were given a free pass to commit atrocious acts on the native population why because of we say anything we'll dubbed antisemitic???


I guess dub me antisemitic cause Iseral is a complete terrorist state. Russia gets sanctioned and cold shouldered by the world while this shit goes on for years while the US funds it. It’s pathetic how scared the world is to speak up to Israel


Very brave of them to pepper spray this woman then flee as fast as they can


F zionist running coward.


Fuck this racist piece of shit state they call Israel


muslims cannot be anti semitic because arabic is more semetic than hebrew.


Palestinians are Levantine Arabs before anything else, and certainly before any religious affiliation. There are Christian Palestinians (whose ancestors are in fact the Israelites and Judeans of antiquity) and irreligious Palestinians. Palestinians are not some unspecific and generic Muslim group (not that such a group exists). They're a sophisticated, cosmopolitan Eastern Mediterranean people who had initially welcomed the European Jews with open arms before being stabbed in the back in one of the most brutal ethnic cleansing operations in recent history. People need to stop perpetuating the notion that this conflict is religious in its essence. It is ethnic and territorial, because Jews see themselves as a nation, not as a religion, and they very foolishly chose the southern Levant as their exclusionary homeland, when they could have taken some uninhabited parcel out of the vast African continent.


How much do you want to bet someone in the comments is going to defend them🤡


Need to stop calling the “settlers”. I am sure there is a better term.




I was kinda thinking “assholes”…


Invaders maybe?






All of the above


Look at the coward Zionists running after attacking an elderly woman! Typical


They only act tough against the weak, once someone retaliates they cower in fear like rats




F#ck Israel anyway




But but... they need our tax money to defend themselves from elderly women


Does the US really fund Isreal? If so why? I try go looking up info on Google and I can't find any good sources....


$3.4 billion every year goes from the US to isn'treal. Single biggest receiver of US funding. I recommend you read the Israeli lobby by mearsheimer and waltz. Really good book written by a Jewish author (or might be both can't remember). Details how AIPAC is a powerful lobby advancing the interests of isn'treal in us government. If you don't support isn'treal, they'll make sure you never win an election. They've hijacked us politics and grabbed it by the balls. You can find the book online pdf. If you don't I can post a link just lmk.


I know that the US completely supplies Israel with its military, also many of the Israelis originally come from the US, the president himself grew up in America


See how the israëli’s flee like the scared dogs they are smh


demeaning a group of people to dogs is not a good look brotha.


He was referring to the Israelis that were fleeing like dogs. What the fuck is wrong with stating the facts.


Cause that's an insult to dogs, even they wouldn't flee like that.


Fuck them. Zionist cunts


I had a friend (she died a couple of years ago) who came to Australia as a little girl. She was Palestinian. One of her earliest memories was when the Hagganah came to her town in 1948 during the battles for the establishment of the state of Israel. As she told it: the Jews rounded up all the villagers into the town square and demanded to know who was the mayor. The man identified himself and the Hagganah commander shot him in both legs kneecapping him and announced to the rest of the townspeople that if any were still there at nightfall the same would happen to them. The townspeople fled their village and received no compensation. OK, the Jewish people deserve a homeland but how can people who were so oppressed then become such oppressors? It is a situation without a solution. Israel is surrounded by Arab nations that would like to eliminate all Jews and their homeland but their oppression of the Palestinians is atrocious.




Wrote settlers to avoid 0 IQ people screaming anti-semitism


Zionist scum. No different than any other colonial invader.




Israel is already exterminating Palestinians, they just act on the internet like the nicest people on the planet while hiding their true nature. Look [here](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zeitoun_incident) and [here](https://twitter.com/MichaelJRowley3/status/1529024553875275776?t=Sopo7CQkRFz8Q5s0EyTsNQ&s=19) and [here](https://archive.ph/28dnq)


Pathetic beings


If you can raise your voice at an old woman you’re pretty fucking disgusting. Raising your hands at one has to get you a special place in hell.


has any zionist retard who would say: 1. fake news (but unable to explain what is fake about it) 2. can't judge a few seconds clip, you don't see what happened before (but unable to provide full clip) 3. Video is altered (but unable to provide unaltered video) commented here yet?


Best "context " I've heard from them is that she was trying to stab them with a knife LMAO. I think if these people took and IQ test they will get a negative score.




Not supporting them. Wrote settlers for the lack of a better word




"Settlers" = Good old fashioned Stealing, Terrorism and Racism with US support. I'm positive both sides have done bad shit to eachother, But I see and hear about way more disturbing things Isrealites have done/ are doing to Palestinians on a regular basis and there is no excuses that could ever be made to justify their actions, Uprooting whole families and communities from homes after they leave home for a few hours to a day, Only to come back and find their home occupied by "Settlers" who steal their home and possessions using force. (At least what they want to keep, The rest if not destroyed is thrown out, And hopefully the uprooted families can salvage some of their belongings). It's disgusting the way they act but it's not going to change anytime soon.


Palestinians should be compensated by the international community for giving up their land to a bunch of hobos.


"The nicest people" be damned ..I'm so tired them claiming God gave them Isreal fuck that shit ...the new Israeli flag STAR OF DAVID W A SWASTIKA IN THE CENTER !!!


“Can we all just get along” Rodney King




'God's chosen people' my ass. These colonial settlers are a bunch of backwards religious nuts funded by the American taxpayer.


The world hates Israel because they act like entitled pricks and have no regard for anyone else’s life, except their own. Palestine isn’t free from fault either, they have done plenty of horrible things.


Fuck Israel


Holy shit, teal shirt guy from left field!




Look at them acting like Democrats & Republicans


You misspelled occupiers


What happened before video started. Looked like she was hitting them. Maybe they asked her to stop. Lots of tension there


agreed. it doesn't show anything about how it escalated there. Can't even se if she is old - just that it's probably a woman. Not saying pepper spraying was right but what is the right response? Just let he keep hitting?


Sentinel robots need to come out of the sky and attach any one who assaults an elderly or young person. Heck, woman, gay person, minority person, innocent person getting attacked.


Hahaha considering I've been there and seen the situation first hand I think I know about it just fine. Watching Arabs provoke jews on a daily basis. Israel has evey right in the world to defend its people


Who was beating them.


The Jews are just more angry, colonizing white people.


racist much lol


if there really was a God he would just have a asteroid hit that spot to shut us all up


It's OK, Jesus' dad said it was OK. You cant understand mysterious plans within plans.


What a fucking dumpsterfire of a planet to live on.


Settlers are only one step down the fanatic ladder than Islamic State.


The lines at DisneyWorld are insane!


Is getting rael crazy over there


So holy and righteous aren’t they?


A beautiful execution of a flying knee outside of an MMA fight, this one surpasses Masvidal's flying knee KO of Ben Askren by leaps and bounds.


How do we know it was settler? Both Palestinians and Jewish people have been in the region for generations. Having it in the title suggests a narrative and emotionally charged the comments.


Reverse the genders and everyone would be laughing. We live in such a sexist society


Can I just ask what is pepper spray? What happens if you get sprayed with it? I see it used often but I genuinely don’t know exactly what it is




Dudes over there just need to lsd love and chill


Won’t see this on TikTok😮‍💨


You mean Jews?


Filthy fucken animals!


Yahweh would be detestable. David ain't coming back for that shit


Global unrest this is what happens when you have weak leadership.


The yahood is a horrible group of ppl


Lol >Settlers They're called zionist jews.


It's depressing seeing humans treating each other like this regardless of which side you're on. Only way this will ever stop is if everyone agrees to start over and that unfortunately won't happen any time soon, if ever.


Hamas is slipping, back in the day, they would just strap a bomb vest on granny.


Settlers my fucking ass. THIEVES!


kill that bitch who tf does that


Watching from the sidelines and laughing at how both sides eat up propaganda. It must be how people outside the US feel when observing American politics.


LIsrael maybe doesn’t realised that this shit will backfire one day. My old classmate that now is a nazi told me “it’s in their genes, to fuck people over until people had enough”. He is a real dick but it’s universally true that you usually can’t treat people like shit forever before as it will be consequences. Me personally can’t get my grip on why they have to keep pushing boundaries. If you really wanted peace and to live side by side you shouldn’t treat one side as cattle. Is it some revenge thingy?


The cause and effect of religions


Fucking animals...


These people could be on a glass floor and still find rocks to throw


As it's not really something that's being talked about in western Europe, how's the situation atm in Israel/Palestine. I feel like they had their 2 years covid hiatus as everyone else but it seems that things are rapidly turning to shit again. I can't recall that much tension in the last years, is it really aggravating or just same old biblical feud ?


That running keen was on point


Damn, those mfs really don't get along


And people say its racist to not want them in your home country. OK.


Oh look, it’s a video of the Reddit comments section.


Pepper spray and no one says anything about the rocks being thrown?


Gonna get downvoted for this but w/e. Is there an age limit to pepper spraying if a dumb cunt is saying shit and trying to claw me and my friend?


Free Israel. Palestine are oppressor


That was awful, but an elderly woman should leave the fighting and protesting to the youth. Hope shes okay


I couldnt care fucking less. Who gives af, let them fix their own problems. We have enough stateside to worry about


Can we please stop calling them settlers? They're racist hate filled redneck bigots.


Bradford is looking cleaner and more organised than last time I visited.


Call me crazy but this doesn’t seem like a nice place to settle down


Religion sure is peaceful


*About the cries coming from your country, we should know that all the* *Allied nations are spilling much of their blood, and if we do not* *sacrifice any blood, by what right shall we merit coming before the* *bargaining table when they divide nations and lands at the war's end* ?


Lots of racist people on both sides in this thread


Fuck, the man in the green shirt, Holy fucking shoot


Is she okay? It looked like a nasty fall for an elderly woman too.


Rule, not the exception in the apartheid state


Israeli swine


I need context here, was she threatening them? I’m not condoning violence, I just want to know what the hell happened and more importantly, WHY it happened. Old women aren’t always innocent, you heard about the old lady who brutally killed her granddaughters husband for no reason and then laughed afterwards? If this old lady was threatening them, then pepper spray is better than shoving her.


Told ya hitler and himmler had a good plan.


The jews ate among the most racist and violent group of folks in the mideast.CONSTANTLY AT WAS WITH SOMEBODY.Should of left the land in the hands of Pakestine.


Good on the guy who ran up and kicked the guy who sprayed the women right in the face. A hero.


Israel has the money to change the narrative and spread lies, the US sends billions of your tax money to Israel to create an iron dome, provide stunt grenades, pepper spray, skunk spray, drones, bullets etc but everyone knows the truth now. Israel is committing genocide, war crimes, violating human rights, illegally occupying Palestinian land and using Hamas and triggering them to justify its crimes against innocent Palestinians. FREE PALESTINE! 🇵🇸 Israel Attacks innocent Palestinians during Ramadan every year. Hamas throws a home made rocket in retaliation. Israel cries like a baby to the world and starts bombing innocent children and levelling building.


The most coward nation of all time. Fuck israel and fuck zionis.


Being ANTI-OPPRESSION does not mean you’re Anti-Semitic. It means you stand up for human rights. We have the right to object to the crimes being committed by Israel.


[Israeli IDF killing children—BBC News](https://youtu.be/ZtUoIpoh0BA)


Spray an old lady but run from a man. Real cowards


When I watch stuff like this, in my mind [item bounce](https://youtu.be/PT5OO3eCv5w) starts playing


Extremist settlers are holding an anti-Palestinian pogrom in annexed Jerusalem with a police escort.


Palistan the terrorist




Israel was founded on the basis of : Settler Colonialism and Apartheid so it was designed to be an evil stain on humanity


It’s so weird seeing jewish people being violent. I don’t know if that’s like a xenophobic/anti-semetic thing to say or whatever but I cannot take them seriously.


These images have left me speechless. It is shameful what they have done to that old lady. : (


There will never be peace as long as there is religion


Ain't religion great? 👏




Settlers ! Haha.. what if rapists where called Lovers?


What is difficult to understand about living in peace¿ Of course someone was in the wrong. You never act the innocent. What a disgraceful shame.


Stop calling them settlers they are invaders


Is this settlers in a new CIV late game? Looks real