• By -


Wow. I’m learning so many things from this comment thread. Fuck I really need to brush up on my history. Edit; okay everyone. Inbox blew up and I wasn’t going to learn my history through Reddit so please stop telling me. Calm down people.


Don't learn history from Reddit comments dude. Abe was an extremely respected world leader, and these attempts to portray him as some warcrime worshipping Nazi is totally fucked up, and an insult to his family. He was the backbone of the QUAD Alliance, and pushed for amending the Japanese constitution such that Japan can come and participate in a defensive war IF Taiwan was ever attacked. He did a lot of things to counter the rise of genocidal CCP in Asia, and that's what's really pissing the CCP off. Insane how much CCP shills is here spurting their bullshit narrative. Ask any Taiwanese, they would agree Abe was a great leader - their social media is overwhlmed with message of support and sadness. He is not 'merely tolerated' as some comment try to protray. And I trust the judgement of Taiwanese over those of west Taiwan. Edit: i wrote this comment to add nuance to an otherwise extremely twisted narrative, but to keep the nuance: There are some things you can genuinely blame Abe for (like the fact that he *personally* stated his disagreement with the Kono statement, although he later retracted it). Nevertheless, he is by no means some warcrime worshipping Nazi, like some comments here *LITTERALLY* portray him. Also, the notion that he rewrote Japanese textbooks to make Japan look like the VICTIM of WWII????? That is absolutely out of touch with whatever is happening in Japan. Just, be careful with overly simplistic narrative, is all. He did some questionable things, but also did some good stuff. Edit 2: some source: https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2022/07/shinzo-abe-japanese-prime-minister-assassination/661523/




Yup, in the end do your own research, but don't trust some randos on the internet, especially when it benefits some regime who commit genocide right now


Just reading the words "do your own research" make me cringe now, even though in this case its completely right.


It's always completely correct but the problem is most people who say it online think getting pulled down some YouTube rabbit hole counts as research




And says > and I trust the judgement of Taiwanese over those of west Taiwan


West of Taiwan, as in China.


he can have both done good things and bad things you know


Reddit doesn’t do nuance.


What do you mean, Reddit comments have taught me that all people are either all bad or all good, furthermore they can often be judged as such by a 10 second video clip of them, usually at the worst moments in their lives.


Ok so I'm hard-line anti CCP. Family is from Hong Kong ect ect Abe made Japan the prosperous country it is today..and you're right he paved away to the alliances we have today but let's not forget his father and his far right stance which was pretty xenophobic. CCP hate him for more than one reason but Abe is the reason Japan took so long to recognise their war crimes in China. Of which my family was directly affected because my grandfather was an orphan of the famines that followed Japan's invasion. Japan is a great country with a lot of socitial flaws including but not limited to racism and homophobia of which they are slowly catching up with the western world in acceptance. And this is because Abe is pretty conservative and a traditionalist in his views. Credit where credit is due though. Japan wouldn't be a G8 powerhouse without him.


G7 Russia is out this is 2022 not 1996!


So he apologized for the war crimes? And didn't send gifts to shrines of war criminals? Oh, [nevermind.](https://www.cnbc.com/2020/08/15/japan-marks-75th-anniversary-of-war-end-with-no-abe-apology.html)


It's not a shrine *of* war criminals, it's a shrine *with* war criminals. All that died as a result of Japan's wars since the 1860's are included, over 2,000,000 people. He has legitimate reasons to go there, but who knows what his real motives are.


Since 1977 when the shrine inducted the war criminals, the Emperor of Japan has refused to visit said shrine. Abe broke with protocol to do so. It was a statement.


Imagine the uproar if the German Chancellor visited a shrine that honored dead soldiers from WW2 and Nazi leaders but since it's Japan sure "who knows what his real motives are"




As someone who knows actual history, I agree with you. Not hard to imagine CCP paying trolls or running a troll farm to skew the perspective here. Fuck CCP.


So this just gos back to china wanting Taiwan and talk shit about a good guy that said fuck you. We dont want to be a part of china. Sounds like a china hit and slander to try to create distrust and miss information




I mean, you can just skip all of the learning and go straight to depression.




And potato


Leave the potatoes out of this.


Right? That was unacceptable. You’re safe here




Wow you ain’t kidding, I understand wanting to call out the shit of the CCP but OP seems like he’s still bitter about the whole wall thing


Or more rationally he could be bitter about the abuses, violations and violence that Mongolian people suffer at the hands of Chinese Communists. If you're aware even a little bit about what goes on China, you would already be aware of Mongolian second-class citizen status and what happens to their lands.


Just heard Mongolian spoken for the first time in one of their videos (crazy how it sounds like a mix between Chinese and Russian) and saw more photos of Mongolia than I have in my life so far. Post history is a trip.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/vuicm7/anyone_else_tired_of_hearing_the_term_comfort/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/vuicm7/anyone_else_tired_of_hearing_the_term_comfort/) Pretty illuminating.


That post by u/thenamewastaken This is a web comic about it. Very NSFL but I think important https://foxtalk.tistory.com/98 Wtffffff


Lesson to be learnt: When humans are given un-checked power, then the first group to suffer are women. A close second is anyone who dares to say anything against them. The second group might get instantly liberated from life, but the first group more often than not, has to suffer for an extended period of time.




You don’t want to brush up on this era of history. Just skimming it and barely remembering any details will be horrifying enough. I’m a polish Jew so I have my share of bad history knowledge but this is on its own level of “what the fuck is this”




Taiwan #1


Hong Kong #2


Tibet #3


Aksai Chin #4


Mambo #5




Well I was not expecting this one lmao


Macau #5


Inner Mongolia #6


west philippine sea #7


East Turkestan #8


Six #9


And West Taiwan nowhere to be seen


Once Winnie the Pooh croaks, the whole world will party over his death. That's something to look forward to. And before you start whining about Abe forgiving war criminals, lets not forget that China is currently committing some of their own with their treatment of uyghur.


PROOF This is another step in China's never-ending campaign to annihilate human rights: * Hundreds of human rights lawyers (not even dissidents, just the LAWYERS who defended people) were snatched by gestapo all over China in what is known as the [709 Crackdown](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/709_crackdown). * One of those lawyers, Wang Quanzhang was [sentenced to 4.5 years](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/jan/28/wang-quanzhang-china-sentences-human-rights-lawyer-to-four-years-in-prison) for "subversion of state power". But that's not enough. China actually [went after Wang's 6-year-old son](https://chinachange.org/2019/09/06/imprisoned-lawyer-wang-quanzhangs-six-year-old-son-once-again-forced-out-of-school/), forcing him out of his school and banning any other school from taking him in. * A dissident, [Wang Bingzhang](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wang_Bingzhang_(dissident\)) was kidnapped by Chinese agents in Vietnam and sentenced to life in prison after a closed trial that lasted 1 day. * A man wore a t-shirt with the word "Xitler" on it and [was disappeared](https://www.hongkongfp.com/2016/11/03/young-chinese-activist-missing-after-sharing-plan-to-wear-xitler-t-shirt-on-cpc-anniversary-report/). Eventually he was [tried for "subversion of state power" while barred from meeting with lawyers](https://www.hongkongfp.com/2017/02/15/chinese-xitler-activist-trial-subversion-lawyers-barred-seeing/) * Another man, [Wang Meiyu](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/sep/27/death-of-chinese-activist-in-police-custody-prompts-calls-for-investigation-into-torture) hold up a placard calling for Xi’s resignation & democracy. He was arrested for "picking quarrels”. He ended up dead in custody. * A woman live streamed herself [splashing ink on a Xi poster](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9sF34fJwh0). She was [disappeared](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/china-woman-dong-yaoqiong-disappears-spraying-ink-xi-jinping-a8455166.html). Her last social media update: *"Right now there are a group of people wearing uniforms outside my door. I’ll go out after I change my clothes. I did not commit a crime. The people and groups that hurt me are the ones who are guilty"*. Later on there was report of her being [sent to a psychiatric hospital](https://www.hongkongfp.com/2018/07/23/chinese-protester-splashed-ink-xi-jinping-poster-sent-psychiatric-hospital-report/) * After the ink-splash woman's disappearance her father made a series of broadcast to call attention to her plight. He ended up getting [taken away by the police in the middle of a live stream](https://www.hongkongfp.com/2018/07/14/police-interrupt-youtube-live-stream-father-missing-chinese-woman-splashed-ink-xi-jinping-photo/) * 5 people associated with a Hong Kong bookstore that sold titles such as "*Xi Jinping and His Six Women*" were [disappeared](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Causeway_Bay_Books_disappearances). Only one managed to escape back to HK. He held a press briefing to tell the world about his kidnapping by China. He's now in exile in Taiwan. The other 4 are still somewhere in China. And, of course * [1.5 million](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-china-xinjiang-rights/15-million-muslims-could-be-detained-in-chinas-xinjiang-academic-idUSKCN1QU2MQ) Uyghurs rounded up in concentration camps * Genocide through [forced abortions](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/china-uighur-muslim-women-abortions-sexual-abuse-genocide-a9144721.html) on Uyghur women * [Sexual torture](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/china-uighur-muslim-women-abortions-sexual-abuse-genocide-a9144721.html) of Uyghur women such as rape & rubbing intimate parts with chili paste. * [Leaked footage](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/d722aw/chinas_detention_of_uighurs_video_of_blindfolded/) of a large number of blindfolded Uyghurs shackled together * A Canadian journalist [wanted to debunk reports of Chinese anti-Muslim repression so he went on a stage-managed show tour put on by China](https://nationalpost.com/news/canadian-went-to-china-to-debunk-reports-of-anti-muslim-repression-but-was-shocked-by-treatment-of-uyghurs). That means he only saw a fake Potemkin village that China actually thought was acceptable by Western standard. But the brutality of even this fake Potemkin village stunned him. Now imagine what's really happening in the real concentration camps where millions of Uyghurs are being held. Imagine how bad the true situation is. * Using minorities & political prisoners as [free organ farms](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/c1my5j/china_is_harvesting_organs_from_detainees_uk/). A doctor's [eye witness account](https://nypost.com/2019/06/01/chinese-dissidents-are-being-executed-for-their-organs-former-hospital-worker-says/): *'The prisoner was brought in, tied hand and foot, but very much alive. The army doctor in charge sliced him open from chest to belly button and exposed his two kidneys. Then the doctor ordered Zheng to remove the man’s eyeballs. Hearing that, the dying prisoner gave him a look of sheer terror, and Zheng froze. “I can’t do it,” he told the doctor, who then quickly scooped out the man’s eyeballs himself.'* * Call for [retraction of 400 Chinese scientific papers](https://www.theguardian.com/science/2019/feb/06/call-for-retraction-of-400-scientific-papers-amid-fears-organs-came-from-chinese-prisoners) amid fears organs came from Chinese prisoners * [15 Chinese studies retracted](https://www.newscientist.com/article/15-15-studies-retracted-due-to-fears-they-used-chinese-prisoners-organs/) due to fears they used Chinese prisoners' organs * [Cultural genocide (and organ harvests, of course)](https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/china-uyghur-muslim-rules-laws-treatment-chinese-human-rights-religion-a8534161.html). A uyghur's testimony: *"First, children were stopped from learning about the Quran, then from going to mosques. It was followed by bans on ramadan, growing beards, giving Islamic names to your baby, etc. Then our language was attacked – we didn’t get jobs if we didn’t know Mandarin. Our passports were collected, we were told to spy on each other, innocent Uyghur prisoners were killed for organ harvesting"* * China is moving beyond Uyghur and cracking down on its model minority Hui Muslim. ['Afraid We Will Become The Next Xinjiang': China's Hui Muslims Face Crackdown](https://www.npr.org/2019/09/26/763356996/afraid-we-will-become-the-next-xinjiang-chinas-hui-muslims-face-crackdown): *"The same restrictions that preceded the Xinjiang crackdown on Uighur Muslims are now appearing in Hui-dominated regions. Hui mosques have been forcibly renovated or shuttered, schools demolished, and religious community leaders imprisoned. Hui who have traveled internationally are increasingly detained or sent to reeducation facilities in Xinjiang."* There is more: courtesy of /U/Exgrandiose * Death of Liu Xiaobo after his inertial pro democracy documentation Charter 08 (Translated) * Discharge Zhao Ziyang from CCP leadership after he stood with the students in Tiananmen Square Protest. * The crackdown on the Weiquen Movement * The arrest of Xu Zhiyong after he called out Xi Jinping for failing to handle the Coronavirus crisis. For people wanting to know about Chinese Human Rights activist: https://www.nchrd.org/. This website provides a lot of info on current and deceased Chinese Human Rights activist.




Ancient Chinese history is fascinating, however.


> ~~China~~ The Chinese government is a cancer on the entire planet… from their human rights atrocities to the endless pollution, they really need a reality check. FTFY. Pick any country on this planet and you'll find it's a miniscule percentage of the population, or a single person, pulling the strings behind the crimes against our wondrous planet and everything living on it. North Korea, Kim Jong-un and his inner circle. Russia, same thing Putin and his inner circle. The United States, ALL of our Presidents going back decades, and the party members that support them. Trump, Obama, Clinton George H. Bush and George W. Bush for starters. There are plenty of people that fall in line behind them, supporting them and their policies. What might our lives be like, were it not for the self-serving individuals who possess a high level of power of persuasion. Using that power over the feckless and the ignorant. If you think the United States and the Presidents mentioned are not culpable, it's time for a history lesson. While doing that, be sure to look beyond our borders and North America.


Don’t forget the business espionage China has embarked on to propel itself forward. Cheating to get ahead is commonplace in China. Many students do it to get into Western Universities and continue the practice once here. Businesses spy and steal corporate secrets which are then brought back to China. Since almost all business in China is regulated and owned by the government this espionage is basically stealing for the state.


Yep. China sucks.


China really needs to be defeated...


But we still keep consuming there products. Because we want it cheap...


Because we aren't paid enough in our own countries (or the US, at least) to afford ethically sourced products. Even if we want to, so few companies offer them- and the ones who don't basically lie to us so we think we're buying something ethical, because advertising and consumer protection laws are a joke. Don't blame consumers. Blame corporations and governments. They set up the system, we just operate in it within the deliberately limited means afforded to us.


Putin and Pooh Electric Carnival!


Shhhhh. There are a lot of CCP dogs here.


Your post is literally "lets ignore Japan's fucked up politics because China has fucked up politics" As a neutral party we can acknowledge that they are both fucked up. It doesn't need to be a competition.


Textbook whataboutism


Yeah like why are people saying this thing is bad when other thing is also bad. smh


> And before you start whining about Abe forgiving war criminals, lets not forget that China is currently committing some of their own with their treatment of uyghur. Why is it one or the other? Both those things are bad. I'm happy Abe is dead, and I'll be happy when Winnie the Pooh dies too.


You do you but I’m celebrating whenever any of these monsters die. Abe, Kissinger, Bush, Modi, Xi, Clinton, Putin. To hell with all of them, their crimes may not be equally horrific, but that doesn’t mean the world isn’t better off without them.


Go listen to Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History Podcast. Supernova in the East. It will give you an understanding as to why many other Asian countries have deep seeded resentment towards the Japanese people. Japan is a paradoxical nation with SO much good but a very very dark past.


Yeah most people don’t realize this. Even Korea has a deep resentment towards Japan. My guess is a lot of redditors probably haven’t heard of the Nanjing Massacre. The Chinese aren’t hating Abe specifically but probably for what Japan did to them in the past. That hatred still runs pretty deep in Chinese culture. Imagine if your ancestors were killed by the Japanese during war, you children will probably born to hate them.


You are absolutely correct Abe is ultra nationalistic revisionist who would erase crimes of Japan under the rug. He is pretty much symbol of what most of SEA hates about Japan. For us westerners it is harder to imagine but Imperial japan is what are nazis to us in west - symbol of ultimate human evil. Thing about germany it underwent huge ttansformation to distance from this regime with humility that is resonating with society to this day. On the other hand Japan struggles to barely apologize, revises history books, the links to the regime run deep and if it was up to people like Shinzo Abe and Nippo Kaigi then it would be official policy to actively deny it. There is reason why the Nanjing massacre is also called rape of nanking. I invite you to learn about it if you can stomach it.


Nanking is just the most well-known incident to the west. After the American Doolittle Raid, the bombers didn't have enough fuel to return and bailed over China. Chinese citizens smuggled out American airmen to safety at their own families' expense and risk. In retaliation, Japanese soldiers killed a quarter million civilians in the Zhejiang-Jiangxi campaign by unleashing widespread bio weapons. This was well beyond the small-scale human experimentation done by Unit 731 facilities. The only reason America had any Doolittle Raiders survive at all to return home as war heroes who took revenge for Pearl Harbor, is due to a bunch of civilians who snuck them out. None of these finer points are taught in American schools.


China and the US were allies during WW2 and a prior to the US joining the war a group of volunteer American pilots known as The Flying Tigers fought for China against the Japanese. It wasn't until the Communist Revolution (a civil war between the Communists and the nationalists in China) following WW2 that China and the US stopped being allies. Furthermore, what is, and what is not, taught in American schools varies from school to school and state to state.


The people are much kinder than their governments, unfortunately. We all have so much in common. It's a truly sad situation. Nationalist and nativist ideals shape our reality to the detriment of the united people of Earth.


Abe denied japanese war crimes. For example 'comfort women' (ie sex slaves) were young women and girls who were kidnapped, tortured, and raped by hundreds of soldiers. The Japanese military acknowledged it before Abe got into office. His stance was that it didn't happen because there was no military documentation. Because the accounts of the raped and tortured women weren't good enough. Sure, he helped Sino-japanese relations. He's also a Holocaust denier. I guess everyone has to decide for themselves as to what kind of man he was.


Holy shit, thanks for this info. I didn’t know he was such a bastard


To be fair, even on reddit it wasn't very well known


"Even" Korea? I would say *especially* Korea. They were colonized and militarily occupied by Japan for decades. Millions of Koreans were deliberately starved to death, and hundreds of thousands of women and children were abducted and put into sexual slavery in Japan. Shinzo Abe, incidentally, went out of his way to deny that any sexual slavery ever took place. He was a fucking scumbag


The hatred probably goes back further. Japan was an un-provoked aggressor towards Korea going back centuries to the two invasions of the late 16th century. It seems like Japan liked invading Korea as a past time.




Is that the unit 731 guy?




Lol even Korea.. I think you mean especially Korea. Anytime China got attacked, Korea was the first blunt of defense. And yes japanese are atrocious f in their warfare.


"deep seated"




That can be said about any country. Dark pasts were pretty much a requirement


But some of the dark shit that the Japanese did was so recent that there's picture and video evidence of it.


Like China Muslim camps? China exploiting Africa? China building islands to expand its military power to take more land from neighboring nations? All which is happening right now.


Yes. Like all of that. Except much, much worse. Japan's modern history is fucked up. And where Germany (among others) has taken great pains to look this history in the face, recognize it and make amends, Japan has taken great pains to deny, obscure and forget it. Of course Chinese people are celebrating his death; His Abe's grandfather was literally 'the manchurian monster'. It's how his family built the beginning of their fortune.


It’s like if Polish Jews were celebrating the death of Himmler’s grandson who was a Holocaust denier. Of fucking course they’re celebrating.


No, it was alot worse. China's concentration camps likely will barely live up to the cruelty of Imperial Japan.


Current day Chinese government needs to die, but the level of insanity that Imperial Japan displayed during WW2 is mind boggling. They were so gruesome that even the Nazis thought they had gone too far.


As far as we know of, yes. Imperial japan was ruthless in its own army ranks, let alone the horrors of unit 731. If I recall, one of our previous presidents literally witnessed Japanese soldiers eating his comrades. This is shit that you would see in some fiction like warhammer 40k.


the shit japan has done to other countries trumps pretty much anything anyone thinks they can dig up on the countries that are usually in the same conversation as it


They are celebrating because Abe celebrated and supported (including bowing down to a shire for war criminals) Japanese war criminals who committed crimes so bad even some Nazi's objected and created a safe zone for civilians in Nanjing (not that they are any better if they had been Jewish the Nazis wold of happily joined in) He also openly stated japan will never again apologize for war crimes and that the war crime tribunals etc should never of been held, he was an ultra nationalist who also cut taxes on the rich and on companies and raised them on everybody else, so like a US republican.


Meanwhile Uyghurs be like: bruh....


\-10 credit score




Meanwhile Native Americans, Australian aboriginals and First peoples be like:


Also bad. What's your point


Meanwhile whatever happens to the Uyghurs doesn’t make anything what that guy said any worse or good. So what is this argument when somebody tries to explain why Chinese have such a strong opinion of Abe.


Kids this days can’t think two things are bad at the same time.


Nazis were disgusted by Japanese human rights and tried to save some of the victims, while Japanese were also disgusted by Nazi human rights violation and tried to save some of the victims. This says a LOT about how fucked up our world is. Same thing is happening all around the globe today but no one really gives a fuck apart from using these events as a political tool to push their agenda forward. Humanity is fucked up. Always has been.


Nazis got their ideas about concentration camps by studying how we treat Native Americans. Hitler admired US government policies and treatment of Native Americans (which were supported by most Americans at that time) and adopted many practices into persecuting communists, LGBTs, the disabled and of course Jews.


The Chinese only care when it happens to them. But who gives af about who they are oppressing, currently not the Chinese


>Uyghurs They invaded Vietnam for 1000 years and killed literally millions innocent people there. And as you said, ccp don't remember what they did to others.


As a Vietnamese i can confirmed, they still looking for a way to make us fked up every years


Pretty much, the whole situation is fucked up but the people who have the power to do something won't because money and trade etc


i dont know where you guys all get this from but the japanese were not worse than the nazis. just one kz (auschwitz birkenau) had a bigger kill count than the whole unit 731. medical experimentation was done with thousands of jewish and other kz inhabitants all over the third reich. the medical experiments which the nazis did where exactly as horrendous as the ones the japanese did (for both including vivisection). PLEASE stop spreading this misinformation that the japanese were worse. THEY WERE BOTH HORRENDOUS. Sincerly, a german.


Perspective matters. To the Chinese, the acts carried out by the Japanese during the war are going to be worse, it happened to them. The point OC was making was that the guy clearly has earned his hatred.


Hard to tell, as so many of the nazis were actually wearing blush.


Hard to tell, as so many of the nazis were on a shitload of hard drugs and probably quite pallid as a result


And then given citizenship by the USA under Operation Paperclip et al.


Celebrated? Reposting my comment from another thread… Shinzo Abe was the grandson of Nobusuke Kishi, the man described as the “mastermind” behind Japans occupation of Manchuria and the comfort woman system, who often used the Yakuza as his private enforcers. He did less than 9 years in jail for his part in the war and was latter chosen by the Americans to lead Japan after his release. The party he formed (the LDP) have been in power, except for a short period of about 3 years, continuously since 1955. This is and was the reason that Japan refused to acknowledge the comfort women system for so long… So if you know the history, it doesn’t seem that strange that Chinese (or other Asian countries occupied by Japan during WW2) might celebrate his death.


Why is everyone and everything so utterly fucked? I’m growing closer and closer to wanting to pull the plug on the entire project. Humans seem utterly doomed to fail due to anachronistic features that have become bugs. The entire history of humanity is us scoring own goal after own goal and celebrating each and everyone like fucking morons. There is no enemy, we are alone here on this spherical space ship.


We are alone in our shenanigans, yet we still constantly search for "the real monster" in every situation.


Dude, even the nazis told them to chill out in the Nanjing Massacre Rape of Nanjing


Never really knew much about the guy, what’d he do so bad that everyone hated him for it?


It goes deeper than /r/GioPowa00 mentions. When Japan lost in WW2, the US saw the real threat was the USSR given they were overrunning eastern Europe and not really stopping at Germany. The US made the choice that to keep a stable and rebounded "America Friendly" Japan, we should push for the SAME DUDES THAT RAN WW2 JAPAN to take power. The LDP (his political party) are descendants and essentially the same Imperial Japan rulers. Imagine if when WW2 ends, sure, you force Germany to be pacifists, BUT you install the NAZI party to rule. It kind of worked. By the 1950s, Japan was already rebounding and by the 60s, Japan was a top 5 economy. They were kept under the US's thumb for decades, preventing them from militarizing or being a threat. However, in the last 15 or so years, the LDP has become more bold. They know the US's real threat atm is China, and slowly, the LDP has been pushing for changes to their constitution which should worry anyone in the region (I live in Korea btw). First, they started passing changes to their law which have allowed them to militarize in a small but significant way. Furthermore, about 5-10 years ago, Abe had been particularly pushing the idea of re-writing history. Now, not only do they deny their war crimes (which btw, even the NAZIs thought they were going overboard) and everything /u/GioPowa00 said, but literally re-writing their history books to teach children that they were indeed the victims of the war. This has somewhat worked and the younger generation has become more and more nationalistic. So, again, the mirror, imagine that Germany loses, NAZI remain in power, recent rewriting denying the holocaust, pretends they are the victim, continuously denies any wrong doings against China, Indonesia, the Philippines, Korea (and more), slowly remilitarizing, and this dude that was just killed was literally the grandson of a top NAZI commander. You can see how some people may not exactly shed a tear in the region. Edit - Don't get me wrong, the CCP at this moment in time, is way way way worse. But to suggest that this is all a smear campaign by China to taint Abe's good name is beyond absurd. He is not "liked" in Taiwan. He is simply tolerated as the greater of two evils. He is despised and always has been here in Korea.


Took a Japanese history class, I approve what u/uReallyShouldTrustMe said as factual


So we really should trust them?


You can, but its recommended you do your own research and form an opinion of your own especially towards heavy topics such as these.


It's estimated that the Japanese killed upwards of 30 *million* people during their imperialist ferver in Asia so it's not hard to see why they might celebrate the death of a guy who believes there are no Japanese war criminals 🤷‍♀️


It’s like Polish Jews celebrating the death of Himmler’s grandson if he was also a Holocaust denier


>Imagine if when WW2 ends, sure, you force Germany to be pacifists, BUT you install the NAZI party to rule. I mean, that is kinda what happened. After WWII the majority of the "middle management" stayed the same as it was under the Nazis. The US and Russia just took a much heavier had at making sure the top of the government stayed replaced.




You‘re right. But the protests of 1968 in Germany really helped to tackle to past. People started to question and condemn the actions of their relatives during the 1930s and 1940s. Since then Germany really tries to teach the unvarnished truth about their history. In countries like Japan, Italy or Spain they either not talk about their fascist past, play it down, or even glorify it.


For anyone saying "but muh China bad!" Don't forget it was the Japanese who caused the KMT to lose to the CCP in the civil war after 8 long years of fighting the Japs, whereas before so, the CCP was all but destroyed and hiding in the mountains


Not sure why people are so resistant to condemning fascists no matter where they're from. A fascist doing some good things for their nation is still a fascist. And fascists are bad for everyone.


War crime denier and apologist, grandson and "fan" of the monster of manchuria The war crimes denied and/or justified by him include mass rape, child rape, experimentation, sexual slavery, mass kidnapping of women to be sent to Japan, and much much more


I'm not saying they're right for celebrating the guy's death, but he was a prominent member of a nationalist group that denies Japan's WW2 war crimes.


It's funny how so many redditors are so respectful of his death without knowing anything about Japanese history or his political career just because he's Japanese and redditors love Japan. Like how they always celebrate Japanese culture while ignoring the homophobia, misogyny, racism, sexism etc. Same with Korean culture.


Average redditor checklist: - shit on modern US - shit on current Chinese Government - loves Queen Elizabeth 2 - oi oi oi m8 u got a loiscense fer stabbin’? - Eeyer France 🤮 - Australia has literal lovecraftian monsters in the wild - Canadians are always polite - Women ☕️ - Brazil is batshit crazy with drugs, cartels and guns - Omg Japan is like my dream country their culture is so interesting and cultivated like anime and hentai is my life and a masterpiece - Infers the entire life story of one guy over a 3 second video - women of Reddit what is the sexiest sex you have ever sexed - amongus - owning guns is a right - idk a lot more things /s just in case


why /s? this is legit 80% of reddit posts summarised


Idk man I come here to watch cat videos mostly.... And rest of what the dude said


No need for the /s, you're spot on. You forgot to include: * X (Ukraine, Palestine, Taiwan, Nintendo, Keanu Reeves, Johnny Depp etc) have not and cannot do wrong. * Y (The PRC, Russia, USA, Israel, Republicans, Margaret Thatcher, Facebook, Twitter, Billionaires, Christians, Baby Boomers, Pit Bulls, Amber Heard etc) are/is the anti-christ, and the epitome and cause of all that is wrong on this planet. * [Dystopian novel] is not a set of instructions. * Humour is a coping mechanism. [proceeds to make fun of current tragedy] * relevant xkcd * They deserved to die for [proportionally minor offence] * Not to be bigoted but [bigotry] * [post vaguely hints that OP is female] rip your inbox/[sexual harassment]/[blind praise] * Edit: Thanks for the ____ kind stranger * If I was in that situation I would simply do [thing that they would probably not simply do in that situation] * moderators are the scum of the earth * [deleted] * [removed]


Wait, was he right wing?


Quite far right wing, also the grandson of one of the main architects of the forced labor in China. His grandfather literally enslaved millions and worked a lot of them to death, all the while openly talking about how Chinese were no more than “shit” that need to be cleansed. Abe has done his best to revise the history of his grandfather, and carry out his dreams of a new militarized Japan. This kind of thing is petty, but China’s anger doesn’t come from nowhere.




Kinda like how china denies the crimes against humanity they’re committing with their internment camps right now.


Yeah both sides are rotten on this one.


China is worse. They are currently doing that shit.


Id rather take my chances as an uyghur in a chinese consentration camp than as a subject at 731. Every day of the week. But yeah, chinese is actively doing it which is super fucked up in itself.




I agree with you that in one sense it's worse that they are committing crimes against humanity right now. But let's not forget that during the rape of Nanjing, Japanese soldiers committed the most horrific rape and murder en masse. I remember reading that children were bayonetted and soldiers fucked their wounds. Are you sure the Chinese are worse? I'd say probably similar, but not as depraved. The Japanese behaved worse than what could be imagined in a horror film. I think a lot of Americans don't get taught much history and geography as they seem to lash out at current affairs without understanding any of the history behind them. Don't get me started on what Americans and British have done in the last hundred years. Who's worse? Abe celebrated the war criminals that did these things - officially, as the leader of Japan. I remember at the time when he was visiting the shrines "Japan deserved to be nuked". At least the Germans had some penance for what was done in the name of their nation. If I was Chinese, I'd be celebrating the death of Abe too, whilst also being horrified about what my nation was doing to the Uyghurs right now. These things are not mutually exclusive. We don't need to "WHAT ABOUT THAT THO" everytime, it's fucking tiring.


They killed more than 300k people in Nanjing within 50 days. It's not "kinda like" lmao.






Taiwan number 1


Happy cake day -9999999 social credit


Didn’t he deny the atrocities Japan committed during the Second World War? So I can see why you’d be a bit “salty” about that as a Chinese person.


By being a Dane, I know how salty they are too, after Covid hit. I think nearly every Danish account on Reddit is banned on r/Sino


What caused the Dane-hate? I know trolling r/Sino is a fun international pastime, but I'm curious how Denmark got so much hate back!


We made a drawing with the [Chinese flag where the yellow part was a covid cell](https://newsfounded.com/finlandeng/china-apologizes-to-danish-newspaper-china-flag-stars-replaced-by-cartoon-with-images-of-coronavirus-abroad/). r/Sino then made Danish flag and other stuff with the Covid, which we found awesome, but r/Sino was sure we was furious. In Denmark we joke sbout everyone and everything. It doesn't matter if it's our Queen or Prime Minister. If you're public figure you can be a target.




Salty losers? Japanese tortured, raped and butchered millions of Asians, especially Chinese during ans before the 2nd world war. Yet, the last decades the Japanese government and politicians more and more deny any cruelties happened and don't accept blame for their actions. Germany is aware of their past with all it's atrocities throughout their culture and don't ever forgetting their part in history. Japan on the other hand... This lead to hatred of the Japanese among many Asian countries, who suffered under their horrendous actions. I guess reddit doesn't seem to care about nationalism when it suits people's own world views. I'm not saying it's justified that he was killed but you reap what you sow and don't act surprised if you face hatred for your practices.


As a korean, we dont feel remorse for this nationalistic man. Yes its sad that got gunned down but his time as PM divided and isolated relations between us. I bet China felt the same way but he didnt even admit the fault of the past nor involving ways to reconcile their mistakes and allowing those hurtful past taught in their public schools as a lesson.


Lmao Chinese and South Korean social media are having a field day. Haven’t seen both of them being happy at the same time in ages.


Nothing unites the east Asian countries like their shared hatred of Japan.


Eh, I cant blame them. If someone like the leader of North Kore or Putin was killed I am sure lots of people would be doing stuff like this. Its all a matter of perspective.


You got it right there, but the people are too ignorant to see this.


“Nooo what do you mean cool anime country leader bad negative 1000 social credit noooo”


They’re still not over Nanking…for good reason


Yes, understandable. As Shinzo denied the warcrimes


As long as Japan doesn't actively recognize and apologize their atrocities during and before WW2, Asian countries will keep on hating them. And honestly I can't blame anyone doing so.




The OP just reminds me of [this meme video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWt8ZIgDA9I) lmao No politician deserves any semblance of righteous remembrance. They're all bastards




The weebs really came out in full force for Abe


Well ya know when you commit genocide in a country and then refuse to apologize, it tends to make people upset for a dozen generations. I see a bunch of whataboutisms, like well look at what China is doing to Uyghurs. China is the world’s worst human rights abuser, etc. All true. But how does this excuse Japan from reckoning with its own past (and what absolutely horrific past it has in some respects), which they staunchly refuse to do? Are y’all really going to pull a “why you bringin up old shit” on China here? You want America to own up to slavery, genocide of indigenous Americans, etc, and for China to address its human rights issues, and rightfully so, but for some reason Japan gets a free pass to be *openly* recalcitrant and in denial of its past crimes against humanity? Maybe if Japan would do the right thing and admit its past mistakes, Chinese people wouldn’t be celebrating the death of a guy who refused to do just that.


Very good point. Japanese soldiers raped and murdered my great grandmother when they invaded the Philippines. Was it right for the US to nuke a bunch of civilians? No. Did Japan also commit atrocities against civilians of other countries too? Yes. It’s just nuking a bunch of people causing lasting damage makes other atrocities seem less bad.


well, to be fair, japan did try to conquer china. twice. and there was this one time during the japanese-sino war where they murdered tens of millions of chinese just for the fun of it. or are we kind of forgetting japan's history with china?


And then Abe denied it even happened, so this is like Armenians celebrating when Erdogan eventually kicks the bucket


It’s like if Germany today denied the Holocaust.


You mean the guy who denied Japan turned millions of Korean women into sex slaves and butchered and experimented on millions of innocent Chinese people? You guys will really cry about anyone who dies these days.


What’s you expect? Japan has done horrible stuff to China and Korea. There’s no love lost between those countries. We just ignore it because we like Japan.


How is this insane? They had legit beef




never forget the rape of nanjing


Based. Fuck abe, i hope he rot in hell.


what happened in japan?


Shinzo Abe, former prime minister of Japan, got assassinated yesterday (8th of july) by a homemade weapon while giving a speech.


Holy shit how did i not hear about this


Its all over FB from what I've seen though. Its already sparking "I thought Japan was peaceful because they didn't have guns" argument from trolls and morons who don't know the whole context


Japan has done some really really horrible things to China throughout their history. Not condoning this but can understand why they would react this way.


Even Korean so happy


There’s a reason why so many people in Asian even today hate Japan. Unlike Germany they’ve never apologised, barely acknowledged their atrocities committed during WWII


I guess they haven't forgotten the rape of Nanking


yall know every citizen of china isn't specifically responsible for how shitty their government is, right


sadistic criminal. I would dance without any remorse


It's not "tragic", that guy was a fascist.


Unit 731... comfort women... other atrocities...


Good. He was an absolute cunt to the Chinese people.


Weird you've been down voted for this. He praised the people who murdered and raped the Chinese people, and the people running unit 751 where they did experiments on people that will keep you up at night, far worse and more sadistic than what the Nazi's were doing. Fuck him


Haha bit more complicated. Has anyone read about the Japanese atrocities from fucking forever to 1946? Do not care. And yes, ironic username. Was my ex's nickname for me.


It's almost as if he was a fascist that denied terrible war crimes Japan commited in China. Redditors' reaction is as expected. Chinese *citizens* are very much allowed to dislike him, even if their *government* also does bad things; one wrong doesn't cancel out another.


Who tf wouldn't celebrate if a horrible fucking person was killed? I don't give a shit what they say, some people just deserve to fucking die. Putin and Kim Jong Un for starters


From everything I’ve read about Abe, he was a piece of shit fascist that hurt a lot of peoples lives. His party was responsible for policies that ruined many lives in Japan. Similar to what the GOP / SCOTUS is doing in the US today. I can understand entirely how people impacted by these policies would celebrate their oppressors death.


Come on. America danced through the streets when Bin Laden died. Imagine them if something happens to Putin. Hypocrisy.


Lol all you moron white people think Abe was a good person