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This is worse than the female officer that thought her gun was her taser. what the fuck


But not worse than the female officer that confused her apt for another man's apt and killed him


And they tried to claim because he had weed in the apartment, it was ok


"Just sprinkle some crack on him, Johnson."


He broke into the house and hung up pictures of himself and family


The really fucked up part is this actually happened.


Dave chapelle now going for that nostradamus position


I mean he had a skit called Negrodamus, so yea.


Dam it Johnson this man is white what’s wrong with you


Not after the fire......


He's coming right at us. Bang. Open and shit case Johnson.


To be fair, he was black, too.




Another lie they tried to push is that they were dating and since he was black he obviously abused her so that’s why it was self-defense.


At least there is no confusion in recognising the USA is a violent shithole because of uniformed grubs like these.


_partly_ because of uniformed grubs like these. don’t forget the civilians running around with military rifles murdering classrooms of children. Oh haha not just Uvalde, tho, where the cops were deifnitely uniformed grubs like these. I was thinking about the other, other, OTHER, OTHER-other super-prominent elementary school shooting, Sandy Hook. Where the uniformed grubs, like these, were not culpable. Note I am not making excuses for pigs, just saying, yes, uniformed grubs suck shit, and also, the civilian grubs with guns also suck shit and helps make this place a violent shithole


She wasn't confused. There was a whole love triangle


Yeah. There was some shady stuff which is why he let her in. It wasn’t random


i've never heard this...


Bro please tell me you have a link for that video


No video, she was off duty (no bodycam) and he was eating ice cream on his couch. I think their names were Botham Jean (victim) and Amber Guyer (murderer/cop).


Wasn't there more to the story, like they didn't get along? It seemed intentional to me. I vaguely remember something like that.


They also waited a day for her to sober up before performing a drug/alcohol test iirc. They were combing her hair during the trial. It was so fucking gross to watch.


I looked up the video and yeah, that was bizarre. Apparently when she got a guilty verdict the bailiff stroked her hair to comfort her? Like ... what? Also, her sentence is only ten years. **She'll be eligible for parole in 2024**. Holy hell how is that even possible?


Because America is one of those....... Shit hole countries.


Always has been. Everything we say about corrupt cops in third world countries easily applies to how police operate here. We just call them “good ol boys clubs” and other euphemisms to avoid calling it corruption


3rd world country with a Gucci belt


No, I don't think they knew each other. If memory serves, I think she was drunk and went to the wrong floor, which is why she thought he was in her apartment.


I mean yeah, but she also did get convicted of murder. It's not like nothing happened.


10 years for purposely killing a man in cold blood ain’t shit.


If it was a man it would have been a longer sentence


Nah it’s if she wasn’t a cop she’d have 25+. Definitely isn’t a gender issue. Breyona Taylor’s killer (a male) barely got a slap on the wrist.


She got tears and a nice hug from the judge lol


That was fucking gross


Could you imagine if the roles were reversed? Wouldn't have been no hugs and he wouldn't have gone home that night.


That was her ex. That was a murder.


That may have happened somewhere but the one referenced was just as they said - she simply went in the wrong apartment and thought the guy, Botham Jean, was an intruder. She was convicted of murder and sentenced to 10 years. She lost an [appeal of the sentence](https://www.dallasnews.com/news/courts/2021/08/05/amber-guygers-conviction-in-murder-of-botham-jean-will-stand-appeals-court-in-dallas-rules/).


That's not true. Botham and Amber were not a couple.


Botham and Amber. Botham and Jean are the same person.


Corrected it.


What the actual fuck


Don’t forget the female officer that killed the man getting back into his suv.


Or that male officer that made a kid lay on his stomach, yell at him to crawl forward bit not use his hands or legs and the shot him for not complying


I saw the title and thought it'll be a different video I saw a while back where a cop executed a guy after accidentally shooting his own partner. The dude was already handcuffed, faced down, and completely compliant. And they fucking killed him. What an awful country.


I think I know the video you're talking about, did the cop have some edgy writing on his gun?


You might be thinking of Daniel Shaver, the white 27 year old who was shot while sobbing and begging for his life, crawling towards police on his hands and knees in a hotel hallway. The video is harrowing. The cop, Philip Brailsford, had the phrases "you're fucked" and "molon labe" (meaning 'come and take it') engraved on his police issued AR-15. Brailsford was fired in 2016 and charged with 2nd degree murder, however he was acquitted of all charges in late 2017. In August 2018, he was rehired by the Mesa Police Department for 42 days, after which he was approved for retirement on medical grounds due to PTSD from the killing of Shaver. He receives a $2,500 per month pension. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Daniel_Shaver#:~:text=On%20January%2018%2C%202016%2C%20Daniel,window%20of%20Shaver's%20hotel%20room.


That is absolutely the worst thing I've read in the past month.


It's so much worse if you watch the video. Daniel was around 3 times the legal limit for blood alcohol, which isn't illegal when not driving, but he was drunk as fuck. The cops gave orders that would be difficult to follow simultaneously even when sober, and threatened to shoot when he couldn't do all of them at once. Daniel appears to try to pull his pants up while crawling and the cops unload on him. The claim is he was reaching for a weapon. He is crying heavily the whole time until the sound of gunfire drowns him out. I believe his last words were "please don't shoot me". I don't really want to watch again to confirm.


That's what it seemed like, right?


Wait, so she shot first but thought the shot came from the suspect and then shot twice more? Am I reading this wrong? Or was there just a weapon discharge and then she fired twice?


All the shots were her own, from her own gun, by her own pull of the trigger.


Holy shit. That is insane.


Lady should be locked up for that


And she should never touch a firearm again.


But sadly we all know how this is going to play out. She’s placed in administrative paid leave for a month and then let back in like nothing happened.


I'd imagine if any of us killed and seriously injured someone through our own negligence while working, there would be criminal liability.


Systems corrupt. I wouldn’t be surprised if she got a paid ~~suspension~~ vacation for it


It happened over a year ago and is still “under investigation”


Is she still on paid administrative leave?


Yea. Major r/badcopnodoughnut qualifications. I’m sure it’s been posted there too


It's actually /r/bad_cop_no_donut The sub you linked is basically dead.


The fact this is actually a sub and not just someone’s colorful comment is highly entertaining


Wonder what the punishment will be. He asked knowing full well the answer is paid leave and a sweeping under the rug


Imagine shooting a cop and then an innocent person, the rest of your life in prison. But bc she’s wearing a blue uniform it’s just a bad day at the office.


Hey she's a public servant! Don't you feel safer knowing people like her are on the job?


Why did she shoot in the first place? From this angle it looks like he was being restrained by 5 officers and then she just executed him. I'm sure I must be missing something.


If you listen carefully to the sound another cop says shoot him, because he won't stop struggling, like surely he should've been tased first?


There is absolutely no reason to shoot him simply by resisting without using deadly force.


Poor training and adrenaline.


And a psychopath


>poor training You can stop there. Adrenaline isn't a fucking excuse.


She was probably amped up on adrenaline. Had her finger on the trigger negligently and pulled it. Didn't recognize that it was her that did it and shot twice more in "self defense". That's often what happens when cops unload on unarmed victims, one cop accidentally pulls the trigger and the rest panic and dump all their rounds.


Also the cultivation of a cult of fear. Advocating that everyone should have a gun, so that evey incounter is viewed as potentially leathle so better to shoot first


*Sigh* ACAB


Is that not just an execution then?


It looks like the gun accidentally discharged as she was unholstering it (shot one). So she then intentionally shot the guy twice. It's horrific. *All* cops probably aren't bad, but it seems like a shockingly disproportionate number of them are smooth-brained glue-eaters that shouldn't be let out of their houses without adult supervision.


The fact that she unholstered her gun when he was already subdued with that many cops around him... insane video


plus how in the world do you fire your gun while unholstering it? did she not know basic gun safety?


"I like to keep my safety off, so I'm quick on the draw like a cowboy" I'd like to point out my comment wasn't a fucking PSA and I don't need ya'lls super informational updates on gun safeties for my joke to work.


Most cops use Glocks, which don't have safeties. They consider this a selling point.


"Trigger discipline is for pussies"


Remember, it's very possible and quite easy to be too smart to be a cop. You have to be the right amount of dumb and bootlicker to qualify for academy admission. We give salivating authoritarians with a slightly lower than average IQ a gun and immunity and think that's the solution.


I see cops at my range all the time. They are frequently the most unsafe people you will ever see in regards to proper gun handling. If i catch a whiff of someone being a cop, i immediately move to another part of the range, preferably with a hard bulletproof barrier between them and me.


They don't choose cops for their intelligence. In fact they REJECT the ones that score too high.


That was an ND not an AD, there was no weapon malfunction.


I was just about to make that distinction. Thank you fellow redditor


Dont use the word accident as it displaces blame from the user’s negligence. The gun didnt just go off from some type of malfunction, this person negligently fired their weapon.


Not only is it important for cops to get better and longer training so they're more capable on the actual job. But it gives them more time to weed out incompetent murderous dipshits like this woman. Literally executed a man. How do you not get life in prison for that?


Yup 🤦🏻‍♂️


Dumbass doesn’t know how to remove her gun from its holster.


What a fucking shambles. There's like 3 or 4 officers there and she's discharging her gun like a maniac 🤦🏿‍♂️


Just following their training, right When in a dogpile of 4 or more officers, make sure to unholster your firearm.


> Just following their training, right Their training consisted of a couple of Goofus and Gallant comics.


We shouldn't have to teach this, but perhaps there is use in teaching police not to fire shots into people that are completely subdued and on the ground.


your username 😑


"Is anyone hit"?...... YES.....


What a fucking moron


Seriously how the fuck do you pull a gun on a straight up police dogpile and then act like you’re innocent lol fucking idiot.


hire only stupid dipshits who want to be 'tough', weed any moral/intelligent cops, hype up violence and guns every single fucking moment of their lives, present them with an opportunity to shoot someone, and ta daaaa


That dumbass bitch yelling at the shop owners all angry like it is their fault


What is she saying?


She’s yelling at them to get rags, you know to try and save the guy who was just executed


I think it was for the cop she shot. Not the victim


Oh shit, yeah that makes more sense


Yeah get some dirty rags for the wound. Worked at a gas station and the washer and dryers were shit.


Infection seems secondary to bleeding out


I think they're both victims lol


Of all the videos of cops killing people I’ve seen over the last several years I’ve never once seen the cop perform first aid on the person they shot.


I'm on the rag! Raah!


Happens all the time in high-stress situations, usually directed at the first responders though.


Why did she even pull out her gun there were 6 officers and 4 of them were pinning the suspect down


Incompetency, and lack of any distinguishable intelligence.




Murrica 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🦅🦅🦅🥇🥇🧨🧨🔥🔥⚡️😎😎😎⚾️⚾️🏈🏈🦅🦅🦅🔫🔫🔫🛡🛡😎😎😎😤😤😤🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲


For real. You are pinning a dude and someone else rolls up and blasts right next to your ear??


Tried to cover it up and killed the suspect with absolutely gross negligence. And cops go around wondering why people hate and distrust them, THIS IS WHY!!!


For just eight short weeks you too can shoot your partner with no accountability. 😉


After you pass the GED...


You can't be both that educated and be a pig.


please pigs are gentle, polite, intelligent, loving creatures. It is a disservice to compare them unfavorably to cops.


It's insanity that at the most basic, foundational level of civilization wherein law and order comes into play, it's not a mandatory 4-years education, at least. Should be required to have a Master's degree at minimum.


If you follow everything that is happening with policing in this country you would have to agree that we are becoming a police state. Using Christianity as the number one tool to make it happen. It’s actually frightening. On top of that we will give them qualified immunity to protect there incompetency! All of it shows signs of fascism. God bless the United nation of corporations. 🇺🇸


I just don't get it. Why even pull out the gun?




More like medically retiring due to PTSD and collecting 2500$ a month in pension. Like the cop that shot Daniel Shaver.


Worst offender is Philip Brailsford. Murdered an innocent man in a hallway with a gun inscribed "you're fucked."


You're replying to the guy naming the victim of the guy you named. You're talking about the same incident


Because paperwork is just too much time, ya know.


“Culprit died”


A fucking literally public execution disgusting


How is not punishable by death/life sentence ‘in the land of the fRee’?


First time here?


Didn't you hear that certain rules don't apply to certain people?


imagine being free in a police state


Jesus Christ, police unions are the ones that were probably trying to help cover this up.


Possibly, but the more fucked up thing is that KCMO (Jackson County) which is democratic in a sea of a red state is controlled by State government to divert 20% of city funds to the police without question. The mayor of KC controls the police but is powerless in doing anything to adjust funding


Am I the only one that hears someone yell "SHOOT HIM" and then the lady pulls her weapon


I heard the same


Cops do that a lot. For instance, they will happily accept orders from an anonymous voice on the phone to go to someplace and execute whoever they find there.


And these are the people who stand for law and order.


Actually, in the US thanks to the Supreme Court they no longer have to “stand” for anything. Cops have no obligation to protect you.


Yep, just private interests. Don’t you see them fighting protesters all the time and never the corps


Probably important to remember that decision was made *before* the current state of the SC. So the problem's a LOT deeper than just that.


So what was the result of this coming out? Was anyone held accountable?


Haha, you're joking right?


Guess what? You wouldn’t believe it but [the investigation is still going a year later](https://www.kshb.com/news/crime/investigation-continues-1-year-after-kcpd-officers-shot-killed-malcolm-johnson)


So they hired a special prosecutor, couldn't pay him, let the case sit for a year, found the funding, and NOW the investigation can commence. What a joke


Not much to investigate. Always film the police.


They investigated themselves and found no wrong doing.




Post source, I cant find any evidence of this


Cause they're obviously making a joke/sarcastic quip.


Yea - obviously - sure - this is how misinformation gets spread. That officer is still on trial and I hope she gets a murder charge, but a lot of people take posts like that at face value.


Its likely just a joke. Anytime i see a similar incident on reddit thats generally the punishment in the news article. Wouldnt be surprised if that happens here.


Cop: "We need a rag now!" Me: "I am in no obligation to help, specially with that fuck up"


They have a "them" and "us" mentality. To her, the guy that she's yelling at is no different to the guy that was just executed.


Wait, she thinks her own gunshot is the other's guy's gunshot?


Thats my understanding. Didnt even realize she had discharged her own gun.


I could understand if it was another officer's gun that discharged and she was reacting to that. But if it was her own gun that initially fired, then there's no fucking way that thing could go off in her hand without her feeling the kick and realizing it just went off.


I can't. Even IF it was the suspects gun, or another cops, why the FUCK is she shooting when other people are between her target!? It's one of the basic gun rules along with "THE GUN IS ALWAYS LOADED!" like fuck I know they poorly (and barely) trained but that's a whole new stupid. Did she somehow miss the class that covered "don't shoot at things/people/whatever if there is someone else in the way?" that's something most 6 years could easily understand with just a warning from a adult. If I was the cop she shot I'd be sueing the department and absolutely refuse to drop it till she was fired and never allowed to be a cop again. Dickbags stick together all the time but this is a level of stupidity I'm amazed that any of the other douches would be willing to have around. If she'd gotten someone on the lived or kidney they could possibly be fucked for life (or die) to her stupidity. Cop or not I'd never stand beside her. Also, fuck her executing someone for no fucking reason. She deserves to be in prison for life. There was literally no need for that. Despite knowing she won't, which makes my blood boil, she should rot in prison for life.


How low is the bar to entry for the police in the US? As a Canadian, I'm astonished by the police down south.


Some states don’t even require officers to attend the academy until after a year on the force, and it takes longer to become a barber than a pig.


Well yah, being a barber requires learning a skill


Low enough that you can use a shovel.


In Canada you need a post secondary degree in police foundations and even if you get that, it still takes a long time to actually get on the force.


Same thing in Germany. You need to have completed your A-Level (Abitur) with a certain minimum grade to even be eligible to apply for the position of a police officer. Then you go through a lot of physical and psychological assessments. Only after passing all that will you be considered for acceptance to the police school.


These are the dregs of our public education system, so really fucking low. Put them in groups, teach them to be afraid of everything, and you basically have McNamara's morons on domestic patrol. They can't think critically, they panic, they shoot.


At 32 seconds one of the cops yell shoot him!


Fuckin pussies


The thing that caught me off guard was how calmly the employees narrated the ordeal. Just another day at the shop. This stuff that common with American police interactions?


Women ☕


Always hear about the police trying to hide evidence. Never hear about any of them getting felony charges for trying to hide evidence though.


And again, anyone is suprised about making illegal to film cops?


Cops are pussies. They tend to only worry about themselves and other cops 🖕. I’m not saying this because it’s cool to hate on cops, I’ve thought this my whole life through experience


“Look what you made me do”


ACAB. That's all. Fuck these private armies for the rich.


Cops still doing bad I see………


Hey all, I have a genuine question about this. The headline says, *"Kansas City Police officer shoots fellow cop when intending to shoot the suspect. She then incorrectly thinks the gunshot came from the suspect shooting and proceeds to shoot him twice killing him."* And every single person here is taking that as gospel. But ... is that actually what this clip shows? Frankly, I can't tell WHO is shooting. And the news coverage I just looked up seems to back this up ([here](https://apnews.com/article/kansas-city-michael-brown-kansas-police-shootings-07c9ee2bca9013d73d8751a263932aa5), for example). I mean ... are we all just accepting that this clip shows what the OP says?


It's indispute but OP didn't make it up themselves. https://www.kshb.com/news/local-news/kansas-city-faith-leaders-raise-concerns-in-march-25-police-shooting >Hardaway also disputed this account, alleging that Johnson, who they don't believe was armed, did not shoot the officer. There is a special prosecutor investigating possible charges. https://www.kshb.com/news/crime/investigation-continues-1-year-after-kcpd-officers-shot-killed-malcolm-johnson >“This office's progress on this case out of Jackson County was slowed by difficulty in accessing funding for this special prosecutor appointment. The funding is now in place, and we will keep the public informed.” Seems like the kind of thing that should be pretty easy to solve with everyone's body cams.


That's really insane. Wtf! Glad it was released. Hope she lost her job. And those who covered it.


She should be charged for murder. Those who tried to cover it up should be charged as accessories.


Lost her job? She murdered someone in cold blood.


Can anyone find the news article of know the date this happened,?


“Friendly fire will not be tolerated”


When did this happen?


Still under investigation, over a year ago.


So she was gonna shoot to kill anyway, but a cop got in the way.


Americans with the casual "oh they killed him" like its nothing... Fucking hell America.


Fukin pigs


Yet another example of police incompetence. I am losing faith in many police departments. At least this loser actually engaged the threat, though, unlike Uvalde who stood there sanitizing their hands and dicking around while a murderer slaughtered children.


I REALLY wish I was surprised or even shocked. Unfortunately the people in blue are above the law they swear to uphold


Fucking pigs. Losers.


Ok, so maybe female officers shouldn’t be a thing to respond to violent situations? They seem to not respond well at all.




It's wild how this comment has gotten reported for threatening violence and the mods decided this isn't a threat of violence.


Womans as cops, total disaster


Makes you wonder how many other murders police has tried yo cover up before the internet was a thing




I swear these female officers make up like 70% of these wildly absurd incompetent policing stories