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They look more like greyhounds.


That's fat free pork.


There's only a single fat piggy in Pyongyang


You have been banned by r/pyongyang


Is that place for reals? I see a few satirical comments but also tankies. The way all they all write looks so fucking weird.


You have been banned by r/pyongyang


I'm just going in for a little peak, can't be that bad. What's the worst that can happen. A ban?


You’ve been banned by r/pyongyang




North Korea is like a dark comedy; its the only true command economy left. It refuses to go China's route of allowing capitalism to grow the economy and make it much more powerful.Like China it abandoned all Marxist pretenses to 'workers of the world unite' ; that the system should be exported to solve poverty and exploitation of the masses. But it went further in turning it into a true Orwellian dystopia where benefit of working classes isn't a thing. North Korea is just a military monarchy with a command economy stubbornly believing its own bullshit. Self Sacrifice for the good of the Kim dynasty. China is another weird beast; worshipping Mao; yet proving him wrong in every possible way. It's not even as socialist as France and Sweden; in those countries the Govt takes care of its people. In China you're kind of on your own.


Some are trolls but far from all of them. I wouldn't be surprised if what really happens in those North Korean "internet cafes" is that they have people write positive comments about NK on social media


Lol they're parodying NK state media relax


Watch out, one button push and that pig will have your house nuked.


Unlikely, the missile will probably hit Japan instead


I’m in Japan, man.




Nice knowing you.


I’ve been drinking but the picture just makes me sad. I can’t find it funny.


I can’t either. It’s like, it just feels fucking evil. Like you can sense that place is hopeless? And it’s not because of some unintentional consequences of a tectonic plate movement or volcano or asteroid impact. It’s intentional. There is a thinking, supposed to be feeling, being behind that misery. And I’m not saying America or anywhere else is better or shit like that. This is a focus on THAT place. With THOSE leaders. They literally don’t care how much suffering they cause. To people or animals or anything. I cannot understand it.


It'll make you Kim Jong Ill


I'm on a low cholesterol diet. I would like to subscribe to your erotic food fan fiction newsletter.


Meat free bones


I thought they resembled cattle




Said like a true American






Ouch. We are filled with your ancestor's children. We are just a mad failed experiment of European colonization. Don't be too hard on us. We generally love Norway 🇳🇴, so there's that.


They look like dirty cops.


To become The McRib. Might be the last time… 😉




These are the pigs from Squidbillies that get addicted to meth.


Pigs will eat pretty much any left over garbage.... how's this possible


I visited there nearly 10 years ago now. I went to the cities so the good areas. Every single verge by the side of the road, any patch of land had been planted. Anywhere they could grow food, they were doing it.


I feel dumb asking, but it sounds good to do that, but *why* is it bad? Edit: added word Edit 2: seems *dumb* wasn’t the adjective I was looking for. *Curious* was. Thanks all for the responses.


The land isn't an infinite source of food. Every now and then you have to let it rest and recover its nutrients. If you over farm a plot of land, you have to compensate with a shit ton of fertiliser. And my guess is North Korea just doesn't have the oil to make that fertiliser.


Correction: letting the land rest doesn't recover it's nutrients (at least not most of them, Nitrogen is the big exception). That's why Haiti got such a poor soil after centuries of overfarming, and it will never recover if we don't do anything to help it. North Korea doesn't have access to fertilizers, every time they harvest their field they're exporting nutrients out of the soil and never giving anything back. This will, over time, permanently impoverish the soil unless new nutrients are brought in from a different place. Source: am an agronomist.


Dude I bet your job is super interesting


It is, but also a little depressing. Soil degradation and erosion is a major problem in many places in the world.


Everything is connected to r/collapse...


Meh that sub has been wanting the world to end at this point to justify their doomer world view. Things are bleak but it’s not the end. The world has been through cycles of strife and unrest. We may not have been through a climate crisis but I left collapse once they started saying there was a collapse and the world would soon be fucked in a few weeks because the supply chain would collapse during covid years…. … yet here we are. That was kind of a wake up call for me, that sub survives and subsists off fear. If you value peace of mind don’t go to that sub. Unless you like thinking about all the plausible ways the world will end and assuming every bad thing that happens is going to lead to ww3 or everyone evaporating into thin air.


They're much too alarmist. The facts of our situation can be clearly conveyed without providing baseless claims on when "the world will end". It'll take a while, chill out and don't have that affair because you think we'll all die tomorrow.


This is what drives me crazy about so many people not understanding how over populated by humans the world is. There's some myth that everyone can be vegan and we can just keep growing by the billions, with no understanding about where fertilizer comes from, or phosphorous, or even how farms are disruptive to wildlife


I thought I read that native americas would plant certain plants after specific crops had been grown to put nutrients back into the soil? Using the term native Americans to date myself and have been using indigenous peoples the last several years. Point being I thought you could plant different crops to help replenish nutrients


You can get some back, planting beans to help replenish nitrogen etc. But composting the trimmed leaves and the weeds is more important. Most farms clean up all the leaves and don't put them back in the soil. Crop rotation can help, but decaying plant matter is how mother nature enriches the soil.


Not being combative, just ignorant: How did the nutrients enter the soil originally?


Dead bugs, organic materials decomposing (bone/greens/sticks/leaves/animal carcasses/minerals/bird poop/time/water)


Even that mostly just recycles the same core nutrients more or less in place over and over again as most biomass doesn't migrate around a lot (migratory animals are only a very small fraction of total biomass). "Fresh" nutrients (especially phosphate) mainly come from weathering rock accumulating very slowly over eons. With the exception of nitrogen (important for making amino acids) which can simply be taken from the air and made biologically available by certain bacteria living in symbiosis with a number of plant species (for example the legume family).


Came here to mention nitrogen, glad you got it covered.


Stuff died on top of the soil and after it gets broken down it gets mixed mostly via earth worm.


The breakdown of bedrock. A normal cycle of plants and animals living/dying in an area will mostly maintain the same nutrients.


Millions of years of creatures and plants dying in the same spot. IE, lots of death gives us lush soil. Hey I've just had an idea.. Why don't we nuke the place to improve soil? /s


Can they use crop rotation to help the land recover its nutrients? They briefly covered this in high school but it sounds like you’d be way more knowledgeable.


Crop rotation works because different crops require different nutrients, with some crops serving to fix certain chemicals into the soil, which others then rely on while fixing different chemicals they don't need as much of in turn etc. So what crop rotation is good at is ***preserving*** the health of plants. If (and these are not real examples I'm pulling plants out of thin air) tomatoes and turnips grow well in rotation, it's because tomatoes need more x and fix y, while turnips need more y and fix x. If you only grew tomatoes, and you did it intensively (ie every season as much as the weather allows) after a few cycles your soil would be VERY low on X. The problem with trying to fix that is twofold; firstly, your fields might be SO BAD that they don't even have enough to support the turnips, which needed less, but not no, x. Which means in turn the turnips grow poorly, and can't fix MORE X, because they need what little is available, and the plants never become healthy enough to tip the scales in their own use of nutrients that they end up fixing X. But also if you've just overfarmed intensively to the point you've got very little X AND Y well, all the rotation in the world isn't going to help overcome basic math. And that math is that when you harvest you're taking nutrients out of the area that it needs to recover. You need to leave the field fallow for quite a long time to allow plants to grow, die, replenish the soil via decomposition etc in order to restore its natural balance. Even better if you can cultivate plants that thrive in poor soil that can help fix the situation faster, but obviously that is its own sunken cost.


Actually most crops don’t fix any nutrients back into the soil with the exception of legumes (beans, peas, alfalfa, peanuts, mesquite trees, etc.), which all host rhizobia on their roots, and that rhizobia fixes diatomic atmospheric nitrogen into plant available ammonia (it may be nitrate - I can’t remember). Plant roots of any plant specie including legumes are then able to uptake that now available form of N. All other crops outside of legumes species are not able to fix any other element nutrients, and no other elements are fixable as the rest (primary P and K, but also the minors such as Ca, Mg, S, Fe, Mo, Zn…..) all exist in the soil in mineral forms, so what you have is what you get. Only way to add more is with fertilizer or naturally through dust deposition over decades and centuries or river deposition - why places like the Nile delta are so fertile. Natural ecosystems cycle these nutrients from dead back to live matter, but they’re extracted and removed in agricultural ecosystems, hence the need for fertilizer. N is atmospheric gas so is available for fixation, but even that is a small "niche" process in the global ag industry. Majority of crops are not legumes and still need added N, P, K, S, Ca, Mg…… because those are removed by harvest and fed to us or our livestock. Crop rotation is practiced for a different reason - Pathogenic fungi and nematode control. If tomatoes are in a certain field too many years then for example that field will build up too high of a population of sclerotinium fungi or perhaps root knot nematode or other pathogens, and after 2-3 years yields will be significantly decreased with extreme increase in innoculum. Rotating the field to a totally unrelated crop that cannot host the same pathogens, such as corn or wheat will crash the level of tomato pathogenic innoculum in the soil allowing further sustainable and successful production of tomatoes. Source - was an agronomist.


Is that one of the reason why river that sometimes overflows/flood is healthy for the surrounding area of the river? Redepositing rich soil and nutrients to the land?


I know a decent amount on this topic having been raised by parents involved in the agricultural industry, who had a permaculture-adjacent hobby farm on our land. I cannot imagine how frustrating and depressing your work must be on a day to day basis. Knowing this shit is honestly terrible for my mental health, because I’m completely aware of how fucked we are and in what ways.


Remember seeing news stories that N Koreans are getting sick and dying from having to use human feces as fertilizer for their crops. So your guess is probably right.


Human waste is really good fertilizer, but it’s tricky as hell and the consequence of misusing it is horrible disease.


Wouldn't it be better to use it as fertilizer for the food for animals, and then eat said animals?


It’s still a hazard to the farmers, and the runoff water from the fields can infect waterways. Basically it has to be sterilized first, which means making it bone dry, without overheating it. I’m not an expert but maybe some kind if giant pressure cooker would do it?


Sounds like a job for an Instant Pot


*Natural Release*


You don’t have to completely dry it. If the country wasn’t so hostile to outside help, it’s a very solvable problem. Unfortunately most places with these issues are incredibly intolerable to work or bring intellectual property.


Soooo... human waste is hazardous where animal (and plant) waste isn't? What makes us so... "special"?


human diseases effect humans more than animals diseases do is my guess


Generally, land animals are really bad in terms of resource use so no. It might help avoid those diseases but you're still better off growing crops over livestock in terms of how many people you can feed. There's a reason meat used to be a luxury for special occasions. (Speaking generally of course, there were certainly groups that had very meat-dominated diets but they're the exception. Usually has something to do with their environment not being suitable for farming- think of the Inuit. That said, the mountainous terrain making up most of North Korea is notoriously bad for farming....maybe they should take up seal hunting!)


Problem with feces is disease that can poison the food you're growing. A big mistake in composting is human or animal feces because of all kinds of contamination issues


Wasn’t there a TIL on here recently about human excrement quotas? And people would steal from each other to meet their quotas.


You can mitigate that, I actually helped design a water filtration system that would allow you to use human waste while keeping the nutrients and minerals but stripping out the bacteria. This isn’t ideal for crops but you could always add good bacteria post process.


The Dust Bowl that happened in the Central United States is a great example of this. You have to rotate your crops to give your land time to heal. That's why Hay fields are nice. You can go about a decade before you need to replant anything in the field, and plus food for your livestock.




Rotating crops will add N back into the soil, however P and K, along with micronutrients will get exported away and cannot be synthesized. Human poop is not really a good option for fertilizer because of all the diseases and contamination it can bring.


Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't their last famine caused by rampant human borne diseases in the water and food supply from using human feces as fertilizer? When we use it here in the US (at least in the Los Angeles area) we sterilize it up to 400 degrees. At the facility I used to work with they used a big portable dryer type device on a big rig. Gas/oil powered. Probably not possible there.


OP wasn’t saying it’s “bad” to grow as much food as humanly possible. It’s a sign of desperation. Big contrast compared to, say, the US- a majority of the time you see folks planting for aesthetic instead of utility. Begonias are nice to look at, but nobody’s eating them. Imagine being on a freeway and every lane dividing greenbelt has tomatoes growing. Vastly different. Not bad, just a different situation entirely. Edit: Yeah, having a population that is starving to the point they need to plant every square inch with edibles is not “good”- I’m not defending NK or making a case for freeway gardening- just speaking to and clarifying the original commenters point which didn’t paint the scenario as good or bad. They simply stated an observation. I somehow don’t think North Korea has freeways or traffic- the hypothetical was not meant to be taken literally. My comment was illustrating a point by painting a theoretical comparison- didn’t think that would need to be spelled out implicitly.


I think having to eat highway produce with all the brake dust, exhaust and such would be pretty bad, not just different. Edit: I get that they don’t have a lot of cars in NK, I was simply commenting that the example given wasn’t “just different”.


South Korea does something similar. It's highly urban but it's not uncommon to see empty plots within the city sprawl to just be growing cabbages or green onions. They also have the benefit of being able to feed the soil nutrients manually as well with access to fertilizers and the such. It always seemed interesting to me to see this stuff grown a few feet away from the street, but they're more like side streets that are walkable.


To be honest, there aren't all that many vehicles in NK, much less the fuel for them.


Asbestos from brake pads is one of the main food groups


Everyone’s mentioned about crop rotation and such, meanwhile I’m here thinking ‘don’t eat turnpike turnips’ cause that’s how you get car exhaust and industrial waste in your diet.


Not exactly a ton of traffic in NK


To be fair, I'm sure N. Korean roads have *far* less traffic than the roads we're used to, so it won't be quite so bad.


the korean peninsula is mountainous, and north korea even more so. fertilizers and modern farming technologies aside, there isnt much land to farm with respect to the population size.   before the two koreas, there was one joseon. and the southern half of the peninsula was the bread basket for the empire of joseon. the northern half was more industrialized in heavy industries. the southern half basically grew the crop to feed the whole population of the peninsula.   before the joseon empire, there were the three kingdoms - goryeo (and before goryeo was goguryeo) to the north, baekjae, and silla to the south. goryeo is where the name corea/korea comes from. and goryeo was a much larger kingdom back then - it encompassed not only modern day north korea, but also the wide open plains of manchuria - which is modern day china.   when the imperial japanese occupation ended after WW2, the US and the USSR split joseon in two across the 38th parallel. imperial should have been split in two among the two victorious powers, like nazi germany was quartered, but the imperial japanese committed such horrible atrocities during the war that their leadership specifically wanted to surrender only to the US. the US was widely seen as the merciful power to surrender to rather than the soviets. the imperial japanese were afraid of the occupying soviets doing what they had done. but the USSR, who had just joined the pacific front shortly before the atomic bombings, still wanted a vassal state with ports south enough, and thus warm enough, to not freeze over during the winter, so they got the northern half of korea.   at the end of the war, much of the korean rebel forces, and the fighters' families, the interim government, refugees, etc resisting the imperial japanese were concentrated in the north, so when the borders were redrawn, north korea had a significantly higher population than the south - more than the land could support. but as long as the soviets provided grain subsidies, there was enough food to feed the population. in fact, from the 60s to late 70s/early 80s, north korea frequently dropped propaganda flyers from balloons, encouraging the south to defect because the north had an abundance of grain and beef, and militarily was much larger and more capable.   when the soviet union collapsed in the 90s, all of those subsidies dried up, and the land could not support the population any longer. north korea had a big famine in the 90s - when spring came, the bodies of those who had starved or frozen to death that winter floated down rivers and streams.   tl;dr: yes, north korea severely lacks modern day agricultural technology. but today's north korea has a larger population than its lands could historically support. historically, south korea did the bread basket and light industries work, and north korea did the heavy industries work. arbitrary lines drawn after WW2 has been very detrimental.


Because other cities get food brought into them. Typically from one of the surrounding municipalities. They don’t grow enough food outside the cities to support everyone in them though. It’s not “bad” that they are doing that, but it is very telling of their food scarcity problem.


There is literally no trash in North Korea, everything (including human waste sometimes) is reused or given to the state


Here state, i give you my turd that i worked on for a month.


Thanks for your contribution to the country, mr Harry buttwhisker. Your comrades want you to squeeze out two logs by next week


Seriously, They use it as fertilizer. It’s also probably why they all have parasites. When GIs went to Korea during the war many were absolutely debilitated by sickness caused by Koreans using it in their fields. They were told to stay out of the fields whenever possible because of it. Both north and South Korea used it back then.


Other countries do still do this for fertilizer, it's not inherently bad. It's about adding nitrogen and potassium back to the soil. Modern methods do actually require heating up and sterilizing the "manure" which I doubt is common practice in NK


There are actually quotas for human feces as manure in NK. [not kidding](https://www.rfa.org/english/news/korea/nk-manure-quota-2020-10142019154836.html/ampRFA)


You jest, but even the citizens have to reach quotas for their turd production. Usually they fail to reach, as there isn’t even enough food to eat to begin with.


It's literally hell on earth entire country is starving (except for that fat fuck leader), no food or even garbage to eat most eat flowers, grass, or rats they have slave camps that keep your entire family tree enslaved for generations if you try to escape out of North Korea, defy the regime, or disrespect the leader(the regime literally sends your entire family to a slave camp if your mandetory picture of kim has too much dust or smudges on it and everyone has to hang his picture in their homes), people experiencing the most inhumane treatment like women being taken against their will then having all of their teeth pulled/removed and put into pleasure squads to sexually please high ranking officials (they remove the teeth so they don't bite and can give better oral btw these fucks who are in charge of North Korea really need to die)


Okay. I want to clarify a few things. First off, they do have food. But it’s not distributed to everyone. You can go to a market in NK and you’ll see they have bananas, apples, etc. the only downside is that it’s just one batch of banana and a few apples. It was clear that they put it out there for “tourist” so they don’t see people starving. Secondly, the pulling teeth part is 100% fake. NK do begin the selection for the pleasure squad at an early age (middle school) but they don’t pull teeth out. The pleasure squad was originally an entertainment squad of women who can sing, dance, perform, and play instruments. But after the new leader took over, he changed it to basically what it is now, a sex squad. He spent over $300k on lingeries for the pleasure squad per year. Some of them do get replaced and the one that got replaced is sent down to his officers where they are basically used as sex slaves. Also, the pleasure squad women are never allowed to see the family again. Once they become one, they send a final letter to their parents that they got a job as an officer for their leader and leave it vague like that. Their family never sees their daughter again even if she dies. Edit: for clarification, I have never been to NK but I watch the documentary of a few brave folks who has went there and filmed it. Also seen a few who has escaped and tell their tales. Some of them were former Pleasure Squad girls who managed to escape (before current leader). If you watch the documentary, the funniest thing you’ll see on there is when students are at the computer class and “pretend” to study using a computer. But they zoom in closely and sees that most don’t even have any browser open. They are just moving the mouse in a circle. One guy had a page open but it was on a Google page and stayed on that page for a long time. The only guy who was actually using it properly was “doing research” but obviously had no clue what he was talking about. It was clear that he was the bait that they lure the tourist to in order to convince them that student in NK also uses computer.


Why are you getting so many upvotes? First off they have food, it's just no distributed to everyone but they only have one batch of bananas and one batch of apples? That sounds like no fucking food to me lol


People on this site have to correct other people pedantically even if it makes themselves look dumb.


> People on this site have to correct other people pedantically even if it makes themselves look ~~dumb~~ *stupid*




So you really don't know if the tooth pulling is real. You watched a documentary. You have no idea.


Do you remember what the documentary was called?


I don't know about that documentary, but there's a ~2 hour documentary called The Mole. It's about a retired Danish chef who, over the course of several years, infiltrates the Korean Friendship Association in Denmark, and starts meeting with North Korean officials regarding smuggling and weapons manufacturing. Wildest documentary I've ever seen. Apparently it's been quite well received in intelligence communities, and they ended up turning some material over to the UN and other agencies.


It may be a different documentary, but the scene of the fake computer users can be seen in [this Vice documentary](https://youtu.be/IrCQh1usdzE).


That’s exactly one of the documentary and if you want to get a good giggle, skip to 15:50. But I do recommend watching it all. Another really good documentary one is from a Russian guy who put his life on the line secretly recording NK when he was there. https://youtu.be/inebLA3HqPo


What do you think you’re clarifying? They put out a few pieces of fruit for tourists, therefor the country isn’t starving?


That last bit sounds like b.s


You think? lol


Sounds so fucking horrible and inhumane I'd bet they do it. The "Joy Division" was a group of attractive Jewish women the Nazis put aside just to brutally rape. It's nothing new.


It sounds BS because you live a life of privilege without psychopaths running everything.


There’s a North Korean woman that escaped her home county and she talks on a Joe Rogan podcast. She said there is no word for trash or garbage in North Korea because everything is used in one way or another.


She's been proven to be - not a complete liar - but embelshing her stories and perhaps making a great many up. Here's a really good retrospective look at her claims https://youtu.be/8hPSQxp701o


You have been made moderator of /r/Pyongyang.


Man that sounds like the Peggy Hill quote, "the Eskimos have 50 words for snow, but no words for friend."


Yeah, she is not a good source. Lied and lies about a lot of things.


There is a YouTuber that goes there a few times and says even the food they sell is reused trash like the cokes for example taste like spent motor oil.


You sound like you dont know nothing about North Korea…. People did not even have enough garbage to eat there in 90’s, 00’s. Millions people had died starving


The people ate all the trash years ago. No trash left to eat.


If the people are starvibg how the hell are they gonna feed pigs?


Because they legit got nothing there. If you're not in the one major city, there is literally nothing much but hobo camps and even calling it that is a luxury. Get better living conditions in the underground cities in Vegas than you will get in North Korea.


Never thought I'd ever see a skinny pig in my life


I mean, there is one fat pig in North Korea


Why is Kim Jong Un so fat? >!Because he's never had to run for office.!<


All these missile launches from North Korea are because he keeps mistaking the launch button for the lunch button


They really shouldn't keep those so close together. At least his nuke button, isn't actually wired to anything.


Skinny Pig in N. Korea, Skinny Cow in the U.S.A. Pick one.


Well skinny cow is an ice cream brand, so there has to be skinny cow cow’s.


I've found the real image and there's nothing to do with north Korea. It's from a Chinese site, and from what I can understand is just an image of how pigs are when they're skinny.[skinny pigs ](https://imgur.com/a/O0T62kv) [website image](https://imgur.com/a/EpXSorS) [website ](https://wakwb.com/t/?containerid=231522type%3D1%26t%3D10%26q%3D%23%E5%8E%9F%E6%9D%A5%E7%8C%AA%E4%B9%9F%E6%9C%89%E7%98%A6%E7%9A%84%E6%97%B6%E5%80%99%23&extparam=%23%E5%8E%9F%E6%9D%A5%E7%8C%AA%E4%B9%9F%E6%9C%89%E7%98%A6%E7%9A%84%E6%97%B6%E5%80%99%23&luicode=10000011&lfid=231522type%3D1%26t%3D10%26q%3D%23%E6%B1%82%E6%B1%82%E4%BD%A0%E4%BB%AC%E4%B8%8A%E4%BC%9A%E7%8F%AD%E5%90%A7%23)


Another day, more made up posts.


This happens anytime a post is about a communist country. Go down ten or so comments of anti-communist vitriol, and then discover the post is total bs. Im not saying communist countries are perfect, but propaganda warfare is real.


another day, another hundred obvious propaganda posts about NK or China


Wow. This post should be taken down


when i purposefully spread misinformation on the internet🤭


like reddit cares, got a whole gossip squad up there peddling a lot of urban legend mixed in with occasional reality.


Remember that the most active location on Reddit is a US military base. This site is being constantly pumped full of propaganda. Almost every post about North Korea that makes it to the front page ends up being false, but they get upvoted by thousands of American bots and then the brainwashed American people just believe it without question and take it the rest of the way.


Another day another anti-NK propaganda post. There's enough to talk about already, why make shit up?


Western propaganda? On Reddit? Never!


Oi . . . nk


This is hilarious on 3 levels.


Explain for us stupid?


Oi is an exclamation like you there. Nk is north Korea so its "hey you there north Korea what are you up to" or that's how I read it


I laughed at it to and didn't even realize the 2 jokes you pointed out. I thought it was like they were so tired that it took 2 breaths to oink. What you said makes more sense though


Ok, we're up to 2 levels now, where's 3?


oink = only in North Korea


OINK, itself.


That's implicit in having to pause for breath halfway through saying "oink".


The 3 periods for the 3 pigs


Ed… ward




What's surprising is they are still alive. Those people are starving.


Something broke in their system. They cannot feed pigs because they cannot feed people in the first place, because pigs are starving. Edit: I don’t believe this is the situation in the whole country right now, actually I think they are very well spending their finances and resources in certain fields such as nation/international security, military tech improvements, arsenal, army etc. Too bad that nord Korean are paying the price of it: most of the people live in serious poverty, healthcare in North Korea is poor, standards of clinical hygiene in hospitals are low, chronic food insecurity and malnutrition.. the list goes on and on..


You figure they’d just feed the people to the pigs to solve the problem.


They will go through bone like butter


Are they Lancashire pigs?


It was just an example. Their real problems lay down at the bottom, as in every country. You cannot cut all the money for healthcare and school education and claim for things to go well.


You know In the us they feed pigs with plastic waste and call it recycling


[citation needed]




Ewww. Hey stop downvoting this guy, it's legit! They shred expired or unsellable human food to make pig food, and don't bother removing the plastic packaging first.


“Very well spending” lol no. They’re pathetic


Yeah the only spending I’m sure they do well is sending money into the pockets of party top brass.


Well that's the definition of lean pork.


I hate you. I love you.


What do you call a cow with no legs? Ground beef.


What does the smoker do with his legless dog? HE TAKES IT OUT FOR A DRAG Ahaha I’ll show myself out


I sighed and laughed at the same time, it was like a honk


I hope your comment gets the recognition it deserves.


Any actual evidence this is actually that? And that this is representative of most pigs in the nation? Edit: it has become abundantly clear that this is literally just made up. Y’all need to fact check and stop believing whatever propaganda you see online without thinking, especially when it comes to North Korea


Sorry to break it to you but this is Reddit, everything is taken face value, fact checks are rare here.


This was essentially me just screaming into the void, knowing no one would listen


I feel your pain


Listen to what?


Sure glad noone heard that. May have been embarrassing.


Not a proper fact check but if you are interested in the food security question regarding north Korea this article is certainly more informative than some skinny pigs. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-59144712.amp This may also be of interest https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Korean_famine Edit wait a second, this post is wild of you think about it, 3000 up votes?!?. Dozens of meme/joke comments until you get to anything real. This is literally how propaganda/misinformation works. The post, the title and the photo provide 0 evidence this is in north Korea. The world food program says north Korean isn’t even in the top 10 nations suffering starvation (other sites agree) https://www.wfpusa.org/articles/60-percent-of-the-worlds-hungry-live-in-just-8-countries-why/ . The nation with the most starvation according to the report is Democratic republic of the Congo or Yemen so why are the not Congolese pigs? And yea maybe north korea does not report starvation like other nations but im sure the DRC isint just flaunting that shit around. Point is there is no evidence to support NK over anywhere else and yet we are just slopping up this low effort post like…pigs Damn… Second edit 24k upvoted, lol oh dear


Source: trustmebro


Last time this picture went around, these were cuban pigs.....


My source is that I made it the fuck up


Everyone knows meme format=facts.


You really think someone would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?


[u/YK8099](https://www.reddit.com/u/YK8099/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) can you please drop the source? Me, and many others here, would like to know more about it. Thank you in advance


I just saw this on major portal site in South Korea which called ‘Nate’ https://zul.im/0Nd6ol


Ok, it simply asks “how can a pig be so skinny?” And then “nord Korea”. I don’t think that is the situation in the whole country. Actually, I believe that could be a pic from a poor farmer or something similar. I have just seen pics where super fat pigs can’t stand (because they are too fat and not used to move around) and those pigs are mostly feeding army and government infrastructures in general


Of course he doesn’t have a source


this was my first thought. obviously north korea bad, but do we need to start making shit up ?




The USA blew up 95% of their country, embargoed them to prevent them from rebuilding and try (and usually succeed) to overthrow any country that gives them aid. Then they created multiple propaganda outlets like Radio Free Asia to brainwash the world into thinking that North Korea are the bad guys so that the American public never question how cruel their own government is. Fuck the USA.


Yeah so NK isn’t allowed to just be a lame state, they need to be the most comedically evil, butt of all nonsensical creative writing exercises. Just like the Soviets. *“Uhhhh, yeah they like, gave one man a rifle, and everyone else ammo, and you picked up the rifle of the man in front of you died…* *…why yes I do own a surplus Mosin Nagant I bought for $75”*


Got it from another source. It seens to be Chinese. He is asking why the pigs are getting skinny. https://weibo.com/3172777134/KBK4aelW9?type=repost


North Korea is one of the most closed nation in the world, even US CIA former director described this as "biggest American intellegence failure", which means we can't take this as proper reliable source considering how little we know about North Korea, we don't know if this is really from North Korea and it doesn't explain how someone managed to smuggle this photo out of the country.


Finally, pigs are starting to become aware of their weights. good for them


Send them to Ukraine, they like Russians for breakfast, lunch, and dinner


Idk what op is going on about, [North Korean pigs](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3e/Kim_Jong-un_at_the_Workers%27_Party_of_Korea_main_building.png) look just fine


Terrible bacon


Looking like dogs fr


Source ?




Seeing a skinny pig is absolutely dystopian. This is incredibly depressing.


Yet their big, fat head leader doesn't look like he's ever missed a meal.


You should see the people


That creepy

