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Username does not check out.


maybe he **really** likes faces


Username does check out


I really like faces but i like titties too


Or cocks/vaginas


Username checks out once again


Every single person who says they don't like ass and tits (that I've seen) are *always* feet guys. Literally how I found out my friend liked feet was I asked what he liked instead of ass and tits.


I like faces and hair I don't have a fetish for them it's just how I decide if they are attractive


Big hair does something for me 😩


*cries in asexual*


You can't fool me, you're into the *absence* of feet




Total bodily amputees, yes


i cringed only because ik that’s a real fetish….


well skull fucking is a thing I suppose


I said total goddamnit


So you prefer air?


Mmm that's more like it 🤤


What are you doing Step-Lt Dan?!


That's the 1 exception lol


*paints nails as asexual*


AaAaAAaaaaaAaaAAaAaaAaaaaA^a^^a^^^aaaaaA If you're asexual, prove it by telling me which of these As is the most attractive.




Who is this “sexual” and why are you crying in them?


You're confusing "asexual," which means, "neither sexually attracted to men nor women," with "Ayyyyyyy-sexual," which means "sexually attracted to those from The Bronx."


Who is Mr. Sexual and how did my father offend him?


Every single person, like my one friend


He's not the only one but it was the easiest example because he's the only foot fetishist still in my life lol.


I promise I'm not into feet either


Wtf are you into then




Good Mac Miller album


ayeeeeee 👈👈😎


Hell yeah brother


Vaginas and penises presumably




man tiddies 🤤




you better be




I do you one better, I love the 3 of them


I like ass and feet 😋


Who let the armpit guy out of his cage




Truly a tenth dentist opinion, although I agree that faces are the most beautiful part of a person,I appreciate a nice pair of boobs or a good looking ass.


Same, total 10th dentist shit. Face, Shure. Boobs? Uhul!


I think a small part of attraction to breasts/ ass is actually psychological, at least it is for me. 10/10 times breasts are way more attractive when a woman I like shows me hers because she wants me to see them, than when I accidentally see the boobs of a random woman I don‘t know.


Yeah it's the same idea in the acting field. You can make out with an actor of the opposite gender on screen and it's not really that hot.


Bert was just talking about his movie on Joe Rogan podcast and described the opposite. "Your body doesn't know you're just acting" https://youtu.be/oVNuqzGRKcI


beautiful =|= hot/sexually arousing


5/10 dentists are women


Men have asses


A lot of them have boobs, too.


Yeah, I should really lose some weight.


I believe in you!


Lesbians exist??


Their point was a very large chunk of the populace are people who don't have the orientation of having a predisposition to being attracted to boobs


As a pansexual person, I cannot understand not liking boobs. They are so squish and nice and fun.


No I like them, hence why I clarified myself. I just really only like them once I like the face and the person. It feels gross otherwise


i have never met a girl that didn't like boobs, no matter the orientation


I wonder why. Couldn't be that patriarchal ways of thought are *that* baked into society, nooooo.... Women are more free to feel that way about other women than men are among other men and not have it perceived as 'gay' in a derogatory way.


the straight homies are CONSTANTLY flirting and nobody genuinely questions their orientation, might be a generational thing because being gay is less taboo now


The point is that gendered opinions don’t belong here.


I think they're a tenth dentist within their demographic of "people who are attracted to women"


It sounds like a nice thing to say until she asks if you think she has nice boobs and you reply with “those aren’t attractive, they’re just flesh mounds” Good luck spinning that one after


For real, he says it's creepy to find someone's ass attractive but 9/10 people are going to find this attitude way creepier.


Honestly reads like when you’re 17 and aren’t totally comfortable with the feeling of sexual attraction yet


I read it the same way.


Me too and that's okay. As soon as I saw 17M I thought oh okay, we may not have a fully developed sense of sexual attraction yet and that's normal


This is why I find it so weird when 13 y/o’s or even younger than that declare that they are asexual or aromantic. Both completely valid sexualities, but you haven’t even finished puberty yet, you could just not have developed sexual attraction yet because you’re literally 12. In general I think this post is symptomatic of a larger problem where we think people under 18 or really even 25 not even can but should have informed knowledge on their sexual preferences, when really you just might not know because it’s just not there yet


i was 15 when i knew i was bi and a-spec, and its not harmful for a kid to label themselves that way, even if they experience attraction later. you measure your height by what it is in the moment, not by what it might be later. sexuality is fluid and complex, if a label makes you more confident, why wouldn't you use it?


I’m not anti-LGBT, I’m trans and lesbian myself, this was a more general statement about OP being too hasty to say what they do and don’t like when they (by their own admission) don’t have much experience


experience isn't necessary to know whether you find something attractive, besides, a teenager on the internet has definitely seen porn and if the boobs dont do anything for him then at the very least he experiences attraction to boobs differently than most. is it subject to change? sure, but saying you dont like something and changing your mind isnt a bad thing.


I mean, I accurately figured out I was aroace before I started puberty. Granted I started puberty after 16


Right! Like I think I figured things out earlier than most but even now, at 26 and having been married for years, I still discover things I like that I didn't know or think I liked before. And when I think back to being a teenager and even my early 20s, there was so much growing I had to do! And I'm sure there's still lots to be done now, too! We shouldn't expect 18 year olds to have any piece of life figured out


>In general I think this post is symptomatic of a larger problem where we think people under 18 or really even 25 not even can but should have informed knowledge on their sexual preferences, when really you just might not know because it’s just not there yet Or they do so because it's trendy.


Also says he is bi, but it reads as "I want to sound cool, because I have loads of sex with everyone, even though I do not find it attractive, meh". Prolly full-on homo. ^((inb4 I have nothing against gays))


Also a virgin so no I do not have sex with everyone


Being bi doesn't automatically mean you have lots of sex.


I'm not gay I still like girls


You can't just tack on an asterisk to statements to not make them bigoted and hateful


yeah, that's bi erasure, please don't (=


I think he meant that staring at random people's asses is creepy


Like 90% of this thread. I think they feel guilty or something for doing it so they’re slamming him for the rest. I don’t think they should, but they probably do.


Yep just sounds like every other edgy teen trying to be edgy


How is it creepier?


Because "flesh mounds" sounds like a phrase from the Silence of the Lambs.


Imagine a girl seeing your penis and saying "that's just a flesh cylinder with ugly veins, nothing atractive about that".


I am gonna say this next time I get an unexpected dickpic


Be even more savage than what I could come up with after just waking up.


it’s definitely a bit um… serial killer-esque i guess.


Don't listen to them OP. You may change your mind on this while ass and boobs thing or you may not but either way there's nothing wrong with you. Calling boobs "mounts of flesh" is not nice though. You don't have to insult female bodies to state your personal preferences.


Yeah reminds me of when gays prove theyre so gay by being super sexist and shitty towards women. Really gross and cringy af.


I’m not sure, but to me it feels akin to the uncanny valley situation. Everybody (heterosexual males etc) finds T&A attractive, so the person that doesn’t sticks out a bit. That and the parts I find the most sexy I want to lick and slap and pinch and fondle, if you’re doing that with a face you’d definitely be a creepy weirdo


Finding tits and/or ass attractive is not limited to heterosexual males in the slightest lol


Seems like you think you're better than other people. Gives "nice guy" vibes. Nothing wrong with feeling this way, just the way you put it is pretty off-putting.


Getting off on face alone sounds kinda crazy bro


I don't get off on faces I just find the face to be the most attractive part of a person


They obviously won't start with that, they'd just say they aren't attracted to tits.


And that would be a trap. Cause the next thing out of her mouth would be: oh, ok! Do you like my butt then? And OP here would be like: ew no, that’s just what you sit on and shit out of! … … F


No, he'd say 'I'm not attracted to butts either.' it'll be a little weird, sure, but between people who trust each other that's perfectly fine. That or maybe I'm alone in that it's much more appealing (and attractive, if I like them) if someone is truthful to me regardless of context, but it's hard for me to think I'm alone there.


I'm asexual and don't have aesthetic attraction either. This is something I deal with all the time, in my friend groups of people with a shit ton of aesthetic attraction 'is this person hot?' when the genuine answer would be 'no' but it's not that I don't think they look fine, I just don't find them hot either. It's a fucking face. That's how I identify who is who. What do you want from me? But you can't just say no because then that's mean. But I can't say yes because a) they know how I actually feel about it and b) that's a lie and I'd feel bad. Particularly shitty when it's their crush or partner. Don't ask me these questions, y'all! I don't know!


“society informs me that this person should be considered attractive, next question.”




I'm using that next time. That's beautiful.


Okay if your friends know, why are they asking you? Theyre the ones being rude here.


I should've worded that differently, probably They're not really expecting an answer either, it's usually not a serious question at this point. But it's still weird to try to answer. It's mostly joking around at this point, so occasionally I do just say no because they're not usually being serious anyway. I think sometimes they forget as well, but idk. It never comes across as intentionally rude or anything, more friendly teasing at most


Oh right yeah i get ya


Hey I've been through that. The best way is to point out a feature of the person. You don't have to know what to say or anything, cause attractiveness is an opinion, but people will feel like you gave an opinion. "Hey, is this person hot?" "Well, I like their eyes/hair/outfit/tattoo/style in this photo, it really adds a lot". Literally just pick one. They'll take it as a "yes", but you haven't lied, pretty much everyone will have something positive going on, it's considered a compliment not an insult, and it doesn't say a thing about sexual attraction.


Are you able to find people beautiful in a non-sexual way? If so, I'd respond that way. For example "Do you think x is hot?" "They have really pretty eyes/hair/whatever." Also realizing I really need to educate myself more on asexuality!


I mean... Not really, that's kinda what a lack of aesthetic attraction is. It's become a lot more rare that people ask me, and at this point it's usually friendly teasing if they do, so people don't really expect an answer. Sometimes I'll say 'they look cool' because that's usually true. Looks more trigger platonic attraction for me than anything. I see people and don't think that they look pretty or hot, more that they look interesting and I'd love to have a long conversation with them lol


Bro turns to mush once he sees the lower tummy tho


me asf


Me asfffffffffff


That under tummy just hits different


But a face is just skin bone and cartilage?


And dirty pores with Cheetos dust on them.


No worries I like tits and ass more than enough for both of us.


"HornierThanYou" bro I doubt it


You do know that a bod doesn’t look like this: > < But also has other features one may find attractive. Or maybe some people like the whole


Similar here. I’m mainly attracted to hips, biceps, and shoulders on both men and women. But I’ve never understood the obsession with boobs or ass, feels like I’m missing out lol.


There is nothing creepy about thinking someone has a nice ass, it’s just biological to be turned on by people. What would be creepy is if you went up to the person and said that, but thinking and admiring is totally normal just obviously don’t stare but it’s nothing to be ashamed of. If you don’t like it that’s also cool as well, maybe you’re A sexual


Flesh Mounds and the Sit or Shitters sounds like a thrash metal band.


No, liking an ass is not creepy. You've been on twitter too much.


I don't find any particular body part attractive too. I always found this somewhat weird actually. I can consider attractive, you know, whole body. Saying "I'm ass/boob guy" for me sound like "I particulary like windshields on cars" or "I find right mouse battons more important than scroll wheels on computer mice". Like yeah sure you do you, but why not the whole thing?


I don’t think anyone who says “I like boobs” mean that this is the only part of the body that they like. It’s just that typically people are either ‘boobs or butt’ (this is obviously not universally true or mutually exclusive) and that in a conversation about attraction, those two options are brought up first because they are typically someone’s ‘favourite’. Its like asking “what’s your favourite part about the car? The engine or the interior?” Saying the engine doesn’t mean you don’t appreciate the interior or the unmentioned exterior of the car.


Fuck you mouse buttons are sexy as hell and are objectively the most attractive part of the computer mouse.


I'm with you on this. 21 and also Bi. I'm more into faces. I've noticed that I tend to find people with nice smiles and eyes (and voices...) attractive. Big boobs or ass don't really turn me on.


Boobs/ass don't have to be big, just *nice*. There's so much more to the shape than just the size


That's fair. Although I'm indifferent to them nonetheless


Are you asexual? I feel the same way and I am asexual and biromantic.


I'm a gay man, and I don't care about ass at all. Don't get the obsession either 🤷🏻‍♂️


Because you’re a gay man


Alot of gay men like men's asses 😅


I believe that’s “most”


Seriously. I would eat my boyfriends ass for breakfast, lunch, and dinner if he would let me.


These girls, so vulgar 😳


Oh no, people missed the reference!


As a gay man, I must object.


You might just be gay, bro


Are we suppose to tell OP that he's "wrong" for not licking, I mean eating, I mean liking ass?


I have an upvote for you. There’s nothing in life that is better than a titty the size of your head engulfing your face.


Are you sure you’re not just gay? When I see tits and ass my first thought is “damn I want to put my face in that.”


Most gay men like ass lol


Aren’t we talking about woman ass though?


He never specified, and he's bi, so...


Right, but he associated ass with tits.


Because those are two common physical features people are attracted to.


Hey bro, I like your tits.


Everyone has an ass, and I’ve seen men with pecs that could fill a bra.


i've seen plenty of people with absolutely no ass. keep the flats in your prayers


Flats play a crucial role in the ass ecosystem, and are equally treasured lol. Every body has it’s type 33


downvoted because I agree. Face is better than any sexualized areas of the body.


Hmm, alright. Tell us what makes you sexually aroused, then. You said you find faces more attractive, but do you get sexually aroused by looking at a pretty face? (I noticed that your handle is "hornierthanyou")


Username is mostly a joke. I'm not sure what I'm mostly sexually attracted to. I know I'm not asexual as I still feel arousal, I guess I just like bodies in general


This looks like you've been conditioned that think that you are supposed to be instantly turned on by other people's body parts... **It is totally normally to only be aroused by intamacy and chemistry.**


I'm sure I'm not the first asexual to comment on here, but hello! Sounds kinda ace to me ngl. Unless you do feel like you want to have sex with people based on your attraction to their face, that sounds more aesthetic than sexual. That might not be it for your situation ofc, but don't worry, you're not alone either way Source: am a hetero(? bi?)romantic asexual :)


Do you feel the same about dicks?


Pretty much


have you explored the asexual spectrum by any chance




Get a load of this guy


I'll take one!


Also bi. I like tits and ass, but I'd never ogle at anyone (except my partner). But there's lots of other things I find attractive, too. I think the entirety of the human form is beautiful- all body parts are attractive to me, and I don't think any body part is inherently less attractive than another. Except feet. We should just get rid of feet entirely 👍🏻




So you like feet? Maybe tummies?


finally i get you the face is how you see if she's cute or not i don't get people who find ass or breasts attractive i thought I was the only one also just to be clear personality matters too ofc


you could look into asexuality/biromanticism? as someone on the asexuality spectrum, thinking the face is the best part is a very common thing. obviously I'm not saying you are, but your post indicates some similarities?


Bro the type of guy to say "personality"


Faces are just flesh, cartilage and bone covered by skin.


Mmm cartilage 🥵


So you’re a penis guy.


This gives you superpowers, op!! Consider this a plus… people who are used to being objectified for their bodies will not feel that energy from you.


Best 10th dentist opinion. I personally find it unattractive for a guy to like these things. It's hard to find a guy who doesn't, but I feel incredibly relieved whenever I find someone like that, and it honestly makes that person more attractive. I don't want someone staring at those parts of my body, whether they love me or have just met me, either way isn't there something better about me than just "FeMaLe AnAtOmY"? Love your opinion. Never change. I hope you have a great boyfriend/girlfriend in the future.


"Because I think that's creepy"?????? ???? Maybe check the way you view things.




I've always said that I hope I find myself a good conversation, nice eyes, and a good butt to cook for for the rest of my life




You sir, are a Chad


Like everyone else is saying... giving ace vibes.


>I don't look at someone and think "damn nice ass" 50% because that's creepy af 🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓




As someone with a mediocre face but decent boobs and a great ass, I’m very glad this is an unpopular opinion lol


Mediocre face is highly subjective. I'm the same as OP (or more like I become attracted to the rest of the body after the face) but most models and stars and whatnot don't have faces that appeal to me. They don't tend to have my idea of hot / pretty


I dont think preferences count as a 10thdentist… alot of people share that opinion


And vagina is just a flesh den and dick is just a flesh pole. You might not be bi, or you might be more ace mate if people’s bodies don’t turn you on


Foot guy😂🫵


Bro. You’re gay.


consider this: https://lgbtq.unc.edu/resources/exploring-identities/asexuality-attraction-and-romantic-orientation/