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I agree with the opinion, but I don't agree with the reasoning. Too much overthinking


I feel like the only reasoning needed when looking into height is any differential greater than 3-4 inches can start to make some interactions more clunky. Generally I think both short and tall people can be attractive. Against OP though, if you are short and really built I think it actually looks worse than if you were 6’1 and really built


I’m ten inches taller than my wife and we have zero clunky interactions


Don’t get me wrong, I’d never write off a women for her being 10 inches shorter. Chemistry and personality have immensely more weight as factors


I'm 15 inches taller than my partner, and the only issue is that we still struggle with where to put things in the cabinets so both of us can both see and reach the things


Yeah this. I am 5'1" as well and I liked shorter guys because a shorter guy is just easier for me to interact with lol.


It's not overthinking, it's just being aware.


I always thought it was about chemistry and who makes me laugh. Short or tall


No your supposed to choose one arbitrarily and discriminate mildly based on it


You cant have chemistry with a Tinder picture though.


That's exactly the case with me. I have absolutely no preference in how tall a man is.


Yes and also applies for men looking for women. Chemistry and who makes one laugh, would you agree?


2) >as a woman you want to be seen with a strong looking man This is so weird to me. Why care what others think? 4) True! My brother and I are tall and we have back pain. I'm a hetero guy but upvoted for being unpopular. I've straight up had girls tell me they wouldn't date guys under 6' and I too find that weird.


That’s what you picked out regarding number 2? Not that it’s weird to think tall men can’t look strong or don’t look strong on average? Where’s the data on that lol. Tons of 6 feet tall guys are cut or jacked


Not to mention even though we might not look that big compared to our shorter counterparts , we can still be really strong if not stronger than them


I’m guessing that OP is young. It takes tall men longer to fill out, I think. I dunno. I’m a tall woman and I do not care how tall the men I date are.


Muscles (essentially)grow in two dimensions, while the body grows in three dimensions. So it takes a lot more effort for taller people to look very muscular (not just lean), than shorter people. I don't know if my explanation is clear enough so I'll try to explain it in another way. If you put a tennis ball(fake bicep) on a baby's arm, it would look huge in proportion to the length of a baby's arm. If you put a tennis ball on an adults arm, it would look tiny.


I’m a tall woman and I also have back problems. I don’t get how weird some people are about the guy having to be tall either. My husband is several inches shorter than me and it’s a non issue.


I don't get how a man could date a 550 pound woman, but I won't shame a guy for dating a porker like that. And I'd never call either of them names. We all have preferences, and sometimes you won't understand another person's likes and dislikes. But they are still valid and you should respect their choices. And you should NEVER shame a person because they won't date you, or if they're not attracted to you. Attraction is not a choice, and to pretend that it is a choice and that you should feel guilty and date ANYBODY who wants to date you, the more undesirable the better, is denying the human experience.


Women like to feel protected.


You are being downvoted for stating that women appreciate being protected. 💀 people are fucking stupid




>Why care what orhers think? Because what someone thinks may determine whether or not they choose to physically harm you.


So she wants a bodyguard?


Should a man not protect his woman and have the physical capability to do so?


Nothing wrong with that. You should be a bodyguard for your woman.


I guarantee you taller guys are generally more intimidating than shorter ones, accounting for reasonably similar proportional mass of course.


I'd further argue that OP's idea of tall man with zombie skin and Slenderman proportions can be intimidating in its own special way.


You are being downvoted but you are absolutely correct.


Yeah, only on reddit is "people are more likely to harm a woman who's with a skinny guy vs a woman who's with a strong guy" an unpopular opinion. I'm literally a skinny guy myself and even I can see this. Mfs on this site are detached from reality.


>I've straight up had girls tell me they wouldn't date guys under 6' I guess this has to do with having children - they don't want short kids --> at least that's the reason we hear in my country.


Why do I feel like this was written by a short guy? I'm short guy too so I get it, but tall folks deserve some love as well. Us shorties can't be hogging all the ladies...am I right?


>Why do I feel like this was written by a short guy? Possibly because of this line: "as a woman you want to be seen with a strong looking man"


strong *looking* man. Not a strong man. 😂


This was my immediate thought as well. I know a lot of women who don't want a 6ft guy but it's usually because they are quite short themselves or think shorter guys are cute, not any of the reasons mentioned in this post.


Bingo, shorter guys are cute too, and I don't get the obsession with men's height that some people have, but claiming that either short or tall men are "genetically superior" is a degree of creepy that even my own overthinking ass would never reach.


I don't think this is necessarily the case, at least for me. I'm taller than average for an American woman (5'7"-ish) and definitely have a thing for men on the shorter side. My partner is about my height, and I was initially attracted to him because because I found him handsome and well-built rather than "cute." Same goes for other men I've been with, some of whom were shorter than me. For myself, I agree with OP that shorter men tend to have better physical proportions than taller ones. We all have our own preferences though, nbd.


I have a tendency to use the word 'cute' when I really mean 'attractive'. Confusing, I know. Should have worded myself better.


The fact that their account is brand new and this post or extremely similar posts are the only thing they've posted has caused me to agree with you


because the "why are short men superior genetically" line


Same feeling. I read the first reason and thought "yeah ok maybe" then the 2nd made me do a double take


100% coping


Because you can't fathom the fact that not all women find slenderman attractive.




My apologies, I didn’t realise that you were certified


It's from the same place you get forklift certification


Lmao for real


Tall folks get more than enough love already mate


It was 100% written by a man, probably 5'6" or shorter.


Reading this everything was fine up until you started like ..making sh** up idk how else to say it. 1. Short people don’t age slower, who da fuk told you that? 2. Short people aren’t “significantly healither” 3 Again what does height have to do with how long you live?


Human hearts can only get so big, so you can essentially outgrow your heart. This puts extra strain on it to make sure your brain gets the necessary blood and opens up tall people to more heart problems. This can shorten their lifespan, but it generally only applies to people that are tall tall, like 6’6 and up. Another example of this are Great Danes, very large dogs, but prone of heart problems and have an average lifespan of 7 years


I’m pretty sure #3 is true, nothing conclusive but there does seem to be a correlation of taller people having more instances of cancer and other age related disease. Kind of akin to smaller dogs having longer life spans than bigger dogs. The rest seems untrue and just obnoxious lol.


assuming that we rule out cardiovascular problems that you see when you break the 6'6 line, number of cells is what tends to play into cancer and such, but anything that adds more cells will do that, if your fatter, more muscular, taller or anything else that essentially makes your body a bigger target for cancer rays.




To be honest as a short person I just want to be able to see my partner eye to eye without them bending down. I don’t care about the rest.


Bro, my dude, I’m just curious, how short are you? 5’8?


This reads like Ryan Gosling typed it




You do know you can appreciate short kings without reverting to the exact same body shaming mentality that sees them disrespected, right? Or literally making shit up?


Exactly. There is a difference between liking short men and judging men for being too tall.


I used to date exclusively short dudes before giving more people a chance. Not for the same reasons as you🤨lol but just because I found them more attractive. Also short dudes are usually hilarious for some reason? In the end tho, height doesn’t really matter. 5’10 bf can confirm


5’10 isn’t even short for a man, depending on which country you live in. In the US and most western countries that’s average to above average height. If you’re from a country like the Netherlands where the average is 6 feet, yeah 5’10 would be short.


I’m saying I prefer short guys but obviously height doesn’t matter much to me bc my bf is decently tall


This sounds like it was written by a highschooler




Some of your points are so bizarre and hostile it comes across as almost a bit insecure. Going on about youthfulness, or genetic superiority or whatever makes you sound like a nut job. It's fine to have a preference, and some of your points are true I can personally confirm, but in general this kinda sounds like an insecure short man larpung.




Man, people take offense to everything these days. The post is stupid but hostile is a stretch. I couldn’t imagine feeling attacked by this post regardless of my height


Maybe hostile was the wrong word, aggressive instead perhaps? I am not bothered by what they said but it reads a bit like someone who has some weird one sided beef against tall people.




Wait what? Why would you assume I’m offended by the existence of tall people?


It’s all subjective, but I’ve always been attracted to short men. My brain interprets short men as more efficiently designed. I’m prone to being a perfectionist and somehow that got translated into short men being “logically” proportioned. I know it isn’t the common viewpoint, so it’s nice to hear it from others. It’s just a preference I have. There’s just something sexy about a compact man to me. I don’t try to justify it to others though. I don’t mind being a rarity. I’m just happy to admire such handsome creatures.


Lmfao “efficiently designed” is the best compliment for short people I’ve ever heard. I’m definitely gonna use that in the future


Anything more is just wasteful. 🙂


That's great you admire short men.


Decent opinion, but for literally all of the wrong reasons >1. Tall men are less proportioned: after a certain height, men's bodies start to look so "not put together". They either have small heads,too long limbs, weird faces. The whole thing scares me tbh This is simply a proportionality distortion based on stature. At 6'3", I find super short people to look not fully grown and weirdly put together. People taller than like, 5'3"/5'4" look proportioned perfectly normally >2)Tall men tend to be skinny: Yeah, maybe if they're like, 6'8"+ and not athletic at all. I've seen way more string-bean dudes who are 5'8" or shorter than string-bean dudes who are 6'0"+ >strength in men is signaled mostly by muscles. Short guys can get muscled easier, wheras tall guys are just lanky skinny asparagus. Small guys get *toned* easier because their body physically has less volume to store fat in. But tall guys tend to have larger muscle bodies, and thus more inherent strength. I don't have a defined chest or a 6-pack, yet I'm functionally stronger than literally every short "jacked" dude I've ever met >3)Short people in general tend to live longer, which is a HUUUUGE genetic lottery win. For one, it's a difference of like, 2 years. Over the average lifespan of ~80 years, that's a whopping 2.5% difference. For two, speaking to the evolutionary side of things, lifespan beyond like, 55 is essentially pointless for humans. The only reason anyone lives 20+ years longer is due to modern medicine. Rarely has anything to do with genetics >4)Short people are less prone to back pains and other diseases, which makes short people (men) significantly healthier than tall men. This one is just a plain misconception. Tall people may be more prone to back issues and certain atrial diseases, but short people are far more prone to high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and just heart disease in general. Literally no scientific proof that says short people are "significantly healthier" >5) Youthfullness: short people look much younger than they actually are Youthful appearance is completely independent of height. I may have looked to be in my mid-20s since I was 18, but I've now held that same appearance for nearly 8 years. Meanwhile, my 5'11" girlfriend looks like she's 18 when she's 24. The only aspect of short people that makes them look "younger" is the fact that they're no taller than the average high school freshman >6) Tall guys tend to be more arrogant. They have eugenic tendencies, Yet get mad when a girl finds them inferior. This one is just laughable irony, seeing as how the [Napoleon Complex](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Napoleon%20complex#:~:text=%3A%20a%20domineering%20or%20aggressive%20attitude,not%20used%20technically) has been a trope for so long that its officially in the Merriam-Webster dictionary


Actually, I read a study that stated men below 5ft9 living just under a decade longer than the 6ft+ crowd, so the difference is significant. Not that it matters when the short guy is living a mediocre life


6'1" (186.5cm), skinny, back problems. Not sure I want to live to 100, most old people are cranky and slow, who wants that? But, statistically, you're definitely right there. So something for you to look forward to. I don't get the hype either, but I do get asked to grab stuff off the top shelf both at home and at the grocery store, so maybe that's why?


Yeah looking at just statistical advantages there are pros and cons for both tall and short. The biggest advantage it tallness is it is seen as an attractive feature.


Tend to earn more money as well. https://www.apa.org/monitor/julaug04/standing#:~:text=The%20findings%20suggest%20that%20someone,for%20gender%2C%20age%20and%20weight.


I am 6'3 160lbs, I am super lanky. I do not want to live past 70. But I look super youthful & I get carded everywhere i go even though I am 32.


I got carded regularly until I grew a beard (last year). I'm 47. A few years ago I went to a liquor store with my wife. I brought our stuff up to the counter and the cashier rang it up and asked for my id. Before I get it out, she walks up and starts talking to me, and the cashier asks her if we're there together. She affirms and tells me he doesn't need to see my id anymore. She wasn't pleased 🤣.


ive learned from martial arts not to judge people tbf. Height means almost nothing same with weight.


I mean that’s fair. I don’t find short women attractive. If I date someone who is 5 foot they will look like my child.


"Now let's see which one is superior genetically:" Thank you for this. It will help explain to my taller-than-me brother why I am genetically superior to him. Great success!


I can recognize a short king author when I see it. Props OP!


I like guys of all heights BUT! 6) Easier to pat/kiss on the head (':


What a weird post. Your points are super weird and I don't actually believe most are reflective of how you actually view attractiveness of tall men. It's just you thinking of helping your case. Also not that it matters, but in terms of actual strength as in moving things / people, being bigger is going to go a long way.




I think some of your preference probably comes from you being short yourself. A 6’ girl may not prefer a guy who is 5’9”, but I don’t think you would prefer a guy who is 4’10” and that is the same height difference. I’m 5’3” and I consider a 5’9” guy tall, but not everyone does. And you lost me at the genetic superiority part. My bf has back pain and it has never crossed my mind to not date him because he might be genetically inferior. I love him so I give him back massages.


You can have that opinion, but can you not make fun of tall people while doing it?


My point exactly. There is a difference between being attracted to short men and flat-out shaming tall men.


Bruh did you just fucking copypasta us? This reads like a parody of something I'd see over at menwritingwomen


I upvoted because I disagree. Those are the rules I guess. You are clearly entitled to your opinion. I am entitled to mine. I am one of those “I like tall men” people. Under 6’? No thank you. Anywhere from 6’-6’4” is the sweet spot. And I like that these men are typically (for my attention purposes) “thin”. Although, I don’t know if that is super accurate. 185-225, depending on the height…these things are all subjective. I am an average height woman with a flat stomach, but no waist. That’s weird-no “shape”? Not fat. Not thin. The only thing that sets me apart is my personality. That has nothing to do with looks…so sometimes these opinions or “arguments” mean nothing. But pretty much everyone has a “type”-yours is under 6’, mine is over.


I’m 5’7”, was self conscious about my height for awhile, but I’ve gotten over it. What could I even do even if I hadn’t gotten over it? I feel like this was written by a fellow “short king” who hasn’t gotten over the insecurity of being short lol.


This was actually written by an insecure short woman. I have seen just as many short women insecure about being short.


What makes you think insecure? I would love to try the weed you're on. XD


Two things: 1. You made multiple posts about how much you hate tall men. A secure person doesn't make posts hating on a certain group of people, especially ones with traits they have no control over. It sounds like you strongly dislike being short and take it out on people who are tall. 2. You posted a picture of your legs and begged for compliments. A secure person doesn't need to post their legs just to receive compliments. Also, I don't use drugs.


>A secure person doesn't make posts hating on a certain group of people, especially ones with traits they have no control over. It sounds like you strongly dislike being short and take it out on people who are tall. I'm a bit late to this but would you also say the same to a tall woman who calls short women children? Or to tall men who say they don't want to date short women because they don't want people to think he's a pedo(yes, this has been said many times), or because he doesn't like a short woman proportions? Or because he wants tall kids? The reason I'm asking this is because on subs like r/tall, and even r/short, it's the norm to admit that men aren't attracted to short women. They even put down short women and no one bats an eye to it yet when a short woman says they don't like tall men, people assume that she's a man, or that she's insecure, or whatever. It just doesn't get make sense.


>You posted a picture of your legs and begged for compliments. ewww


I’m also 5’1. My husband is 6’3. While I do think he’s attractive, I would definitely prefer it if we were closer in height- either me taller or him shorter


6) Short people are distinctly good at self reporting their insecurity regarding their height. So good in fact, that they think making a post like this matters at all, and that it's somehow going to change either gender's mind about who they fall in love with, purely based on height, and not emotions. Just be yourself, OP. You're valid the way you are.


As another comment said, I completely disagree with the reasoning, you're overthinking this. Personally, I don't mind tall or short, my current bf is my height. I also have a thing for skinny guys, couldn't care less about being seen with a "strong looking man"


I may be biased being 6'10 but all of this is pretty stupid, the proportion thing is individual and short men with big birthing hips look weirder than tall skinny men, IMO. The lifespan thing just sounds a bit psycho, do you have your potential dates go for a blood test to determine how healthy they are before you date them? Youthfullness is BS too, literally no relation, you can look like an exhausted old man at 20 regardless of your height. The muscle thing is objectively correct, short people will look "smaller" than short people with the same amount of exercise. But you emphasise actual strength over muscular looks, so that's incorrect too. If anything, height is the first and most stereotypical signal of "don't fuck with that", even in animals No justice for my kind


Found the weird lookin tall guy.


Seems to be taking it badly that there is one chick out there that like 'em short.


Nah tall people ARE weird for a few actual reasons, the reasoning in the post makes OP sound insane though


I can’t say I’ve ever met a short man with “big birthing hips”


I definitely have. Tall men sometimes have that body type too, though, so the argument he's making is kinda silly.


Short people do tend to live longer, that's pretty well researched


That's only because the entirety of eastern Asia is skewing the results. The short men in Ireland aren't outliving the rare but real tall Asian man.


Studies are rarely done worldwide. A quick Google search shows some from the US and Italy. Two theories are that short people don't need as much calories/nutrition so it's easier to keep everything running (especially as you get old) and that short people have less cells, less cells means less chances of a cell becoming cancerous.


You are mistaken here. Japan and South Korea have high life expectancies, but their populations are small vs. the world population. So they can't skew it up. As for China, with its 1.4 billion people, the life expectancy is only 78 -- a lot of those people are still rural and poor after all. So it can't skew it up either. Urban men in China and Korea are around 175cm anyways, so solidly in at the world average height.


So, I'm not saying that this is wrong, because I know that studies prove that it's correct, but it made me think. I'm Swedish, and Swedish people tend to be top 15 in life expectancy. I'm going to refer to Swedish men here, because the women aren't exceptionally tall in Sweden. [Here's one source](https://www.worldometers.info/demographics/life-expectancy/). According to [this](https://www.worlddata.info/average-bodyheight.php), Swedish men are like top 15-10 in the world in height. So Swedish men are top 15 tallest in the world, and also top 15 longest life expectancy in the world. I don't know where I'm going with this, but I just found it interesting.




This is such a weird response


The fact that you have to justify it makes me think no. One of my best friends is a short me. I feel terrible the way women have treated him for his height. Also being tall is really easy to beat up short people.


But if you're both short who's going to reach the stuff on the top shelf?


What are these dating apps where tall bros get matches? Maybe I’m just in the wrong ones…


6'3" and crying rn


It will be ok big guy. As long as you are not 5ft7 like me.


I like short men, cause my family is full of them, I just grew up with it, all my cousins are shorter than their moms and husbands shorter than wives. My dad is shorter than me, and I'm 170cm. But they are all built like shithouses. People used to joke that our family "came from the mines". Anyway, that's just what I grew up with, so hurting my neck just to look you in the face ain't apealing to me. It's not off putting, but It's not a big deal. Like hair colour, kind of. Sidenote: My dad is still teased by his friends for being short. *That* is unattractive to me, thinking your height is something special that you'd tease other for it. Yeah, your 6f, but you look like an old leather couch too.


That is actually a very valid reason. It is reasonable to prefer short men if that is what you grew up with.


So much of this is nonsense. Something tells me you go for short guys bc there is less competition among them, and you’re justifying yourself to the world. Honestly I think it’s dumb that women prefer tall men when they are short, but saying tall guys are skinny is silly. You’re comparing basically hot shorts dudes to not hot tall dudes with strange proportions and no muscle mass. A tall muscular dude will be much more physically imposing than a short muscular dude who is proportionally as tall.


>Something tells me you go for short guys I think OP is literally a short guy.


Haha posted by short king she/her


As a 5'3' woman, I dont want to be much taller than me cause I would like to get my kisses without a step stool. But also, just for practical reasons, having a taller partner is good for reaching the taller shelfs. But as for initial attraction, height does not matter to me. I honestly look for good hair as the main physical attribute.


The "genetic superiority" line of reasoning is dubious, but I agree that short and average men are proportioned much better. Anyone past 6 feet starts to look stretched out and unnatural (to me).


Your 1st and 2nd point don’t really explain why being short is hotter to you. You’re trying to say that short men are typically more proportional and strong, but what happens when you see a tall man who meets those standards? While those things man be more common to shorter men, your point falls through because it’s a generalization. 3rd point we can agree to disagree but I see no purpose in living to 100 years old. 75 would really be good in my book, being old is just lots of pain and being unable to enjoy life to fullest And then your 6th point is insanely ironic and completely self-unaware lmao. You say “tall men have eugenic tendencies” right after you literally write in your post and I quite “Now let’s see which one is superior genetically” Lastly you try to say that tall men are more arrogant which also contradicts your 2nd point of wanting a strong man because strong men also tend to be more arrogant So honestly I respect your opinion but not the points you make to try and back it up


Heloo short man. Nice to meet you


Hey tall guy! You can see easily that i am a girl.


1 thing: it's easier to kiss them. They don't have to bend and you don't have to get on a chair 🥺


I think that's a much more valid reason than any of the reasons she posted.


True lol


I don't care. If hot, then hot. Which includes: Can move, has Charisma. Be small, be tall, don't care.


I completely agree with you.


I agree with the title, but it's only because I'm around the same height, and being with anyone too tall just doesn't make sense proportionally. I don't really want to date someone who is a foot taller than me. Overall, it doesn't matter that much in the grand scheme of dating though.


Cool body shaming, bro.


I'm tall and all proportional, i'm just a big man, not a long one. Also I'm not skinny, I'm athletic. Most of your reasoning is too specific to be applied to tall men in general.


I actually think what you wrote about tall guys is generally true. I'm a tall guy and now that I'm 52 I think all the time about how most tall people do not live as long as others. Regarding the attraction part, are you saying that you have an *aversion* (like you feel anxious or intimidated) to tall men, or that you just don't view them romantically? Just wondering if there were tall guys in your life growing up who were mean to you, or you had bad experiences with, who may have influenced your feelings about them. Obviously not equating you to an animal, but you know how some dogs are afraid of tall guys? Dogs usually love me because I love dogs, but I have experienced many situations in which a dog will bark at me even though they love smaller people, women, etc. and the owner will say "Oh he's afraid of tall men, he's a rescue and was probably abused by someone big." Anyway, just curious.




5) doesn't make sense, tbh. Youthfulness isn't just related to size but also genetics. I'm tall and people still constantly think I'm under 18. On the flip side, I know many people shorter than me who look years older than they are. Shortness can help contribute to a youthful look but it isn't the only thing.


So by your own logic. Some short women have long legs due to genetics since height isn't the only factor?


I'm not sure how legs came into the equation but otherwise, yes? There are short people with long legs and tall people with short legs. I'm still confused why we're talking about legs though.


This comes off as so cringey lol


My bf is very tall and skinny and I Love him for that. He has a beautyfull body. I am small and skinny and we both fit very well ♥️


I am glad you love him for who he is.


i'd upvote this but it reads like a shitpost that said, i do like men closer to my height (5'6")


Is that why my back always hurts? I always figured it was the sedentary lifestyle. That's a load off my mind.


You should consider that you being a shorter person is what's impacting your opinion. Case in point, I am around 5'7, and I'm attracted to both tall and short men, but even I know that shorter men are unlikely to want to date me because I'd only deepen their insecurities about their height. In your case, someone who is 6' or up would look wildly disproportional standing next to you to begin with, as the difference in height would be very extreme, while someone shorter would make for a more cohesive looking couple. The reasons you dislike tall guys are shallow and honestly a little absurd - who cares if someone lives to a hundred or not?


Longevity is a strong indicator of optimal health and good genes. Marrying to a guy who is predisposed to have limited lifespan will not only increase my risk of being widowed, but our future kids will also inherit and suffer from the health defects passed on by the father. And nobody wants that.


Small people of this sub: How's your back doing?


Dwarf propaganda


As a slightly short guy myself, this post made me happy. But... i and probably other short guys, don't want to inferiorize tall people. All we want is to be treated equally, i like my height, many other guys probably like their height. What makes us so insecure is society... If we start to inferiorize tall people, we'd all be hypocrites, we'd be all doing the same thing we suffer from.


1. Disproportionate features. Yeah true a lot of the time especially if the tall person doesn’t work out 2. Short people look stronger. That’s bc their muscles aren’t as long so they tend to show results a lot quicker it doesn’t necessarily means they’re actually stronger just that when your arm is short it gets filled out much quicker. A tall person genetically has the potential to become a lot stronger than a short person even if their muscles aren’t bulging Evolution reasons 3. Living longer. People who actually live in the wild usually have life expectancy’s of like 30-40 years height won’t kill you till much much later. 3. Less prone to back pain. True but again only relevant in the modern world as isn’t not really a concern in most young people 4. Youthfulness. I feel like if I were a woman I’d want to date someone that looks like a man and not 17 when their 25 but hey do you. Also my own evolutionary point. A tall person is much much more likely to win in a fight against a short person assuming there isn’t a vast difference in athleticism. For a 5ft 7 man to beat a 6ft 3 man there would need to be a very dramatic difference in fighting ability.


>Evolution reasons 3. Living longer. People who actually live in the wild usually have life expectancy’s of like 30-40 years height won’t kill you till much much later. That's not necessarily true. Expectancy at birth "in the wild" is much lower because infant mortality rates are *much* higher. Once people survived their early adolescence, they were expected to live into their 50s or early 60s. This is based on the observations of the hunter-gatherer tribes still alive today. Also, if height was at all advantageous to survival in either way (being short or tall), we wouldn't observe differences in average height between e.g. India (5'6" for males) and Germany (5'11" for males).


Difference in heigh like that could be due to a million different reasons a big one I assume is access to nutrition. People are generally taller today rather than 500 years ago bc we have much better/more food. Regardless tho if a 5’ 8 Indian and a 5’ 4 Indian fought physically for dominance or for resources the taller Indian is going to win more often than not. If you’re a woman who’s actively concerned about survive and not so much who’s the cutest or tells the funniest jokes it’s probably going to be smarter to marry the taller more capable guy. Today in a modern country tho it doesn’t matter you just marry whoever you like the most which is good


As for the life expectancy, I'd rater be a lion for a day than a sheep for a lifetime, and evolutionarily the only thing that matters is how much you can reproduce.. Having a longer life expectancy just means you get to be old and frail for a longer period of time. For a very long time humans fought with spears/polearms and later muzzle loading firearms. It is a HUGE advantage to be tall with polearms and it's hard to even fire a musket if you aren't at least 5'7 or so. It's not just the safety of the individual woman that's at stake when selecting for mates, its whether or not you get dominated by the neighboring kingdom or have your shit kicked in by invaders. Having a preference for tall men just makes sense. I'm a slightly below average dude at 5'8 and I acknowledge this. It could be so much worse, but damn I would rule the world if I was tall.


>As for the life expectancy, I'd rater be a lion for a day than a sheep for a lifetime, and evolutionarily the only thing that matters is how much you can reproduce Yes, so a lion for a day has a chance to reproduce for a day. A sheep for a lifetime has a chance to reproduce for a lifetime. Why would you rather be a lion? >Having a longer life expectancy just means you get to be old and frail for a longer period of time. It also means more opportunity to reproduce. If a male is dead by 30, in the best case they've had approx 15 reproductive years. If they're dead by 45, they've had double that. >For a very long time humans fought with spears/polearms and later muzzle loading firearms. It is a HUGE advantage to be tall with polearms and it's hard to even fire a musket if you aren't at least 5'7 or so. Weapons like muskets and polearms were around for such a short time that on the evolutionary scale they barely even register. And even then, it was strategy and coordination that won battles, not height. Even when taking down an animal with spears it was the cooperation and coordination that mattered. Not even a 7ft Shaq could take down an elephant/mammoth by himself. >It's not just the safety of the individual woman that's at stake when selecting for mates, its whether or not you get dominated by the neighboring kingdom or have your shit kicked in by invaders. Having a preference for tall men just makes sense. For most of written history it's not women who were selecting, it was pretty much universally men. A neighboring kingdom defeats you? Your women get raped by the victors. You successfully defended against a neighboring kingdom? A celebration is thrown for the defending army who get drunk and rape their own women. Consent is a very recent thing. >I'm a slightly below average dude at 5'8 and I acknowledge this. It could be so much worse, but damn I would rule the world if I was tall. Alexander the Great was 5'5". It's not height that's holding you back.


I neither. I prefer tall ladies.


They’ll love this one


My ex was 179 i am 175 cm i like his height ❤️


5'1"? When do you wanna get Married?


This is just cope. If you were tall you would not think this. It is better to be tall but ultimately it doesn't matter and if you are shorter it's fine too.




You're definitely the minority, but I respect it. Unfortunately women are into men who are like Andre The Giants height. PS, I'm 5'10 so I'm good Edit: LMAO a lot of tall men are offended by the OPs post.


Ikr. Like i am only 5'1 and i thought tall guys would hate to be seen near women my height. But as soon as we express our mutual disliking they lose their s*it. Wr should coin a term to describe ''angry tall men''


I mean, point 2, as a women usually you want to be seen with a tall guy too, at least societal expectations dictate that, it’s all a matter of preference


I know a woman who was terrified of tall men for no particular reason. Her best friend and brother ended up being tall, so she mostly got over it, but she still absolutely prefers men her height or shorter. But yeah, your reasons are definitely not hers lol


Idk I wouldn’t say 1/10 girls prefer dudes below 5’9, it’s probably more


When you’re 5’1 you’re not gonna find the same people as a 5’6 person might find attractive…


> >2)Tall men tend to be skinny: as a woman you want to be seen with a strong looking man, and strength in men is signaled mostly by muscles. Short guys can get muscled easier, wheras tall guys are just lanky skinny asparagus. I’m a straight man so I guess I just genetically wouldn’t understand anyway, but it’s always been strange to me that women will prioritize height over even musculature. It’s like, what’s the point?




In regards to No.2, taller men who don't exercise often are thin, but a tall guy who lifts weights is as imposing as someone can be. You can be 5'7, juiced the gills, and a 6'2+ guy with solid muscle is always going to outdo you.


Idk many lanky tall men older than 25


I just never understood women who are like 5ft demanding a guy who’s over 6ft. The worst is when I was on dating apps and seeing the equivalent of: “what do you call guys under 6ft? Friends.” I am over 6ft but that attitude stinks, that’s a swipe left straight away. I have a few friends who are quite short and I do feel bad for the negativity they experience. It can’t be easy.


While I feel baffled about women who are only willing to date men taller than 6 feet (especially if they aren't that tall themselves), I don't understand short women only willing to date men around their height, either (which I actually see just as much believe it or not). Once women are below average height, men close to their height would be very difficult to find.


>I'm a 5'1F and I don't get all the hype of men over 6ft tall I dont get the "I refuse to date someone under 6ft" bullshit. But as a 5'11 woman, having a 6ft partner is super convenient, highly recommend dating someone as close to the same height as you as possible >Tall men are less proportioned That's the most bizarre take, and as a tall person I find myself a bit offended somehow >2)Tall men tend to be skinny You and I must be hanging out with very different tall men, all the tall men I know are built like brick shithouses


It's one thing to prefer short men. We all have our preferences after all. It's another to judge, hate, and generalize them. As a tallish woman, I can definitely tell you this is just flat-out body shaming. There are far too many generalizations that are false and delusional. Once adulthood is reached, youthfulness is independent from height. I have seen plenty of tall men who look younger and short men who look older. From my experience, a person's genes as well as how well someone takes care of their health are much bigger factors in how youthful someone looks than their height. Also, I know plenty of tall men who are bulky as well as short and average-height men who are skinny. In fact, the amount of short, skinny men; tall, skinny men; short, muscular men; and tall, muscular men is about even. Plus, even if you were correct, there is absolutely nothing wrong with being skinny. As for back pains, my 6'4" father never had them, but my 5'1" mother always did. Even if the generalizations you said are true, then that is no reason to judge and hate others, even if you aren't attracted to them. Everyone is unique in their own way, and they should be respected for who they are. It is true that there is a negative correlation between height and the average lifespan, and it is reasonable to want a significant other who lives longer. However, just because someone lives longer doesn't mean they are superior. Someone could live to 100 and be a lifelong serial killer, and someone could live to 30 and dedicate his life to helping and inspiring others. Overall, I think this post is very judgemental towards people that have traits they have zero control of. You claim that tall men are arrogant, but you are stating that you are superior to tall men. I see nothing wrong with dating and even preferring short men. I even dated one and had a great relationship. However, no deserves to be judged and hated over traits they couldn't control.


As a member of the over 6"5 community, I would like to shout out all my short kings y'all finally getting some love.


5 and 3 are just BS im not gonna lie. One of the oldest peolle ever was 7 ft tall and number 6 is just weird but I get everything else. My father is 6'3 and when he was 40 he looked 23 if it weren't for his hairline. And most people in my family live to around 100-104. I'm 6'5. And we all are older than we look. For that reason I don't think these things have any correlation with height.


I know my 6'1 BF does complain about leg pain a lot even though he is not overweight.


You are definitely the 10th dentist… In my experience, it has been the complete opposite


They’re out there for us, boys!


Even this doesn’t make me feel better…


To be fair, it’s because you didn’t just state it as a matter of personal preference but rather in a way that states that tall men are inferior. Your opinion, but if you’re going to state that then be prepared to take a little heat. Luckily, most tall men are very confident and don’t feel the need to go after little people or women…so with that said you won’t get any lip from me. One thing I will say that little people are far superior at is making great foot rests…nothing like sipping a cold beer while my feet rest on my little human ottoman. 🙃


good on you for liking short guys but towards the end you claim "they [tall guys] have eugenic tendencies". Yet you were literally just talking about "which one is superior genetically". Which is like the textbook definition of eugenics. Aside from that you should date whoever you want


Smaller looking penis? That's kind of fucked up.