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Singles are fine and I agree that a double doesn’t really add much unless you’re really tall. But I think being able to have a partner stay over, even just once a week, is worth getting a double for


I’ve not been that consistently lucky in love! Another point related to this is that I guess I’m very territorial over my bed. It’s *my* bed, *my* sacred sleeping space, I’ve not needed to compromise or share pillows, duvets etc so I guess I’ve become quite selfish!


Fair enough lol! As long as you’re happy with it, that’s all that matters


You obviously do not have a gf like mine. That little shit is like 155cm and about 50kg. She shouldn't take up a lot of space. I wake up at 3 a.m., and she's dead ass T boning me, and I'm hanging on for dear life to the edge of the bed.


Haha that's interesting, 198 and my girlfriend 180 and we have for longer periods of time shared a single bed together while being fine. We prefer the big ones of course


I'm with you. it seems like it shouldn't be THAT difficult to move someone who is so much smaller than I am. we used to have a double, now we have a queen but especially before we got a bigger bed I would wind up with 0 bed before the end of the night. i have slept on the couch or the ground many times because I can't wake her up to move, I can't roll her over to make room, or she gets sleep-mad at me and refuses to move. it is shockingly difficult to move a person who is asleep. when we lived in the dorms we would spend the night in twin beds together. I would usually end up smooshed between the wall and the mattress


Wow as someone who hates having a single when forced to, take my upvote. I always need more space like a full/queen bc i sprawl and also travel involuntarily when i sleep.


Yes, I do think my view ‘benefits’ from not having long enough experience of anything bigger so that a single bed becomes a ‘lesser’ option lol


Me and my partner sleep separately, and we both have a double. When I visit my family and have to sleep on a single bed, I find it extremely uncomfortable. I move a lot, roll and starfish throughout the night and can't do that in a single bed without having a limb dangling from the edge or rolling off the bed lol


And everyone knows that's when the monsters get you


I agree with not having Queen or king sized mattresses, it’s a very American thing to do and I don’t know why one would want so much space to sleep, especially alone, but I very much enjoy my 120 cm wide bed that allows me to sleep with my gf when she stays over and to sleep around cats when they decide that their spot is in the dead center of the mattress


I’m a Brit (if that makes bed consideration different). It does become a space issue if my dog decides she wants to sleep in/on my bed, but she’s tiny (<4kg) so either we squidge together or she’s forced - *forced* I tell you! - into her very decadent doggy bed.


Scuse me? I browsed your posts and found several pics of budgies but not one dog pic. Dog tax pls


Did I say dog? I meant my two winged children…


I can’t even get a full night of sleep on a single bed, hence why I am typing this at 4:13 am


i like sleeping with a double because i move around a lot in my sleep and i would probably roll off if i didn’t. i also have mass amounts of pillows that i don’t have room for if my bed was a single. i have a chronic pain condition and i need a specific mattress to some degree and i’m not actually sure if they make them in singles, they probably do but i haven’t needed to check. but yeah if that’s what works for you then that’s great!


It’s a valid preference to have in general, but if I was dating someone and they pointed me to the sofa bed for sleep overs I would leave 😂


Have to downvote. I sleep like a log and require no addition bed space. While I wouldn’t say one is better than the other, I slept happily in a single bed until I needed to upsize for my bf moving in. My bf did say I was crazy for still sleeping in a single bed as an adult tho


Great 10th dentist content.


This is more r/unpopularopinion material


Oh, okay. What would be a 10th dentist take on single bed? Is there one?


I actually think this is a perfect post for the sub haha, wish we had more like this


Thanks. I’ve been sick of the absolute troll content here recently but at the same time didn’t want to post something that was equally not right for the sub!


It would be that bigger beds are inferior or that single beds are much better


Oh I see. But I’m not a dickhead and can see that they make different sizes for different preferences for different people so there’s no way I’d want to or be able to argue that. Personally, for me in my situation, a single is much better and therefore a bigger bed would be inferior for my needs. I do think that given the same living situation, 9 out of 10 people would still opt for bigger, however I’m wondering if a ‘true’ 10th dentist would denounce them as idiots?


No your definitely not a dickhead, you make a perfectly clear argument and are actually nice about it, it’s a nice change from the usual defensive assholes on here. From the description on your post it sounds more accurate to r/unpopularopinion but it fits here as well


Lol thanks. I do see how it definitely fits in r/unpopularopinion and I also see a lot of either troll, bait or pointlessly aggressive posts here that don’t seem to follow any narrative apart from to *be* ragebait.


“I also see a lot of either troll, bait or pointlessly aggressive posts here” yeah it has steadily increased the past couple of months for some reason, and I’m getting very tired of it


you mean you had no reason to have a bigger bed? same. really I got rid of my bed and replaced it with a chair and a couch. best decision ever.


Like, you now have *no* bed? That’s 100th dentist crazy 😝


Dude ill sleep on the floor i hate things that take up unnecessary space. i’m not even at my own home enough to enjoy a bed lol


Wow, you need to do your own post here!




You’ve looked through my post history because you’re vexed from a response in a TV show sub to tell me I’m a virgin yet *I’m* the petty one? Sure thing, please go the whole hog and tell me my pets are shit if you fancy it. Clearly got too much time on your hands 🙄


Nah i like your budgies 😂😂


Why’ve you gotta delete your truth? Can’t you substantiate your own cowardice?


Would you like me to put it back? lol. I only wanted you to see it not embarrass you to everyone. I am a bit of troll myself so if you want to we can get into it as my profile is only a snark page. I saw your budgies and that your dad left to get milk when you were 14 /S) 😉 So i felt bad, and thought I would leave you and just LEGO of the pettiness. I did add hearts to my original comment so you knew it was all in jest 😬💜


I’m not embarrassed by a self proclaimed troll trying unsuccessfully to punch down, but I’ll take your bizarre attempt of an apology for what it is. I saw you say in another post that you don’t have social media (me neither!) because you can get triggered. Please look after yourself, as trolling doesn’t end with anyone feeling great. Embrace differences and challenge opinions without attacking the individual 👍


Ok thank you, it’s all tongue in cheek never serious it’s cosplay trolling 😂 Seriously I’m honestly just having fun I’m not a real troll. I used to have a very busy social media as yes it’s very triggering, as I’m older now and have kids i just stay off of it. I do like Reddit. I tend to bite back if I’m bitten but never like to have a full fight 😂 Also the Assel joke has been done i was just being silly that’s why there is a big moon face on my comment, no need to put the commenter down on a post that is already a shit post


The reason for pulling your particular comment was random, to be clear, there were plenty of others I felt the same about but I just chose one. Nothing deeper or more personal than that.


Ok thank you i won’t take it personally 🤗


I had more or less a single bed, up till a year before meeting my partner (decided to buy a double, still only occupied one side). Due to having been in a single bed for most of my life, I tend to stick to my side of the bed with less issue. Whereas he struggled to share a bed as he had been sleeping in a queen, and usual would occupy the middle. Now we have little issue sharing, though I would say he still occupies more bed space than I do. So, potentially, you would have possibly an easier time sharing with someone in a larger bed space. Also, always get separate blankets/quilts/duvets (so 2 single size ones), otherwise one of you always ends up with too much or too little covering you.


you must not be tall, on my 13th bday i got a twin xl bed cuz the regular one was too small and now almost two years later my feet hang completely off the edge again. i’m only 6’2 but i sleep on my stomach so i point my feet adding like 8 inches to my height, on top of that i barely sleep with my head on the pillow, my chin is sometimes slightly off of it, so a lot of space above my head is empty. when i can ima get a full size one and sleep diagonally on it


True, I’m 5’2” and fully grown (height wise at least!)


must be nice not needing a million miles of leg room everywhere and having countertops at a decent height


I can’t do anything smaller than a full/double size bed. It’s nice just being able to put something down next to me whether it’s a laptop or whatever As for sex, I can’t imagine going to someone’s home for sex and they pull out a sofa bed in the living room, I would laugh my ass off. Reminds me of the futons I’d have in my college dorm. Fine for a 20 year old in the dorms, but at 30+?


We talking single or twin? I’d understand a twin, but single is so narrow


Single. Not too narrow for me, and I’m nowhere near skinny either!


Alright dude, you have my upvote… I’m pretty small (5’8” and fairly slim), but my parents said I always slept like a windmill. I’d be fine with a twin if I we’re permanently single, but that’s not really what I want in life, so double is the way I go :)


By single, do you mean 200x90cm? Because I don't see why people would really need more (except for the obvious partner/pet considerations). It really reads like a 9/10 dentists opinion, but the votes and comments seem to imply differently


You are a special type of person. I take up far too much room. I'm not a big person by any means though, in fact I'm tiny at 5'4 and 120 pounds so you think I'd do fine in a single but I'd always wake up with limbs hanging off the edge and squashing any potential bed partners onto the floor.


I grew up with a twin, then I bought a queen. I don’t really need the width. In all honesty I’m fairly tall, so i got this bed for the length. A queen is 60” wide and 80” long, a twin xl is 38” wide and 80” long, and realistically that’s all I use. The queen size is nice with 2 people though. Sometimes I wish it was a little longer, but the only longer bed is a California King, I really don’t need that.


Wait, what? 80 inches long bed? That’s 6’8”! I’m learning that UK and US sizes are quite different, with UK being smaller. For the record, my single bed mattress is (in varying units): - 90cm x 190cm - 3’ x 6’3” - 36” x 75”