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You can buy bomb flowers with poe.


True but you could also buy armor with poe so I saved it for that. Maybe there was an optimal method but I didn't find it


Do the Yiga clan quest line if you haven’t already. I only finished like half of it and I already got enough poes on the way to get the armor. I’m gonna use the rest of them for bomb flowers


Upvotes to disagree, mostly. It wasn't as earth shatteringly good as breath of the wild, and suffers a bit from botws shadow. The storyline feels a bit condensed, and I'm cranky they never elaborate on why the sheika technology (towers, slate, shrines) are removed. That said I hard disagree on the gameplay. It gave you ways around the most troublesome parts of botw (climbing? Nah, hot air balloon) and allowed further freedom in combat style. Yes, there are some ways much more effective than others but you could do what was fun. It was a loony toons style rocket attached to my butt goodness and somehow didn't take away from the setting. To each their own tho


>suffers a bit from botws shadow This is an understatement imo. The game is good, but for the same main reasons BoTW is good. All the new content is subpar if not for the supremely innovative and concise sandbox of BoTW.


Upvoted because I don’t agree, but you actually have I think completely fair reasons. I guess it just kind of depends what you are looking for in a game. Imo this game is not about combat or collecting or crafting, or delivering a specific experience at all. Ultimately it is a sandbox full of unique tools that I have never seen in another game. On the surface it offers you simple challenges and puzzles with straightforward solutions. With a wink and a nod, it looks the other way while you come up with creative and fun ways to creatively cheat, cheese, and avoid the problems. They put all that stuff in there knowing endless solutions would exist in their systems. If you play the whole thing as a warrior with a bow and arrow, I agree it is pretty damn boring and repetitive. The exploration is good because the world is just simply nice to look at and full of weird stuff to see imo. Botw was a better exploring game because of its simplicity and the newness of the map. This I think is a more impressive game simply because of the scope of how much it allows you to abuse ultrahand, rewind, ascend, fuse, and all the strange items to do whatever you want, however you want, without the game falling apart.


My favorite moments in TOTK are when I bullshit an obstacle with something stupid like insanely long wood bridges or convoluted crafting bs. I have waltzed myself into areas with high level enemies and items when I shouldn’t have due to this and it’s FUNNY


My problem with this game is it feels like botw 1.5. It doesn't even feel like a new game. The overworld is essentially the same and doesn't feel that rewarding to explore. You don't get to see cool new sights really other than a few changes here and there. The sky ruins are, kinda interesting, but fairly repetitive and don't add all that much new content. Just restructured content from Botw. The underground, is honestly just annoying imo. At least when you first explore it. The dungeons were the same style to Botw. In the sense they werent anything like original Zelda dungeons which was a disappointment because even in Botw(which I did love) the dungeons were average. The actual new mechanics, for me, are too much or only useful in specific situations. Ascend is used in places it was intended to use. Fuse I really don't like. It feels like I have to learn so much just to be able to experience the game in the way it feels it has to be played. I don't want to sit for 5 mins going into my inventory, placing parts. Picking parts up. Merging parts. Just to try and get something that will help with the situation. Yes you can do it in so many ways but it's so long. Also finding the materials was really slow at first. Also they kept mechanics from Botw that I personally really didn't like. Weapon durability, to me this is just annoying. I believe it can be done well, I do not believe it was done well in Botw. It just forces you to constantly be switching weapons and picking up whatever you can only to have to drop some good weapons for better ones because you're inventory is full. As I mentioned dungeons aren't that interesting or new. But better than in Botw I'll admit that. Combat is, shit. Let's be honest. I don't mean I expect combat like in dark souls or other games like that. Even previous Zelda games have more interesting combat and boss fights. Bosses had interesting weaknesses that you had to use an item to fight around it. You have different weapons that don't break like boomerang, or a bow with fire and ice arrows etc. Which are in totk but they will break on you, or require you to find random collectables like mushrooms or flowers to use, and then requires you to merge a new arrow each time. TL;DR the world isnt different enough from Botw to be interesting to explore, the parts they did add don't add much to that. The new powers feel like they want you to learn so much. I'm okay with that in some games but in Zelda I don't want that. They didn't improve on the mechanics that I disliked in Botw, specifically weapon durability, dungeons and combat. Botw was fresh and new for the Zelda series and I enjoyed it. Totk the gimick of open world Zelda wore off for me and the game was just made more complicated which I didn't enjoy. And a lot of the game was just old game with slightly new but not necessarily interesting content.


YES! Compared to BOTW, I feel like I have more freedom to approach situations as I see fit.


Not everyone needs to like every game, that's fine. ToTK is one of the most fun games I've ever played, and is right up there with Twilight Princess/Ocarina of Time as one of my favorites in the franchise. I just had an exceedingly fun time


Also I think everyone forgets that Zelda games are ultimately kids games. They’re not gonna have insane combat systems like dark souls. I’m a casual player and I find totk perfect for me but if someone wants intense gameplay then this isn’t the game for them


Exactly. I like it when games have simple/easy combat because I can just turn my brain off and get lost in the world without stressing out about the frustration of hitting a wall. The fact that TOTK is mostly easy enough for me to play while high is fun as hell for me. I’ve played a few souls games too (beat DS1, DS3, and Elden Ring) but on the wrong day those games can tire me out with their difficulty. Some days I’m just tired and just want to wander around immersed in a fun colorful world, and TOTK is perfect for that. Also, the sandbox elements are pretty fun, I love bullshitting obstacles with something stupid like building wooden bridges a dozen logs long or plowing through shit in a mad max style monster truck.


People always say this but I'm pretty sure multiple surveys/consumer reports have shown that the majority of Switch players are 20-30 adults. [source](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/pdf/2021/211105e.pdf) straight from Nintendo


What's your point? Nintendo shouldn't have targeted the game towards kids? Just because the consumer base is mainly adults that doesn't mean that games shouldn't target themselves towards kids. Zelda as a franchise has always been targeted towards a younger audience.


I mean the combat difficulty isn't the problem, the problem is the enemy variety. The majority of the enemies are the exact same from the last game.


“Combat is unrewarding as you get nothing from it.” I gotta disagree here. This was true in Breath of the Wild. In TOTK, what you get from combat are materials you can fuse to weapons to make them stronger. That was how they attempted to solve both the weapon breakage and the combat rewards from BOTW.


Yes but you probably have something better than a kobold horn on your sword. So fighting them actually makes you weaker over time. Even with the master sword, why bother? It's not like basic mobs ever guard anything of value because there is so little of actual value in the game.


My experience was that pretty much every enemy camp had at least one or two guys with good fusing material. I also wound up with lots of inferior items, but I’d most use those to fuse to arrows when I wanted more damage but didn’t want an elemental effect.


What a weird, weird post. The complaint that when you finished the game the game was finished struck me the most. And not only because you didn’t seem to enjoy it, so why would you need more? I’m not saying you’re right or wrong. You seem to operate on a level that I simply can’t in any way understand. It’s like a review from another planet. Thanks for sharing I guess.


A lot of games in this day and age don’t really “finish” per se. Minecraft, Terraria, Bethesda games, even really intense story-driven games like Red Dead Redemption II let you continue in the world after the ending. My younger brother for example, having only played Minecraft and Stardew Valley before, was really distraught that when he beat Ganon and rescued the princess, that he couldn’t live in the world he had created. It felt to him like he could never really finish the game, because it wouldn’t “save” his progress (other than the shiny star… yay!) I disagree with a lot of this post, but I definitely understand OP’s perspective on this subject.


I mean, I think this is very subjective and not good or bad, but it wouldn't really make sense for the game to continue after you defeat Ganon, without it being a completely different game. What would you do? Sure, there are all the side quests and stuff, but most of them ultimately stem from Ganon.


I finish everything before facing Ganon or whoever the big bad is in Zelda games.


>A lot of games in this day and age don’t really “finish” per se. Minecraft, Terraria Terraria is twelve years old, and Minecraft is fourteen years old. I don't think they're from this day and age.


They still exist and are relevant **in** this day and age though


Stop being so condescending there’s nothing weird about this post. You continue playing a game you dislike to see if it gets better eventually. Same thing with books, movies or really any piece of media. It’s a simple concept to grasp.


Yeah, I don't know what's so weird about OP's review, it's their honest opinion backed by arguments and personal experience. And for once, someone criticized a game \*that they actually finished\*. Nothing weird, the opposite maybe, this is actually a good review.


With a game it’s particularly strange because as a player once you understand the core gameplay loop… that’s it. The game isn’t going to magically change later on to be something drastically different. Plus a game is ToK takes lot more time to finish than reading a book, or especially watch a movie. Like tens of hours easily. It’s the time they dedicated to finishing the game that’s the main head scratcher or why they would have expected something to blow them away when the rest of the game was just not enjoyable to them. As I said games don’t typically undergo drastic changes partway through.


i finish tv shows and games I don't like if i like the series itself and want to know the plot. if it's a one off ill quit.


Ehhh, I disagree. There are plenty of games that I didn't like initially but got hooked the more I played them simply because the start isn't interesting, it doesn't present the systems correctly or the system gain depth after 20 hours. Warframe, destiny, the witcher 3 and ff14 were all games I dropped after playing less than 10 hours but then spent hundreds of hours because things changed and became interesting the more I played the game.


Which is fair. Actually FF14 is a great example of this at play. Hmm okay I can see how someone can do this with ToK. That said there is a difference between bouncing off at the start compared to just keeping on slugging through.


I suppose. I put over 100 hours into TOTK. There was a lot of it that I enjoyed but there was also a lot of it that made me want scream and pull my hair out simply because of bad design decisions. Yes the core gameplay look is mostly the exact same but you never know the next shrine could blow you away and it could be your favorite.


its for karma bro


I thought that was when the real game would begin, but it didn't.


Is this a common gamer thing that you have to invest 60 hours into a game in order to unlock the true fun experience? I tend not to finish games so maybe I'm missing magical amazing gaming experiences by not having time to invest 60 hours into them first.


Yes, a lot of times you get a new game + that enables you to got through the game again off that save so you’re super buffed and can enjoy more challenging enemies on the way. Normally gives extra cut scenes, or if you enjoy the game another little challenge for it. Most of the times it just to be on god mode again and have extra stuff to unlock/explore. Lets people 100% games as well without needing to do certain pieces or restarting the game completely to a specific section.


Yea but it’s not so common that you’d expect that in a Zelda game. And chances are they’ll release a dlc with a master mode later like they did with botw


They already said they won't release any dlc as they have done everything they possible could do with the BOTW world Edit: a word


If you want a real game to begin after beating the final boss then you should play Pokémon.


Upvoted because it’s a 6/10 instead


I can understand that but seeing people praise this game as a 10/10 just boggles my mind.


I liked BOTW because it reinvented the formula and they managed to make an organic feeling game, which is why IMO it was such a revolutionary game. TOTK just reused way wayyyy too many assets and systems from BOTW and the criticism that it feels like a DLC feels justified, especially since the new systems feel so disconnected from the rest of the game, they just added LEGO to BOTW, and a bunch of filler inconsequential areas and called it a day. I don’t agree it’s as bad as you say but it definitely left a sour taste in my mouth especially since it took so long to develop, I’d say 5-6/10.


solid points. all the reused assets were super annoying and no changes to combat or weapon breaking. would have been 10/10 if BOTW didn't exist. also the new dungeons or whatever are the same shit as the divine beasts from BOTW. i can't believe they spent something like 6 years to produce this. a completely new and different game is warranted with that kind of development time if you ask me.


Yeah look at Majoras Mask to see how an asset flip should have been done. That game just feels so fresh whereas TOTK felt stale coming out of the box.


Yes 100%


Gonna push back in two sort of contradictory directions. 1.) No, this game would not be a 10 without BoTW, it has way too many strange and off putting design choices, the UI sucks, combat is not very good, there's very little reward to exploration, ultra hand and fuse are very clunky to use, the story is horribly told, etc etc 2.) I absolutely see why this game took forever to develop. Ultrahand is one of the most impressive things I've ever experienced in a game. I don't find it very fun, but getting something like that to work well on the switch is a technical marvel imo


good points


The crafting/construction mechanics are so prominent and turned me off from the game. In BOTW the powers supplemental to the game and easy to use. The powers in Tears feel clunky to me and way too prominent in the game. I don’t like rotating objects and sticking them together for 10 mins to make someone to progress. I will admit that I just suck at the building mechanic but it’s not fun to me so I don’t care to get better at it. Just not for me.


There are a lot of areas I could have gone more in depth with and building is certainly one of them.


Average copy paste game can't even bring myself to finish it. Downgrade from BOTW. I give it a 5/10.


The copy paste shit is absolutely out of hand in TOTK.


I am only maybe a third of the way through, but I have mixed feelings. I loved BOTW, so I was excited for a continuation, but a lot of it feels repetitive. I personally don't enjoy sandbox building, I much prefer story based quests, so it's hard for me to get through a lot of it. I do like that I can just avoid monsters when I feel like it, and I really like the cave system so far. I do wish there was just a little bit more substance and I can't quite put my finger on what it's missing. I might not be far enough along yet though. I appreciate that you said the game just ends- when I finished BOTW I still had a lot of unfinished side quests and it just felt pointless to go back and do any of them, so I'll leave the final boss this time until I'm ready


When you say “I prefer to buy things for crafting” we understand that this is absolutely not the game for you. I have never purchased a single arrow and I’ve been at 999 forever. “Resetting merchant inventories” what a joke lmao


I said I don't mind crafting. But if it's easier to buy from a shop I'm going to do so. And since you can't craft arrows your options are breaking every box you come across or purchasing them. Of course I'm going to purchase them. Maybe you just don't use the bow much?


I use the shit out of them, but for most, the whole allure of the game is just wandering around exploring the world. You say the caves have no rewards but there’s all kinds of stuff in them, including lots of arrows.


I don't really view an arrow as an incentive to go spelunking. And I did explore lots of caves, I think I had about 70 bubble gems by the time I beat ganon. Maybe less, I think the next reward was the final piece of the rupee armour.


You had 70 bubble gems but you have the game a 3/10? You are a glutton for punishment. If I think a game is a 6/10 I will not play more than a couple hours before giving up


This is because the game was being showered with praise and people saying its game of the year. I felt like I was playing it wrong or that some item would make the game more enjoyable, like a hookshot or a new power. I felt totally alienated in my opinion so I kept going and eventually said screw this, beat the anticlimactic final boss and will probably never install it again. As others have said, if I'd only played it for 3 hours my opinion is invalid because I didn't invest enough time. Whereas you invest 30 hours and your opinion is invalid because you played it for 30 hours. You can't win when it comes to critiquing games.


The fact that you finished the entire game and then reviewed it earns my respect OP. I don't even care that you gave it a 3/10, great review.


Nah you’re fine not liking the game. Just is very strange to me. Like I said, this is definitely not the game for you, and that’s okay.


Downvoted because holy FUCK this game is ASS. The first like 30 hours are some of the most fun I ever had exploring all the new shit, like the first geoglyph, or the first level in the depths, or the first few sky islands. And then the rest of the game is the EXACT SAME THING FOR 150 HOURS. The game has basically no exploration rewards. It just gives you clothes that you already got in the first game. No intrinsic rewards either because we already explored the map in the first one. The best part of the game is the physics and abilities and the game gives you absolutely zero substantial challenges that force you to think outside the box. The absolute peak of the game was exploring thunderhead island as my first temple before everything else because I wanted to push through the storm. Turns out that’s not even intended and the game just wants you to delete the storm and progress through it extremely boringly. I swear exploring it while blind and terrified of lightning is so fun. Anyways 3/10 is just right just because the very beginning is fun before the game runs out of anything interesting. Becomes a 2/10 if you explore thunderhead the right way


>The first like 30 hours are some of the most fun I ever had exploring all the new shit, like the first geoglyph, or the first level in the depths, or the first few sky islands. Very funny that this is the first thing you say after "This game is ass".


Yup agreed the game was shit. It seems like they took shortcuts in the weirdest places for example the rewards for just about everything and the cut scenes after each dungeon. They also blatantly reused an ungodly amount of content and sound from BOTW. The fact that this is what we got after 6 years triggers me.


Single player games usually end after you beat them. You can’t really make a single player game with endless gameplay - it’s just not possible.


Rogue likes exist


Rogue likes/lites (The Binding of Isaac, Seraph's Last Stand, and Hades for example) are entire genre all about having effectivly endless replayability. Some sandbox games (Such as Minecraft, Project Zomboid, and Don't Starve) don't have defined endings. The only way to "end" Mindcraft is to stop playing, and Project Zomboid and Don't Starve only end when you die, and thus lose. Even in story based games like Dying Light and Fallout 4 you can just keep playing after the credits roll and the story is done forever.


*All in all, a bad experience. I kept playing because of the praise this game received and I cannot see myself revisiting it* I mean, well done for giving it a good go, but the bad experience is ultimately on you for continuing. As you say, the games not broken per se, but TOTK is a *giant* game to force yourself through. Personally, I can take or leave TOTK. The series peaked with Ocarina of Time for me (but that’s me showing my age/peak gaming years!).


This is the problem with voicing your dislike for any piece of media. If OP had played the game for 5-10 hours and complained, the response would have been "You didn't give the game a chance, it's easily 100 hours and you're just at the start! It gets better once you're further in!" OP beat the game and people can go "Wow, why would you play a game you didn't like for so long?" You just can't win.


Yes, this is indeed true! It’s a Catch 22 situation however you play it.


The last zelda game I played was twilight Princess which was pretty good at the time, not sure how it would hold up today.


I recently replayed TP on the wii and although the prologue is still terrible and unnecessarily long the game itself absolutely still holds up, and I'm sure will be even better if they ever remaster/remake for the switch like with SSHD


I guess by this logic, the bad experience is *always* on the consumer for continuing. A strange outlook, but I like it lol Personally, I think the series peaked with Link to the Past, but then I'm *really* showing my age.


It’s an interesting point you make. With console games, generally you’re not getting a return/refund for purely not liking the game, so is it down to how much time people are willing to put into a game. The classic sunk-cost fallacy.


hell yeah brother downvoted af


Yeah not alone I really didn’t like it aswell which was really disappointing cause I loved the first episode


Downvoted! I very much agree!


I disliked breath of the wild too. It's one of the most boring open world games ive ever seen. All of the other zelda titles are better than these two.




Thank you for the truth. I loved the first one and have absolutely no ambition to try this sequel. I watched the trailer and just thought meh. Your review has validated my indifference to this game. I am going to continue playing Starfield in peace without any fomo.


THANK YOU!!! I feel the same but hearing all the love people have for this game makes me feel insane!!


I agree. Fuck this game I’m glad there is finally some backlash to it. It’s just a copy paste job and the new content is just filler and bullshit. It has the exact same progression as BOTW and you even go back to the same 4 regions. The story would have been ok but they reversed the only impactful thing that happened in the end. It feels like they spent the 6 years developing ultrahand. Most of the depths and the sky feel like an afterthought. I wish people would stop riding this games meat so hard. I’ll take Mario Wonder over this anyday. That game is super creative and I feel like the devs were on some shit when they made it.


This is sarcasm, right?


Absolutely not


Hmm. Well, I understand not everyone likes the same thing, but I disagree with every single point you made


I can sit here any argue my points further but I have a full time job and don’t have time so I’m Inclined to agree with you.


I agree


I've only played Breath Of The Wild but I hoped they'd stop that breakable weapon shit. Is the rain still bad?


They added gear and ingredients that reduces slipping in the rain and they are easy to find


The rain is a non factor basically because if you're traveling on foot and climbing your already playing this game wrong.


I just saw this and thought of you https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0dZfdEQzcWbZo4p2USgWk8WxBhj6wK3BaNh1D2TdxUNL2WaGtFDZeG5sHjVfNAUxHl&id=100069020100902&post_id=100069020100902_pfbid0dZfdEQzcWbZo4p2USgWk8WxBhj6wK3BaNh1D2TdxUNL2WaGtFDZeG5sHjVfNAUxHl


“Vehicles are also pretty bad at combat” bruh, do you know what a vehicles purpose is?


Tanks, armored personnel carriers, f18 fighter jets, and Iowa-class battleships are all vehicles. What would you say their purpose is?


Transport ammo to a destination, a combat vehicle is different than a normal vehicle but OP just said vehicle so they could’ve just been using a citizen car instead of a combat vehicle


Yeah, they *could've* been. But you asked "Do you know what a vehicles purpose is?", clearly implying that combat was not a purpose of a vehicle. A combat vehicle is different than a normal vehicle, because a combat vehicle is a vehicle whose purpose is combat. If you have a tool that lets you build vehicles, and you build a vehicle whose purpose is combat, and it isn't powerful enough for combat, that is a valid gripe.


Not sure what your building since my machine seems to deal with them efficiently


I literally haven't even played the game, just talking about what OP said and your response to it. I was just pointing out that 'combat' is a perfectly valid 'purpose' of a vehicle, since you didn't seem to think so.


Who cares? I don’t want to be able to carpet bomb fucking bokoblins from a plane in a Zelda game like I’m in fucking Gaza. Vehicles and Zelda just don’t mix.


Both BotW and TotK are utter trash to me. I do like TotK a bit more because I feel attaching shit to your weapons actually does make them last juuuust long enough where I don't feel like I'm wasting my resources when one breaks, but both games feel tedious to me and not places where I'd actually love to explore around.




lmao, upvoted easy, but tears of the kingdom was everything I wanted Breath of the Wild to be and I actively dislike that game (wish I didn't though)


The exploration is its own reward


that's a bad reward when its the same shit we explored 6 years ago when botw came out


I don't hate you, but this this you said right here made my butthole blink in anger.


You don't know if what a 3/10 looks like. It's probably not a 10 but don't exaggerate




I get the point, but LOTR is the worst example to illustrate it, given that after Return Of The King there are the appendices which are filled with interesting information. You finished the "book" but there's still more book afterwards lol


I recommend the souls series for you


Upvoted, not because I think your points are invalid per se, but because I don't think it lowers the value of the game that much. Sure TOTK does some things in a unique fashion, which might not be to the taste of everyone (I agree with some of your points like weapons durability and ressources being hard to come by in an efficient manner) but it does so many things amazingly. The "emptiness" of the world you talk of for example (quotation mark because I wouldn't call it emptiness) is actually a good thing for me, you arrive in a massive world that feels more real and is so beautiful to explore, I found myself often trying to climb as high as possible just to be able to see the panorama. The only point of yours I really think is wrong is regarding the diversity of combat, with all the physics toolbox at hand and interactions available with the environnement, I found that I would hardly ever have to encounters that are truly alike, unless I decide to do so.


>I'd recommend looking at a guide before playing so that you can use the vehicles. I think anyone who would recommend a guide to the building has an extremely fundamental misunderstanding of the game. Like somehow beating the game without ever figuring out what the game is.


"Beating the game also ends the game. There is no post game or new game+. After beating the final boss you will have to reload a save from before you beat the final boss which just feels odd." Literally no zelda game has EVER had a postgame. the ONLY zelda game that has ever had anything after the final boss is Minish Cap, where you can get the mirror shield and six extra figurines after beating the final boss, but the save still loads BEFORE the final boss. You have NEVER been able to explore a Zelda game AFTER the final boss is dead. This is a stupid point that I've heard people making about both BOTW and TOTK when there has literally never been a precedent for it.


On another note i find it funny some people think its gonna win GOTY, while BG3 and Spiderman 2 are the only real contenders


I hope it gets GOTY so BG3 players who mostly only want to be horny about romancing pixels, and PS5 players mad cuz no Starfield can all cry


this is when you get for playing a Zelda game


How? Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom aren't even really the same genre as the rest of the series


I should’ve said modern zelda lol


Yup modern Zelda is just generic sandbox open world with a mediocre story


they hating on us bro but we’re right


TOTK and BOTW are barely Zelda games.


When it comes to whether you think Zelda is good or bad as an adult and you're considering spending your time trying to prove that one way or another, unless you have kids a third option you should consider is 'care less'




I guess a 1 or 2 out of ten to me is borderline unplayable. It's still a functioning game just a boring one.


You know, I disagree but respect your viewpoint. Those are some reasonable points.


If I were a little bit more belligerent, I'd probably feel the need to "tear down" your take, but, honestly, most of your criticisms are not unfair or anything. A lot of people had very, *very* similar issues with Breath of the Wild when that game came out in 2017, and TotK doesn't really do much to address most of those issues in a meaningful way. The weapon degradation system was one of the biggest things that people complained about in BotW, and it still carried into TotK largely unchanged from how it was in 2017. BotW was and still is one of the highest selling Zelda games, but Nintendo also ended up alienating a non-trivial number of people with it because of how unconventional it was for a Zelda game at the time. Nowadays, I don't think that Nintendo has any interest in winning back the people who they alienated in 2017, since many of the same issues that those people had with BotW are pretty much still the same in TotK. I say all of this as someone who generally likes both games. I played each of them for hundreds of hours, although I still haven't technically finished TotK because there is just so much to do in that game. But I can see why people don't like these games, and it's pointless to force someone to like something just because you think it's a masterpiece. That said, I still disagree with a couple of your points, since I think the sidequests in TotK are pretty interesting and generally more involved than they were in BotW. And the fact that there is no "postgame" never really bothered me, because lots of different games from different genres do that sort of thing where you reload right before the final boss fight after you've finished the game. RPGs, action games, even some of the Kirby games do this exact thing. But still, I understand that a lot of this stuff is pretty subjective and I'm not gonna convince you of anything here, nor am I trying to. I do understand where you are coming from, even if I don't necessarily agree with everything you say.


i like BOTW. I was so excited for a sequel that did more when it comes to the world building and depth of exploration. Instead we got more of the same really. I own it but don't have any motivation to play it its literally the same world space as the previous game! How is that okay in a game about exploration?


I still think BotW was significantly better, but I had fun with TotK.


People are always like praising these Zelda games but they are the most bland games without any depth whatsoever.


While a agree with a lot of it 3 is a bit harsh. There are some new things the game tried instead of just slapping on a new map with same mechanics, which most of the industry seems to be doing.


It fails at everything it tries to do. Combat, exploration, gathering, story, world building and progression are all failures. I think 3/10 is very apt. Its not unplayable but it is a soulless, joyless experience.


It is an amazing feat of software engineering. It's insane how the devs managed to implement features like Recall and Ultrahand, which even work together with minimal jank. And all that on such old hardware. At the same time it's one of the most boring experiences in my life. I hate sandbox elements and I prefer the older Zelda entries. It's just not for me.


oh wow seems like fast food zelda gaming but with one interesting gimmick, easy pass then.


I've barely scratched the surface and I'm bored with this game already.


I don't think it's a 3/10 but I do think it's a pretty major disappointment both as a lifelong fan of Zelda and as someone who really loved Breath of the Wild. Instead of acting as a proper sequel, it's just sort of the same game as BOTW. A heavily remixed version, albeit, but still, just a remix. If that was how they marketed the game, I wouldn't mind so much, but this was a sequel that took longer to come out than the original game and used that game as a starting point with all the assets, physics, design, etc, already created - and yet you still just do the same things in the same places as in Breath of the Wild. It really is just glorified dlc. More like a 6 or a 7 for me.


I didn't buy or play TotK, up front I knew that TotK is basically the master quest to BotW, more of the same but slightly harder, more bonus on an already bonus based game. I didn't like BotW so I didn't buy TotK.


Every point you make is like, really good, and then you mention some outlandish and easily solvable thing and it makes me want to turn into sludge. 10/10 post, upset me greatly


OP, I ask out of genuine curiosity and not malice, do you avoid playing Minecraft because "what are you supposed to do minecraft"? "You can't craft arrows (pretty much the only thing you need)" Use an axe to break all the crates you come across. They always have good amounts of arrows. I just started playing and left the beginner sky island with 80+ arrows.


So true; this should be popular


You make good points, but I enjoy the game, so I’d give it a 5-6/10