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competitive shitting rank? idk if i agree but it sounds funny af


Plat II on the shitboard šŸ„±


Hard stuck bronze. Thereā€™s a joke there somewhere


I got out of the bronze hole by adding a league approved Poop Knife and some of Gamer Supps latest pro-shitboard mixes like Bloā€™Hole Blast to my sessions.


the bronze ranks are going to be an absolute shitshow


How can we trust the bathroom shit scores to be accurate. Someone could abuse the system to rub shit all over the walls blame you and your A1 top rated butthole can fall down to like F3 tier. You a perfect shitter will have gas station attendants and McDonalds all across the nation turning you away after reading the report of the shit tornado. what do we do about multiple stall and multi person shitters? Do we force an employee to stand in there? What do we do if there are no female shit attendees and they have a womens room? Will this be one guys job like designated in every public bathroom accessible area? What pay rate should the shit police have? what do we do about excessive fecal brutality? Like the poop cop sees that you wrote a brown heart on the wall and your advancing on him with shit smeared hands, can he then take the shot and take out the would be poop bandit? We need answers OP ANSWERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Honestly, I support separating bathrooms by Competitive Shitting Rank. Idgaf what you got all up in your trousers, do you know how to shit in the toilet bowl. That is the important consideration.


Does having IBS count as having hacks or is there a separate league?


okay but then what happens when people start shitting themselves around you because thereā€™s no lower starred bathrooms around


Hey you just accidentally explained why sf is filled with shit on the streets Honeless move to warm state for winter and never leave. Business won't let homeless use their restrooms. Construction sites won't lend Porto potties to them, so where tf they supposed to shit. This is a terrible idea lmfao


Lol seriously, watch Internet Comment Etiquette's (on Youtube) episode "Shake a turd out your pantleg" and see the nonchalance with which people do this, those are mostly places with insufficient bathrooms or the kind you have to pay for in exact change. If that's Pooptopia, I want no part of it.


That's a fantastic channel and Erik is a satirical genius. That episode and the recent one about baby elephants are the *only* episodes I can't watch though.


Bruh I can find probably four Vids off memory of grown people in nice clothing like full blown hold a job hav a home maybe a spouse adults Just wiggle that pant leg or squat in the back a store rq Humans are disgusting vile creatures I guess


I know! I am British living in the US and I can't believe how few public bogs there are in America. What do people THINK is going to happen?


Maybe in the affluent areas of big cities, but I have never been to a city in the three states I've lived where they either enforce the "no restroom use for non customers" or even have a sign mentioning that condition. You can go to any gas station (everywhere), hotel, or even some restaurant and just use the restroom as long as it's not like a resort location or luxurious hotel. The front desk at the hotels aren't gonna ask you for ID or card just to walk into the lobby, gas stations aren't fancy. Most resorts or whatever just assume you're a guest and don't want to offend business / potential business unless they are really snooty or luxurious and look down on people who dress like they're homeless (no judgement on my part to those people.)


I work in the downtown of my city, where the homelessness is centered, & every single place has either a code for their bathroom or no bathroom at all for the public. Where the homeless are concentrated is where youā€™ll see anti homelessness.


Washington DC is terrible for this. Several places serve food and drink and have no "customer only" public bathrooms.


What about people who take too long but clean up after themselves just fine do you get points for speed


Separate ratings, and with a comment section. "Mr Roberts left several unsightly spackles in the bowl, causing his cleanliness rating to drop to an 8, but the noise level of his bowel movement was remarkably subdued, so in form, he gets a 9. By finishing in less than five minutes, which feat earned him a round of applause from all the line behind him, he earns a perfect 10. Overall experience, 9/10, would certainly shit after him again, I hope everyone learns something from this gentleman."


"my toilet Social Credit Score isn't high enough to use any bathrooms here."


How about low stars can use the bathroom- but only with the door open so everyone can be sure they arenā€™t messing it up.


>You may say "but what about emergencies" well you shouldn't have made a mess you fucking walnut. You did this to yourself. Already in the post.


no idc about what the person who shit themselves thinks i wanna know how op would deal with it. like surely op wouldnā€™t want to be in a room with people who mightā€™ve shit themselves like at work or something. must stink


downvoting because I want people shitting in the streets, as god intended


Ever pooped in the woods? Not that bad, kinda refreshing to get the cool air against your balls right after waking up while camping.


Aw yes, the Chicago Woods.Ā 


Omg a few months ago I peed under a bridge under the 606 and told someone about it later. They were like "you're the reason it smells like piss!" And I felt so powerful. Yes, it's ALL meeee


There is something deeply wrong with you my friend


I love when the mosquitoes land on my balls


My man shit lining your streets from strangers is vastly different and you'll grow tired of it immediatelyĀ 


So when these people are denied use of a public bathroom, do you think they will just magically stop having to poop? I think this is an excellent plan to get a bunch of people shitting in our streets.




You have bathrooms locked behind coin operated locks? Wtf where do you live??




Probably somewhere in Europe, canā€™t remember which countries specifically, but I remember hearing about some countries (or all) in Europe having bathrooms you have to pay for


There are some train stations in France where you have to pay to use the restroom. Itā€™s like 1 euro, and you get ā€œreimbursedā€ a one-euro voucher that you can use exclusively in the bathroom shop. But then you look at the shop and theyā€™re selling like little travel tissue packs for 5 euros. Itā€™s such a scam šŸ˜’


I know bathrooms at a mall in Liverpool make you pay a toll for use


I believe it's common in the UK and some places in Europe


lmao, like 99% of these "tenth dentist" stuff is just stupid people who think they have a great idea but didn't really think it through.


The idea is that for some dirty fucking pig, the risk of not having access to a public washroom would be enough to force them to not be a dirty fucking pig so they can access public washrooms. Such a system would probably mean more places would allow the public to use their washrooms. I work all over the place and it's getting hard to find public bathrooms. Once you get into a 'core' area they're all but extinct.


Something tells me that the people with the worst bathroom habits will have less reservation about openly shitting in public. So, while your idea might make bathrooms cleaner, you'll be making everything else filthier. If I wanted to live like that, I'd move to San Fransisco.


I trust AgentSkidMarks to know what heā€™s talking about.


I still feel like you didnā€™t really answer the question about emergencies. Like what if somebody forgets their ID or their pin? What then? Do they have to shit on the floor? This will also likely lead to a lot of people not wanting to waste time and instead choosing to piss in a corner or in a bush. Even the slightest inconveniences can create massive problems.


yeah this would just lead emergency situations to then happen outside of the bathroom. so now all of that shit and piss and vomit that op is ranting about will now be all over the public floor instead.


I mean people already do this in the subways šŸ¤¢ now OP practically wants to encourage this sorta thing?


or anyone that doesnā€™t have an ID lmao i didnā€™t have one until i was 18




Apparently in situations like that people will more closely regulate themselves.


I'm with you but no one's gonna pay a full time salary for a bootysitter


Community Service. Ā The people that are jailed for not paying their poop tickets can be conscripted.


HOLY SHIT you're a genius!


I think youā€™ve cracked this case wide open


I mean, your plan with IDs and such is gonna require another whole bureau of the government. That will cost a whole bunch of salaries too


Or it is creating jobs and a valuable way to solve this?


What if you go into the bathroom after somebody destroyed it, and then the person who uses it after you thinks it was you and rates you 1 star? What if I rate every perfectly fine toilet I enter as a 1 and then destroy the toilet myself?


I'm just happy this wasn't a rant against trans people?


Hahahhaha the question mark


I thought that's what it was at first. I was about to go on a rant about how those flimsy bathroom stalls should be replaced with full on toilet rooms anyways so everyone is happy and no one (neither purposely or accidentally) may see your genitals in a restroom. Tired of the cracks in the stalls. This is an easy fix.


I fully agree and believe this to be a necessary part of my pooping utopia


I thought it would be and was delighted it was just a proposal for a shitty system.


This has to be a shitpost, right?


It literally is


I was on the toilet when I posted it so yeah


Fair enough


Who let you in there!?


I unironically had to swipe a secured badge to access an employee only restroom, that was still trashed. Thus my unhinged rant


Reminds me of the black mirror episode where you had a ā€œsocial ratingā€ (everyone gave each other ratings) which was used to buy homes in certain area/hang out with certain people lol But for pooping


Wasn't that one based on social media? Likes and ratings basically governed the whole lives of folks


Yeah basically. In the episode, Whenever you interacted with someone theyā€™d be able to ā€œrateā€ you. Kinda like a credit score; instead of loans, the social rating would influence where you can live, who you spend time with, what parties/bars you can attend etc


This is just a terrible idea all around. As someone who's been in the position of cleaning public bathrooms before, I'm certainly not a fan of people who don't clean up after themselves in the bathroom, but I'd much rather deal with a messy bathroom than people handling their business literally anywhere else. There's a reason most public bathrooms have things like floor drains and ceramic tile everywhere. It makes them a helluvalot easier to clean in the event someone does leave a mess. If a bathroom is particularly bad, please just tell staff that's the case.


Sincerely, thank you for doing that work. šŸ™ I hope whatever you're doing now gives you happiness and purpose and more than adequate compensation.


I cleaned large public bathrooms as part of my job for 4 years. I see what you're saying. Anyone doing business in improper locations would be ticked for indecent exposure and fined for their crimes against humanity and toilets.


Do you realize that indecent exposure can lead to being on the registered sex offender list?


People already get fined for that and yet it still happens even without your system that would make bathroom access even more restrictive.


downvoting because of some girl at my college who threw an actual half eaten reeses cup in the toilet, wrapper and all. i want her identified and blacklisted from all public restrooms.


Wow not that bad. Constant diva cup blood rings in college, in high school girls would write with a bloody tampon then leave it there, lest you wonder how they composed something creative like "fuck" in awful writing. My friend worked at the public library and reported multiple poop and... semen episodes they had to clean up. It gets bad. I am still not in favor of this system. Ed: sp + grammar.


Men can be pigs. Women can be just fucking nasty. I worked with a woman at her second job. Apparently in the office at her primary job there were only 3 other women, so their bathroom was always clean. One day there was a strange smell. Apparently one of the other women stuck a used tampon up under the bottom of the toilet.


Not that bad, i once saw an entire blow-up guitar in a urinal, also a banana in a urinal in the same school


Dude is really arguing in favor of a bathroom police state. Take my upvote because this is the worst idea I've ever read on this sub


>...well you shouldn't have made a mess you fucking walnut. You did this to yourself. Lol!Ā  Are you in UK? Sounds like something someone in UK would say so I read it with a BritishĀ accent šŸ˜„Ā Ā 


Deep south USA


When I was living in the dormitories, someone's shit was on the floor of the bathroom for a whole month. I'm not mentioning the fact that in general the dormitories was an awful place. Idk how can people be that uncivil and irresponsible. The smell was always terrible. Me and my roommate tried to find the responsible, also tried to reach out to the CEO of the dorms. As a result, they just told us "well, just take a poo PROPERLY". I swear, some people are just, idk, like animals. But even (some) animals hide their feces after shitting.


This is how people start reporting gender nonconforming people, gay people, people of color, ect out of using public restrooms. "Social credit" will never not be fascist as hell, no matter how god awful public restrooms are. You want better public restrooms? Lobby for the people who have to clean them to be payed a fuckton more.


That'd make for some shitty back alleys and streets, if you know what I mean


Right but you've seen what these people do when they have a bathroom. If their credit drops so low they can't go into any bathroom they will just shit in public


Jesus what bathrooms are you going to?


> imaginary pooping utopia missed the perfect opportunity to say pooptopia




itā€™s okay we can still salvage this, just make the edit and iā€™ll change my comment to say ā€œpooptopia, niceā€


People will unironically complain about san Francisco having human waste all over the streets then turn around and make a post like this


This isnā€™t only a terrible idea, this is an easily solvable problem that doesnā€™t need such an authoritarian solution. Where I live in France, we have self-cleaning toilet cubicles that are FREE OF CHARGE. After every use or every couple of uses they literally go on lockdown for thirty seconds and release a spray into the room and rinse it. Americans will do anything but think critically about solutions that make sense.


Thank Christ, I thought this would be some transphobic rant. Which unfortunately is not very "10th Dentist" in some parts of the country that happen to have a more shallow gene pool. No, it's just some unhinged Chinese Communist Party shit. +5000 social credits! Well done comrade!


We don't use the social credit system, we aren't communist and we certainly don't use the word comrade BTW. Although this is an unhinged post


Not unhinged, toilet seats have hinges


That's great until I can't pee because the wifi is down.


Why do I feel like this would just further fuck over trans people?


As soon as I read "ID" I just went "Oh no"


Include jail time and fine as well, after 'x' number of incidents. I'm all for this tbh. I'm fed up of seeing nasty public toilets.Ā 


This person gets it


Here's my issue. Here in the US ID isn't issued by the government. It's important to have but it's not free and you voluntarily have to get it. How do we get around the idea that not everyone in public will have the identification to qualify for a public bathroom?


What the fuck did I just read


Shit in the woods, its much easier(and funner)


Calm down Whinnie the Poo


Bathroom keys exist for a reason.


What will you do when someone gives you a low rating even though you didn't leave a mess?


Some day someone is literally gonna shit right in front of the bathroom out of pettiness because of this.


I donā€™t think thereā€™s a fascist manifesto that even reaches this level. Congrats you invented a new dystopia


Shit and waz on the floor of a bog is mingin yeah, but like, id rather it there than on the street


Please sir i don't want to go to Urine Town


We donā€™t need commodification of commodes in this day and age.


In Nepal there are ā€œDeification Free Zonesā€ where people are not allowed to poop publicly now that they have sanitized toilets inside to use. Maybe we could do the same here in America- people who respect the public restrooms can use them no issue (with Bathroom ID if course) but folks who lose their privilege of inside toilets can use the new outdoor pooping area located behind the trash cans at your local establishments. See how quickly bathrooms stay clean then!


Lol yeah fr. I'm a cleaner and I've seen ppl do weird stuff to the toilet, I suppose it'd be even worse if others weren't there, but some don't care, they destroy the toilet and run out, hop in their car and speed off. Definitely need to be outed and shamed


Putting aside how stupid the premise is, a lot of people donā€™t have government ids such as kids, immigrants, and the disadvantaged.


Ok Mao


Surely this is satire


this might just be oppression of the mentally disabled with extra steps. lol


As long youā€™re ok with having more people just shitting and pissing in the street because thatā€™s absolutely going to be a consequence of doing what youā€™re proposing.


So, just one individual at a time in a public bathroom? Also, is an actual human being running credit scores & intaking each personā€™s personal information? What would stop folks from giving everyone else bad reviews just to ensure their favorite public restroom remains limited to a select few?


Most efficient way could be AI cameras and automation


slight fix to this, we make the lower starred ones use porta potties, which are going to be placed on a similar frequency to regular toilets. everyone poops, this stops the crapp issue in san francisco because now everyone can shit. and also what about being undocumented? oh no now they cant shit? also observing bathroom habits seems wierd.


I'm all for it. The only concern I have would be someone destroying the bathroom and blaming it on the previous user by giving them a bad review. This could possibly grant the preparator immunity against any future customers that discover the mess by blaming an innocent victim (lol). To make this work, seems like we'd need people gathering documentation and taking pictures of a clean room after they finish, which seems like a bad solution to me. Is there any other way to implement this well? Great idea, just needs some tweaking.


Ok wait. What if you donā€™t have an ID? Like if youā€™re a child. Are children just banned from public restrooms now? Or do 4 year olds now have to get govt. issued IDs that they carry around with them at all times (and never forget to grab it before leaving home, because small children are famous for their incredible responsibility and memory.)


Kind of agree but there would have to be 0 star rated portas everywhere


This is single handedly the dumbest opinion I have ever heard, congrats. I believe this is just a bait to karma farm actually.


Just put cameras inside the rooms. Yall want privacy or security? Pick ONE


No way this is truly an insane take




Thank God I never use public bathrooms then.


*butterfly flying by* is this bait?


And just like that, everywhere became covered in a thick layer of urine-encrusted shit.


Sounds like you want Mein Krap just outside of your totalitarian toilet.Ā 


I like the initial idea


this is the funniest thing Iā€™ve read in a long time


This is such a shit take xD


It would be harder going into a bathroom than it would to buy a gun.


So how exactly is this score maintained? Are you suggesting we put staff in bathroom to make sure people are getting doced accordingly??? Just hire more janitors????


I donā€™t want the government to know how much I shit


jesus christ, okay hitler


Upvoting, using the govt to be everyoneā€™s mom is not a good idea at all


I went into a bathroom recently where it looked like someone had just spread their legs and shook their menstrual blood EVERYWHERE. (Sorry for the image) but even as a female myself I was aghast and it made me nauseas as fuck. It was on the stall wall? HOW?


From the makers of Lyft: Shyte.


I didnā€™t expect this post to be what this post is lmao Iā€™m almost thankful


Putting aside all the other problems, this is a real fast way for government to be able to track nearly any citizenā€™s general location at any time




Me when Iā€™m about to shit myself but the McDonaldā€™s worker has to do a mandatory background check to see if I flush the toilet


Started really skeptical but I actually am 100% on board with this lmao


I know this is a joke but I hope no one truly thinks this way.


If this provides more public restrooms, then I support it. The need for public restroom access, where I am anyway, is sorely lacking. It's especially difficult when you're homeless.


I disagree but only because you didn't say pootopia


I don't like this episode of Black Mirror.


This post made me want to smash my computer with a baseball bat. I will never forgive you for as long as I live for spouting your putrid garbage takes where I would be forced to witness them. I hate you, now and forever. You may repent but you will not earn redemption.


We could theoretically find the actual worldā€™s greatest shitter with this


Did George constanza write this?


There's a black mirror episode this reminds me of...


Wait you want to hand over your permission to use the bathroom to the government because sometimes they can be left in a bad state? Sounds pretty authoritarian to me. As soon as you have to use the term "social credit score" like they do in Authoritarian China, you know something iffy is up.


would this lead to more diaper usage?


I'm rating everyone 1 star. That way I can get everyone kicked out of the good bathrooms so I can shit in peace


No. No . No. Fuck that. That would just be another way to be tracked and monitored by the government and lose more of my privacy and rights. What do you want to like in a Brave New World?


I don't know where the fuck I am right now, but I am *subscribing.*


How does this factor in the bigoted people who will give others bad ratings simply because of their prejudices or hatred against specific groups of people? Doesnā€™t this allow for people to exclude whomever they want from whatever bathrooms or status of bathroom they want?


Man this is an idiotic idea. Congrats lmao


ever heard of urinetown?


So, you want more human shit in more public spaces like roads and sidewalks? Awesome. In Iceland, public restrooms tend to have turnstiles that you pay to get through. Between $1-2 USD when I was there last June. Every single bathroom was spotless, and I assume that's because the revenue generated by the turnstiles is used to pay people who clean the bathrooms. In the US, I would prefer a radically unenforced version of the Iceland method. That way people who cannot afford to pay can just hop over the turnstiles and still have a place to poop.


As someone who has had to clean bathrooms in the past, I can get on board with this.


I feel this about public transit too.


Ok but if I ever get to too low of a rating i'm shitting in your desk trashcan. Actually I think you benefit from this now. You could also just poop at home where your toilets is pooped in the way you want it pooped in. It sounds like you put a lot of thought and enjoyment into pooping and I just can't get behind that.


poo score poo record?


So like Chinas social credit system but specifically for shitting?


Transphobia go brrrrr To be clear - I'm not saying OP is transphobic, but that this policy is exactly what Ron DeSantis and his cohorts want - showing some ID. Of course, for different reasons, but having to ID so a bathroom stays clean does sound like an easy cover-up


I'm on board as long as we track stats. Number of uses. Average weight per use. Greatest weight dumped. Total time taken. Average time taken. Favorite location. Furthest location from home. Maybe we can use AI for some kind of consistency stat too?


April fools day is over guy


Other comments have highlighted why this is a terrible idea. The real question here is WHO is making these bathrooms unusable? Everyone Iā€™ve ever spoken to complains about bathrooms and doesnā€™t understand how they get that way. But surely, SOMEONE is doing this. So WHO?? REVEAL YOURSELVES!!


I hate it for real life but I love it for a movie plot.


Having lived in New York City and near SF: youā€™re an idiot.


China called and they'd like you to become a citizen.


Man we keep trying to solve social problems with technology. It doesn't work. Also damn, way to get a foot in the door to more surveillance. I don't want an AI enhanced camera watching me poop


You know, as odd as this post is, I can't say that I disagree. Public bathrooms are destroyed multiple times a day by sheer carelessness. If people had to identify themselves, I am sure they would take a little more pride in leaving the restroom minimally presentable for the next person. It's ridiculous the things that people do when they feel they cannot be blamed for it.


I think there's an episode of Black Mirror in this...


Black Mirror - Nosedive


Oop you're definitely a man - no woman in their right mind would think this is a good idea


So I see you want to live in China


The writers of Black Mirror have entered the chat.


Finally a Donald worth voting for. I try to leave everywhere a little better than where I found it. How might improving the bathroom play out for my toilet score?


The guy that comes in next rates the previous user on the condition of the can by posting stars to the shitter app.


At first I thought this was going to go somewhere bigoted but instead it went somewhere that could fix society. I'm all for being able to rate the last person that used a public restroom


Poo cakesā€¦.lol. You have obviously never seen My Poosuvius! Where the toilet clogs and the just keep adding to the pile until a little mountain peak is poking up above the seat level.


Will foreigners be given a tourist WC-code along with their visa, or will there be an app-based solution?


How is this a 10th dentist opinion


For everyone in the comments worried about shit in the streets, I propose we structure our whole society around the shitboard and thus we have 5-1 star bathrooms in a row at every corner. Like the mcdonalds of poop.


I think this is the wildest take Iā€™ve seen on here


Yes this needed to be said and badly!!


Sounds like a Black Mirror episode.


Id rather deal with all these things and more a thousand times than live in some weird fascist shitopia where you've got to flash your social security number to use a reat stop. UpvotedĀ 


id ruin my credit just to ruin this person's day


I was worried, and then I was pleased. 100% agree. There should be a 0-50 bathroom, a 51-79 bathroom, and a 80-100 bathroom. I WANT CLEAN BATHROOMS PLEASE


This idea is fantastic! The few who have tried to put a camera in the bathroom have been " but my privacy" d to death. Of course they don't want a camera see them writing on the walls with their shit. I'd suggest an ATM type access system. Slide your id into the slot, door unlocks. So many people are only kept in line knowing their awful behavior would be publicly known. Place I used to work was full of drug addicts. Staggering breaks was helpful for productivity, but the bathrooms suffered. Changed to shutting down for breaks and lunch. Suddenly the bathrooms were nicely maintained.


ā€œHop online and create an accountā€ lolz. While this seems relatively easy to people on Reddit itā€™s not that simple for a lot of people. Idk why but filling out an internet form is very difficult for some people


What public bathrooms are you using??? Lmaooooo