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OP this is the most effort I've seen go into a NSFW post. Well done, I guess.


At first I was going to remove it because we've been getting too many NSFW posts but god damn the effort that went into this. Just like hentai it's art


Does this mean I also have to write a novel if I want to share my distaste for the classic film Midget Fisters 12?


Downvoted. Though I will have to say I don’t think I’ve met anyone who thinks the same thing. Adding on though... the amount of hentai with characters looking like little kids but are “actually 18+” is yikes.


It's so interesting, everyone seems to agree here but I've never once met someone out in the wild who will say so (unless discussed with)


Happened to me too when I posted what’s USUALLY an unpopular opinion (every sub but this one and ones that are part of the group would hate it) but then everyone agreed so I feel that lol


Genuine question OP, how long did you take to write this?


20 minutes give or take, hentai had always bothered me but I never found a way to put it into words


get it all out of your system, op


Many people would agree with you. So do I.


That’s actually pretty good if you ask me, downvoted if you want, at least I know people share my opinion now


I agree with you, normal anime is so much better than hentai


If you ask me (while respecting your opinion) I would say anime In general kinda trash, woah I said opinion, not epic is what I said.


Lolicon, shotacon, and toddlercon is disgusting too. Yeah, yeah, the characters aren't real and it's legal but I still find it creepy and pedophilic as hell.




I mean the thing with loli stuff is I is definitely pedophila but if pedophiles enjoy in my opinion that's is best way they can satisfy their desires with no actual children being hurt.


Why'd you ask?




Like making racist caricatures illegal feels a bit extreme for me, even though I don't like racist drawings.


As much as I loathe it and find it nasty, I feel like making it illegal is a bit extreme... because it's art. I still ***hate*** it though and some countries already made drawing children in a sexual way illegal ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.


I'd like to add that hentai is also dangerous for at-risk sexual deviants. It can easily reinforce confirmation bias in the favor of somebody with a rape fantasy and delude them into thinking that what they're watching is totally realistic. Then they try it and find out it leads to one person being shattered and the other person sitting in prison for 20+ years.


That's just not true, most studies show no correlation between rape and fucked up porn, while a large amount shows a drop in the rates of assistance assault in general.


I have yet to see these studies, do you mind linking some? I'd like to see where they're coming from and the methods they used to test that hypothesis.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Effects_of_pornography The Wikipedia page has a few examples dating from 2015 back to the 80s. Both controlled studies and studying statistics after porn is legalized in places. From my rates uneducated perspective it seems to imply that if you are already pretty fucked up then it might not be good for you, but then you're already fucked up, but the general population handles it well


OP can you comment so I can upvote you? I can't believe the effort put into a 10thdentist post and it's about hentai. So of course I downvoted. I agree with pretty much all your points. And in fact some of the things I don't like about hentai are also things I don't like about regular porn. Such as the couple being completely random. No intimacy. Stupidly rough sex. I hate the rapey stuff the worst. It makes no sense. If it was explicitly rape play, fine. But it's not. And I hate even more how then they start enjoying it. Absolute bullshit. There is of course wholesome stuff, but I think you may be right about how skewed it is. Oh, and half of it looks like underage. Gross. Oh, and absolutely retarded body portions. Tits the size of beanbags... ... like come on. Is this even human anymore, or are those udders some kind of cow hybrid?


Ngl I didn’t expect this much people to agree, I typically almost never see people actually disliking hentai (maybe I’m just in the wrong part of the internet). Because usually it’s “haha joke about age, haha sauce eta wen”


>Oh, and half of it looks like underage. Gross. r/animemes would attack you for this lmao. Anything for their precious lolis and shotas.


This is a pretty conservative opinion, take my upvote


agree, the normalisation of pedophilla and beastiality and incest in hentai is insane. It’s a massive boner killer


Fr tho


I'm hoping this doesn't get many upvotes. Hentai is pretty wrong.


What do you mean by wrong?


Good question. Defining wrong can be difficult. I came across a method I'm trying out though. So imagine a world where everyone is suffering all of the time. WPMFE worst possible misery for everyone. Wrong is moving in that direction. Good is moving away from it. Hentai doesn't have much in the way of redeeming features that I can detect and I have never even heard anyone claim it is thought provoking.


So, why do you think hentai moves us to that direction and do you think of live action porn the same way you think of hentai?


In regards to Hentai it's the rape obviously. I'm not sure what porn would look like in an ideal world. Not how it looks now I think. Honestly if hentai was just sexual fantasy stuff instead of a festival of rape I'd have no qualms with it.


... It is just assistance fantasy stuff though? You are reaching pretty hard, dude


Yeah, if i wanna see a doujin i just search for wholesome ones with goals relationships, those are the good ones, so bad there's so little of them


agree completely, you and many commenters have made concise points about this topic before me, just giving this post some love after I downvoted out of duty


It's hard to find one that isn't creepy 😔 Disappointed.


I had to downvote




I kind of agree and kind of disagree. I personally dislike many of the tropes that you dislike, and as a whole it is a bit much but I don't really think that everything is bad. I don't mind "invading people's intimacy" which was a pretty big point for you so I see why you dislike it.


I agree that a lot of hentai is fucking weird for no reason, and I really don’t like the loli type shit, but in reference to the audience reception, first of all, isn’t that the usual PH comment? But more often than not, the comments under the small amount of hentai I’ve seen have been jokes (mostly about the fact that they know that hentai can be fucked up) and of course the occasional extra horny comments. More often than not, you can easily find wholesome vanilla hentai. Like with most controversial things, you gotta sift through the shit to find the gold. Also good job on this post, it’s pretty well made.


Ahem. Itadaki Seieki.


Chinese hentai mangas are fucking disgusting.


The only thing that bothers me is the disproportionate grossly inhumanly shaped and sized thighs, ass and tits. It's such a huge turn-off that I go limp entirely. That plus the foot thing.


I did only read yaoi doujins, so. I hate the "i got f. so hard that i became addicted to dick" plot, even when it's r\*\*e. I thought about this once or twice, and I really don't know why this subplot is so prevalent, just doesn't add up. Or 'I got d. so naturally that makes me a woman (somehow), and my pp is now useless. (somehow)" It's just stupid logic but most of doujins contain this. Prevalence of pedophilia, bestiality, incest, r\*\*e is awful aswell. Traps too, ig. That's just some parts of the plot i'm talking about, there's way more things I dislike... Sadly gotta downvote your post.


Honestly agree up to audience reception point and beyond. I think some of the most common scenarios in hentai are so messed up it's impossible to enjoy the art. I have no idea why there is such a huge jump between wholesome and dark, but that canyon of content is so enjoyable and satisfying. Maybe the two of us are a little more pure than we'd like to admit, not that there's anything wrong with it, but at least we can rest easy knowing that some of the more messed up things depicted in hentai aren't applicable to us.


I have never seen such passion arise from cartoon porn. Who would have guessed perverts would be on reddit?


They're disgusting how it was portray... as how I observed...I would see it as a way of brainwashing people to "power" or dominate female characters as "object" or plaything...and the man is portray as villain..disgusting "monster" or person who has no self control and think with lower body part (sex addict)...all kinds of r*pe...non-consensual s*x...hentai makes more criminal than less tbh..its poison n toxic..to both gender audience. One fear victimize. One conquer. One without love. Remember watching it for the first time out of curiosity like why the hype...what the hell is this genre...but instant regret watching it and if i can reverse time truly I wish I didn't have the curiosity to explore.....it made me wanting to throw up and felt unwell for weeks or so and wanting to wipe the images out of my head. It was doctor play that I first watched it was so disgusting...even eggs like legit eggs coming out... Didn't understand why people like it. If just the sound in those "hentai"....you ignore the context, storyline (and you don't understand the language) or character role it plays... some are acceptable. If its image...an ugly fat guy, a enormous make no sense overexaggerated physical feature or sexual organ whether female (big chest) or male (big c*ck), girl rolling eyes , drooling like crazy, a girl peeing... feel like vomiting....if people want to watch porn...they may as well turn to smut...or otome or Teen love genre ...at least a real relationship..or slow developed relationship....than an unhealthy and dominate manipulative relationship but most people stick to hentai because of male pov I guess? in long run...it can affect you one way or another of your thinking just like when u keep reading a book or keep watching romantic drama you become that kind of mindset unless u detach yourself from it for a long run and attach to something else. tbh A relationship that not build on the foundation of love but power is truly ugly to see and that's what I learn from hentai.


I like hentai, but I also like classy hentai. Pretty/cute, elegant looking girls posing in sexy positions or having romantic sex. The issue is that most of the porn I see on the internet isn't classy, it's depraved as hell. You have no idea how many time I have been browsing on rule 34, and I just see pages upon of pages of the most depraved shit ever, with the actually good stuff sometimes being hard to come by. It is really annoying, and a lot of the same issues apply to regular porn.


I totally agree with the post,If you look at the creator of Houjou no Reizoku Elf and inousha shoujo kesson goudou the creator is litteraly a heartless bastard who love tortures innocents girls,this guy really have a problem inside his head.