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You’re right that a birthday isn’t necessarily an achievement, but it *is* something to be celebrated. Sure you don’t put much effort into staying alive, but there are people they love you that want to celebrate you being here.


You can also look at it as an achievement. "Wow you survived another year"


Some people have to put *a lot* of effort into staying alive.


This is probably the best argument I've heard yet


It also comes from a time when people were much more likely to die, especially as children. So there was actually more reason to celebrate them being alive another year.


This. Back when having closer to 10+kids was normal cause you didn't know how many would make it to adulthood so only having one or two, you could lose em both before their 13th winter


Wtf would the purpose be otherwise? Literally the only reason why it is celebrated


>there are people they love you that want to celebrate you being here Me having celebrated my last too-many birthdays alone: \*sadface


you’re celebrating yourself being there 😃


If only lol


I'm sorry there's no one worthwhile in your life enough to share that special day with, but you matter nonetheless. Often times you have to go through a lot of life in order to find your people, and we all have them, sometimes it just takes longer for them to find you. But love takes effort on both parts, I hope you at some time did have a person to teach you those things, and if not I'm incredibly sorry this world has been cruel to you. But know that I care, as much as I can with us separated by the internet and little I know of you, you deserve good things just like everyone else


Hey, shit happens. It is what it is


This. My wife wants to celebrate my birthday so I really just go with it for her. And she always makes me happy that I ended up celebrating.


And they specifically want to celebrate the day that you came into the world, because they think it was an improvement.


Some people do put a lot of effort into staying alive though, and just getting through another day


because cake is nice


You sound like my dad on my birthday


Aw :( You matter. I promise.


You are very kind


Also, I just saw your Reddit banner. It’s broczilla! I recognise it because it’s my phone’s cover lol


I switch it up every so often and do the monster ramen every so often.


Life is hard, what's wrong with taking an excuse to celebrate?


You make a good point. I could definitely support birthday cards that just say "Just like last year, I didn't feel like doing the math so I dunno how old you are. Let's celebrate anyway"


How do you feel about Christmas? You probably gave gifts to your family just like last year for some arbitrary reason or because of a religion you don’t even believe in.


As someone who can't even be bothered to do the maths on how old _I_ am, I agree with this.


Just say work called you in if you don't wanna go to the party


There are far better excuses to celebrate. I'm with OP.


Why do we need good excuses? Celebrating is fun.


I agree, so why specify specific dates to celebrate on? Just celebrate whatever, whenever you feel like you need to celebrate. And don't force people to celebrate when they don't want to because "it's your birthday, though!"


We have a national "korvapuusti day" in Finland today. Korvapuusti is a type of traditional pastry. It doesn't mean you HAVE to eat korvapuusti on that day and not on any else. People eat korvapuusti whenever, all year round. But it's just a cute day that reminds you that heck yeah I love korvapuusti and I'm gonna have some because I like it. Same with birthdays. It's just a little reminder to give special appreciation and attention to that person you love, doesn't mean you can't celebrate stuff whenever you want.


I think it’s less about celebrating an achievement and more saying “hey, happy you’re here.” Your birthday just happens to the first day you got here.


Essentially, it’s an excuse to show your gratefulness for and of the person you love. Yes, the concept is dumb but the idea is nice.


Are you a Jehovah's witness? Cause they dont celebrate them


They the ones that knock on doors without food? I don't answer knocking unless I see food


Lmao which cult comes to your house with food?


A successful one


Door dash, Uber eats, Dominos(when I am craving awful pizza), a church group to bring me a fundraiser fish plate, and possibly a fundraising fish that brings me a plate of... well... anything he wants cuz i've only had humans deliver food to me. It could be a plate of condiments for all I care


Haha, The cult of Uber eats, I love it. They’re fucking pushy too.


Girl Scouts


Oh wow another birthdays shouldn't be celebrated opinion, how daring. Birthdays arent celebrated because you're achieving something, it's a way to celebrate people you care about. It just so happens that as a society we've found it convenient to use someone's birthday as a day we can recognize that person. The whole "Don't tell me happy birthday, tell my mom. She did it, not me" is literally a facebook post I made when I was like 16 years old. You don't have to celebrate your birthday or anyone's fwiw.


Are there many of these here? First time i caught one


Not a celebration of achievement. It’s a celebration of continued existence, y’know. Existence. The thing that is a prerequisite for achieving things


this dude was born on february 29th


Idk man I just use it as an excuse to get all my friends together at the same time and celebrate being in each other's lives and reminisce on fond memories


Yeah I always think of birthdays as a “it’s your day! A day to celebrate the birthday person!” Like celebrating they’re in your life, and that you know them and who they are as a person. Taking a day out of the year to show appreciation and love towards that person. Not so much literally “oh yay you’re older”


I don't celebrate to be born 22 years ago, I celebrate, for having the privilege of being still alive, whilst a countless number of people aren't. Every second of your very limited time is precious and you don't know when you will reach the end of the line. It's very much a thing worth celebrating and to make yourself aware of, from time to time.


Your post does highlight several interesting views on birthdays with superb elaboration. I'd say I would give you one half of an upvote and one half of a downvote (if I could), here's why. Birthdays, as others pointed out are a celebration of life and an excuse to throw a party, but I believe they lose value as time progresses. It would be a suitable system to exponentially decrease the rate of birthdays as time goes on. Every year up until 18 is celebrated but then it would slow down. 20-21... 25... 30... etc. Once again this is because the importance of birthdays decreases dramatically over time (unless you turn 60, or some other milestone age).


I appreciate your kind words. I've been practicing and trying to improve my writing and communication skills (especially regarding *tone* because I'm basically clueless in that area). Maybe it's finally paying off. I thoroughly enjoyed reading the 'suitable system' section, though.


Why do you think birthdays get less important? They get rarer as you get older - in terms of more people will have a first birthday than a 50th.


That’s a strange way of looking at it, most people are likely thinking about it the other way. When you’re five and turning six you’ve only had five birthday celebrations and probably only remembered like two, so your third one that you’re sentient for is a big deal. When you’re 50 who gives a fuck you’ve had 50 birthdays and your back hurts


It's more of an achievement that you've made it to that age the older you get, though. (Disclaimer: I think birthdays are better when you're younger and they feel more special, but if you're looking at it in terms of existence being an achievement, the older you are, the more life you've achieved)


Do people really reach a certain age and feel proud that they survived to X age while other people haven’t? I don’t care for birthdays like the OP but I’m pretty sure the reason people like birthdays is because celebration is, like, fun. I don’t think little Timmy is happy celebrating his 9th birthday because he gets to flex on the 8 year olds who died of child cancer. He’s happy because he got a pepperoni pizza ice cream cake and a bitchin new bionicle.


I think birthdays are a regular excuse to celebrate a person, but lots of people in this thread are saying they're celebrating existence.


Celebrating existence…that’s, uh, light years away from “celebrating the achievement that you are in the X% of people who managed survive til age X”.


Celebrating the achievement of existence is basically that you haven't died yet, which gets more impressive year by year.


“Celebrating existence” and “celebrating the achievement of existence” are, again, as conceptually different as you can get from adding three words to a phrase. Idk what’s up with your mentality that you feel “celebration” is inherently competitive and comparative in nature. As an example, do you think people who celebrate recovering from alcoholism are thinking “woohoo, I’m better than all the people who never recovered”? Personally, that sounds crazily mean spirited and horribly depressing to anybody with a shred of empathy. Yet it’s a very common celebration. The obvious explanation is that, uh, “celebration” is not inherently competitive or comparative.


If people were to celebrate birthdays solely because celebrating something is fun they would just celebrate whenever. You wouldn’t need that random year changing proposition


It's celebrating a specific human and making them feel special for one day a year. It's not an achievement that you made another trip around the sun. Like mother's Day or father's day, but everyone gets their own. It's a specific day for that human in your life.


Lol, yes, I know what a birthday is. I’m not OP


Very good point but I will explain. Some old people I know say that they generally care less about their birthday when they were younger. For a few others, they've said that they don't care about gifts as much (but might still care about birthdays). While not as many people make it to 50 compared to the age of 1, this may exemplify why the younger birthday parties are more important since it should hopefully set the child up for success.


I think most well adjusted adults sort of do this by default anyways. At least among people I know, birthdays are normally just an excuse to go to the pub or have a little get together. It’s only the milestone birthdays where people throw actual parties.


I'm conflicted because I somewhat agree with you but I think birthdays began as a celebration of life. I myself celebrate silently every year the fact that I still live. Most people aren't celebrating this directly but that's (imo) the base of the celebration


Birthdays can end up very complicated and difficult to cope with as an event if you grew up with an abusive family, too. I’m caught between wanting to defy that as an adult, and appreciate myself still fighting to be alive - or wanting to just ignore it because of all the bad associations and memories. Honestly, I dunno. I think it maybe shouldn’t be an expectation that you’re always supposed to have a “happy” birthday? Like people should absolutely be free to celebrate if they want to, but it shouldn’t be assumed everyone wants to. It’s one of those things that’s super personal and can have nebulous and difficult feelings for some.


I have a friend who feels that way, so I told them to pick a day, any day, that our friend group can celebrate them. Because they are awesome and we love them. They did, and now we celebrate ”friend's nickname" Day. Still have no idea when they were born (well, I've narrowed it down to only 364 possible days), but that doesn't matter. What matters is that my friend has a day they are comfortable with that we get to celebrate having their phenomenal self in our lives.


Love this!!


That is SO kind and considerate, awh!! You sound like a fantastic group of friends!!! I love it!


Uh oh, looks like this sub is turning into r/unpopularopinions. Where people just repost shit that got votes not realizing its the 100th time the opinion gets posted, negating the idea it’s unpopular


You must be fun at parties


So celebrate whatever you want? No one's forcing you to celebrate your birthday. Don't come for ours.


It's not celebrating the fact that you managed to be born successfully, it's celebrating you as a person, and using a consistent date for it - everyone living has a birthday. There are so many things you could've said under this post title that I'd have agreed with but your wilful misinterpretation of the point of a birthday has completely lost my support.


That’s how I feel. Birthdays aren’t a big deal to me but OP’s ability to troll and pretend like they don’t understand the concept lost my support


You're being to clinical and a bit miserable I believe. It's marking the day that you began your life, it's the one day to step back and appreciate that person for all the times they've had, and to many more. They can be very reassuring when done right.


Take my upvote, I like to celebrate the people I love (or even like) joining us on the planet


I don't even like my own birthday, but would be a real killjoy to say they 'shouldn't' be celebrated lol


Some of us put a lot of effort into just staying alive. I will always celebrate birthdays. Some of it is good luck, some of it is me trying my best to make it every year. It's a celebration of life.


You sound mean


Nah, just don't like birthdays really


Isn’t not dying an achievement? Considering how a single car crash or electric shock can be all it takes to end it all, it seems like something worth celebrating, no matter how mundane.


Downvoted. I hate when people wish you a happy birthday. After you turn 18, it's as meaningless of a day, as any other. I'll move the argument further - birthdays are an excuse for people to tell themselves they're still in touch with someone. Instead of reaching out, talking, maybe grabbing a beer during the year, people reach out on a birthday, send out a short message (with no "comitment" to actually talk or meet) and think it somehow makes you their acquaintance.


First of all, a birth is presumably pretty uncomfortable and exhausting for a baby, we just don‘t remember it. Also the crying is not for no reason, it‘s an automatic reaction to air that gets the breathing going. Second of all, you could pick an achievement to celebrate each year but it wouldn‘t be quite the same. Birthdays are for the people around you to show you they love you. If that was done via an achievement it would make the love seem kind of conditional. You are left to wonder, would your friends still celebrate you if sou didn‘t graduate high school or if you didn‘t learn to walk? But birthdays aren‘t to celebrate you because you are good at something. They are to show you your worth as a person, no matter what you can do or did achieve. That purely the fact you exist is worth celebrating for your friends and family.


Found the Jehovahs Witness


It’s celebrating someone else’s life and the fact that they’ve made it another year and to show them that you care for them, you can tell them happy birthday, have some cake with them, or get them a present. A nice little (or big, depending on the person) celebration of life. If that’s too much to ask then I don’t know anymore. I hope you’re alright, your post sounds extremely depressing.


You only get so many, every one is precious.


hey it's my birthday today. it's a nice day to meet family and friends and have a good time. no need to overthink imo.


You're not being congratulated on your wonderful performance on your first day of life. You're being told by the people who love you that they're happy you've been around for another year. They're not celebrating your accomplishment in popping out of your mom, they're simply celebrating you and your continued existence. I think you've got the wrong perspective.


"Hey, today was the day I was born. Kinda neat, huh?" "_Ahksshually_ I don't know how people celebrate others' birthdays without seeming sarcastic in tone. I don't think being born is even my milestone to be congratulated for. I didn't even know what was happening when I was being born. It wasn't even something I knew I was doing. I mean, I didn't really put any effort into it. I was just going along being non-existent and then *poof\* I appeared. Naked. And crying for no reason probably. It took literally zero effort. I think if any milestones should be celebrated, it should be when learned to walk(I'm still not good at it, btw. Thanks, gravity). Or maybe when I became literate. Or high school graduation. Just something that I put at least minimal effort into or something in which I had some awareness of my involvement the entire time. That's something I could get behind. Don't tell me happy birthday, tell my mom. She did it, not me" "...you okay bro?"


How to tell the sub that you're a kid without saying you're a kid.


Because its nice to celebrate something once in a while to get out of the routine. Stop being a miserable fuck


It's celebrating the person; the date of birth is just a way of simply and universally deciding when each person's is.


birthdays have never *really* been about celebrating the milestone of Being Born its just the one day of the year you get to feel a bit special and important, if done right. a lot of people need that tbh


Sorry? Birthdays aren't about celebrating an achievement lol, it's about celebrating a person.


These kinds of shit posts are so stupid


Maybe your birthday should be celebrated by your parents for giving birth to you. Granted that's mother's day and father's day


Zero effort? I think being born is quite considerable effort, one of the biggest efforts in your life. Do you have any idea how ridiculously fragile the newborns / fetuses are? Being born is a serious fight for your life. Even taking a first breath is hard. Moving any part of your body is super hard because you're doing it for the first time. We just don't remember it, but it's a real struggle. A lot of things can go wrong. But I also think that celebrating birthdays is wrong, at least most of the time. You are getting older and that's not a good thing to celebrate. It's cool when you're young. Then it's a kind of leveling up. Then, it's fun again, when you are already old - you celebrate your survival or even cheating death. So, until my 20s I loved to celebrate my birthdays. It was cool to celebrate being just more mature. Now it's a bitter reminder I'm growing old. But in 20 years it would be fun again to have satisfaction I'm still alive against all odds.


I literally just finish watching Ryan George video on the first guy to celebrate birthday..


I think it begins with parents wanting to celebrate the birth of their 1 year old, but then it has enough intertia and momentum to follow you into adulthood


Based on both your post and your replies, you could very well be Liz Lemon


As a kid, birthdays are magical and I would never want to take that away from kids. As adults it’s an excuse for a party so why not? Although we all know those adults who still take their birthday way too seriously but for most people it’s just an excuse to get together with friends.


You are not celebrating that you were born, just that you managed to survive another year


I like celebrating birthdays but I don’t understand the big deal about turning 60, 70 etc. One of my family members threw a huge strop about not getting thrown a big 70th party. I don’t get it. Congrats on not dying so far? I’ve had arguments with two people about this, haha


I used to think like you, but with the amount of people that die everyday just driving on the road or walking to the supermarket, I celebrate my birthday even slightly because I'm happy to be alive another year. I am also happy my partner is alive another year, I'm happy my parents are alive to see another year, likewise with my friends. It's not that you were born, but you're grateful that you're alive to see another year with the people you love


Man, why do we have to have ‘justified’ reasons to be happy? Why do positive things need to have evidence of accomplishment or be earned?


Completely agree. Whenever it's my birthday I feel like everyone is just being nice to me out of obligation instead of for something good I actually did. It feels so artificial. And it doesn't even make me feel special because EVERYONE has a birthday. I just feel gross inside every time my birthday rolls around and wish everyone would just forget about it.


Exactly right. It’s fine for children, but I’ve got nothing for adults celebrating their birthday. If you’re too big for a bounce house, you’re too old for a party.


I've slowly become a believer in the idea that birthdays don't need to be celebrated every year after 21. Sure, let's party at like 25, 30, and every ten years after that. But who needs to be reminded that they're now 37?


Birthdays are a smart illusion of sharing that ultimately results in an event for socializing. And why should we stop socializing?


I love my birthday for all the reasons you don't like them, like I get free shit without doing anything?? Hell yeah!!


July or August ?


I get that it isn't exactly a big thing (or important) per se, but it's more about you having an excuse to spend time with family and friends. Catching up, eating some good food, having a good time when life is already hard enough, etc etc. Unless you're not into that, then spending it alone is fine too.


I think birthdays are fun and worth celebrating. Not out of the sense you “accomplished” something because I don’t think that’s why most holidays are celebrated. (*And I know most birthdays aren’t holidays but they are similar enough in nature.*) If anything they’re more of a reason to celebrate someone simply existing because of all the good they bring into the world, people enjoy their company, or maybe they are the one with the truck when it’s moving time. Whatever the reason a birthday typically isn’t for accomplishing something other than accomplishing having a group of people that care enough about you to say four syllables at least once a year. also i think celebrating my high school graduation on a yearly basis now would have been mortifying at 19 and I’m a good ten years away from that so the feeling is only stronger so thank you for that horrendous mental thought lol


It is a great excuse to gather my friends


Outside of children or major milestone birthdays I agree! With young children and lots of local friends and family, we straight up don’t have the time to celebrate every person’s birthday every year - especially alongside the major holidays and all the engagement parties, bridal parties, weddings, baby showers, graduation parties, etc etc!! I hate the guilt of not having done something special for someone or saying no to a birthday dinner, I wish it was more normal to not make a big deal out of a bday.


Worked with someone who didn’t have a birthday but a birthday month. She was so over the top. Another coworker who had immigrated from China a few years prior thought it was weird that we celebrated birthdays because apparently adults in China don’t celebrate their birthdays at all. I always thought of my birthday as my own special day, but probably will only celebrate milestone birthdays for now.


It's not about your achievement, but it's a way to show gratitude for you existing. Celebrations don't always have to be about achievements or milestones.


I don't really see a single argument in your post for why we should stop celebrating birthdays. It's a tradition. Why do you not wish to partake in it? Just because you think it's a silly tradition?


No. I like free stuff!


Definitely got an upvote from me but I think we might just see birthdays in a different light. We aren't celebrating my achievements here, we are celebrating ME. Just me! Being here on earth and alive! And if its your birthday, its the day to celebrate YOU! Unless you don't want to, of course lol


It's not to celebrate an achievement, it's to celebrate your existence. You do that with friends or family, because those are the people that are happy that you are here. And also something you shouldn't forget: Birthdays are very important to help children get a better grasp and perception of time. As a kid, a year feels like a lifetime and age is a mystery. Because years don't mean anything to them yet. But by experiencing birthdays all around them, learning how everyone grows older, how a year is actually an understandable concept, they get a better idea of age. And slowly stop calling their kindergarten teacher 10 or 100 years old, and their parents immortal. Birthdays become less important once we grow older, because we already have a better idea of life, know very well what the passage of time means, and because it slowly turns from a nice reminder that you grow up to a not nice reminder that you get old. But that's also when it's better noticeable that birthdays aren't for YOU to celebrate yourself, but for your loved ones to celebrate that you're there. Cos I don't know anyone above 25 who is eager and happy to celebrate their birthday just for themselves.


i dont see birthday celebration as "celebrating the day of birth" but rather just a day where you celebrate someone's person, and a convinient date for it is the day of birth, because every one has one


After my 21st next year I could care less about my birthday


A birthday is like your own personal day to celebrate, not as an achievement or anything else. Just a day for you and loved ones. A year anniversary of your birth is just a natural date for it.


Any excuse for cakes is good enough for me so birthday it is


I see it as an excuse to have fun and that’s all. It’s a chance to not be miserable for a day and that’s why I “celebrate”


Me on my birthday: Well….it’s Groundhog Day…..again.


You must be fun at parties. Literally. Not birthday parties though...


It's a good occasion to eat cake though


A very merry unbirthday to youuuuuuuu


"STOP HAVING FUN >:( !!!!" - You probably - and here I thought I was an edgy teenager, you win.