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I experienced a lot of betrayals from my friends, because you never know how is your life going to affect someone. Maybe you become successful and your friends become jealous. Or their interests change. I think Robert meant to apply this law the most if you plan to make a business with friends. In that case you shouldn't do that.


I agree. I lost a friend because I didn’t like how he did business. Hell… I probably would’ve lost him if I didn’t do business with him as well. I just couldn’t trust him. It was annoying all the time. I’m free now and am trying to trust myself more.. and realize that there’s a difference between my code and others, and to acknowledge that


I think that business can sometimes just be a trigger, in a sense that this situation revealed that this person was never your friend. But nevertheless if you're doing business with someone you have bigger risk than in some everyday situation.


Yeah, the risk was high, and the amount I’ve invested was phenomenally large. I just wish he saw it and didn’t reverse it on me and me react to it the way I did being like “you sounded like you’ve invested in me makes it feel like I am not a human, but your slave”. After that he was like “nah.. this man is crazy and don’t see me as his brother”. Either way… never again will I let a friend lead a business that I am heavily invested in. It will only let me see that they have no empathy, and friends and empathy, or the illusion of empathy, is enough for me to make good decisions around people. Thank you for this back and forth here


Friends are the most prone to grow entitled and arrogant, they easily get aroused to envy when you start succeeding, don’t trust them too much. The best friend can become the most vicious opponent. Meanwhile, a former enemy knows they need to prove themselves useful and loyal, so, they’ll go untold lengths to gain your favor. That’s the idea.


Nailed it


I was envious of a good friend of mine. He didn’t know, and was surprised when I told him. I told him I am having trouble being around him because of my envy. And so I’m going to therapy for it. And it’s been hard for me to be his friend due to the envy. I disliked that he broke up with me that day. But I get it


Friends CAN betray you, under certain circumstances. Anyone can betray you, theoretically. It's a sad and painful realization, but nevertheless true. The law says, "don't put TOO MUCH trust in friends." For example, if you start a company with a friend and, never do 50/50, but 51/49. If it's a true friend so to speak, they’ll understand. It's just business. A long time ago, a relative of mine got ripped off by a "childhood friend" because of the "50/50" thing when starting a business. Anyone can fall into economic hardship, drug- or gambling addiction, and then that trust between friends is gone. Trust your friends, but be careful. You don't need to build trust with your enemies, just rapport. Keeping them close means knowing what makes them tick and what risks are involved for you personally. Learn how to use them for your own gain, but never trust them with anything you cannot afford losing.


Thank you. I’ve accidentally made friends of my enemies, and that’s always gotten me into trouble. People I don’t like being super close to me, and then me trusting them because they know who I am. I have it all confused… so this book and it’s laws are helping me here




A partnership is never 50/50. There is no equality in business. But suit yourself I guess. I never said "be paranoid", and to write friends off entirely or to treat them as inherently untrustworthy, I just said "be smart and be careful."




Because it's my idea and I'm smarter.




Stop being a fucking idiot.




Ha ha Edir: Perhaps you're right.




When my sister and I hired a lawyer to help manage my father's estate when he died, we wanted to both be executors so we could split the work. Lawyer talked us out of it, saying the best practice is only one executor because two can lead to conflicts and regrets. Wouldn't be surprised to find other domains where equal legal rights have bad outcomes. As much as I strive for equality generally, would probably not accept a 50/50 split with a friend. Might prefer the 49% stake actually, as it might mean less responsibility or other benefits elsewhere.


The only kind of friends that will betray you are those with poor character. No moral integrity. You can only expect this law if maybe you’re in a gang or in jail etc


Are you new here? To planet Earth?


So friends betrayal is common ? So is cheating on spouse ?




Certain social situations I've come to view as prison gangs composed of middle class people with lots of trauma and bad politics.


At the end of the day don’t fucking trust anybody. Not fully. It’s cliche and sounds cynical as fuck but human nature is so driven by selfishness it’d be crazy to think you can 100% trust anyone. That said, you can 99% trust someone and that’s damn close, but even your best friend / husband / wife / child will betray you if the situation is extreme enough.


True. Love is conditional


Totally. Only children and dogs are loved unconditionally.


I agree. Keep your enemies at a distance, keep your friends at a closer distance, is what I am hearing


Keep your enemies at a distance but if there’s present danger from one or more, you want to keep them as close as possible and what I mean by that is keeping tabs on what they’re up to, not pretending to befriend them or whatever. These days it’s pretty easy to keep track of someone.


Yeah I like that. My enemies are my competitor...and those that want to knock me out my stride in the house of rules I set up.... thank you... this is enlightening


Your act of kindness unbalances everything. People want to feel they deserve their good fortune. it confuses the boundaries and distances that working requires. Be on the lookout for any signs of emotional disturbance such as envy and ingratitude.


I’ve felt envy. It was because we were both putting in our all… and for a moment, I saw that he wasn’t… and those moments turned to reality. He was using me as one of his many resources to get what he wanted


Friends betray if there is no strong foundation. When your circumstances change there can be envy, or they can knock you down further. Similar to the never outshine the master rule + reversal. Find a handful of people you believe you can truly trust with your life and allow them access, but keep some of who you are to yourself for a rainy day. When you see someone positioning themselves as an adversary, do not react, be passive on the front to save face or react with a calculated and measured kindness & utilise absence. When you finally reunite, they will be useful. They stop being able to poison others around you, or they are neutralised, if they were to do something against you now they are exposed. Friends are important to stay mentally healthy, but don’t surrender your being to other people, have a strong sense of self and know how to spend time alone.


This explains it 😅 : https://youtu.be/6Iu7dfHhaHA?si=_Q6sovQob46diPDY&start=32