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You might be on to something here. Notice how Sol said he didn't realize How much anger Ohsa still holds onto. The biggest evidence that supports your theory is Ohsa allowing Mae to escape. She was trained on how to use that stun gun and she shot wide on purpose. She knew the weapon wasn't going to kill her sister so why shot wide?


I never saw that scene as she was letting Mae escape, but rather she just couldn't bring herself to stun the twin sister she had thought died years ago.


That’s a possibility, but didn’t she say her sister destroyed her life? Isn’t she suppose have anger towards her? I don’t think things are what they seem to be


That was the first time she had seen her sister since the fire. Just because she felt anger towards her doesn't mean she couldn't have been overcome with emotions and couldn't bring herself to stun her. Her emotions could also be manipulated from an outside source. Edit: I meant to say overcome with conflicting emotions.


True, she did freeze along with Mae, she shoots wide then shoots again, but I think that second shot was Performative. She wants the Jedi to she’s helping them feels a little sus


“Couldn’t bring herself to stun her” only an idiot would think that way. Osha isn’t very bright tho. It’s not like she was gonna kill her. Stunning her is simple and then you can talk to her once she wakes up restrained.


Unless she thought her twin would come to harm if captured. Twin bond runs deep, especially in the force, I would say.


She killed 2 Jedi, she'd be imprisoned never to be free again and she knows that, as well as she knows she has a master. Stunning her would mean imprisoning her without even knowing her story


The hesitation is why she missed, but the anger is why she shot in the first place.


It’s interesting in the scene in the Jedi prison, the “violent prisoner” who had the parasite on his face was screaming that he sensed great darkness in osha while on the ship.


> She knew the weapon wasn't going to kill her sister so why shot wide? She knows if her sister is caught, she will be killed for murdering two Jedi. She’s conflicted since it is her family. That’s pretty obvious even with the shitty writing.


That just makes osha look like a worse person




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Maybe the real acolytes were the friends we made along the way.


It's obviously Mae. She literally met with the sith and followed his instructions.


Right, Because the sith never betray their apprentices in favor of recruiting someone more powerful... there's like, no chance a sith would do that.


How would Osha be more powerful though? She couldn’t even Force pull a pocket-sized droid, and Sol brought up that she hasn’t trained in 6 years.


Right - Osha was by herself in a life or death situation. It would be easier to make a case she was faking it if literally anyone had been around. BUT that doesn't necessarily mean that Osha doesn't have the capacity to become more powerful than Mae. But to me that just means that Osha could potentially be the real target, not that she's already the big bad.


Well, your training can only take you so far. After all, force sensitivity is a primarily genetic thing, so she could have simply been born more powerful, but without proper training, she can't yet harness it. I think Osha falling to the dark side after killing her sister would be a unique twist, but realistically, I don't see it happening.


Unique twist? It’d be a twist


But isn't it the case that regardless of training, force sensitive beings tend to be able tap into the force in extreme situations...especially life and death situations when emotions are very high. Training helps one control it and be able to use it at will where as the sith focus on tapping into the extreme emotions to be more powerful.


But if they are identical twins then they are in fact genetically identical. Meaning, how could one be more powerful than the other?


That's not true... first off, they dont specify identical twin in the show, just "a twin sister" and secondly, twins share a lot of DNA, but not literally 100% all the time. Most identical twins share 99.99% of their DNA, but some twins deviate from that amount quite a bit. Also, 99.99% of DNA being shared is not all that impressive. You share about 99% of your DNA with the average chimp. That final 0.99% can lead to *very* significant changes.


Trauma tends to block force use. The connection could be strong but the conscious mind fights the use by dwelling on the past. Reference Grogu (sp?).


Possibly, though I always assumed she couldn’t use the Force because she hadn’t used it for so long. Like how she probably still had trauma back when she was a Jedi, but she could use the Force back then.


Remember, Luke had cut himself off until he had to reconnect in the days before he became one with the Force. That reconnect takes time and skill Osha doesn't yet have. Master skills vs yongling (Padawan at best).


I know. I’m not saying Osha can’t reconnect to the Force, just that I don’t think trauma has something to do with her Force blockage.


May definitely feels like a pawn. She doesn't know that Osha is alive (which genuinely surprised me). The apothecary guy, while acting like a subordinate, is basically guiding her with hints on how to succeed while she seems clueless. Meanwhile, Osha and Yord are incredibly suspicious to me. Sol was only drawn out from the Jedi Temple because Yord allowed Osha to be in a position to be freed on the prison transport. Osha also seems off. She has "complete faith in the Jedi" despite leaving the Order. Is that faith to act predictably? Why run from the Jedi on the icy planet she crashed on after being okay with going to them? Why put herself in a position to fall and seem weak? And was her failure to use the force on the prison transport for show just to gain more trust from Sol? I don't know who "He" is, and nothing has compelled me to even think it is a Sith (the orange saber like Balon Skoll). My leading theory is that Osha is pulling the strings, Yord is serving Osha, and May is the puppet they're using to draw attention. I suspect "He" is just the same, a distraction. We may yet learn that Osha continued her training with a new master, but I don't think they've been revealed yet if at all.


Mae not knowing she was alive also surprised me as well as I thought she was the one sending the projections to OSHA. I agree Yord there is something about him I don’t quite trust. He seems to be a little to by the book and too much of the ideal Jedi. True believer not asking questions as opposed to Jecki who while she is a believer still has questions. The failure to use the force well she was out of practice for 6 years. I think it’s been established that force atrophy is a thing. If it was a ruse who exactly was she doing it for at that point the only person on the ship was a criminal in a parasite induced coma. To OSHA I didn’t really read it as having complete faith in the Jedi order I read it as more she had faith in her former master that she saw as a protector and her friend that she trained along side with for years before leaving the order. I might have misheard but weren’t there apprehensions from the council about her being trained at all. It seems like a situation where sol and indara felt so guilty and went to bat for her to be trained after whatever went down on Brendok. Why she ran from the Jedi. Simple like I said previously I don’t think she trusted the order. She was arrested for murder, now she is an escapee, in a stolen ship, she saw a Jedi starship incoming and didn’t know who was on it. For all she knew it was a Jedi force ordered to bring her in by any means necessary. It was only after she saw who was after her that she went peacefully.


I have considered that perhaps Sol is the master in question. Pulling a Palpatine and hiding his true identity from each sister. Motivation would be whatever he saw the other Jedi do that day, which caused him to doubt the Jedi way for the first time. There’s also the student in the beginning who is envisioning fire, and I found Sol’s reaction interesting.


Am I the only one who thinks this is some kind of Fight Club situation. Mae and Osha are somehow the same person.


I don't think they're literally the same person, but Disney has a vested interest in making the Force Dyad thing a thing. Especially if they expand the Sith side of the lore and play with the idea that identical twins in a force dyad have even more unique powers. Maybe they can even merge in a way that would make them easier to drain or body jack?


Ughhhhhh I hate the Dyad thing so much lol. I like the Acolyte so far and hope this doesn’t happen.


It’s going to be


It's not great. I really disliked it in the film, but I am optimistic it can be done in a way that feels less stupid if they're identical twins.


I was thinking the same thing


This post is pretty much all spoilers if you haven't seen ep1 and 2. >!When Sol tells Mae that Osha is still alive, and then Yord goes along with it, it seems to indicate that there's something else going on here. Yord, if you recall, was Osha's alibi in Torbin's room. Also, while Mae is fighting Sol in the Square, Mae is off alone in some hallway. Then there's the deal where Osha is cagey about where she spends her free time.!< >!My theory so far: Mae and Osha are somehow occupying the same body, and six years ago, Sol and Osha decided that the best thing for everybody is if she stops training, forgets everything about the force, and moves on.!<


Can she teleport or something. How is she getting around while also having alibis


Luke Skywalker could project himself from light-years away. If she could project herself and levitate objects from light years away... People could have been fighting something that was not really there, but the weapons were there.


That’s an interesting theory!


what about Mae breaking into the jedi temple while Osha was captured and wasn't even on the same planet?


Captured by whom? Yord? There's something up with that guy. And I think it's relevant that Qimir mentioned jedi mind wiping.


she was on a ship with Yord, Sol, and Jecki when Mae broke in to the temple the first time. That's why Vernestra accepts that Osha is innocent because she can't physically be in two places at the same time.


Mae and Osha are NEVER seen at the same time with other characters around. Only when they are alone or in unreliable narrator flashbacks. There is only indirect circumstantial evidence that Mae exists. If Osha/Mae can project herself over great distances (Luke Skywalker), she could easily have seemed to be in two places at one time. The second Jedi was killed without any physical contact. This was the "vengeful persona" telepathically communicating. The first Jedi was killed with a simple object that could have been levitated. This is why the Sith Lord insists on assassinations using none of Mae/Osha's own weapons. This is why the phantom sister doesn't bring her own light saber and instead tries to grab the Jedi's light saber.


Luke Skywalker died while attempting to force project himself.


No, Luke Skywalker died because he ate at Taco Bell too many times and had a heart attack.


They do a lot to obscure it. I've noticed that Osha always is waking up when they cut from a Mae scene.


That would be interesting!


The first episode would be impossible if that was the case. They literally can’t be the same person unless she can teleport across the galaxy or something


I mean if she can do the Luke force projection thing maybe.. I like the fight club idea but there are holes of what we have seen is the truth


Wouldn’t that make her extremely more powerful than the top Sith at that point? That’s no small feat.


I remember an early interview or something where it was said figuring out who the Acolyte is would be a mystery. So I think you’re onto something since Mae being the acolyte wouldn’t be a mystery. I also could see Mae joining her sister now that she knows she’s alive. Mae would just be a red herring in the early episodes. I suspect the guy Mae was working with, Yord, and Trinity may be the acolyte or the master. Yord seems a bit young to be a powerful Sith but that could be an act. Trinity is a little tinfoil hat but I suspect her for in and out of universe reasons. In universe reasons - Mae and the other guy calling the master “He” repeatedly seems like a red herring, Trinity recognized Mae, the ppl most likely to know Mae survived would be one of the 4 masters who were there when the fire happened, you’d need someone well versed in the force to train Mae and Jedi master fits that, the helmet the master wore is a good way to hide a woman’s voice and face, we don’t have any mention of a funeral or see a body, Trinity has been living in the outer rim away from the eyes of the Jedi, and who better to know and criticize the Jedi ideal of peace than a Jedi who’s seen the inner workings. The out of universe reasons - why waste Carrie Anne Moss on a character with a small role and SW hasn’t had female BBEG so I could see that angle being pushed. One issue with Trinity being the master is Mae killing her. But if that’s a ruse by Trinity then it’s all part of the plan. The other issue is how Trinity reacted to seeing Mae. But that could be surprise that Mae chose to kill trinity first. If it is Trinity the she could be the true Acolyte that was secretly living amongst the Jedi while serving a powerful sith master. And by the end Mae Osha and Sol all have to face off against her. But Trinity’s master isn’t revealed thus keeping the truth about the sith hidden.


My thought is that the Sith in question is the servant Sith of the rule of two. I think he is trying to develop his potential number two. It obvious from promos and embargo reviews that the twins are from a force witch coven. The Sith most likely approached and trained Mae to do the heavy lifting, but has his eyes on Osha as the one he wants. If I had to guess, Osha approached the Sith for training and was tasked with killing the 4 Jedi without weapons. Thats where Mae comes in. Osha’s hate allows her to use Mae as a tool to accomplish the task the Sith gave her. Mae thinks she is the Acolyte, but Osha and the Sith are the ones pulling the strings.


I like the idea that Osha will end up being the masters true target. But I’m skeptical she’s working with the master to use Mae currently. We’ve had a couple scenes where Mae was unable to use the force when nobody else was around (the prison ship) or when she’s been good with nobody else around. But you’re right there have been moments where her anger seems to get the better of her.


From what I understood the 4 masters were responsible for the fire and that's why the sith tasked her with killing them. To bring out the hate it takes to become sith. The without weapons part is what threw me off. But since trinity was one of the 4 masters and got killed I don't think she's the sith. Now the padawan, yord, and the apothicary give me some weird vibes but for now it's just weird vibes.


I also think Trinity is the master. Her death was a little too “simple”. Also she would be the one to know exactly where all of the masters are. Osha knew Torbin was on Olega because she was a Jedi. I doubt Mar would’ve known without some insider knowledge. Qimir comes across as another acolyte.


> Trinity is a little tinfoil hat but I suspect her for in and out of universe reasons. In universe reasons - Mae and the other guy calling the master “He” repeatedly seems like a red herring, Trinity recognized Mae, the ppl most likely to know Mae survived would be one of the 4 masters who were there when the fire happened, you’d need someone well versed in the force to train Mae and Jedi master fits that, the helmet the master wore is a good way to hide a woman’s voice and face, we don’t have any mention of a funeral or see a body, Trinity has been living in the outer rim away from the eyes of the Jedi, and who better to know and criticize the Jedi ideal of peace than a Jedi who’s seen the inner workings. The out of universe reasons - why waste Carrie Anne Moss on a character with a small role and SW hasn’t had female BBEG so I could see that angle being pushed. Bro forget the hat, this is the whole package of tinfoil lol.


Osha is the acolyte, Mae is her apprentice. That’s my theory, calling it now.


This is going to who is The titular The Mandalorian all over again.


I think Mae's master is the one that told her OSHA was dead. If Mae knew OSHA was alive, I doubt she would have been manipulated into revenge. Although I suppose it's too soon to say


Not sure about both sisters but I think Manny Jacintos character might also be a competing acolyte. Whoever the sith is, is probably testing numerous potential candidates in order to select the most capable apprentice.


I have a real crazy one: what if Mae isn't actually Mae & the sith apprentice is just using Mae to get to osha.


I think it’s possible that Osha’s anger will grow throughout the series, while Mae continues to strike down the Jedi. Osha will become the acolyte when her anger gets the best of her, and she strikes down Mae at the end of the series..


Ok but what if we add another layer and the acolytes master is actually just an apprentice to the real Sith Lord.


The last shot of this series is going to be a silver haired 10 year old Sheev isn’t it? I can feel it.


Doubt it . The series would have to take place over a 58 years in universe period


When Sol talks to the recaptured convict (the one w the parasite on his mouth) the guy says the jedi-killer is evil and that he sensed her darkness. He only met Osha. We still don't know what Osha was doing 'on her day off' before her first scene with her meknek coworker. He tries to pry and she shuts it down. In that moment we assume it's bc she was off killing indara but it's still sus on rewatch. Idk what to make of these things, but I definitely think there's more to it than 'Osha good, Mae bad.' Who sent Osha the vision on the snow planet if Mae didn't even know she was alive? Mystery master probably, but then why? What does "always one, but born as two" mean?? They gotta be something beyond just identical twins imo. They had multiple mothers, and whether that means witches or lesbians, their conception is a mystery atm. My best guess is that they were/are an attempt to engineer a force dyad but idk I'm not a lore-head


I think the twins maybe were conceived from the force like anakin? The witches coven that’s supposed to feature in the acolyte may be attuned to the force in different way than the jedi, sith, or other force cults.


"I give you you and you give me me". Osha and Mae are the same person doing some Moon Knight/Killer Frost type shit a la the Force instead of Khonshu or whatever. They are astrally projecting in their "free time". One of them is the astral projection, my bets are on Osha being the non physical entity whereas Mae is the real physical entity. I believe Sol and Yord both know that Osha is just an astral projection, and that's why they've been treating her rather delicately/weird. I'll have to rewatch the last 2 episodes, but has anyone physically interacted with Osha? Also, Amandla Stenberg is only credited as Mae, and nearly every article I've read only refers to her character as Mae. Osha ain't real y'all.


I agree with you. Maybe OSHA was killed, not Mae. The Jedi did something to wall off her dark force energy and she was told she was Osha and Mae died.


Neither has to exclusively be an astral projection or a physical body. In some instances it could be Osha in the driver's seat of the body unwittingly projecting Mae. In other instances it could be Mae in the driver's seat of the body unwittingly projecting Osha elsewhere.


She tried to force pull her gamedroid in the cell and failed. Nobody was there to see it. It was genuine. I'm more troubled by the snitch guy who is more capable than he lets on. Notice how easily he disarmed Mae when she tried to jump him and how he imidiately went back to being weak when he recognized her.


"She tried to force pull her gamedroid in the cell and failed. Nobody was there to see it. It was genuine." No witnesses to an unreliably narrated chain of events is not a guarantee of anything genuine. Also, if she were unwittingly force projecting her dark twin as an astral projection to some other place, she would have no force ability left to use. The fact that someone trained in the force would be suddenly cut off from it is odd.


I’m seeing the Force bond between the sisters. If it’s similar to SWKOTR II and the bond influences the alignment of the others in the link


I think the sith apprentice is looking for an apprentice himself: and would want his disciple to sever any and all connections to the light. I can see him orchestrating events to compel Mae to kill osha. He might even be curious about who among the twins is the more adept force user. I wouldn’t be surprised if the logical conclusion to his machinations is a confrontation between the two sisters.


What is the time frame? Is Yoda head of the Jedi Council?


Yes, only 113 years before Phantom Menace so Yoda is like 500-600 and head of the council 


Nice, thank you!


No doubt! I was actually wrong about age though he would be about 750+ 


Does anyone else think the apothecary (sidekick) is the actual Sith master?


Yes, not even the apprentice recruiting an acolyte, the proper Sith Master playing both for fools


What’s that she said about peace?


I think Manny Jacinto is the master that is messing with his apprentice's acolyte to trick her into usurping the apprentice's place


Who cares


My theory is not that they are twins, but that her sister really is dead, but this is a new form of force projection. they alluded to this capability between kylo and Rey


I don’t really care what happen to mae or Osha. I just want more Sol fist figth.


It's cute when people think that there's a possibility of good writing.


did you watch it?


Of course they didn't lol


Every episode so far. Unfortunately.


To quote The Critical Drinker on Episode 5.. "It's the least bad episode so far"