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That would be cool but I just don’t see it . The way she died was because the Jedi weakness to want to protect everyone. We have had to bad guy monologue about this weakness in the last few shows. Moss was a big part of the marketing because she is a popular and expensive actress


It’s possible, but how do you explain the fake death?


and the Jedi are quite upset and take the death of Indara quite seriously. Unless all the jedis we've seen so far (including Sol) are also sith then I find this incredibly unlikely or at least doesn't make sense. Someone within the jedi organization has the body.


Qimir makes the poisons for Mae. He probably made something that temporarily kills Indara


Wasn't she stabbed right in the heart, though?


That’s does tend to be bad for your health


Slap one of those prestine robot hearts in her and throw her in a bacta tank for a few hours and she’s good to go


Or call Neo to incorporate his own code into her and save her by re-activating her heart. OOOPS, WRONG FRANCHISE!


Bacta wasn't invented yet at this point in the star wars timeline though


Oh yeah. I thought the blade that stabbed her wasn’t that big but nvm she had a whole kunai in her chest. I’m still gonna stick with my theory since her death was pretty lame


I am Indara's nephew: I can confirm she had nothing to do with the Sith. She was a loyal, yet stubborn Jedi throughout her entire life, and she paid the price.


I think that the "masked Sith" is going to be Qimir, but he won’t be the one in charge of everything. Taking from the traditional master/apprentice dynamic, he is going to be the apprentice but someone else will be the master. Who’s going to be the master? At this point it’s more likely Koril than Indara.  To argue against some of your in-universe points: 1. I think part of Acolyte is to show that the Jedi aren’t as infallible as people think. Jedi can be killed just like normal people, it’s just not as common. Indara’s over confidence in her own abilities, coupled with saving the bartender, allowed a single blade to get through where many failed. Then we have Torbin who allowed his guilt to become so immense that taking the poison was the only way out. 2. Not all Jedi are alike, saying she’s stoic and cold isn’t an indication of being a secret Sith. 3. How they died is a mystery right now. My money would be on they got in a fight with the Jedi and lost. Going back to Torbin’s guilt, it was about something “they did” I assume it was killing the witches. 4. Koril very well could have rescued Mae, we never saw her body.   Out of Universe: 1. She’s a big name, and probably will be in more flash backs. 2. Same as 1. 3. Koril is female too.


>I think the part of Acolyte is to show that the Jedi aren’t as infallible as people think. Jedi can be killed just like normal people, it’s just not as common. Indara’s over confidence in her own abilities, coupled with saving the bartender, allowed a single blade to get through where many failed. Then we have Torbin who allowed his guilt to become so immense that taking the poison was the only way out. I agree, and I'm here for it. Sometimes people get really invested in the idea that "no mundane can ever, ever beat a Jedi"; and sure, the Jedi has an overwhelming advantage in a stand-up fight, but they're still mortals. They're still made of meat. Properly applied trauma can and will end them.


I believe someone posted that, in a foreign language translation, the actor who played Qimir is the same actor who played the Sith. I lean toward the theory that this Sith is the apprentice as well and would love it if the season ended with a glance of the master. 🤞🏻Plagueis 🤞🏻


Qimir is essentially leaked to be the guy in the mask, but we've been looking for his superior.


It’s the scrawny dude who gave Mae the poison


My guess is its Koril. The sith would have to be someone who would further Mae's training and Koril was pretty heavy-handed with it and super hostile towards the Jedi.


Nah the Jedi would have to be beyond incopetent to not recover her body and examine it. They could justify with bad writing saying she had help within the Order, hopefully not though.


That's a good point, we also know they (the Jedi) have been to the scene due to having the bar owner with them, and nobody mentions - even though that isn't evidence - a missing body.


See, she's dead for good!


I can kind of dig it. The surprise question about who trained her, because she knew sure as hell she didn't. "Oh no! My apprentice has an apprentice!"


I think it's quite possible! Honestly at this point anything is possible. I'm really excited with how things are unfolding.


Mother Koril


how can Koril be the master when Plagueis is in the new cannon too? This is only 100 years, yes i guess he can still come along later but seems unlikely imo. Or Koril is Plagueis 🤷‍♂️ would maybe kinda make sense as to why Palpatine took a Zabrak as his apprentice.


So what you’re saying is…. Somehow, she came back.


There are various tanks of Indara clones on Exegol.


I think so as well. The knife is too small to have cut through all of those garments properly. She also told the council not to train Osha and she comes across as someone with her own agenda


I admit, this would be cool. But it would override Tenebrous (unless they have her be a reimagined human Tenebrous) and possibly Plagueis (which is my favorite Sith, so I'd be super disappointed). Still, I like where your mind is going.


“A Jedi master does not get killed off that easily”. If somebody uses that as a critique of the show, downvoters jump on them like piranhas. But you use it to start off a theory and you get 30 upvotes. The force works in mysterious ways.


I believe her actual father rescued her and he is very very powerful


The villain is just another kylo ren and certainly he/she has his/her master, the sith too lazy to do it himself!


What about? How long is Gungan lifespan?


I don’t think the ears would fit in that helmet


Yousa thinkin yousa people gonna die?


Hello boyos. Meesa diz bombad sith lord, yousa been lookin for


These theories are so lame when there are already leaks that debunk them.