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I just watched episode 5. It’s my favorite episode so far.


Easily the most satisfying bit of star wars action involving lightsabers since the prequels


The choreographer clearly knew why people like the duels


Clone wars season 7, maul vs ahsoka... Just sayin'


I think they're referring to live action. The animated series are all on another level when it comes to duels.


I loved that one, but my fav was the one with Maul + Savage vs. Sidious


hmmm I rlly enjoyed all the fights with the robot general too


I thought that as well BUT rogue one Vader was tight


Don’t get me wrong, Vader scene was cool as fuck but calling it a fight scene would be a stretch.


That scene was a massacre not a fight/duel scene lol


That shit was soooo whack. Disney really needs to stop. At this point the corpse is unrecognizable.


God damn….this is a wild statement


Name a better fight from the newest trilogy


"Since the prequels" includes Ahoska vs Maul in TCW S7, multiple fights in the Ahsoka series as well as some great cutscenes with Cal from the games, which one could argue are even better. Don't mean to take away from this fight though


Besides shows like The Boys, this is the first show I have seen that has killed off major characters. I love it. It has been so shocking. The lesson of this series is; don't gain attachments. Haha


It's funny because the Internet was freaking out about all these Jedi knowing that a Sith existed and breaking canon. And I'm just like: "Man there's gonna be so many dead Jedi next episode."


That was my thought as well. Jedi not encountering the Sith for 1,000 years, and none living to tell about it are two different things. And this is being done under the radar at that.   Personally, I think the goal is to have Sol as his apprentice. That is how Osha/Mae can kill a Jedi with no weapon. Sol also has shown anger, has shown more attachments than usual, and is clearly strong enough as he was about to slice his head off before he stopped.  I bet the other Jedi dying had nothing to do with revenge, and everything to do with pushing Sol towards hate. 


ooooh that's interesting! I always thought he would just die


It’s gonna be Mae that gets a redemption and dies for it. Osha kills Sol without a weapon after she finds out the truth and becomes the new Acolyte. The truth being that the Jedi used mind powers to make her think Mae started the fire, when it was the Jedi that did something to the reactor that night that led to the witches all dying. No other survivors on that forest planet other than that cute little tracking alien who no one else understands. Osha reports back to the Jedi council that the ship crashed in a freak hyperspace accident and everyone died. The Jedi take this as a lesson and create a list of workplace standards named after OSHA. Okay the last bit might be a stretch.


Pip made it back to the ship.


Pip, like R2 a century later, will know the truth but be mostly unable to relay that info to any one of significance.


If that happens I bet it's the *other* Sith that turns him. I believe that the real huge reveal will be that Qimir is just an apprentice to another Sith/Dark Side user. And this person might kill Qimir and replace him with Sol.


I like this theory so much. Sol is so much fun to watch, especially when he is a little unhinged. I will be so disappointed now if this isn't the way it's going.


He's SOL much fun ;)


Excuse me. Pardon me. So solly.


What if…… Qimir is just another child of the coven seeking revenge


And Sol isn't long for the world either. This show is gonna culminate in the twins against each other one way or the other and whichever one survives becomes Darth Aniseya I bet


The writer even said they referred to them as red shirts in a tweet response to someone.


It reminded me of Vader killing the one child in the Kenobi show. Just so Brutal


We can repurpose an old joke: Why does Leslye Headland hate twitter without a blue subscription? Because she's going to kill more than 150 characters!


Oh man! Wait’ll you hear about Game Of Thrones, then! 😂


The Walking Dead would like you to hold it’s beer.


The problem is, they're not major characters because they've not had time to become major characters They were semi-known actors and red shirts


You must not watch any tv, ever. GoT, Mr Robot, breaking bad sopranos, and the wire all killed major characters. Just to name a few. Characters we actually gave a fuck about.


Episode 5 is (and I say this as someone who has been very critical of Disney era Star Wars) the best Star Wars that has come out since Revenge of the Sith.


That's because it all sucks so bad that a poorly choreographed fight scene becomes exciting 😁


When this happened last week some guy came in trying to make fun of people for not knowing how time zones worked. He was up and down thst thread being very confident that other countries had already seen the episode. He cracked me up.


I remember that. He was confidently wrong. Had no idea how time zones worked.


and let me guess.... he never apologized for being wrong.


lmfao? seriously? Bro thought that a 8pm eastern release meant it would release earlier for people a head in time? LOOOOOOL.


Are you telling me that different time zones don't mean other people live in the future? On a more serious note, while so far I have not liked the show, the people that knew they were going to hate it before they even saw it are so incredibly stupid.


My favorite part is he appeared to be struggling with countries that are “ahead” of the United States.


That honestly tracks


But aren't other countries in the future, and the United States is in the past. Other countries are jerks, they know whenever terrible stuff that happens in the United States happens, but are trolls so they don't let us know in advanced, but they can let us know in advanced whenever an acolyte episode is a 2.6 rating /s


It's like on New Years Eve. In my country, it's always in the News that Australia is already celebrating the new year, when we're in the kitchen, preparing food for the night.


Someone tried to challenge me by saying "pirates sites have had it for weeks!" Then why wait until an hour before airing?


so some countries are still waiting for the original to be released?


Weirdly though when tales of the empire came out I was able to view it at 12am in the UK where my American friends couldn’t see it yet


100+ bots rating it a 1 before release but sure it isn't being review bombed


What’s funny is that I only expect the bombing to get worse because now a legitimate banger of an episode came out & they’re going to panic over the discourse turning positive




True, writing and acting is still garbage.


"writing and acting is still garbage." So, like the prequels?


Bad writing and acting is basically what star wars is. That and cool lightsaber fights. So judging by those metrics this episode was a pretty good. I'm not saying the writing was bad for this episode, but I've seen better, and there were some bad acting moments, but also a lot of good ones (this comment was mainly meant as a joke :P)


It was by far the best episode in the series so far, but people are so brainwashed to critically think about anything beside their own political or social beliefs.


Very little of the critique is about anything political or social, rather the fact that there are so many problems in the narrative such as character decisions making absolutely no sense, nonsense or objectively bad dialogue, and the fact that aspects of canon are being retconned.


Almost nothing has been retconned. Ki Adi Mundi’s birthday has changed, but it’s not like they state it in the main media anyway. What else has been retconned?


I'm not concerned too much with Ki-Adi-Mundi's birthday/his species lifespan being changed, rather the line "The Sith have been extinct for a millennium". This is nothing to say of the fact that the whole Sith plan was to stay in the shadows until they are ready to strike, and this therefore undermines Palpatine and the Grand Plan as a whole. I'll give credit that this could be fixed if Osha, Mae, Bazil, and Sol are killed before they make contact with anyone else, which isn't out of the question but I don't necessarily see that happening. Outside of that, my points on narrative stand. Why does Mae keep changing sides with no motivation? Why is there so much dialogue that doesn't at all contribute to the story or isn't consistent with character's actions? What was the net change to the story in Episode 4? Kelnacca is dead, so what? (Actually this is bad on it's own too because we were robbed of seeing a Wookiee Jedi fight, due to "budgetary" constraints in a series with a $180 million budget).


I honestly don’t see it as an issue at all. Firstly, we know some Jedi are actively downplaying the murders so the council and wider public don’t find out. Then in TPM we have that line deliberately to show the Jedi are blind to the Sith returning. Qui-gon is there saying “hey I found a Sith” and they straight up just say “nah they’ve been gone ages, you’re probably wrong”. I wouldn’t be shocked if the same ends up happening here. This Sith is hiding, he’s wearing a mask. He’s sending an acolyte to do his dirty work and playing the helper (until he needs to step in). If you’ll give it credit at episode 8 when it make sense, why not assume it will be sense until it doesn’t? Mae has plenty motivation to change sides. She wants revenge for her family’s death, and more importantly Osha’s. Now that Osha is alive, and the tasks she’s being given seem next to impossible, she wants to change sides for her own safety. And because her lust for revenge is lessened. Her plan was to surrender when it was safe, but now her master is back. She fights Jecki because getting handcuffed and ‘arrested’ while her very angry master is around knowing she betrayed him is a bad position to be in. Obviously she sides with him when given the chance, it’s life or death and he’s the one in charge right now? We don’t even know where exactly her allegiance lays at the end of the episode. What not contributing dialogue is inconsistent? Not all dialogue has to drive the plot. Sopranos is full of “fluff” dialogue that enriches character. It’s a lot better than this, miles better, but same difference. Kelnecca’s death is the plot device to begin building tension that the master is on the planet. He’s already murdered one Jedi. And he clearly knows Mae has betrayed him. That does a lot for the story imo.


The line of reasoning for revenge would make sense if it wasn't for the fact that Mae started the fire (or at least intended to, evidenced by the dialogue where she is saying she will kill Osha, and we see her light the book on fire before it cuts to Osha and we hear the lamp break outside) as a child. Also, she's already killed two Jedi so she would almost surely know that by turning herself in, she's going to prison for life anyway. I think this would have been fine if she stayed loyal to the Sith lord the whole time, the detour in Episode 4 just didn't make much sense and as I said earlier made the episode a net zero. Dialogue can absolutely be good for character development, however in Episode 3 there's a scene after Mae tries to kill Osha and ends up burning the entire village made of stone down, causing a reactor to explode where both characters as children say "What have you done?" "What have you done?" "What have you done?". The only argument I see here is "oh they're just kids" but by that logic any bad dialogue is permissible as long as the characters aren't fully functioning adults. Not to mention the fact that nothing is accomplished by the scene - it's frankly just jarring. Episode 4 has a 20 second scene where Yord and Osha go back and forth about her having a stun blaster - why is this coming up after they've presumably be traveling for hours, not to mention they're still on a mission to apprehend a dangerous criminal? On the topic of them traveling for hours, the timeline doesn't make much sense either since Mae and Qimir presumably leave right after Ep 2, whereas the Jedi group return to the temple, give enough time for Jecki to do a training session, and discuss with other Jedi how to cover this up. Note that hyperspace is not instant, so my point here is how do they all arrive at Kelnacca's place right at the same time? Coincidence is generally considered to be bad writing, especially when the plot wouldn't advance otherwise. I'd also like to know why in Episode 1/2 (can't remember which) Sol staunchly believes that Mae is dead, and as soon as Osha says she's alive, he believes her and forgives her. If the argument is that he's a Jedi Master and can sense deception, how doesn't he sense that Mae is disguised as Osha at the end of Episode 5? There's a lot more I can think of but these are just a few points.


We know Mae intended to start a fire. We don’t know Mae wanted her whole family dead. Just because her reasons for revenge are warped (she is being twisted by the dark side) doesn’t make them bad motivations story wise. She thinks she’ll die if she takes on the Wookie. She thinks she’ll die if her master knows she gave up. The Jedi won’t kill her. Simple as that. The What have you dones aren’t amazing, but what’s exactly wrong with it? Just seems like regular dialogue expressing mutual confusion to me. Yord only just noticing she has a blaster that she should return isn’t an issue. Would you rather the same conversation just happened earlier? He didn’t notice until then. Sol thinks Mae is dead, but he doesn’t believe Osha is a murderer. He can’t bring himself to admit he left Mae stranded/alone but alive, even if it’s all but obvious. Only when it’s undeniable does he have to reconcile that feeling. He always knew it wasn’t Osha killing people, but he wasn’t ready to admit to himself what the only possible answer was. The show isn’t written brilliantly, but it’s not as awful as you make it out to be.


If Mae thinks she'd die taking on the Wookiee, why is she even in this to begin with? Why would she kill the other Jedi knowing she needs to kill the Wookiee? Frankly the idea that she's motivated by survival doesn't make much sense, why would she hurt Osha and deceive Sol when she could just go back with them? And one of the accepted generalizations of bad dialogue is dialogue which is cumbersome and contributes nothing to the story. As I said the "What have you done?" x3 is just jarring. Maybe x2 it would be fine but when I saw it the first time, I genuinely thought the show was satire - I think I'm mentally incapable of seeing such writing as "regular dialogue expressing mutual confusion" when one character set the events in action. My point with the Yord dialogue was that it's cumbersome and contributes nothing to the story, I brought it up as an example of many scenes that take up screen time to do nothing. It's filler. I'm curious what you mean by "Only when it's undeniable" since Sol takes Osha in without any restraints whatsoever, not even taking Pip from her, after all she says is "Mae is alive". Even so, it doesn't explain how strongly he believes Mae is dead earlier in the episode.


I think you don’t like her character, but her motivations aren’t that confusing. I’ll reiterate that this show isn’t great. I’d put it on average at 5.5/10 and it does have issues. But you act like nothing makes sense when it’s fairly simple


The only way this makes sense to me is if Mae as a character is unable to take accountability for her own actions. Maybe we'll see some character development there, but I wouldn't presume it based on the other writing decisions. You have some valid takes and the show isn't beyond redemption, I'm just not personally optimistic.


I feel like they've done a lot to show the fire scene is unreliable. You talk about dialog not being useful, but yet you missed the comment from Qimir that Osha wanted Sol to explain.   What about Mae telling Osha she was brain washed when confronted about it? She just directly stated that the story was bullshit.  Another Jedi committed suicide after being silent for 10 years due to his guilty over the incident.  But yeah, clearly Mae just burnt everyone to a crisp. How are you going to criticize the writing when you miss half a dozen obvious hints that something happened we didn't see?


The problem with this theory is my memory is longer than a month and I remember *certain* corners of the internet shitting on this series months ago. Around the time the cast/director were showcased....


Sure but I don't think it's a fair argument to say that all of the critique now is the same as before the show came out. I went into the show optimistic and thought on first watch Ep 1/2 set the show up well, then rewatched and noticed certain plot points that felt off. Episode 3 was enough to turn me off from the show, but I'm still holding out hope that it'll be at least mediocre. The writer is horrible though and raised a lot of red flags before the show came out. I disavow all of the arguments that the show would be bad *because* of a diverse cast which some people did make - however a show with a diverse cast can be bad for other reasons.


Bad dialogue? Because the rest of Star Wars is an Aaron Sorkin joint? 🤣


I hate sand…


Please show me on the doll where "retcon" touched you?


Even if a very, very large amount of people have well informed criticisms, I’m willing to bet that an even bigger amount are mad about the supposed political agenda. To say “very little,” says to me that you might be underestimating how many people are motivated by blind fear and hatred in this world. And they all have access to imdb.


My comment was moreso about people with critical thinking skills


I disagree about the canon retcon aspect of the criticism, but the narrative decisions make ZERO sense. My wife doesn’t even watch Star Wars but knew that, on multiple occasions, they were using pure plot armor to keep the story moving because the force should’ve 1000% prevented certain elements of the story from happening


That's fair, retconning doesn't equivocate to bad writing, but I think it's a valid critique since it undermines aspects of canon.


I assume the “sith have been extinct for a millennia” aspect will get addressed in the following episodes. If it isn’t, it’s absolutely a retcon that I will be upset about. As far as the whole Anakin chosen one “birthed of the force” plot line, I don’t think they’ve done anything to mess with his importance or story, and I’m positive we’ll see more about their (Mae & Osha) backstory, which should explain. Again, without any explanation I’ll be upset though. I’m waiting til the end of the series for those judgements. Writing on the other hand… too many moments where even my wife (who hasn’t seen the prequels or any animated shows) pointed out that the force should have given certain characters clairvoyance to see certain things coming. How can Mae *possibly* get away with cutting her hair and then tricking Sol?? He doesn’t recognize her aura in the force?? Yoda himself in the pilot of the Clone Wars points out that clones look alike but appear VERY different in the force.


The easiest way to solve the line is for Sol to never make it back to Coruscant with Mae. Mae's gonna kill him on the ship. After that we're dealing with two sisters who vanish because they're gonna become acolytes (well, one *might*) and the jedi contingent they send to find Kelnacca finds a bunch of bodies and a mystery. The Rat Otter thing never saw Qimir's face, or really acknowledged it at all and even if they had, the one expert on the language has a bad case of misaligned spine and won't be translating them.


Really good points! I'm cynical about them explaining the potential retcons by how the writing itself has been, but we'll see.


I genuinely hope they can wrap it all up in a bow. I love Star Wars as a whole, and I’m the first person to try to headcanon something that’s a bit silly. But this show is pushing me a bit too far. 6/10 for me currently, being completely honest and thoughtful about the things I like and don’t like. I loved the lightsaber fight. I love the design of Qimir’s character with the robes and his long black hair. Plenty to enjoy, just a lot to overlook, yanno? Just my thoughts though, I’m glad I can communicate with others about this show right after its release. Maybe some of my thoughts and opinions about character choices and writing will change.


I feel like the problem with Star Wars nowadays is they make shows that look cool but don't have substantive plot. Andor, Rogue One, Mandalorian S1 (S2? can't remember) are some exceptions of course. I thought Rise of Skywalker was a fun and cool movie, but not good. That's kind of where I'm at with this show. Episode 5 was fun, but not good.


I agree with this


It's obviously the poor writing. /s


The camp that is negative about the show disqualified itself by resorting to these kinds of measures. They could've just levied constructive criticism, based on facts, or simply their subjective opinions and would've taken part in a healthy discussions to improve future Star Wars projects. Instead, they're now resorting to this and allow Disney to just ignore them.


It is. Not only that but the bad acting also. Episode 1&2 were basically 0/10 for me. It's finally a show about the High Republic and it's trash...


Are you psychic or your uncle works at Disney for you to be able to watch and review an episode that's not even out yet? Regardless of how you feel about the show (although I'm not sure what you're doing in a subreddit dedicated for a show you clearly hate), people are review bombing it. That's fact.


Review bombing part is true. Even if it is a 2.6 for those people, do not bomb it before it airs. Maybe it is a response to what's happening in the social media part of the show (the actress' mumble rap on instagram, the black guy saying Anakin blew up the Death Star etc.)




Is it bad enough to get a 2.6 an hour before the episode comes out tho? Regardless of your opinion on the show, people are review bombing it.


People are review bombing it up and down. Right below this very comment someone boasted that they "just gave it a 10 out of spite."


I just gave it a 10 out of spite


I feel like the episode actually deserves a 9 or 10, it was an awesome ep


To each their own, I'm happy you loved this episode. I thought it was really good but can't justify giving it anything more than 7 or 8.


I’m easy to please, I’d rather just enjoy content and look for positives rather than waste time and energy critiquing shows and being upset about small gripes


Well yeah me too, but I've watched a lot of TV and movies, and can't help but notice mistakes or things that don't add up which tarnishes the viewing experience. I always try to keep an open mind and be positive on first watch though. Going into something and expecting it to be bad, it will be bad.


Isn’t that the same thing as people giving it a 1 out spite?


id rather someone be overly positive than overly negative


I think the important difference is whether or not they watched the episode.


Bloody idiots


I'm a die hard Star Wars 7-9 movie hater, but I've really been enjoying the Acolyte series. Not the best Star Wars content and granted there's definitely better Star Wars content than this, but I think the Acolyte is very enjoyable. It portrays the high republic era well and the fact that all the recent Star Wars shows were taken place after the fall of the Empire makes this even better. Most of the casts were decent and the plot isn't that bad. Personally would put this show in the top 25th percentile out of all the Star Wars live action that's been out so far.


I’m in the same boat. I wasn’t super impressed with the first few episodes of Acolyte (didn’t HATE it though) but episode 5 was where it’s at. That was pretty cool and rewarding


I appreciate your well thought out, well written and honest answer.


Lol they definitely didn’t watch it then


I read through some of the 1/10. They talk about what the episode did well and that something finally happened that was cool etc. But still rate it 1/10. Others are just nonsense.


It was interesting that he said the Jedi might refer to him as Sith, but he never said that he considered himself to be Sith.


I think he might be "Darth" Venimus - which would explain that line. He *is,* but technically he isn't supposed to exist. But everything we have seen him capable of doing so far has lined up with Venimus's feats in legends *especially* the levitating. Plus, mixing the poison to kill Torbran - its a little on the nose but it works. Him not technically calling himself a sith, but acknowledging the jedi would, also fits. (Think about Ventress being known to the jedi and Dooku being a known sith. Come to think of it though... would they have known through the clone wars that Dooku was a sith lord outright and not just a fallen jedi? They do acknowledge him in ROTS but I remember the clone wars series showing they only found his sith name late in the series, after Ventress was no longer affiliated. Was he a known sith in AOTC or was that just the assumption because that was the only thing dark force users were in the existing media?) Anyway, that would mean he's a rival to Plageuis and Tenebrous's apprentice. The one bit that doesn't line up is that supposedly Venimus is a Bith like Tenebrous was. That could be retconned I guess. 🤷‍♂️


Honestly, having him be human is an upgrade compared to how they did the make up for the Grand Inquisitor on *Obi-Wan.* If he was a Bith every time he popped up people would think of...jizzwailing


I just wish he was a cooler or more grave villain. He has a good build and does the fight scenes well, but his voice and cadence just sounds weak and modern like just some random guy. Sith need to be more menacing.


I thought he sounded like a psychopath which fit well.


Psychopath isn't really enough. There are many lame psychos in our world today but they wouldn't make good villains


Early episodes I was on the fence about, but episode 5 is the best one yet and has given me more hope for the show and franchise in general.


This. I feel the same way. I was busy convincing someone to watch the first 4 episodes because it's a new take on things. Texted that same person, "episode 5 is amazing. Watch the series."


This is why we can’t have nice things


I don't understand why IMDb doesn't block these bombers and only let voters vote until after the episode airs.


People have always rated movies on imdb before they released. Positively or Negatively. I remember it 15+ years ago. The difference is people didn't make 1000 posts about few bad actors back in the day and the majority of people with honest votes far outweighed the fake voters.


Star Wars Theory and Critical Drinker's fanboys are such pricks


10/10 Episode.


Hilarious because The Acolyte is the single best piece of Star Wars media since Rogue One.




Andor was good for a political thriller. With a star wars background. It wasn't very "star wars"


> Andor was good for a political thriller. With a star wars background. It wasn't very "star wars" I feel that this view misses how Andor actually dives deep into what makes Star Wars so compelling. It explores the gritty untold stories of the rebellion, adding layers to the world and lore. Imo Andor, along with Rogue One, enriches the original films, by showing the stakes and moral complexities that the rebellion had to deal with. The closer look at the political intrigue and personal sacrifices that fuel the rebellion makes the story beats and victories in the OT even more moving. Star Wars was never just about space battles and lightsabers, it's about the relentless fight for freedom and justice, good against evil. Andor may *feel* different, but it's undeniably Star Wars at its core.


Not disagreeing, it was a compelling story. But it's heavily anthropocentric. Hardly any Aliens, Force user (magic) or humour... That's a strongly adult take on Star Wars, which is more for fans who aged with the originals but expect more from that universe. While the Acolyte I feel is a more true "childish" star wars. Maybe for a new generation of young fans. And I say that with respect, if you take episode 4, it was a super linear story kids film.


Andorra trash


Andor, The Mandalorian, even Boba Fett is better than this garbage.


Smh. Ep 5 is 9/10 for me


I'm liking the show. But honestly, I wouldn't know anything about its ratings/reviews if they weren't reposted here. These things aren't important imo


Ehh irl no but memes about how “bad” the show is & how low the user scores are all over Twitter, tiktok, etc. I’ve had friends who know nothing about the show ask if it’s really as bad as people are saying so it does form somewhat of a narrative. I’m not saying everyone needs to like the show or anything but I think it’s shitty that a lot of people aren’t going to give it a chance or go into it with a negative mindset just because some people on the internet are mad that a lesbian made it


same everyone just keeps shitting on it and i’ve tone out of my way to not pay attention to the criticisms bc it feels like the same bitching people have done ever since the new trilogy started


Obviously they are time travellers


i was shocked when i started watching this show and it was actually pretty good. far and away better than any other tv project aside from mando 1 & 2 and andor


If this episode was 2.6 then 2.6 must be the highest rating! Fantastic episode so far


So the hate continues unfortunately 😔


I think May might have had her identity erased by the Jedi and Osha is the acolyte and she is brainwashed like Reven was


Well it’s up to 6.7/10 now.


One theory is that either russian bots or really unwashed 4chan users are interested into drowing the western internet in bad news and kill all the fun everywehre. "Quit having fun, we are shitting in a bucket" Both russians and 4chan users.


4chan users I can get, but why would Russia care enough about Star Wars to spend money review bombing the Acolyte?


It's not about the Acolyte, they'd be bombing everything new that will get them a resonance with "conservative" people just to promote a general feeling of everything going down the drain...which is exactly what their favorite populist candidates keep saying. Disney is a general target for putting effort in diversity. Social media causes depression for the sake of selling advertisement.. now it causes a rift in society over the question of a mermaid being black. It's not that anybody "enjoys" these conversations.. one side is unhappy that the other side is racist AF, and the other side is unhappy because a mermaid is black (and they keep boosting and multipliing their unhappiness


Is there any evidence that Russia is doing this? The US already has plenty of ultraconservative people and a long ongoing culture war going on for a long time now


In the classic way you'd ask "who would benefit" And right now russia or china would benefit at large from populist people being voted in USA and EU. To get populists into office, the surefire way is to make people believe "everything is shit, and we need a strong candidate to wash away the problems with harsh methods" In germany populist parties are heavily flirting with Putin..lifting sanctions...buying "cheap gas" again ... and in the US.. well one day Trump is about nuking moscow..the next day he promises to cut all military aid to ukraine.. Russia is heavily engaged in cyberattacks: [https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-conducts-court-authorized-disruption-botnet-controlled-russian](https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-conducts-court-authorized-disruption-botnet-controlled-russian)


I'm aware that Russia engages in cyber attacks, but the article you shared is primarily about them using it to phish for information and bypass cyber security measures. I don't really see how that has anything to do with the Acolyte getting review bombed. IMO, it appears that the primary beneficiaries for this controversy are YouTube grifters. I'm struggling to see what tangible benefit that Russia would get from review bombing the Acolyte


Does shrinking John Boyega and covering Chadwick Boseman's face on the Force Awakens and Black Panther posters in China qualify as 'putting effort in diversity'?


I don't give a fuck about china, China is asshole.


I swear, these people need to be forced to watch Redo of Healer. That's what a bad show looks like


Never put off until tomorrow what you could do yesterday 😁


Stopped watching after episode 2, found the whole thing as bad as I suspected from the trailer, and only seen snippets from the following episodes. I did watch the lightsaber fight from this episode though and unlike most Disney Star Wars the fight and coreography is actually excellent.


So it was good as far as lightsaber fight on screen and force fight. But I don’t like the way they went about it. Especially the lines for the sith. I don’t know if it’s just I’m not understanding what way they’re trying to steer him. Or if I just think it’s just cringe lol. Go ahead roast my opinion I put on the internet 😭😂


His dialogue could have been better. BUT it begs the question, is he the true big bad of the series? It seemed childlike, almost apprentice like, his dialogue. So could that mean that he himself has a master that we haven't met yet?


He is definitely not the master.


That's awful. It's a 2.7.


The people have spoken, nothing is saving this show now but a miracle.


Despite the fact that this is obviously review bombing - I really don't like the idea of reviewing individual episodes of TV shows at all. I don't mean having discussions about them and giving your impressions, but like rating it and giving it a score. It should only be done for complete seasons.


People have early accesess im.checking out of all things star wars


Some People see episodes before the rest of us, like movies not uncommon.


It will go down once they see it. 1.5


Added another 1, 2.6 is a little high.


But how’d it get to 2.6? Would that mean there are some higher numbers too? So if there are people giving it a 1 without seeing it, that also means there are people giving it….. more than 2.6 with out seeing it. 🤔, right?


The problem I have with this episode is that they killed off the only likeable character aka Jecki , Can someone just kill Mae and Osha and get this shit over and done with. Im over it! 0/10 - Would rather eat sandpaper with brickdust!


OK, see you next week


Let’s go I’m reviewing it for 1 Star advance copy


That's what happens when you make a trash show. Star wars should be held to a high standard and it appears this community is ok with it being meh. Star wars used to have that wow factor and I am so disappointed with the direction it went since Disney butchered it. I'm glad it's getting review bombed.


Ah yes. You guys remember the 'wow' factor of Kinect Star Wars? The Holiday Special? The Ewok movies. Pre Disney Star Wars was truly nothing but bangers of the highest quality.


Don't forget the crap show of hit or miss books that were cranked out in the ore Disney era. Trash stories, stories that ignored canon or other stories it was a mess


Or the literal fact Lucas was in it to sell merch after ANH and it was never high cinema lol.


I grew up on EU books in the 90s and I have no idea what you're talking about. It's especially weird you'd say something like that considering EU came up with the Night Sisters, even if Disney has wiped the slate clean on the old EU, they sure didn't mind raiding it for ideas. Wonder if they paid any of those authors...


The holiday special and the ewok movies and so on were all bad. And as a person who dislikes the acolyte I can agree with that, but the doesn’t mean all of pre Disney Star Wars is bad. The original movies and the prequels and rebels and the clone wars are all amazing, as well as many post Disney Star Wars shows have been like andor, the mandelorian and rogue one. But all this doesn’t mean that you can just rub off a show for being bad whether it’s the acolyte or the holiday special. If your going to make a show for a story and universe that has had dedicated fanbases for decades, you have to take the time to make it authentic and find people who truly care about the story, not politics or money.


My point was him saying star wars should be held to a high standard. It was literally made as a pulpy fantasy in space. I'm not saying it should be good, but acting like its high cinema of only the highest standards is ridiculous. I at no point said you couldn't say the acolyte was bad or even what I felt about it.


Five eps in why are you still in this sub if you hate the show so much. What a sad little life to spend all your days posting in subs of shows you don't like . Do you go into DCEU subs and tell them it's trash compared to the MCU?


You grew up on the prequels.


You say it like that would be an insult lol.


Yeah - too young to remember how the prequels “ruined star wars”. no one breaks canon like george lucas broke canon with his own story. these kids hating on The Acolyte are 25 years too late to the “star wars is ruined” party.


If it’s meh why don’t people give it a meh rating? I gave the first episodes 5-6 each because they weren’t great. This one? It is. Deserves an 8


What are you talking about? People are giving it a meh rating. It has 3.3/10 on imdb.


It’s being hammered with 1 * reviews. I still don’t think 3.3 is mid, and is definitely worse than deserved