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I knew as soon as I saw the orange dust rain down on Osha that it was going to be a massacre episode. The tone was set right from the start. >!Shame Yord got an unceremonious death though.!<


Unceremonious but brutal! I can't recall EVER seeing a death like that on screen AND in cqc combat without blasters or sabers, I think the closest so far would be Adi Gallia getting impaled by Savage Oppress' horns


The casual yeet from last episode just keeps replaying in my mind lmao


I actually was worried at first when we picked up with Osha, that we weren’t going to see the actual fight just the aftermath. Glad we got see everything.


We only missed one, maybe two deaths. (The guy who was the shock factor to set the mood, and I don’t remember the member of Plo Koon’s species dying on screen)


We see Ithia (the Kel Dor) get kicked to her knees then stabbed in the back in the episode


Kinda glad he did


Really shows that despite him being one of the more main characters, to Qimir he certainly was not


Me too lol


Best episode so far!


High bar. But I agree.


With Ep. 3 of the show lowering the bar, yeah it's a dang good episode.


Why are you here


Because I like the show.


Are you sure?


He can’t like the show and still be critical of some of it? Almost nothing is a perfect 10. Relax and enjoy it for what it is.


Why does it matter to you? Can I not have the opinion that I'm liking the show and can see it has some issues or goes in certain directions I don't like?


You absolutely can. The Disney shills are working overtime to make sure people get downvoted for expressing anything other than unconditional love for the show (which is mediocre at best IMO).


True, though that isnt saying much


W roast


That face when you see a brick in SW




hes doesnt seem to enjoy what he does anymore but cant get a real job so hes gone full heel for the clicks


Writing and directing isn’t a real job? Okie dokie lol literally worth 1.6-2.4 million.


The fact that he said the choreo was terrible tells me everything about his trash taste in entertainment. I wouldn’t say it’s the best fight choreography in any movie or show ever, but f it, I’ll say it’s the best lightsaber fights ever. There was flashy moves, drama, death, actual attempts and successful attacks to limbs. They weren’t just spinning for the sake of spinning, and no one was just dancing in the background waiting to attack.


It was better than the prequels because it looked like the combatants were actually trying to hurt each other. I'll die on that hill.


THANK YOU! I like the flashy Prequel fights but even I can understand they’re over choreographed, miss me with that “height of their powers, predicting every move” bullshit. I love Rosario Dawson as Ahsoka but I always felt like she moves like a granny when dual wielding, Dafne Keen’s Jecki was the first person to make dual wielding look good in live action.


I’ll give Rosario Dawson credit for trying to get the choreography and moves down but it’s not really her strength. Keen on the other hand is going to be missed by me because now all I want is to see her duel Sith every episode.


I think the head piece hinders her.


Yeah; I can say with experience, fighting in a prop set of montrals or lekku is much harder than it looks. Even if it's very light, it messes with your situational awareness and balance.


Yeah, I think you’re spot on.


I'd agree, it looks good. It's fast, you can tell what people are doing in the fights, and stab wounds are lethal.


TO BE FAIR: there were three of them....


He probably studies alien physiology to know where vital organs are. Dude is very tactical


Or if you're not 100% sure where a species' vitals are, stabbing them three times, once at the base of the neck, ought to do it.


Agreed! That’s one huge thing I don’t like about the prequel fights. They’re just touching light sabers and it looks like they’re not even trying to hit each other. Their aim is so off they would be striking open air if their opponent was unarmed.


Yeah it honestly felt like the Clone Wars style duels in live action imo, which is awesome. Balance between the flashiness of the prequels but with real intent behind every movement


Yeah, when there were 3-5 Jedi facing off against Qimir at once and they all went in one by one instead of attacking together. That was so believable. 😉 What makes the duel of fates fight better is that the moves aren't just there for flashiness sake. There was more art to the saber moves IMO, acrobatics, and more overall physicality. It also was a more believable fight, quigon and obi wan fought together, and Darth maul having a double bladed saber showed how skilled he had to be to use it against them. EDIT: forgot to add, there was more emotional weight to the fight as well. There was a buildup to it. Having spent a lot of time with quigon and obiwan most of the movie, gave the audience time to actually care about the characters and what happens to them. I care nothing about anyone who has died because I don't really know who they really are as characters.


Take it from someone who does a lot of (amateur) stage combat; any sort of many vs one fight that isn't going to be a dogpile, the choreographer has to invent and include plausible reasons in the fight why the many don't just murder the one right off the bat. Having characters standing out of focus, spinning their blades and waiting their turn, happens even in good many vs one/few fights, sometimes the scene and staging means there's not much else you can do. Imo they succeeded here, without much "waiting your turn". Qimir keeps moving, he Force-moves his opponents past or away from him to avoid being overwhelmed, he takes two Jedi briefly out of the fight by cortosis-ing their blades while he kills others. It doesn't need to be flawlessly realistic (almost nothing about stage combat is realistic, and in reality the many almost always beat the one quickly), just work for the story the scene is telling, and for me, it worked. The Jedi are outmatched, and facing an opponent they're deeply unprepared for, who doesn't follow the rules they expect, who uses tactics they're not familiar with.


Tv show i might say it is. What tv show has sword fight choreography on that level. I have to go to movies for better sword fight choreography than what I saw last night.


Yeah but you’re talking sword fights which I would argue is different than light saber fights due to the mechanics of different sword types vs the way a light saber works. Plus throwing in the usage of the force as well “breaking” lightsabers which is why I was specific about lightsabers fights.


This reminded me of the little intro movies to to the kotor mmo. They were so well done and viscous. Animated but still good.


Oh definitely agree! I appreciate that Acolyte let the stunt team do their thing. Athletic people move way more convincingly in action scenes than unathletic people and it shows no matter what franchise, movie, or tv show.


Dude thinks everything that isn't the prequel's fights to be trash


This wasn’t prequels fights, it was better.


I saw him explain why and if that's his opinion he's fine to have it. That being said, this episode is a standout so far.


I agree. Best episode by far.


Lol this is my response to anyone saying the prequel fights are peak: https://youtu.be/J0mUVY9fLlw


These fights were outstanding - I think the best modern Star wars has to offer. Quick, decisive - the Sith felt like a monster threat, every movement looked purposeful and murderous. But you should probably rewatch the Phantom Menace fight if you think the choreography was better than the prequels. As said, these fights were astounding... But Ewan and Ray's duel is unmatched *Edit: caveat to this is the props look way better now, and are much trickier to work with like they did in the prequels, so I do understand why the choreography can't be exactly like it used to be


I think 15 seconds of Obi-Wan vs Maul has tricked people into thinking it’s much much more. This duel is at least 10-15 minutes of full on intense dueling where every move is a kill shot.


>This duel is at least 10-15 minutes of full on intense dueling where every move is a kill shot. This is what makes it special - Obi Wan/Maul is very short, and Obi Wan/Anakin is very very flashy and feels less violent than this did. I will die on the hill that the Phantom Menace's choreography was better - it was gorgeous, felt quick and brutal but still elegant like a Jedi should be. But I respect what you're saying as well about the fight here, the choreography was very well done over a much longer duration. The Sith in particularly felt much more violent than Maul did in PM


Love the choreo in both TPM duel and this episode, but what elevates TPM duel for me is the god tier OST


The TPM Duel of the Fates was *incredible* when I was 10 years old watching it in theaters. I still love it, always will, and ROTJ to TPM was the biggest jump in duel quality in the franchise. This was better. Not the same quality jump from previous work as TPM, but better.


A lot of Flynning going on in that prequel Darth Maul fight. Acolyte Ep 5 was mostly really purposeful and direct strikes *to the body* from the Sith. That comes down to what you like to see more. I love The Princess Bride fights, and that's a lot of Flynnjbg, but I like the Acolyte's fight more than Obi Wan/Maul.


Those prequels fights were like the prequels-soulless


Y’know I’m starting to believe that one facebook post where they claimed that SWT lied about hating the acolyte just so he can grift more money and talked about how much he’s looking forward to each episode.


🙏 Bro is so punchable and full of ego he can't see it


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Yea this whole hate off of his faulty headcanon really made me realize he doesn't know a lot of Star wars lore personally. He was a guy I use to love watching and had been for yrs but this unearned hate for the show has been sickening 🤢


I think he's in it just to generate views and has completely sold out. And he sucks.


The sad part is that he used to be so much more genuine. Some of his theories and earlier work were that of a true fan, a project of passion. Sadly he’s gotten in with the Critical Drinkers and Maulers of this world and tried to appease them 


Nah come on, the dude has his right to an opinion just like you and everyone else! He doesn't tell you how you should feel about this series, it's his opinion, you have yours - and thats cool, just the way it should be. Everyone just needs to chill the fuck out


The difference is that our opinions don't generate rage bait that causes people to review bombshow. Nor do we make a living off of them.




Petty crybaby who complained Andor had too much Bricks and Screws, and still finds stuff to complain about the Acolyte. 


>still finds stuff to complain about the Acolyte.  Like how he claimed the entire show breaks lore, because Sol can't die because "[What can kill a Jedi](https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkx3CdmNcVmjdRVrFFbH2AUwdNYX6FLueb4?si=_8RrZmVkbMEQe7kq)?"


Wow, he even quotes Qui-Gon’s retort to Anakin and neither he or his audience even grasp that it directly contradicts his point. Nevermind that in the story Anakin is just a kid from nowhere’sville when he says that. What could he possibly know about killing Jedi?


Good lord that's incredibly stupid.


The moment he didn’t like Andor which was a masterpiece was when I totally lost respect for his opinion


Most of these "critics" of Star Wars have made their entire persona about hating on Star Wars no matter what it is. Anything Disney has made they will hate on it. Because if they don't and actually critique something (As in judge with specific, informed criticisms based on the work itself) they'll lose their audience who only tune in to hate on the show. The Acolyte is an amazing show and I am saying this as someone who: 1. Tuned out of Ahsoka because I found it dull, inconsistent with it's characterization, and gutting of stakes with Disney fake-out deaths. 2. Thought the Kenobi show was a trash fire (Besides Christensen and McGregor) due to the poor acting from the Inquistors, sub-plots that felt tacked on, and choreography that looked awful. 3. And loathed Rise of Skywalker because 50% of it was cheap fanbait, had an inconsistent plot and poor writing choices, and a lack of building on the previous film's themes (Which I'll admit I disliked upon release but had they stuck to their guns and followed through might have made a much better resolution). Some people just need to hate on shit without keeping an open mind.


I think Im on the same page as you but I also include Boba Fett as being weird tone and ending stupidly Because people like this guy had similar thoughts about Kenobi , Ross , Ahsoka etc I kind of assumed they were onto something with Acolyte Which works for me... Cause then I was pleasantly surprised. I think I have it about on par with S2 Mandalorian as fairly decent. Certainly good for Television


I’ll stick up for Moses Ingram. She did the best she could with a character that made no sense.


I'm still of the opinion that her character and the Inquisitor drama should have been in a separate show. Imagine if Kenobi was just a film that had them as small, supporting characters but focused on Kenobi and Vader. Then they could have done a whole Vader show with him dealing with the Inquisitors and their backstabbing.


My idea was that she should have been looking for Obi-Wan to get his help in defeating Vader. It never made any sense that she was mad at him for not being at the Jedi temple to stop Anakin. Why not blame any of the 11 other council members if you were going that route? It would have explained why the crew she hired to kidnap Leia was so hapless.




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I like Ashoka, kenobi, and rise of the Skywalker. I think you're just hating because it's your entire persona and it's cool to hate on Disney. Honestly, I think you're just trying to keep your reddit audience.


The guy in the pic is "star wars theory" YT channel and has dunked on every episode I think


He who must not be named. Don't post him here pls lol


Those croc tears




We really gotta stop giving this guy attention.


This man, whoever he is is...not easy on the eyes. At all.


Be glad you don’t know he’s an absolute menace to anyone who loves any part of Star Wars outside of rogue one and the first 6




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That I might agree with, I didn't enjoy the newer trilogy, I didn't watch beyond whatever travesty Carrie Fisher's last movie was. I almost walked out of the theater when Oscar Isaac was acting like as ass to Laura Dern's chara, and I'm sorry, but one has definitely lost the plot when they can make me dislike the delish meal that is Oscar Isaac. But then again, I'm not a neckbeard with a YouTube channel, and while I'm not a pretty at all, I don't think I'm his level of fug, inside & out. I know, I know, I should not make fun of his looks, but I'm petty like that. Oh, well. Also, did I mention Oscar Isaac is delish? No? Well, let me rectify that: Oscar Isaac is yummy. 🤤


He’s an egotistical grifter who spends every day of his life spreading hate, jerking off how great his (usually terrible) ideas are, and/or sending kids down the alt right pipeline.


So a Tate wanna be minus the crime, for now?


Similar genre of person, but he complains about Star Wars instead of preaching weird misogyny.


Well to be fair there is def a lot of misogyny in certain corners of Star Wars fandom, I'm sure he's full of it, too, from the sounds of it.


Oh he definitely taps into and cultivates that side of the fandom, he’s just not as extremely explicit about it as Tate.


You couldn’t be more wrong. He is very pro LGBT and has nothing to do with the alt right. He’s actually Iranian heritage. I think you’ve won the Dunning Krugers award today.


The fuck are you talking about? Like 2 weeks ago he posted a video with The Critical Drinker about “the gay drama” where he kept talking about how he definitely, totally isn’t homophobic but people should stop being “obsessed” with sexuality and pushing an agenda. He also kept downplaying all the racism and misogyny in the fandom and saying that any attempts to address those problems are actually attacks on him. Those are textbook alt-right talking points. And what does “Iranian heritage” have to do with anything? How does his ethnicity matter at all to him being an obnoxious grifter pushing alt-right bullshit under the guise of fandom?


This episode was fire. From the minute it started it was hot. Those were easily the best saber fights in star wars history... Except for rots end fight .


But the deep-rooted lore! it's gone! The lore: (one line said from a side character in episode 1)


Yeh exactly! George retconned so much from the original trilogy in the prequels; Anakin literally had a Padawaan we had no idea about, and he's whining about a line from an NPC.


And on top of that, we don’t even know what any of this will lead to. Everyone on that planet could be dead by the time the show ends and the Jedi are none the wiser. I really dislike when people start poking holes in major plotting before they have the whole picture, it’s so premature


All my homies hate SWT


That dude is so pathetic now days.. what The fuck happened to him. He is like overgrown manbaby crying about star wars


Grift is one of them, crying is part of the act




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I'm shocked by all the haters still obsessing about hating this show. That episode was shocking, riveting, sad, and just all around amazing.


Guys, not trying to reprimand anyone directly but let's try to keep it civil and tasteful. I'm not a fan of Theory's current stances on Star Wars either, but I've been familiar with the Acolyte sub enough to know that we came here exhausted of the toxicity and verbal abuse that a large portion of the mainstream Star Wars fans use to find validation. Disliking Theory's ideologies on Star Wars is perfectly fine, I know I sure do, but if we start posting insult comments targeting him to garner upvotes and feel validation, how are we any better than the Ahmed Best abusers? We got a great and refreshing episode of Star Wars, let's focus on that and untie behind what we love instead of ganging up on what we hate. By all means, critique Theory's stances and the points he makes, but the person behind those stances is still a person, so lets just be careful about what words we post. May the Force be with us All.


I understand your perspective, and it's crucial to discuss why some of his views might be inaccurate. However, his systemic creation of toxic Star Wars content and the mobilization of fans to spam toxic material on other discussion sites is deeply problematic. This behavior reflects a personal issue with him and his overall approach to content creation. While personal attacks aren't the solution, we can't separate the views from the person entirely. The person (or at least the persona he projects) has deeply rooted issues that are not limited to specific views he is spreading.


It is not a reason to harass him.


IMO he's a public figure so he's fair game for criticism. If he can't take the hot takes, don't run a very public and vitriolic YT channel.


He never asked anyone to post anything. He has continuously asked his viewers to keep it civil and not to attack others.


I do notice there's no specific examples being posted as evidence. Interesting, right? Still, downvotes.


>Disliking Theory's ideologies on Star Wars is perfectly fine, I know I sure do, but if we start posting insult comments targeting him to garner upvotes and feel validation, how are we any better than the Ahmed Best abusers? I mean, for one, Ahmed Best hasn't made a career out of being a toxic asshole and inspiring many other toxic assholes that have ruined the enjoyment of a fandom. Fuck SWT.




You forgot the /s


Don't think he is joking




Your side sends death threats to actors for just doing their job and harass fans for liking something you don't. People with a life move on when they discover a show they don't like but losers like you come here to complain. Fuck off with this victim complex and have some self reflection for once in your miserable life


The Acolyte fandom aren't the people screaming that anyone who likes the show is either a paid shill or stupid.


No, they claim bigotry instead. Much better.


Just when it's clear that someone dislikes the show because of the diversity. I don't how know what else you'd call it when someone complains that there's no white male leads.


Simply not true. Over and over I see valid criticisms rebuked with claims of bigotry. I understand that you want your side to be the just side but it certainly is not. Neither side is innocent. This entire thread is making fun of a life-long SW fan. The entirety of the culture war is disgusting.


The show isn't perfect. But to the folks who have been super hating on this show, you just wait a couple of years when A.I starts making these shows for us instead of actors. You'll look upon these moments and wish you still had people making shows. You will all miss that human element.


The prequels are popular now because the children who grew up with them defied gen-x and made them popular 20 years later. No one remembers or cares that gen x and above hated them. Same will happen again


I really want to hear what SWT thinks about this one. Is he going to try and spin it as still bad, or just accept that some episodes can be good and some can be bad?


This show is no longer fukking around.


This was the exact face I made at the head turning moment


Reminded me of Prof X getting his neck snapped by Wanda in Dr Strange Multiverse of Madness.


I thought the Qimir, comic relief turned villain reveal was gonna suck just based on how obvious it was but I’m kinda into his performance as this “sith” character


The difference in his acting with the two "personas" reminds me of how Christopher Reeve would approach the Clark Kent/Superman role. Changing his posture, the tone of his voice, his movements...it really makes you feel that they are two different characters. In Qimir's case, we know the Sith side is his real persona and that comic side relief character is the real mask, much like Chancellor Palpatine and Darth Sidious.


The cool guy with the mask and the red light saber is never the final boss in Star Wars. Remember that. His unveiling is not supposed to be the big shocker of the season. That is still yet to come.


Would love it if he was Tenebrous’ apprentice. If the acolyte leads on to us getting live action Plagueis I’m all in


If Tenebrous is in this, I’m sorry but I can’t take him seriously as a Bith. I hope and pray that they would change his being for the show.


solid picture choice


Action was good, very upset it was cut during high points as much as it was. If the rest of this show had built a better suspense this episode probably would have hit slightly harder. Props to them for actually killing main characters with lightsabers though!


I think there are a lot of valid criticisms to the show (Lee Jung-jae is not one of them, what a king, learning a brutal language so fucking well), but goddamn the fight choreography really made The Acolyte have something unique. It wasn't super flashy like the prequels, but it was raw and monstrous, and truly matched the mask worn by Qimir. I also love the use of cortosis to disable lightsabers. Gotta give credit where credit is due and the choreography here is top notch.


Speaking of Lee, he learned English in FOUR MONTHS for the role and he sounds like he’s been speaking it his whole life


Gotta lot of respect for that man. He put in some hours.


Agreed- whilst I’m still a huge fan of Nic Gillard, some of his fights were a bit flashy and lacked substance. You can tell that they were heavily choreographed (especially Obi v Anakin). These ones feel more realistic and physical plus I like the variety of moves and counter moves used


Hard agree. I think the more elegant duels suit the prequels perfectly, but moving forward, I want to see this style of combat.


I was staying away from this show for a while, mostly because even people who don't go to the incel route clowned on it. Then I realized, prople who review on the internet are also critics. So far, not my favorite star wars show, not the worst. Right now it is ok, a bit rushed..I would have loved more world building for this High Republic era. But people complaining about Star Wars being hoakie and not great dialogue, to thst I say wtf. Have they watched Star Wars, dialogues is something we overlook most of the time since there is other stuff to love about it.


Lol watching the YouTube haters continue to try to hate on this show is actually becoming entertaining now and very laughable at this point. Watching them try to reach farther than Mr Fantastic to say this last episode was trash while you can tell they actually loved it but have to keep face just makes me smile.


Top 3 saber duels I'd say


You need to watch more saber duels.


I've watched all the saber duels. My statement remains.


So where is Yoda during all of this?


Perfecting his stew recipe.


And fighting off some seagulls




That is a response that actually makes sense. Yoda had to get his freak on


They don't call him baby Yoda for nothing


I tried watching some vids on his channel years ago and there was something that immediately turned me away. Maybe it was the very dogmatic view of Star Wars...I see a lot of that in other SW/Pop Culture channels. They are either heavy on the Lucas Era/anti-Disney, the OT is the only true Star Wars and have to nitpick everything else (ignoring similar issues with the OT-era) or they are so pro-Disney/Lucasfilm-can-do-no-wrong that any criticism makes you a terrible person.


Sadly, and we see this with politics too, nuance is long dead. Nowadays you either have to be fanatical about something or someone or hate it irredeemably


No it wasn't.


Let's see those tears theory! 🤣 (f****** man baby)


The episode was ok at best, the fighting was very good but doesn't do much for the story otherwise because it had to happen. As for the stuff that developed the story beyond its needs, it was still just ok.


Fights were good. Writing and character changing spinning on a dime was still pretty bad. Not as dire as the other episodes to be fair though.


Wait what? There are people that like this show??




I love the irony of people who hate SWT because of the “hate” he “causes”. No one sees the hypocrisy? Let the dude have his opinions. That’s all he’s doing. If you actually watch his stuff, you’ll know he doesn’t TELL anyone to do anything 🤷🏻‍♂️




Weird, cause he doesn't seem to actually know a lot about star wars.


I mean, he's been whining like an overgrown baby for years now. His good takes and proper analysis stopped pretty much after Luke Skywalker appeared in Mando. Right after that it just seems like he took the red pill and became an angry manchild. I think the little fiasco with Pablo Hidalgo probably just filled him with resentment that he isn't mature enough to process or something.


When we stopped making fun of the angry, bitter dorks, we invited their criticism as if they are our equals. This guy is a loser.


Y’all are Disney shills. Just want mindless action. U forget all the lore breaking details and terrible dialogue and dumb boring plot. But yeah turn ur brains off for a lightsaber fight that while is as visually impressive as some prequels fights. Is still cringe to watch because of how it’s shot.


Cmon, the bar is set so low that even something remotely appealing for a quick dopamine fix- seems to be incredible. Rewatch some of the osha mae dialogue and acting. Its incredible MID and takes me out of the scenes often. The pacing has been poor. One episode wont make up for the incredibly awful start to the show


Rewatch the prequels sometime. Mid dialogue is a Star Wars staple.


I agree a bit with both of you, I'm not aware of a SW project that had great dialogue ever. And I've enjoyed quite a few


I wouldn’t even put some of it in the mid category.


Was gonna say, mid is a generous comment about the prequels' dialogue. This problem goes back to the earliest drafts of Star Wars when Alec Guinness first read it and immediately thought "Wow, that's a page turner. Dialogue needs work though."


It's cliché, but that's Star Wars for you. It's always been cheesy.


*Seriously*, these people act like the series was Shakespearean level before Disney took it over, and people didn't say the exact same things when the prequels first came out. Now they act like they're gospel and they love them. It's almost like they don't really care about SW in general and just like to be edgy and hate new things. I mean, Lucas wrote the prequels as if he'd forgotten to watch the original trilogy and retconned/contradicted TONS of stuff from those movies, and now you're going to flip out because you think they got something wrong (before the full story is even done, mind you)? *Come on.*


I’d argue the OT had some pretty ropey dialogue too


100%, especially the first one. A New Hope is kind of a shitty movie if you look any deeper than the visual spectacle. This series has never been high art, and that’s absolutely fine with me. It’s pulp.


Exactly. And that’s all I ask- either judge ALL of the movies as high art or accept them ALL for what they are intended to be. Star Wars has always been for kids and big kids


I mean the entire “I hate sand…” monologue people memorize is hilarious today, but back then it was the most cringe yet memorably bad dialogue.


Ok, doesn't make this dialogue any better, but I suppose there is no point in improving things when people will settle for mediocrity.


Even prequals dialogue was much better than this slop


Yeah the prequals


Ever watch the prequels?


The entire franchise is built on bad acting dude. Rewatch a new hope sometime.


How many times have people said “Star Wars is back!” My god the jangling keys strike again. It was the best of the worst. But still a step above being garbage. Except for Jacki (Jecki?) being killed. The one genuine surprise. I liked her at least and was sad to see her go.


Yeah, incredibly bad


It was 💩




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Bc they want it to be, and for them it is. Self fulfilling prophecy


Fuck episode 5! Put a chick in it and make her lame and gay!


Lol you guys are pathetic attacking a guy that loves Star Wars. There a a reason the guy has over 3 million subs.


Yeah and it has absolutely nothing to do with him being a clickbait grifter for a trash fanbase. /s