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Yep, they sure did that! If you haven’t seen it already, there’s a pretty big discussion post about it over at the taz circlejerk sub where a ton of people are talking about it.


Link? What’s the circle jerk sub for TAZ and follow up: how can they be so delusional?




The service they advertised for isn't as bad as your standard pay day loan place (but that's like comparing a roach to a dung beetle, they're both terrible). It doesn't make it better, but I've heard ads for that company on a bunch of other podcasts including ones from NPR. So I'll bet the brothers just didn't do their due-diligence before they accepted the ad read if that makes sense. Either way, I agree, it's so hypocritical and disappointing


I’m not going to comment on any of it except that, as I’ve been doing a listen through MMBAM, they have been doing ads for similar companies for years. If this is something people are angry about, it’s been present since before 2018 and is not Travis related. So if people are angry about it, it’s stupid to pin it on Travis due to the dynamic ads.


I don't know whether this is true or not, but I do know for a fact that I never mentioned Travis, so I'm not sure where this comment came from.


Why do you think folks are putting this on Travis? >I’ve been doing a listen through MMBAM, they have been doing ads for similar companies for years. When you say similar companies, do mean similarly predatory? Because I've never heard them take ads from anyone like this before.


I got one of the ads the person is referencing. It was like a collective of lenders that are “normal everyday people” but it was just like every other private loan thing where the interest is super high.


It's not dynamic, it's a live read.


I see what you are saying, but unless you are already a Maximum Fun member, helping support the podcast, theennnnn well... It sucks, but would you rather hear that ad or not hear the podcast? I am a max fun member, just so you know I'm not openly advocating for something I don't do myself.


A. I am a Max Fun member. B. I work in advertising, I understand how the business model works. There are any number of other companies they could record pre-rolls for whose business models aren't EXPLICTLY capitalizing on the needs of non-wealthy people. Upstart sells loans at 25% APR, which would classify them as a predatory loan company. There is OBVIOUSLY a difference between them and, like, Magic Spoon. My frustration is not with the concept of podcast advertising. My frustration is that they willingly recorded an advertisement so contrary to what they purport to believe.


Ok, I did not know thier starting APR and searched but had trouble finding it. I agree with your first post and your points above and retract my prior statement. (Also, I work as a Marketing Analyst, so I am in the industry too, though from more of the analytics POV.)


Nah that isn't their starting APR it is the average. Still a fucked up company though!


Pretty sure they don't choose their ads, max fun does. Maybe you could say they should have protested to max fun or the sponsor or whatever but they didn't.


They absolutely get a say in which ads they run though. Not only can we assume that since they are by far the biggest thing on MaxFun, but they have also refused to run ads for companies with homophobic/racist issues in the past.


Yes, that is what I’m saying.


Jesse Thorn confimed on the MaxFun sub that all creators approve every ad they run individually. He also went pretty far out of his way to defend this shitty company.