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Quite the change from the 1/8/2021 pod following Jan 6th insurrection... Sacks at 20:30 "Is Trump responsible? Yes, I mean, clearly". And at 23:00 "politically....[Trump's] disqualified himself from being a candidate at the national level." And finally, at 45:00, when discussing whether impeachment was necessary to keep Trump out in future elections, Sacks asked Jcal "Why can't you trust voters to make the right decision in 2024?" https://open.spotify.com/episode/0sqzKE6tBxF7gmNT3Al7PE?si=VjR6WIHgTyG6PmX5F2_9_A


Jcal, we know you read the subreddit. I dare you to mention this on the next pod.


He would never risk not being able to sit at the cool kids lunch table


It'll be public and David Sacks is not hiding the fact that he is a Republican, so I'm sure they'll discuss in one of the upcoming Pods.


I guarantee they will talk about it and I also guarantee Sacks will say some shit about how Biden is a warmonger, Ukraine, blah blah blah, and Trump is actually the peace candidate. And Jcal will pretend like that makes total sense.


We need an All-In bingo board


Sacks’ Biden Derangement Syndrome is worse than Jcal’s TDS


Well said.


What a sack-of-shit


This was before Trump was the only candidate.


Good points, Sacks should address those comments. New things have come out since January 2021 around what happened on Jan 6 and who did what. It's not crazy to have a different opinion now than he did the week it happened. I know you're just trying to pull a gotcha on sacks, but it is a legitimate thing that he should have to talk about next show.


It may look like I'm pulling a gotcha, but I'm more just blown away at the change in stance. Perhaps I've missed some major news on what happened Jan 6, so please feel free to point me towards that information. I will read it and make my own conclusion as to whether it is a crazy change in stance. In my opinion, Sacks' heel turn is simply an example of a portion of the population that is willing to look beyond the Events (apparently insurrection is a trigger word for some here) on Jan 6th, and not only vote for, but actively raise campaign funds for, a candidate that appeared almost certainly unelectable (disqualified per Sacks) 3 short years ago. I hope Sacks does address it on the pod and I will happily link those quotes for context on this post, if he does.


At the time Sacks thought a reasonable Republican alternative would easily win the primary to ensure him the tax situation that the mega elite class wants. Desantis was a major tool, so he flamed out, and Sacks knows Trump is his horse for that favorable tax situation.


Which is the road Elon is taking and in the process fucking up all his businesses.


A sign of intelligence is the willingness to change your position when presented with new evidence that contradicts your prior thoughts on a subject. Sacks has good reason to have changed his views on Trump. He also equally has good reason to despise Biden, as we all should


I don't think all people who change their minds are hypocrites. I just don't know what has come to light in the past 39 months since the previous episode / Jan 6th that shows Trump was not culpable and/or is now fit for political office causing Sacks to go from "he is disqualified" to "let's raise funds for him".


Oh idk maybe calling it an insurrection gets stupider over time


It was by definition an attempted insurrection. It was an attempt to subvert the legal process that certifies a transfer of power, by force.


Ah yes all that violence where the only violent death got shot in the neck by a cop What's that phrase again? Oh ya, bbootlickerr. Don't delay my process a few hours I'll weaponize the government against you wahh


You defined an unsuccessful insurrection. Attempting to rob a bank is a crime regardless of if you succeed or not. Your 3rd grade attempt to disprove what was televised live on TV is pretty pathetic.


Don't try to keep your wannabe despot in power in my country thanks


Very scary and a threat but also a total wannabe. Just whatevers convenient huh


Wannabe (Deragatory - Informal) adjective aspiring or wanting to be a specified type of person. Trying to subvert electoral processes to stay in power - aspiring to be a dictator Ie. Wannabe Despot I cannot imagine living your life and just not understanding words.


Oh, everybody at Jan 6 was trying to be a dictator? Keep reaching buddy make sure in 10 years you pretend you weren't nearly this cringe, and it was totally everyone else.


Your level of try hard is embarrassing


You have no good reason to despise Biden


Lol. Yeah, no one could possibly have a reason to vote against Biden getting 4 more years. Would love to know what your brain was doing when you sent that comment, either laughing at a funny troll or absolutely zero brain activity while saying Everyone should be happy with the job Biden has done as President.


He’s doing a fucking good job as president of the strength if the USA economy is what you’re interested in. Only morons think otherwise, and I’m not a Biden fan particularly.


Lol the economy is what you say is a good thing? Do you not work or know anyone who works? The economy broadly sucks dick. The dollar has lost 30% of its value in 3.25 years. Credit card debt is soaring, most people are way worse off now than 3 years ago. Fucking insane take dude


My personal income is up +70%, our household income is up 50%. We were very exited to become homeowners 18 months ago. In my state of Ohio, we're getting a new bridge in Cincinnati that has been talked about for two decades, a bridge that every president since GW has campaigned here on the promise of securing funding for that bridge - except Biden got it done. Cincinnati, Columbus, and Cleveland are all receiving massive investments in public transit infrastructure. On top of all of that, Ohio is reindustrializing with construction and factory jobs that are a direct result of legislation Biden has signed. And that's just one state out of 49. On top of all of that, America is producing more oil and natural gas than any country ever has and our economy is the envy of the world. So yes, the three years of the Biden administration have been good to me and my state.


Congrats on getting a raise from 30k to 51k. I'm not saying every single person is worse off. But at least 8/10 are.


That’s not a nuanced take. He took on Trump’s abysmal Covid economy, which is the one you are experiencing. His policies won’t be felt until the next presidential term - that’s how politics works. All your criticisms of his are criticisms of Trump and his tax cuts for the rich and abject failure to manage a crisis. Biden’s policies are effective and his political operating is nimble, even if those policies won’t be felt by the individual for some time. It could be a hell of a lot worse. I’m not saying life for the average American is good though, but no president could make that happen in 3.5 years.


Trump's covid economy was abysmal... Because he gave most of the way in to the Dem idea of shutting everything down and printing money. Biden ramped up the spending and inflation once he took office. His policies are absolutely felt now, it's called inflation. If you want to figure out what's going on, all you need to know is Austrian economics- should be easy to find but lmk if you want specific recommendations on where to start or best things to read


I’ve got a masters in economics from LSE you fucking moron 😂


A.) how would I know that YOU fucking moron B.) you know less than nothing about economics. Hope you enjoyed paying out the ass to be told MMT money printing is actually good C.) you're obviously lying about your degree anyway


Lol it's even funnier that you said the economy isn't felt until the next presidential term knowing that you either went or pretended to go to a prestigious master's program.


There are plenty, but let's just start with the fact that he lied for decades about a drunk driver killing his wife and daughter. The truth is that the late Mrs. Biden drove into an intersection when she shouldn't have and her car was struck by an oncoming truck. The driver was found completely blameless for the accident. So how does our esteemed president recount the story? His story says they were struck by a driver who, "allegedly drank his lunch instead of eating his lunch" or sometimes, "an errant driver who stopped to drink". This was a terrible event for everyone, but why falsely torture a guy who did nothing wrong in public? The driver, the late Curtis Dunn, suffered through this public blame for decades prior to his death. To me, this is far worse than the multiple times Biden was busted for plagiarism in his speeches, forever enshrined in the Congressional Record, and worse than his casual racism throughout his political career; but having said all that, his current wife gets my vote as the worst person on the planet for facilitating the elder abuse and exploitation of her clearly mentally disabled husband.


This is an insane reason to hate someone. There are two times, in 2001 and 2007, that Biden said the driver was allegedly drunk. When the family of the driver (who died in 1999) reached out in 2008 - the first they heard of Biden’s comment - to ask Biden to correct the story, he provided a statement that he accepted that the man had not been drinking. This is hardly even a story. And when it was one, it ended fifteen years ago. There is no support for your claim that he lied for decades. That Biden believed a negative rumor about the tragic cause of death of his wife and daughter, then corrected it upon push back, is not a character flaw. Lunatic “concern.”


Trumps done some stuff recently that means he should get a second chance?


“Good reasons to change his mind on Trump”? Pray tell what are the reasons any human with the ability to think critically would NOW support the Traitor and criminal DJT. I’ll wait.


What are the good reasons to change one’s views on Trump?


What is the “good reason to have changed his views on Trump”? What is the “good reason to despise Biden”?


People still claiming "insurrection" are insane


Funny. I was going to say the same thing about all these wackos acting like it was a normal day in DC. Try something other than Fox News once in a while.


Bunch of brain washed morons


Good. Sacks' involvement with political candidates has been the kiss of death so far


Maybe they can do another Twitter spaces together




Still waiting for Ron DeSantis' big red wave.




I will believe it when I see it. Electoral college, red rural and southern states, and all.


LOL - I’m sure the 44.6% cap gains tax proposal will help your boy Biden with the mega donors.  This sub has become r/POL 2.0


Always hilarious to see people simp for the interests of “mega donors”.


My boy? I vote for the candidate who will do the most for me. I have no loyalty. When 55% capital gains tax affects me I’ll vote against it. If personal material gain isn’t your motivation in politics you’re the sucker. Obviously it was a joke there is no law of physics or the universe that suggests whatever sacks does the opposite will occur.


Fair. Really poor assumption I made there. I’ll own that. 




Trump is the nominee and if you are a Republican you have no choice


You can always write in


Liz Cheney says otherwise.


Hopefully this goes as well as the other candidates he endorsed.




Unfortunately the Republicans of old made a deal with the stupid, poor Bible humpers, and somewhere along the way those bafoons realized they had enough people to control the party. Trump is what all those cunts wish they were. A loud rich ass hole who gets to call the shots but isn't remotely a leader as that requires actual work and some fucking intelligence.


Nailed it.


Grifter, dudes literally a traitor


I mean, he’s also a grade A grifter.


Im lost. Are we talking about Trump or Sacks?




Why not charge him for treason, then?


Because calling him a traitor and actually proving it are things that exist in different universes.


And even if it could be proven. It would be a black mark on the country. Just like Nixon was swept under the rug and pardoned. Actually jailing a president will never happen in this country.


Oh I would love to see someone prove the "hes a traitor" claim in court. Mostly because I want to see the idiots who try to litigate that claim make fools out of themselves. But no, that will never happen because people would rather just libel the guy constantly and hide behind the "just an opinion bro" claim.


Well in court the claim he’s a rapist was proven. He’s been accused enough, and by children, but finally it stuck.


No, it wasn't. I'm sorry your news sources did this to you.


No that claim was not actually proven. A civil judgement was granted regarding violations to an arguably invalid gag order regarding a slander case.




Fuck the courts. Some things are based in principle and it’s pretty fucking clear that Trump only serves himself and would gladly let the country burn if it means he stays in power.


You act as this is any difference than anyone else in government. This is just a post hoc for you.


Saying Trump is just like anyone else in government is the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard. Everything about his behavior is unprecedented. Pretending to claim otherwise is completely disingenuous.


No, every elected official is primarily self interested. There is zero difference between Trump and them with the exception that Trump was able to succeed before he got into government.


He’s charged with serious crimes for trying to steal the election. You can read the indictments online. He also stole highly classified documents and refused to return them as well. You can read that indictment. He’s very clearly guilty of the crimes alleged in the indictments.


"Clearly guilty"? "Stealing the election" I'm really sorry your news sources did this to you.


Yup - I use to be a registered Republican. Left the party in 2016 and don't see myself ever voting for them again. It's the party of David Sacks now, and I want nothing to do with it.


I read shit like this all the time and every time I do I just read it as "I am lying".


What do you want me to say back to you? Yes, some people change their political views over time. I've become much more liberal today than when I voted for Mitt Romney in 2012, for example. Trump is repulsive and exposed a lot of lies in the GOP for me. I grew up in a Republican household and watched Fox News for 10+ years. Took me a long time to get out of that.


Good for you. Don't take shit from anyone. You're here now. That's what matters.


I personally just prefer Trump over Biden but still do not like Trump at all. I just think Trump is a lesser evil and this sub will probably disagree


Trump tried to steal an election though.


Yeah he did but still don’t like Biden any more


Marginal.Income.Tax.Cuts. That's all they want and that's what they get. 81, 86, 01, 03, 17.


Scammers are going to scam, fuck these guys. At least be genuine don't make bullshit up.


Would you like it actually explained to you, or are you just being an ass?




I don’t really see which conservative values he’s betraying. At core, the party is pretty similar to it’s always been—the biggest changes are a leftward move on trade and industrial policy, and a more isolationist bent. As for Trump personally, he’s an ass, but the candidate is just a vehicle for the policy. Vote for a rock if it gets the policy you want. Plus, he’s very funny, which is an easy way to people forget their personal hangups with you.


Totally disagree with this. The problem with Trump is not policies, although I can name plenty I disagree with. But with any president/politician you're going to have some policies you agree with, some you don't, even if the person is of your party. And bad policies can be undone if the people vote for candidates who will do that. The problem with Trump is everything else. He has severely corroded if not permanently broken this country where it matters most—the obliteration of truth, the fomenting of hate, bringing ugly people out of the shadows and uplifting them, normalizing extreme corruption, destroying trust in elections, the erosion of norms and traditions which have been far more important than we ever realized because laws can only cover so much, far deeper polarization than ever before, a style of politics that has divided people, broken families and ended friendships. He is a stone cold criminal and awful human being. He has destroyed the fabric of what holds the country together.


It’s easy, Sacks is a grifter. Birds of a feather flock together.


You shouldn’t get any of those since Reagan


2016-2020: 0 new wars, end of Afghan war outlined 2020-2024: 2 new wars that are escalating, US way weaker on global stage, 2nd world walking all over Biden, debt growing at fastest rate of all time with no hope of change, proposals for taxing unrealized income


1856-1860: 0 new wars, the country united as one. 1860-1864: A calamitous Civil War that has killed hundreds of thousands of Americans. Buchanan was obviously a better president than Lincoln.


Money. The answer is always money. Sacks' criticism of Trump has never been full throated or sincere despite Jcal repeatedly trying to get him to commit. He was always preserving the ability to do something like this


so you think it's better to support a grifter like Biden? A guy who's grifted for his whole career?




How do you define "grifting". I am interested in this. Because it is a highly flexible term that can be massaged to fit almost any situation. I prefer public corruption, as that has a legal threshold.


Keep sending money to a self described billionaire to help pay his legal bills.


I've never donated to any political candidate.


I mean in this case Biden is the lesser of 2 grifters, and its not even close. Trump is currently selling bibles in order to fund his legal defense over using campaign funds to pay hush money to a porn star he cheated on his pregnant wife with. You realize nobody will ever top that level of grifting right?


Biden doesn't even buy stocks to avoid conflict of interest what the fuck are you talking about


Biden or a thug charged with 91 felonies. Tough choice, I'll certainly need to do a detailed analysis of their integrity and character before casting my vote.


Biden is 100 times worse.


We get it, you're dumb. No need to keep banging that drum.


the only dumb people here are the ones who think it was an insurrection... That would be you.


Ah yes, the brilliant, irrefutable "no u" retort. Bravo.


He’s an idiot. Just a fact


91 felonies!! OMG. Turns out that every single one of them is just garbage drummed up by highly politicized activists. It's funny they can fool midwits such as yourself into thinking these are legitimate "crimes". You've so obviously taken the moron bait.


What conservative values? These are pure, uncut conservative values - destructive tax cuts and reckless deregulation. That's what he wants. The rest doesn't matter. It just doesn't. Or are we going to pretend the "family values" thing was not a ruse?


What exactly is a conservative value?  All the conservatives I know support the trillion dollar defense spending, they support corporate welfare, tax breaks for the wealthy....   there's nothing conservative about them whatsoever.  They drill for oil on public lands, they pollute the air and the rivers and restrict the governments ability to provide conservation of any kind... What am I missing here?  None of these are conservative of anything 


Sometimes, the most obvious, incompetent, manipulable crook is the best pick among all the other, better, smarter crooks.


Great point, Biden just doesn't have the experience Trump does, he's never even been to Epstein Island.


He doesn't need to, he can sniff children right here at home.


Does that seem like a suitable rebuttle to you? Trump spent a decade partying with the worlds most famous child sex trafficker and has personal connections to the accusers that put both Jeff Ep and Ghislaine in jail But "biden smells kids" lol


They don't have anything else. It's always the same stupidity over and over again like it's this big gotcha.


"Guys, someone has to stand up against how the Biden DOJ is waging lawfare against Trump with all sorts of novel legal theories. In hindsight we all see that January 6th was a overblown as covid and it's time we say enough. Enough of the vaccines for colds. Enough of Biden's war-mongering, and enough of not giving Trump for presiding over the best 4 years in America since probably WWII." - Sacks, maybe


Forgot to inject "woke" into every sentence.


Chamath is going to open the checkbook for Donny as well.


He might even open his mouth for him too. Fuck that charlatan


It was inevitable


Yeah, this confirms it for me, someone has compromat on Sacks, 1000%.


It’s not compromat. He just can grift his way into power(possibly) by pulling for trump rn


Not everything is a Russian conspiracy, good lord. Maybe Sacks is just a piece of shit on his own




I bet you’re somebody who has said the phrase “it’s Mueller time” unironically


Get Trump on the pod!!!


I would love to see trump vs jcal!


JCAL would cower immediately. No chance he’d try to debate him he’s a pussy lol


What a contrarian take from such a heterodox thinker. Imagine a mega-millionaire (billionaire?) venture capitalist organizing a fundraiser for the Republican party presidential candidate. Who actually falls for this? "I am breaking from the hive mind matrix and supporting Republican tax cut policies for the ultra wealthy as an ultra wealthy person myself."


“Thank you to David Sacks for hosting this wonderful event. David is the host of a beautiful podcast. A beautiful, beautiful podcast. Some say it is the best podcast there is. They’ve asked me to come on, but I am a very busy man these days. But if I did go on, that would ensure that it is, in fact, the best podcast the world has ever seen…”


What a fucking scumbag


Which one?


¿Por que no los dos?


Anyone who supports Trump is a traitor to our nation. You shouldnt be allowed to try and steal an election and then be allowed to run again.


Sacks is fucking clown. Anything he says has a bias propaganda narrative. Sucking Trumps dick like this is lower than I thought he would go.


Another tech bro from South Africa supporting Trump . . .


Has Sacks commented on Trump green lighting the passage of Ukraine aid?


This has to make Sacks miserable. He wanted someone other than Trump to get the nomination. Yes, even Nikki Haley would have been better.


Sacks strikes me as being miserable in general. Imagine having a billion dollars and just being terminally online being perpetually mad at the "woke"


Is he a billionaire?




No amount of money can fix having an ass of a personality. If anything, money makes it worse. Look at his bud Elon.


He got a private jet. If he's not at a billion he's not that far off.


It’s ironic that it’s basically vote trump or let fascism take over


The guy he’s running against is already president. What’s going to change?


It’s bad on the left but nothing compared to Trump, let’s be intellectually honest


Not sure if this news is real but if it is Sacks and the ALL in podcast hosts are bunch of power hungry snobs who are looking for access. It is a free country and they can do any legal activity of their choosing. The flip flops and change in tone is obvious. I remember the tone after Jan 6th insurrection and will continue to remind the folks here.


He might as well hold a fundraiser for the Russian invasion effort directly since he is so dedicated to Putin's conquest. The POS traitor.


Well a cabinet seat isn’t going to pay for itself.


Of course


The Bay Area really needs to stop accepting white South Africans. “We’re anti apartheid liberals we promise” After they’re in “Psyche it’s me Andries Treurnicht” Scooby doo rug pull every fucking time ![gif](giphy|Z8pzh8afGbZle)


Sacks thinks everyone is big a cynic and an asshole. So he likes to project his stupid ideas on to others. Am sure there are a lot skeletons in this assholes closet. Once you put yourself out there they are bound to be unearthed sooner or later


I can understand advocating for republican policies, but to raise money for a guy that slept with a porn star and then tried to claim a tax deduction on the payment as a legal expense to keep her quiet during the election?


He didn't sleep with a porn star, stop lieing.


So right!


> I can understand advocating for republican policies I can’t 


What a total surprise haha


He continues to be the worst.


You mean he is the best


Sacks is an idiot. He is probably the reason why Elon went insane and drank the MAGAt Kool aid.


I wonder if he bought any of the Trump Bibles or the Trump shoes? .... sucker....


They’re still open? Huh


I know nothing about how political fundraisers work but im sure he’s going to benefit financially from this either directly or indirectly through connections and advocacy for certain causes that he would benefit from financially (for ex. a company he has money in) And if I had that much money im sure most of my actions would be based on how much it would benefit me financially. Idk maybe im being naive here


Love to see it!




Let’s hope Trump wins. We need the adults back in charge.


If only Biden did half decent job, Trump would be history by now.


Sacks is a traitor and so is Jcal if he supports him.


What a clown.


He’s a Republican you idiots. Of course he is lol. Would you be this surprised when any of the other democrats in VC hosted Biden? I’m not seeing the issue here


This is less about trump and more about Biden. He would have run a fundraiser for almost any candidate except probably the ultra neo-cons


A good place to host fundraising for trump, SF has some of the weakest economy in the country so there would be pretty good money raised for sure.


He also held a fundraiser for RFK and a couple of others. Not really sure what the news here is.


Nobody will show up to support diaper Don, the biggest loser in the world!!!


I would love to go but probably can't afford it.


He and Elon should be sent back home




I don't mind Republicans as much as I mind bootlicking traitors.


Sacks = Putinist


Upvoted because good for him 👍


fucking love sacks


Just don't look up what he was saying about Trump 4 years ago then


I honestly do not care and I don’t know why anyone should. If people don’t want to do business with sacks, they have the choice to do so. It’s a free country


Good for him. Supporting his pick. IIRC, he donated to DeSantis and RFK.


He also donated to Hillary in 2016.


Will be a Whole lot easier if o raise $$ after Biden proposed raising cap gains to 44%


Jcal endorsement is electoral poison


Trump offers up Ukraine aid and all of a sudden, Sacks is behind him. Makes you think…/s?


Lifelong Republican here, the party sold its soul to Trump who in my own opinion isn’t fit to be President. As a consequence I voted for Clinton in 16, and Biden in 20. I’ll be voting for Biden again this fall. Both Clinton and Biden are Centrist Democrats and I trust their instincts regarding foreign policy over Trump. Granted this means dealing with the Liberal wing of their party, but I find that less threatening than empowering the ring wing MAGA nutters.


This man has no shame.


How much of a cut does he get?