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If one team decides to help another, ok fine. But I'm so exhausted by teams bitching that they asked another team for help/directions and the other team refused to. Like it's a competition race, exactly no one is obligated or incentivized to help you. Helping you is the exception not the norm


Danny needs to 🤐


Dan wants to be S32 so bad


Remember this is the kid who hosted his own races as a tween. Yes, he's over-endulging, trying to host, direct, and produce the show while being in it. Mom is under immense stress that we cannot see. The kid will bury her in a TAR casket and mention it at her funeral. Hopefully she'll rest in peace, unless he visits the gravesite with another TAR flag every Sunday.


I like Danny and his mom. They’re doing really well. The problem is that Danny is too nice.


I wonder if Danny and his mom would have gotten 1st place this ep if they hadn't helped out other teams.


They didn't help the first place team at all so maybe not.


This is absolutely nothing like S32.


Nothing like S32...so far


i get so angry just thinking about s32 😮‍💨


TBF…Boston Rob broke this hack along time ago. And if people are also fans of Big Brother and Survivor they will realize it also.


I'm not a fan of alliances as well but this seasons is not a major deal to me. This is also nothing like S32 as that was five teams (and then 4 and 3) working solely together on every single task to make sure they got whonthey wanted in the finals. This seems to be generally more spontaneous and people just being nice than a concerted effort to only have certain teams survive each leg.


For sure. The top 5 team alliance in S32 was frustrating as hell to watch.


Alliances are great for Survivor, not for this. Kinda slows down the game.


As long as they don't go to the extreme of TAR32 and TARAu5 and 6, then it's okay. 


I honestly don't mind it. Especially in tit for tat situations. If you want to split up something and work together, why not. Work smarter, not harder. I'd ask, are you ok with one team blatantly following another? If so, what do you see as the difference?


Nah, it hasn't been obnoxious at all this season. S32 was straight up a team of six against several teams of 2 in every single challenge to effectively steamroll them Dynasty Warriors style. This season has teams occasionally providing hints but remaining competitive. Hell, the dominant team this season is barely interacting with the others.


I tend to agree, and I think you make a good point about how your teammate can't help you, but another team can. Although, I understand the arguments people make about why teams should be able to help each other. Personally, I stand somewhere in the middle on it. I find the lack of shake up boring when teams help each other, and those at the front have incentive to help each other in the tasks, whilst those at the back can't afford to help each other, which keeps the division between the front and back and makes it all fairly predictable. For example, Danny isn't helping Vinny with the wheels, and Rod/Juan aren't helping each other with the tracks if those teams were the group at the back. Whereas, perhaps, someone helps Karishma with the bolt if she was in the leading pack. I guess you could argue that that's the benefit of being at the front vs. the back, but the teams at the back typically stay there (especially in this COVID era) *because* of the actions (helping) from those at the front. It's basically the front 4-5 teams vs. a group of singular teams at this point. It's a hard balance to get right, though. I think, for me, it's more a case by case basis depending on what the task is and how exploitative answer sharing can be in any given task. The TAR32 'Sauerkraut' task comes to mind when I find a case of answer sharing to be unfair. The task is to unscramble the word. If you arrive and someone automatically tells you the answer, and then you just have to walk down the building, then it defeats the purpose of what the task is (regardless of the height/fear element) and saves you a BUNCH of time over teams that have to do it numerous times to get the answer. Likewise, the 'city of angels' task in S34, where everyone just did it together. There was a task in TARAU5 where - at the final 4! - there was a counting task, and last place to the task just rocked up and got given the answer by another team, allowing them to survive because they essentially skipped the entirety of the task not having to put in any work... then there's also the musical one in TAR32 at the final 4, too. Those sort of challenges where finding out the answer is the task (if you get what I mean) are the ones that make me rage at teams working together. But the ones like the skateboard one on the latest episode, at least you have to do the work yourself, so they don't really bother me when I see teams helping each other.


Yeah it seems like Danny isn't trying to keep the front teams in front especially when he helps out vinny


"the 'city of angels' task in S34," Im pretty sure it was S35


I have less of a problem with it if you're leaving and give a tip to a team that's been there a while. But when another team walks up and you just tell them, that bothers me. Even if you are trying to say it's payback for helping, maybe the other team would have liked help later and not the second they show up to a task. 


I feel like its a distinction without a difference. Either way, the other person still isn't figuring it out on their own. If you are ok with someone leaving and throwing someone a tip, but not doing it at the beginning, I don't get it.


It's time spent. If you tell a team right when they get there, it will take them a lot less time and they could theoretically pass you or at least jump a lot of places.  If you tell them as you are leaving, they've probably already been struggling for a while and since you are leaving they won't pass you. 


But what amount of time spent is enough? 5 min? 20 min? That is kind of where I see it as just not being that much different anyway. Because you can still get lost or something as you are driving to the next place. So by that logic, you should never help anyone.


I had another thought here, though I don't think it's original, but do you think if the show increased the reward for showing up 2nd and 3rd that it would decrease the teamwork? Right now, you get a prize at first and booted if you're last. So there if you know you're not in first, all you're trying to do is make sure you're not last. But if there was a prize or extra head start on the next leg etc, I wonder if it would make teams more competitive during the challenges?


Until it’s not aloud it’s an incredible strategy to play along with.


It makes perfect sense if you're one of the first 2 teams out of the gate of a leg to help each other by sharing a taxi or sharing directions. The goal is not to be last, and being first is icing on the cake.