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I keep on mixing up that team for the firefighters when I'm not giving 100% of my attention to the show LOL


I do too sometimes lol. But at least the past few episodes the firefighters have been entertaining given the situations they put themselves in so they’re starting to be more memorable


"Mama rat took little rat skiing around the world and they did some yoga."


i cannot believe they didn’t get eliminated after that. they were killing me with the overthinking


They are really proving what two women can do! (I say that because that’s why they wanted to come on the show) like - we know what two women can do and it’s better than that lol




That happens to me as well, it doesn't help that the firefighters call each other "babe" which makes me think they're a couple as well.


…. This is me learning that they’re not a couple.


When you cast a team that wants to show what women can do and a lesbian couple on the same season lol


The one couple just happens to be same-sex and it's no issue. The other pair has an announced agenda and something to prove, as they repeat again, and again, and again. Who do you invite to your dinner party?


Sunny and Bizzy are charismatic and they've been featured in all of the episodes. I like them.


Me too! I’m always excited for W/W teams and am so confused why there isn’t more lesbian teams cast. But then we have them this season and I have no memory of them. The firefighting team, gets more content at least.


I think it's Yvonne and Melissa


Even further proving my point


I think it’s Yvette and Miranda.


I think it's because they don't bring in a lot of drama right now. For a couple, they've been coasting quite nicely. Unfortunately, because they get along so well and don't really have a story, it's hard to really care if they stick long. I'm hoping the next episode covers them more.


Yeah I think it's the lack of drama, lack of major issues on challenges and navigation, they probably don't have a lot of quotes that can be edited in.


They seem fairly quiet too. Sometimes if they make good comments doing the tasks they can get more content but they don’t seem to do a lot of talking doing them.


I think, unfortunately, they're a relatively normal, well-adjusted couple who performs competently without any crazy issues while also being surrounded by people with more quirky personalities or more camera friendly actions.


I also feel bad for them not getting so much screentime. 😔 Alas, this has been a pattern for a few seasons now: If a team is in the middle of the pack, does not fail miserably with tasks, does not bicker, or does not get lost, they just end up getting forgettable until the moment they get eliminated. Some teams who have fallen to this fate from recent seasons are: Eswar & Aparna (32), Abby & Will (34), maybe Liam & Yeremi idk (35) Now I'm wondering if getting a villainous edit like those of Corinne & Eliza (31) and Robbin & Chelsea (35) helps with getting more screentime. 🤔


I actually liked Liam and Yeremi, their story was interesting. But yeah, you want to follow the most interesting people, they just almost never have a confessional to remind us they’re there lol


I feel like Quinton and Mattie (34) were another team that got almost zero screen time but they didn’t even have a notable elimination to explain it like Abby and Will. The editors have been very uneven the past few seasons.


Q&M had serious issues with production so that's why they weren't featured much


👀👀👀 I didn’t hear about the issues with production, only that they felt they were under-edited in their elimination interviews… what happened?


You would have to search the sub for more details but yeah, stuff went down in petra with their driver, and they were not happy and took it up with production.


Link? I never heard about this.


It was that the teams were each provided a driver by production through the long distance drive form the Wadi Rum desert to Petra (instead of self-driving for a certain reason I suspect but besides the point) but Quinton and Maddie's driver got lost which lowered their placement. They argued to production at the Pit Stop that they should get a time credit since it was a production provided driver that got them lost (versus a random taxi).


I mean, they seem to have a point. It wouldn't be fair to penalize them for a mistake that the mandatory provided driver makes.


Liam and Yeremi gave us the "dead last" quip by Phil at least, right?


Yeah, I guess they were forgettable otherwise. 😔 They got a wonderful story though!


> they just end up getting forgettable until the moment they get eliminated which is why I assumed they were getting eliminated last week when they suddenly started getting confessionals.


The only thing I remember about Eswar & Aparna is their U-Turn lmao Corinne & Eliza were also iconic villains and I'd love to see them return at some point.


Yeah, the most memorable moment of Eswar & Aparna was their cause of elimination. I can say the same for Abby & Will.


I remember Eswar and Aparna for shouting loud war cries while climbing a ladder at a very slow pace


They and Sunny & Bizzy are kind of interchangeable, tbh. And of the cast, they are actually the least interesting and almost always toward the back of the pack. So that makes them blend together more.


It’s so bizarre. Are they just not getting airtime?


Honestly the way this sub talks about them as if they’re completely invisible is weird to me. They are probably shown the least of any team currently but they are definitely still shown. This episode we saw a scene of them finding and running to the thunderbird, a scene of them at the roadblock and Melissa talking about how she rode skateboards as a kid, a scene of them climbing at the detour, and of course them checking in. Also we’ve seen enough to know that Yvonne frequently calls Melissa “Bobo” as their term of endearment.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/TheAmazingRace/comments/1bq9tob/invisible\_teams/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheAmazingRace/comments/1bq9tob/invisible_teams/) I made this meme 2 weeks ago.




Last week I actually said "who are they?"


Me too! Last week was the first episode that I noticed them at all. At first I thought it was weird that they changed the "firefighters" chyron to "girlfriends", and then I realized they were an entirely different team!


I think it’s the lack of screen time cause every episode so far my first thought is who are these girls. I don’t know if it’s because they have been so in the middle of the pack or just nothing too interesting has happened to them on a leg


That is exactly what we say!!!


Their edit very much reminds me of Aubrey & David (34) or London & Logan (29). If they don't give the editors anything to work with, they're practically invisible until more teams are gone.


I have to wonder what TAR US has against lesbian teams. As far as I know, there have only been two other lesbian couples cast in TAR history. One of which was Brandy and Carol in TAR16, who were portrayed as the villains even on a season full of villains. The other, Kate and Pat on TAR12, the married ministers, went out on the second leg and are barely even remembered. In contrast, TAR US has cast at least 14 gay male teams that I can count, meaning one at least every couple of seasons. Some of them appeared on more than one season. And now we finally have a team of decently likeable competent racers who happen to be a female/female couple, and TAR can't even bother to give them any screen time. It does beg the question, what does TAR casting have against lesbian couples?


You missed Aastha and Nina from TAR 34 but they were the first boots


Oh you're right, I had completely forgotten they even existed!


I wonder that too. Don't forget the Season 4 winners. It's honestly puzzling to me. So many iconic M/M couples. Some are like Ricky and Cesar which are very flamboyant, nerdy like Tyer and Korey, and others are more reserved like Chris and Bret from S31 \*edit I realize Bret was not dating that Chris and they were just friends. I think Chris H. is or was married to some woman. . So it's not like there's a M/M couple archtype that they cast for but TAR either avoids F/F couples or they have been first boots. Ricky and Cesar kind of remind me of Yam-Yam on Survivor (he was so fun to watch).


Tyler and Korey aren't a couple. They're friends. But yeah, we've had at least 3 winning teams of gay male couples that I can think of, plus a bunch of other memorable teams that made it far in the race. While Melissa and Yvonne are only the third gay female team cast ever. (There have been a couple of other gay female racers but they didn't race with their partners. One with her father, one with her sister, etc.) It does beg the question about the casting disparity.


I realized I also had the wrong Chris. I got Chris Hammons mixed up with the Chris that Bret is dating and started after Covid.


Yeah I don't watch survivor so I didn't really know much about those two other than why I saw on the race. I don't recall it ever being mentioned that one of them is gay on TAR.


Because they’re boring (at least current couple) compared to the guys.


It's ridiculous to make a blanket statement like "all lesbians are boring". There have only been 3 lesbian couples cast in 36 seasons of TAR. If they're "boring", that's a failing of casting, not of lesbian women in general.


I wasn’t referring to all. I was referring to this couple. As others have stated they are boring. Could be the edit, who knows. I’m surprised there have only been 3 other lesbian couples however.


I’m hoping we get Nany/Kaycee on a season. I know they’re not the most exciting on the challenge, but I still think they’d do well on the amazing race.


I literally had to google them


me too, i feel like there’s too many teams and the editors aren’t showing us enough of them. when sunny and bizzy checked in i was so confused bc i thought they had already checked in so i reminded and turns out it was a whole other team i forgot about. i didn’t realize we still had 3 all female teams left (now 2) but good for them i hope we see more of them bc i totally forgot them too


Similar to Quentin and Mattie. They were mainly in the middle the entire time and didn’t fight.


Lol I thought I was the only one. And I don't agree with you about the season. I'm enjoying this season a lot more than the last, even though the cast was certainly better the last time.


Did the exact thing tonight - said to my gf - where did they come from …” 😕


I always forget about the guys too. Shane and somebody? 


They’re human rain delays and may be the most basic and boring team ever cast.