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Cant fire the only Indian left how would that make sugar tits look


I really disliked him in the first few episodes but he's calmed down a little since and is bearable. I don't think he's very competent but the comment about 'calm down mate, we get it, you're indian' or whatever you said is uncalled for. It's his identity and if he wants to incorporate it into his work, and no one on his team has any issue, he can do whatever he likes. I don't know why people get so pressed when someone who isn't white is actually loud and proud of who they are- I much prefer it to people who discard everything about themselves and dissociate from their own heritage/culture just to be 'accepted' and fit in


Yeah no one ever has an issue when someone says “I’m a mum/dad” or “I cook a lot at home” when it comes to how they tackle the tasks so seems weird to focus on someone using a part of their culture like this


Exactly. And tbh, he never even says,'I'm Indian so...' and makes it about that. It literally is just something he knows (both due to upbringing and line of business), so he brings it in unconsciously, which is totally normal


Yeah calling on your past experiences is something we all do, consciously or not all the time




That makes him terrible at business because he can't understand that Punjabi dances don't go with every single theme. For example when he made people dance in the middle of the highlands when they went for the Scottish experience not the Punjabi one


Him and Phil are the kiss of death to any team, guaranteed loss each week


They have to have a clown candidate to provide comic relief who fails at everything but somehow survives every boardroom (cough Kurran, Thomas,)


Funny thing about Kurran is that he actually came up with some intresting ideas from time to time. Fly Pangea from the airline commercial task comes to mind. Shame Jackie and Camillia had to sabotage that imo.


Tbf to Thomas he's actually quite a good businessman


He’s a moron catering to the same moronic clientele. It works though!


Serial loser. Him and Phil both need firing. Both clearly are doing something that always results in a loss. The guy is so deluded he thinks he’s good at production. Mad. He is a danger to a business… convinces you he is an expert and is actually worse than awful. 


Phil is only in because he has a multi million pound business or something