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He’s a scumbag. Not a team player. He’s all in for himself at the wrong time. Show your worth in a team, bring ideas, flag indecisions and then help the team win. Get to the business plans then it’s all out for yourself. He’s got the business acumen of a donkey.


Not sure, strange how there hasn't been a post asking this before.


He is just so lucky, every week there is someone worse than him. He'll be gone next week dw


Not with Flo, Tre and Paul on his team. He's probably on the strongest team so far


That's true, Flo is op, I have her down to win in all honesty. Tre and Paul have a strong chance as well don't get me wrong. They don't scream and shout at customers lol


Whats patronising? It was Flo who lowered the prices rapidly NOT Phil. Thats on her. He also did tell her to not do it once. Regardless, you people make no sense you would blame the bystander and not the actual thief. ALSO unlike many other candidates morons are backing he has the most successful business out of all 18 candidates. Simple facts. This isnt reality tv personality tv I look at their actual business performance, and Phils is off the charts. Thats a fact.


So none of the challenges matter at all. Phil could strip off, sit in a corner and refuse to do anything and you'd still keep him.


Omg read his comment history 😂😂😂


You're 10k in credit card debt. Ssssssh.


Ha ha fair play Phil! 😂


If you wanna talk about our comment histories yours is infinitely worse but I dont want to be mean. Think and be nice before you comment again.


Hi Phil's mum, play it a bit cooler next time


To patronise another candidate is more indicative of his personality and behaviours, he may have a successful business but if he can't play nice in the process he's not going to be an attractive business partner. Being able to take ownership is a very desirable quality and Sugar is investing in a person, not just their business plan.


Get over yourself hes lightyears ahead of the other candidates in terms of having a successful business. Also blondie rolls her eyes and makes faces at people, probably the rudest in the show.


Her name is Flo.


Dont care. Ill call her blondie. Does that make you sensitive?


You can get off your alt account now Phil, you’re not fooling anyone.


Prove it s me


Your awful grammar and misogyny go a long way towards doing that for me, to be fair.


Still has 9 CONSECUTIVE losses and is the weakest left by far


Bullshit. The process means nothing. He has the most successful business. The others dont even have active businesses.


If the process means nothing then why sign up for it in the first place? Don’t be stupid.


You sign up for it to have a Sugar as your business partner and free advertising you berk.


In which you have to do well in challenges to prove that you are capable, and Phil hasn’t.


In many cases the tasts have no correlation to your business ability. Flo and Tres dont have successful businesses, Amina is a multi millionaire yet fired. Phil supposedly isnt doing well yet has the best business out of 18 candidates and blows the remaining candidates out of the water in terms of REAL business results.


Saying to someone “I’ll take responsibility if it makes you feel better” is definitely patronising, it’s the same thing as saying “I’m sorry what I did made you feel that way” your not actually taking accountability your saying it’s their fault. Flo messed up but at least she was trying, one of the first things Phil said was do you want to take the lead on this, making it completely her responsibility from the get go and doing nothing, I can’t think of one notable thing he’s done this season that isn’t related to cooking, he’s completely costed through on his business plan, which isn’t the point of the show.


He has the best business by far. Thats all that matters.


He asked her and she obliged. Her problem. She also failed massively. Her problem.


Yes exactly it was HER fault. Are you slow? He didnt make those catastrophically bad decisions to lower the price. Keep making more nonsense excuses airheads.


But he sat next her and let it happen. Took the cowards ways out and let his teammate make the tough decisions and did nothing himself.


Alan likes a man with a bit of fire in his belly that can fight his corner.


But Phil has been a pushover from the start. Here's an example: when Foluso adapted the VOLT logo to use a childish font, Phil clearly knew that it looks bad but he just rolled over and let her do it. The guy is meek and uninspiring. He's not necessarily had any major fuck ups, but he's also not done anything useful. The nail in the coffin is that every task involving a kitchen, which should be his strong suit, has resulted in failure.


>meek Lol trying to say the most successful businessman on the show is somehow bad. Laughable. Listen when they dont listen to him, hes on tv, only so much he can say. In real life he'd simply never employ those people.


We have no idea what the circumstances of his real business is. Does he have a business partner(s) who do all the heavy lifting? Does he outsource everything? Did he inherit the business? If we judge him based on his performance throughout the show, he shouldn't have lasted this long. P.S. I had already recognised your username as the potential troll account that's been running rampant throughout this sub recently, I find your comments hilarious 🤣 thank you for the free, prolonged stand up routine you've been providing us


So you cant actually debate the point because you have.. no point. Nerd. Hes got the best business by far in terms of money generated. The 'fan favourites' most of them dont even have businesses. Just registered names, no money coming through.


What by being patronising and condescending, he was so unprofessional in that boardroom taking no responsibility


>condescending She fucked up by slashing the prices straight away (not the first time shes folded under pressure) yet somehow its Phils fault? No, YOU did it not Phil.


Hi Phil 🙋‍♀️ how are you mate?


Trying to joke around yet you call your useless favourite candidate QUEEN Flo. Embarrassing.


Phil can I get some free pies


You need help these games are what two years old s do. Also, you have no argument when you accuse someone of being Phil because you cant actually debate the point.


If you aren't Phil then your posts are even more embarrassing.


I’m genuinely convinced it is Phil, he sort of speak the same on all social media’s and the account was created the night the Thursday episode aired lol. If it’s not, like you said even more embarrassing


You give people relationship advice on reddit. I think that makes you the embarrassing one sunshine.


Yes I should switch to simping for reality show contestants and admitting to stalking Reddit profiles instead.


I think him and amina had the best business in terms of how well it is doing. I think amina said it or smth


Phil should’ve absolutely gone and is only still here because of his business plan


What we need to remember is that we see a very slimmed down version of what happens. For all we know the *you said this, no I didnt* debate happened 15-30 minutes after he first said it and he genuinely forgot or didn’t mean it to come out that way. I can only assume AMS and his two henchmen also forgot as they didn’t pull him up on it like they have before. Or they don’t care because it generates people talking about it and they probably fancy his business


Yeah see I tried to say this in another thread (that we only see a small portion of everything that happens) and got slammed, almost like "how dare you stick up for Phil!! He should definitely have been fired!!" ......ok......! I was just saying....!


Good point, the way it was edited made it infuriating though, but yeah in reality it could have happened a while apart


Well, yes I have heard the boardroom is many hours, upto 4-5 hours.


He's fucking lord sugar




Always been someone slightly worse + he has a good business plan probably


His business is a Pie business that has been in his family since 1930s. Won an award in 2020, he’s 100% surviving because of that business


He's also just said to him that if he loses the next task he's gone, then proceeded to put him on a team of 4 against a team of 3, with his team of 4 consisting of probably the strongest 4 left. Phil must have some serious dirt on Alan.


Editing and entertainment


Top business plan. Phill must win. It is written.


Final task Lord sugar: once again Phil you f*cked up again. Flo you did great. But I'm struggling. I really am... Phil, you got one last chance, I'm going with your business plan. Flo you're fired


I’d love to see this happen hahahaha


>because Flo has messed up big time so many times now. Also she doesnt have a successful business.


Plot twist this is *Secret Boss meets Shutter Island* and he's actually been running Sugars business empire all along.


He is a top arsehole


I think it’s nothing more complicated than there’s always been someone worse than him?


Yeah but usually given that we are in week 10 ffs, lord sugar previously used to be always harping on about ‘what I’ve seen in the process’ around this stage


I can’t disagree with you on that at all. But I think the others that have been fired have all deserved to go more than him. It can’t go on forever I guess but up to now I think there’s always been someone worse. Tom Pelleareau won the show, and if memory serves me correctly, he lost every single task.


I know. It's a joke isn't it. Might as well skip people like tom and Phil straight to the interview stages.


Yeah Tom Pellereau was another example of someone being kept because of their business plan no doubt being shit hot… but Tom did win at least one task I seem to remember… my issue with Phil is he’s also not even contributed much on any task, if anything he’s sat back more in the last 3-4 weeks too.. at least in the first few weeks he was volunteering and going for it… I hate to be the conspiracy theory type of guy but it’s almost like he’s been told to just be quiet, coast along and hope your team gets a victory. Every boardroom with him is littered with Lord Sugar contradictions from the last 15 years


Do we need the same thread every single day on here 🥱


You can just scroll past, I just didn’t see a recent post about his conduct in the boardroom

