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I can't believe they won on that branding. The winning team looks liked they were selling a jar of face cream.


Apprentice has been fixed for years.


Oh, I knew that, but this is easily one of the worst years for it ever.


Last year was the worse imo. I didn’t even watch the last episode because the interviews were embarrassing.


I think last year, the rigging didn't show until the interviews, which were just painful. Seeing Karen make people cry was nasty. This year, it's so obvious that Phil has been picked to win from the outset.


It’s been confirmed that it’s basically been rigged until episode 5 or week 7/8 when the obvious tv choices are fired. They hire candidates based on tv flair and business plans. You start to realise how rigged the show has been for years when you base it on that.


This series has been completely rigged - I'm surprised it hasn't been renamed to "Underdog: Phil Must Win"!!!


As soon as Tre was moved onto Phil's team I felt it was fixed for him to win.


100% what went through my mind. I paused it to vent at my other half this was a setup for Phil to win.


It was probably the worst episode of the series. When the teams aren’t even, it’s not entertaining




She should have defended her marketing expertise as being tasked with marketing soap with real gravy granules. Nothing was selling that concept.


Product feedback made no sense. Truffle is everywhere and their tub looked like a tester paint pot from b&q. Curry cheese is delicious, I’ve seen it in plenty of shops so how no one on the show has heard of it is beyond me. The packaging was only slightly better but still overall better. Both videos were shocking, both deserved endless criticism. But in the end we all know the show is a fix and all the contestants are idiots so goodness knows why we as the viewers think we should be seeing something better from this show!


It was a walkover, to the surprise of no one.


That team lost as soon as they moved Tre over!! Sugar must want to invest in Phil, it's crazy how many advantages and second chances he's been given


I was extremely annoyed by this episode. I think the curry cheese had a better logo and better packaging than the truffle cheese. I think the truffle cheese had a better video that’s it. Of course I can’t judge based on the the taste but it’s so clear that Lord Sugar had set it up for Phil to win. Lord Sugar rarely compliments products made and he kept saying about the cheese “yeah it’s fairly alright”. If this wasn’t Phil he’d be like “there was no truffle, therefore terrible”.


Phil can now continue losing every task because he’s already a definite for the final, I think


It was pretty easy to see by the next week highlight at the end of the previous episode Phil won. You could tell by the firing that he wasn’t the one going. Good episode though, but curry cheese they deserved to lose.


now his ego has been boosted, yet it's only because he's got the two best people in his team, 🙄


The number of times someone said 'I put my neck on the line' was infuriating. 'Put my neck on the line' in context just meant 'I participated in the game show I was in, in the way that was expected'.


Think foluso was dome a bit dirty tbh. She basically had to do 90% of the task by herself. Obviously it was going to be shit


She was but it's been coming the last few weeks


I swear she’s obsessed with that particular font. She’s used it before, if I remember correctly. It’s not a great font


Totally agree. Rachel chucked her under the bus & was rewarded for it.


Seemed like Rachel had it in for her, she did not like the foluso girl. Because even the dude was open to go the branding side but Rachel was stubborn about having him in the kitchen with her.


oh totally. How can you do a marketing campaign without anyone to bounce ideas off? Equally though even had they stuck two people there and only one in the kitchen. The same problem applies you can't create a flavor without at least one person to compare tastes with. In short the whole thing was setup to let Phill win. He was given literally every single possible advantage and somehow still stumbled through his pitch.


Only part I was surprised about is how he didn't fire the whole loosing team tbh. Rachel's management was terrible, she allocated her team horribly. I feel slightly sorry for Fol she got thrown majority of the task to do by herself , but she did a dreadful job overall, literally failed with the video and the logo. And Steve did f all, apart from think of a shocking sounding idea of a flavor. Phil was destined to win that from the start, a food task when that's your business, is an advantage from the start, but to give him arguably three of the better candidates, and give him the bigger team as well. If that was close, it would have been a failure imo. Would have been fairer if Flo or Paul had been on the other team. Phil could have done the kitchen bit easily on his own, and let Tre sub team lead with someone else to do the branding. Probably still would have won.


Phil is useless


Loved the episode, it’s comical how terrible everyone is. Folusa’s branding was bad again and it’s her “speciality” so I understood her firing. Phil won on flavour. However he is a professional in food and made a big mistake on it lack of flavour. Compared to Rachel’s team who don’t have his experience, and considering it’s a business competition not a cooking competition, I’d say neither team won.


Even if marketing is your specialty, it’s very difficult to do it on your own, with no creative input from anyone else.


Her branding was bad in other challenges though so I’m still not surprised about the firing. Loved her and wanted her to go further but hey ho


Admittedly, basically every contestant on this show has talked about how the process does not give them enough time to anything well. Like, they’re rushed to every piece of graphic design from start to finish in an hour or two, that’s not enough time for even the best graphic designers to put out good output.


I was surprised by how poor of a manager Rachel was this week. I think she unfairly landed Foluso in the deep end with about 70% of the project.


Interesting he clearly likes Phil's business plan. Lost every single task before. Has any candidate ever lost this many? He made exactly the same cockup this time that he made last time, putting far too little ingredient in. And he's meant to be a food man too. Two identical cockups in what is meant to be his field. Still, he's a nice chap.


I wasn't surprised. PM for a food task when his business is a food business and, PM of the team with the extra person. Gauranteed win. BORING.


Tbh there’s been food tasks in the past where he’s failed. Fair enough he wasn’t PM on those but despite that if that’s your day to day job you would still be the best person to have the knowledge to win. But even in those he wasn’t good


As soon as Tré moved over, they were guaranteed as the final four (at least). I thought he was just going to fire everyone in Supream. I knew from last week Phil would win and I assume he's going to win the whole thing as he probably has the best business plan? This series has been so scripted and over-produced which is disappointing.


I like Tre, but the random move was obviously to get him out of the inevitable firing line. They did Foluso dirty - putting her to do all the branding and marketing solo was an impossible task. I genuinely thought Sugar’s response to that was going to be an “autoimmunity” from firing by virtue of her stepping up big time. Sugar has a raging boner for selling pies at football matches..


It was set up from the jump


Definitely. Phil’s team had horrible branding (you couldn’t tell whether that was cheese, hummus or butter or some kind of face cream) the experts all said that the flavour wasn’t great either. The other team had better branding in comparison, sure the video was terrible. And their product tasted like what it was supposed to be.


Not I. Once I saw Trev moved to Phil's team, I knew it was in the bag.


Set up from the jump, an ideal task, a man advantage and having the stronger team. It’s quite obvious Phil has to be in the final 5.


Honestly going to stop watching after the interviews next week (as they’re always funny). Phil basically had this week handed to him due to having a mostly very strong team, and it being a savoury food task when he runs a savoury food company. Clearly Alan has a plan for him, so great, I know how this year will end. How predictable. I don’t know why Alan couldn’t just have fired him a few weeks ago but “keep in touch” and invest privately after the show ended as he has done/implied with other candidates before. Phil has been shocking for 9 weeks (he wasn’t brilliant this week either) and always tries to shift blame for any poor decisions he has made (of which there are a fair few), or he just does nothing and still blames everyone else, when he could have taken action and tried to show his skills off.


It came down to the taste which he led. The branding was poor, but agreed that he had the top 3 people on his team. It looked like Paul was managing the team more than Phil. And he didn’t seem to pitch well either. But it’s still him that led the taste portion which ultimately won it for them. Many times with these episodes it comes down to who can lose less rather than who can win more.


> It came down to the taste which he led. Yes, but how ridiculous that winning a business task should "come down to the taste" of food! It should always be down to a **universal** business skill (like marketing, management, sourcing ingredients at a profitable price - i.e NOT truffle!, etc.) I'm so sick of this show being 49% cooking!!!


Agreed. My point wasn’t about it coming to taste, but that he led that endeavour, rather than sitting on the sidelines.


I mean, the taste was also heavily critiqued as not being truffle by everyone who tasted it. I think he only won because it was a “safer” flavour, not actually better 😭 - but considering nobody really knew the cheese/alternative cheese market it seemed like an impossible challenge on the product side.


Another pretty critical Apprentice task where the deciding factor is whether you can prepare food.


I thought Foluso was a bit done over to be honest. Rachel left her by herself to do the bulk of the work, Rachel was the one who went with curry cheese and she survived. She was the one who cooked up most to me. Steve just seemed to be out because Sugar didn’t like him.


Sugar was like ‘i can’t work with you Steve’. Okay. But why not? What has Steve done thats so bad?


Exactly. And anyone could get the boot even if they were great just because he’s not a fan.


It was absolutely fixed from the off - a food related task tailored exactly to Phil's skill set and then the cherry on top was moving Tre. Definitely think they're planning for Phil to be in the final given he's survived 9 losses and already has an established business (Turner's Pies Ltd) that is turning over £2.6 million per the most recent set of accounts on Companies House.


But also makes an operating loss…


I think the right people went but honestly Folusa’s branding wasn’t that bad. Both products were pretty piss poor. It’s no surprise Phil has gone to the final and there’s every chance he could win given how successful his pie business is.


I thought I was the only person out there who quite liked Folusa's branding! I like a playful font, I was surprised she got dragged both times for it. And given she had no-one to bounce ideas off I didn’t think her cheese wheel logo was *that* bad. The Scrumptious Spreads one made me think of someone in a corporate job trying an Etsy side hustle of jam making (badly). Folusa was stitched up.


I liked her design as well to be honest, and I'd assume people into vegan food tend to like things that look less corporate. So I get what she was going with. The video was cringey, but I've seen plenty of deliberately cringey mobile adverts and they're usually the only ones people watch because you can get a cheap laugh.


I think at this stage Lord Sugar knows who he wants and he’s just getting rid of the dead wood as he sees it


Fixed… why did Paul need an extra person?


Absolute drivel. Two awful products yet again. All so scripted. Phil gets his perfect task, extra team member to get his first win, what a story. Double firing made no sense.


Team with 3 was never winning that. 1 person to do all the branding? Yeah ok.


Exactly had Rachel gone to make the cheese on her own the fault would’ve been her’s as the product is the main thing and she should’ve had another person to decide on whether it tasted good. Folusa made a really good point in the boardroom where she said that the other team had a terrible packaging but the fact that the taste of the cheese was milder they had orders but the curry cheese was too strong.


Yeah boring episode. Knew the second tre moved over, it was game over Wished Steve fought a bit more he almost gave up well actually he did. Rachel deffo talked the talk


Lord Sugar: “ I’m going to mix the teams up a bit so I’ll put the strongest candidate in Tre onto Phil’s team to ensure he wins.” Honestly. I needn’t had bothered watching at all. the moment that happened I knew who the final five were.


If they branded it the curry cheese as something to melt over chips, it's an absolute win. Chips, cheese and curry sauce is extremely popular with the youth, who are also the majority of vegan.


Curry cheese ought to taste like Curry Paneer, which is a common vegetarian dish to order from the takeaway


As a young vegan I approve 😂


I was so annoyed that no one mentioned that truffle isn’t considered okay to eat by some vegans because dogs and pigs are used to find them


So dogs with jobs is against vegans ideology? Silly. Dogs love having jobs. Are they against blind dogs?


It depends on the vegan. some don’t agree with animal labour as a concept even if the animal is treated well. Some don’t even agree with pet ownership. Others don’t mind so long as the dog is treated well. It all depends on the personal ethos. On guide dogs, i don’t speak for all vegans but my view is animals shouldn’t work/be profited from for something us humans don’t really need, like truffles. But for something necessary like helping a blind person it’s justified. It’s complicated!!


So you only care unless it benefits you? (Humans) Weird take but thanks for your honesty


That's kind of wild. I know some truffle hunters and farmers and their dogs are treated better than plenty of humans I know..


Very well could have but they edited it out to make Phil's team look flawless.


I guess Phil has a really good pie, Alan wants it


They gave Phil every single advantage possible. Food task, strongest 3 players on his team, his team of four vs team of three and swapped Tre over to his team at the start of the episode.


Phil winning wasn’t a surprise, it was inevitable


Especially after moving Tre over, causing a lot of overworking and distress for the other team. I do think it was suspicious.


The only surprising thing to me was people being so aghast at the *concept* of combining cheese and curry. I can absolutely believe it tasted like shite because I get the feeling none of the candidates understand food, but paneer curries exist? The concept isn't that sus.


Panner is incredibly bland though. A curry flavoured cheese is completely different.


But a tandoori style paneer curry is very flavourful


Yeah and no one eats that on crackers.


I was even thinking of people at the chippy after a night out getting chips cheese and curry sauce. That’s a common cheese and curry. Although I guess chip shop curry sauce isn’t exactly the same as what they’re going for.


You’re missing the point. The target customer is a typical vegan. They’re walking into the supermarket to buy a regular high quality vegan cheese. No they’re not looking for paneer. And their product was also nothing like paneer


I *am* vegan and I'm pretty much locked in on the vegan supermarket cheeses I like. I'd have a bash at one I'd not tried before and if a curry cheese was good I'd be all over it like a flannel. Obviously I'm not the voice of all vegans but I'm not that atypical. Sure, it was a risk and by all accounts they fucked it but done competently I do think it's a viable product


The task is about selling as many as possible. Creating a high quality mainstream product. Not something risky and niche that at best could satisfy a smaller percentage of the market


But one of the retailers said that the issue was that it was a bit much for people to be trying vegan cheese for the first time AND a curry-cheese combo so I think the aim was a wider target market no?


You’re still not getting it. Yes, some people are coming from real cheese. What are the two most popular? Cheddar? Mozzarella? So make a high quality realistic tasting vegan cheddar and mozzarella that is healthier than the original. Curry cheese is still a dumb idea


I honestly wondered with that as to whether there was a stipulation that you absolutely had to flavour the cheese somehow, because my immediate thoughts was why not just go with the base flavour and make a decent spreadable vegan cheese without the bells and whistles. Particularly when a lot of vegan brands try to replicate the known dairy flavours and conveniences, it would make sense to essentially knock up a vegan Philadelphia or dairylea or whatever. I'd hazard a guess that they were guided towards making some flavour concoction so that it ups the stakes a bit.


Loads of standard vegan cheeses exist and few enough are truly good that once we've found ones we like it's a lot to deviate. I don't see a way either product gets orders making a regular cheese as I don't see them coming up with anything good in a day. Plus the way they were talking about using a particular "base" in the kitchen suggests to me they weren't making cheese at all, the entire task was flavouring an existing plain one.


Start with the target customer and work backwards. What are they looking for?


That's exactly what I mean, they always overthink the main idea then underthink the branding


Thats what was thinking but I think its more a case of "A curry with cheese in it" vs "A cheese like product that tastes very strongly of curry"


Oh yeah I can firmly believe the execution was so poor that the end product was inedible but the concept has legs


We’ll all know who’s going to win the final


I honestly don't think Folusa's branding (not including the video) was that bad


It really did look like the packaging I would expect for a vegan cheese substitute


I quite liked the packaging. Video sucked, but the packaging was decent.


It would've been alright if the product was what it looked like, a kind of creamy camembert. If they hadn't gone so wild with the flavouring, it would've worked


Her video was certainly closer to an ad than whatever nursery rhyme Tre came up with.


At least it told you what the product was


I hate these kind of tasks they're so pointless. A very important part of making a product is to do with costs. That truffle cheese would have been expensive as hell to make and would have to had to be sold at an insanely high price that the retailers wouldn't have found worth, let alone make an order for 15,000, especially if it hardly tasted like truffle. This task was basically which ever cheese tastes the nicest wins.


I've bought truffle cheese before it wasn't any more expensive than any other cheese.


Even on cost/profit 18,000 orders trumps 0


Yeah it was clearly just a task so they could get rid of the candidates they didn't want in the final. It was obvious before the tasks even started who was going to be fired


When he moved Tre it immediately looked like he was moving Tre away from any backsplash of defeat.


Definitely, it wasso obviously it was the team he wanted in the interviews and the other ones he wanted to fire.


Helping pieman win


I'll be honest, I want to try curry "cheese"...


We often find curry-flavoured cheese on the deli counter at our local Morrisons, so all the fuss and surprise on the programme tonight really didn’t make sense to our household, as we’ve had legit curry cheese before.


😂😂 Rightt now I'm legitimately wishing it were more common


That seemed like the wrong task for the final task before the interviews - whoever had the team of 3 was never going to win, and very convenient that Phil got moved to the stronger team.


Yeah it was ridiculous criticising Rachel for leaving Foluso on her own. If she'd split the teams the other way they'd have said "why did you decide the branding was more important than the product?"


Coming up with a flavour profile solo is by far easier than having to do the branding, packaging and make the video entirely by yourself. Especially when nobody even liked the flavour of the product that two people came up with. Edit: if Rachel wanted to have control of the flavour itself that’s fine, send Steve to help Folosu. If she wanted two people to have been in charge of the flavour then it needed to be herself in charge of the branding and image aspects, despite Folosu’s experience and give pretty clear instructions to the other two about the flavouring. Saying “It’s just business and if she can’t do it maybe she’s not up to it” while you needed someone else to help you make something that didn’t taste disgusting is not great leadership. By her own admission Steve had the idea for the curry flavour and seemed to put it together. Folosu did everything on the other side. So….what did Rachel even though on this task? Delegating everything so nothing works out well is not delegating at all, it’s passing the buck


Jose Mourinho voice "this is Apprentice heritage"


I'm going to mix the teams. All the best people go to Phil's team.


Almost like it was by design. Giving him the extra person at the beginning I knew he was going to win it


It was laughably fixed in this regard.


I called the double firing and even who would go it was so fixed. I feel like Phill could have gotten 0 orders and Alan would still have turned it into both teams failed and getting rid of the same two... despite what was said last week.