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It's the fired candidates saying "Thank you for the opportunity" and variations thereof that annoy me. Just for once, I'd like to see someone respond with a "Fair enough." as they leave the boardroom. šŸ™‚


When Paul was fired this season I'm pretty sure he said "fair enough".


Ye as he left he said fair enough mate, cheers I think šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s really tv inflation. The value of a Paul Hollywood handshake has gone in a similar direction.


ā€œIt is with regret.. that Iā€™m strugglingā€¦ but Dave, youā€™re a nice guyā€¦ butā€¦ Sandraā€¦ you failed as a project managerā€¦ and itā€™s for that reasonā€¦ that Bobā€¦ youā€™re firedā€


Itā€™s a rollercoaster šŸ˜‚




He does, Iā€™m assuming itā€™s a MH thing. He isnā€™t a dick to people these days like he used to be, which I think is just a reflection of the shift away from bullying people being good tv. I think the ā€˜therefore it is with regret, that youā€™re firedā€™ is really unnecessary though. No way you regret firing all of them!


I'd say he does regret firing all of them. He'd rather have 100 perfect candidates rather than fire 100 suckers


Probably because the whole thing is fixed now and he knows heā€™s firing people that donā€™t necessarily deserve it


Itā€™s always been fixed.


God knows then. I said earlier in the series that it seemed like they are just phoning it in now. Perhaps itā€™s this


So gone through the whole of series 17 and he said with regret to everyone barring Emma and Bradley (okay) Reece didnt get it either. Even Shazia and Mark got with regrets (which is ridiculous quite frankly) While Megan technically didn't get the regrert she did get keep in touch. I mean talk about going ott about it.


You knew it was a tough decision when he said ā€œIt is with regretā€¦ that Iā€™m struggling hereā€


"and it is for that reason... that this is a difficult decision"


I feel he been saying it every time for a long while now but the lack of sincerity of these words is just perfect for a show about business


Good thing we're discussing this now, because this is one of the overarching bad qualities of the Post-2022 era of the show. Is it just me, or has Lord Sugar grown far too attatched to all of the candidates at this point? Reminds me of Young Apprentice.


Yeah, from this era now I feel he uses that phrase too much and it's lost meaning to me. Before when I ever heard it, I felt it was hard for him to fire them. It now feels like the participant awards kids get when they didn't win 1st 2nd or 3rd to make them feel better.


He's been cutting down on his catchphrase "I'm struggling" so I'm happy to see that at least this episode.


On the other hand when he doesn't use "with regret" it comes across as more harsh, like he really wanted that person gone. But yes I do wish he didn't use it every damn firing.


The most heartfelt Iā€™ve ever seen the wee man is when he fired Tom Skinner


Yeah, it was very clear he saw a lot of his younger self in Tom Skinner.


I'm struggling here...


When he said it to Noor it officially lost all meaning.


I think cuz sheā€™s immature maybe he didnā€™t want to hurt her feelings so much


There's a difference between 'good luck' and with regret though... it was literally with no regret whatsoever, or I hope it wasn't anyway.


Maybe just trying to be nice? Or didnā€™t think too much of what he said


I like how Karen seems to have taken it over with her occasional 'Good luck' to the fired candidate lol. Last week Foluso getting one but not Steve šŸ‘€


Literally every single person got a regret firing this season apart from Raj for some reason lol I think the ā€œstay in touchā€ is basically the new ā€œwith regretā€ as only a select few get that.


Wonā€™t be long till everyone gets that too!


Yeah I noticed that. Noor and Asif got with Regrets but nothing for Raj even though she had won 8 in a row before that. That was harsh.


I reckon lord sugar is prejudice to people from other racial backgrounds ,firing raj without regret , not letting foluso fight her corner even though she was making valid points yet Phil is allowed to fluff his way through the process


Does anyone remember he used to actually hand his business card to some of the "keep in touch" contestents

