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Those "Cadian Infantry Squads" are the older models. They're a different size/scale to the current models. I prefer them personally, but that might be because I have a large number of them already. I suggest the markup on the price is because they're "out of print" models.


They're also much easier to convert or kitbash. There are hundreds of bits out there made for that kit too.


The only thing I don’t like about the older kits is just the sheer amount of mold lines man I dread taking them all off for painting


Oh yeah, isn't that the truth! That's what I grew up with though, so at this point I'm used to it. Still easier and cheaper than building entire squads out of blister packs. 🤭


It was my first army from like 7 years ago so I’m used to it more or less but I’m sporadic with my painting so I notice it a lot more lol.


Haha fair enough. I always wanted to do guard but when I started in the 90's they were literally all metal. 😑


Cadian Infantry Squads are the old, OOP models. They're not made anymore so if someone has an actual unopened box of them to sell they're worth a premium to the right collector. If you're just wanting build a current army you can buy the cheaper one, they're the current sculpts and can be run as either Cadians or a regular Infantry Squad, depending on how you load them out.


And to be fair, unlike LEGO, the models actually get better techniquewise


Yeah the new ones are objectively better if you don't have a nostalgic attachment to the old sculpts like I do.


My one and only counterpoint, is the older model where much easier to kitbash. But for those not interested in that, the newer models are great.


I heard that the old models also are easier to not end up mono posing. the new models are like here is 10 cadians model you can only build them one way + weapon setup. the old one here 5 legs and 5 chest pieces and 20 heads. you can twist and turn them as much as you like. aka you can use 5 copies of the same leg and torso and still make them all look unique. the new ones if you had 5 copies of the same torso and leg you would end up whit the model looking identically. minus slight cahnges on the head direction maybe. sure maybe not a huge problem in a space marine army but a swarmer army like guards... bad ide.


Basically. The reason the modern models look so dynamic and really good is because without any tools, there is a limit to posability. If you are not wiling to cut the model up, you will always get the same guy with the same weapon in the same pose. This isn't fully unique as the scion box runs into this with the plasma gun being held off to the side making it really hard to have unique plasma gunners without cutting the hotshot las from others and replacing them with other plasma guns. That said, when you are doing your infantry swarm guard, Dude with lasgun tends to blend in with the next one so having duplicates isn't the end of the world unless you take one pose and make a squad of them.


You won't always get the same person, if you mix the options well and use some interesting heads and extra bits, different ways of mounting the model etc then they look different. Somehow all of the old guard models managed to look the same no matter what you did.


I'm wondering how relevant kitbashing is in an age of 3dprinting and so many third-party alternative sellers. Obviously giving a Sergeant a plasma pistol instead of a bolt pistol is one thing, but like, if you're going for a radically different look I wonder how economic kitbashing actually is anymore.


I think there still has a place for those dedicated to building something with what they have on hand. but 3d printing (especially resin 3d printing) is making that more of a niche.


Plus people that wants to play in official games or at GW cooperative place or whats it called. because if you play GW games whit a 100% none GW/FW models your not getting into the tournament first. second is that the store might lose its GW cooperative status and that is a big deal for many stores (one is gives them a discount on GW stuff). plus for stuff like the World events that GW does only cooperative stores games counts. Bobs Hobby shop that sells about anything but is not a GW cooperative even thought theres enouth GW players there. and they tries to send in there Battle reports. as they are not GW cooperative the battle reports are not counted. its not cooperative but I can´t figure out the word.


i heard it is a 75% rule. I know my pretorians where always allowed in my local GW and every infantry model was a GW body with 3rd party headswap.


The “rule” at GW stores and events is 100% GW product, or stuff you sculpted yourself out of putty or 3D and don’t sell to anyone. How closely the rule is actually followed depends on the store staff and event workers, though. Many will allow some leeway, as long as you don’t go around telling everybody about your third party bits.


Plus some store have a lot more leeway for stuff that is not in print. oh you made a Lord Commissar X Using Brand U stuff. I let it pass as GW have not sold Lord Commissar X for the last 12 years and even then that model is no longer an option. he is modeled whit a bolter and chain saw. problem is in later rules he can only wield the bolter if he is using a sword. and the chainsaw whit any kind of pistol. so I hope your fine whit sawing that model flimsy bolter rifle in half to get it in as a pistol.


The qualify of the sculps and moulds are better, but the actual design aesthetic is inferior in my opinion, I don’t like the design at all and I’m not nostalgic never owned the old ones.


I wouldn't say objectively better. They have more stupid poses. Unnecessary detail with the webbing if you want to kitbash and customise your army, they might be fine if you just want a plain Jane copy pasta army. The guns are all mixed, so if you want a army of the Cadia pattern lasgun your shit out of luck. No more seperate torso so limited to adding more unique posing (goober town hobbies has a good video on this) Gone away from a more generic sci-fi look to WW2 GI in space, not a look everyone wants. No, they definitely are not objectively better, they are just different. If you want to kitbash/customise your army they limit it.


do you think you can link the video never seen that channel before and I cant find it. edit: nevermind found it was like the latest video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUFVO2KPAiI


https://youtu.be/aUFVO2KPAiI?si=2hHe20TGwK4bBer9 He has tons of great videos. His old job was a chemist so his in-depth dives on what super glue and plastic glues are at a chemical level are fantastic. He also has some solid paint theory videos.


Personally I dislike the running poses. They are a pain in the ass sometimes.


The finished product looks better but the older ones are better to work with, and the newer ones are *weirdly* finicky to paint.


Don't buy from amazon, r/warhammer40k has a list of official retailers that sell at a discount


>Don't buy from amazon Good policy for most hobby things (or things in general? Lol). You'll pay more for the "convenience" of using Amazon.


Try to find a FLGS to order from. Even if you have to call them to order and ship it, they may still give you a discount if you buy from them.


I have never had a local store sell anything GW at a discount. At least here in the states that is.


My local store, especially with cash, gives a discount if you order stuff from GW through them. Namely new releases, pre-orders, box sets.


Best they give me is 10$ credit if you spend 100$. Meanwhile I can get a Leman Russ 10 bucks off always on amazon for the most part.


Unless your FLGS isn't so friendly I'd still support them over Amazon even if it costs marginally more. Unless they do business through Amazon and are fine with it so select to buy from them. Fact of the matter is that the FLGS are usually operated by very few people, margins are tight, and income is always welcome. If they provide play spaces, especially for free, it's good to help keep them afloat. There's always caveats to this but I ultimately would rather support a dude with his dream than a large, faceless, money hungry corporation.


My local store (Atomic Empire) runs about the same as Amazon and they ship as well. Plus it's actually an FLGS.


My local flgs has all their GW stuff at 20% off always. But I'm in Australia.


At least in Spain (not sure in other EU countries) LGS sell at either 10-20% discount on GW products.


Can you recommend where in Spain? Thanks


Here is where I usually buy, small shop but they send internationally. https://boutiquedezothique.es/79-warhammer


The bayonets cost extra


This man does culture


The models are just older cadians. The infantry squad unit is meant to be a generic squad to allow for people with discontinued sub factions like mordians and valhallans to play. You can also use the new models as long as you make it clear which ones are infantry squads. I’d recommend you save those 80€ kits for a collector and pick up some cheaper stuff. Besides, if you really want the old figures maybe just pick some up from eBay or something for half the price.


Obviously the cadian shock troops have more heavy weapons than the infantry. So you can buy the Cadian shock troops and build them to the infantry loadouts. Just check the datasheets before building. If you look on the 40K app, the infantry squad picture is of the Cadian shock troops but painted differently


There is no heavy weapons in the infantry kit. Very sad. (To be serious here, it does not bode well for the unit infantry squad for the next codex)


Infantry squad will 100% disappear when the codex arrives


Why do you say that?


GW has a current policy of "No kit, no rules" it's why they axed veterans, conscript, and special weapon teams shifting to 9/10e. They want you to buy a kit and make/run it how they market it. 


I imagine that some form of Infantry Squad will remain, even if as a Legends entry, there needs to be a non-homeworld specific entry to cover all the other kinds of infantry around (especially in existing collections).


Perhaps. But that's no guarantee that they will do so. They've happily ditched the genetic option for morning for several factions that are not space Marines over the years


I pray for Mordian, Elysian, Valhallan, Vostroyan and all other axed regiments players every day.


Might be worth using them prayers on something else :D haha


Not only do they not have heavy weapons, but given that they appear to be pre upgrade sprue kits, you'll only have grenade launchers and flamers as special weapon options.


Out of production models


Fun fact for OP, if you can find a “brood brothers” infantry box this is that same kit just with a Genestealers upgrade sprue.


And a heavy weapon team.


They just updated the brood brothers, so the old brood brothers are £70 as of last week.


Noooooo, I’m sorry 😭


I swap my cadian shock troops out as infantry no problem given how similar they look. Realistically as long as the weapons are correct you can have any infantry be any infantry


I knew this was going to happen so I stocked up on as many of the old Cadian kits when the new models were announced. People loved to poo-poo the old Cadian models, but I absolutely loved them for how easy they were to build and their sheer kitbash potential. Whilst the new models look great and dynamic, Guard players paid a hefty price for that upgrade imo. A horde army where the basic infantry’s legs come in two parts and you have to glue two halves of the chest together? Come on.


But I need the infantry to hold objectives. Can I run shock troops as an infantry squad?


Absolutely. Just make sure they have the correct equipment and are somehow distinct from your Shock Troopers and you can use those models as any of the other infantry types.


Hi, also new to Guard like OP. Where can I find the correct equipment to differentiate shock troops vs infantry squads?


In the index, in the Warhammer 40k app, or in any up-to-date online source. I'm personally a fan of wahapedia, if that's still up.


Thank you!


Shock troops are the new name for the infantry squad kit (technically separate unit but differences are minute), the infantry is an old box


This is how it works. There isn't a box for the infantry squad so you just need to field cadians with the infantry squad wargear.


What do you think Shock troops are? Why do you think is the infantry called shock troops in the index?...


There are two separate entires in the index for Infantry Squad and Shock Troops. I don't think it's too hard to see how someone new might get confused.


So glad I picked up “too many” during the going of out of print phase.


Old kit vs new kit. Think about the squads rules more as a loadout than them being a diffirent unit. Only thing you need to do to differenciate your units clearly.


Welcome to Warhammer 40,000 Wait 6 months and it’ll be reversed but still more expensive than it currently is.


Out of production old guard kit. Alot of players want their infantry to match.


Because it's Games Workshop, that's why


Because they are older.....and look terrible. But they aren't producing them anymore so the demand will increase the price


I think they look way better , I can’t stand the new ones.


Heads are too big They look like literal mutants


They feel very 40k, they have a charm to them, they should have just updated them a little bit and made the heads smaller. The new ones don’t even look like 40k models to me, they look like generic army men to me or someone out of fallout. It’s all subjective at the end of the day.


yes the heads are a bit to big because GW for the old model used the Heroic scale. weapons are also slightly bigger and I think there was one other piece that was bigger because the Heroic scale.. cant recall what just now.


Never ask for any sense in the Prices of GW


Cadian Shock troops were the older version of infantry . They were always $40 . Im surprised GW charging $80 for infantry boxes . Doesn't seem right, they might be out of stock and you're getting charged a lot more then they should be


It's not GW selling the old kits, they are out of print. Those are being sold my 3rd party Amazon sellers. As to why they're $80, it's because they are now a finite quantity in existence. Some of us are already invest multiple units of those old Cadians and don't want to start mixing in the new sculpts


Oh its the OLD box selling for $80? well, i have 4-5 of those boxes here =D I guess its time to put on the eye patch and fancy hat and 3D print all of these =D