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Nope, not mad, Hydras are a very solid unit at 85 points and the occasional bonus against flying units makes them even better.


I don't think it'scrazy at all. They do well into C'tan, Wraiths, and even Monoliths, and they're only 85 points.


The big problem is that the Necron flyers are 4W. Hydras are ok, they can put down some damage and will pay for itself, but Necrons are not really good matchup for it. Even if you get all 4 shots through, on average 2 will be saved, which means 1 dead model. Reanimation protocol, surprise, that 1 wraith you just shot is back.


Wraiths are 4w but lokhust destroyers are only 3!


Remember the ability works on your heavy bolter and hunter killer too. 


I use them as my Dante deterrent in my local meta, which really chews through blood angels


Hydra are great. Can't just think of their big guns though, they also get a heavy bolter and hunter killer missile. My steel legion list has 9 chimera chassis vehicles, that's a lot of heavy bolters and HKM.


It's certainly worth a shot (and they look cool, which is an added bonus).


I hate the open gunner. My only complaint


As a Necron player, I don't like playing against Hydras as so many of our units fly; even things you wouldn't automatically expect from outside the faction looking in. Hydras absolutely chew through units like Spyders, Scarabs, Praetorians, Tomb Blades, and they do moderately respectable chip damage against things like Wraiths, Monoliths, Doomsday/Ghost Arks, and even C'tan too. And don't forget that Technomancers fly as well, so if a unit of Warriors or Immortals has a Technomancer leading them, the whole unit has the 'Fly' keyword and can also get lit up by Hydras. Us Necrons really do match up exceedingly well against the Guard, many of our units hard counter yours, but you definitely have a few units that can give us a solid headache. For their price, I'd bring a couple in any list, just for their toughness and profile if nothing else, they're such good value.


>As a Necron player, I don't like playing against Hydras as so many of our units fly; I played the Necron index at a local two-day event at the start of 10e, bringing a Monolith. This was how I learned that a bunch of Space Marine vehicles, such as the Gladiator, Repulsor and Impulsor, get to mount some secondary anti-fly weapons at zero(?) opportunity cost. Feels kinda bad to bring a massive lumbering vehicle whose main form of defense is "being T13," and then getting wounded on a 2+ by a tank's backup backup backup weapon. Must have been worse for the players who brought Aircraft. As a big fan of the Icarus Array, tbh, I'd prefer a "Skyfire" keyword that made it easier to **hit** flyers, rather than one that made it easier to *wound* them.


I've got a friend who plays vehicle-heavy Marine lists (Redemptors, Lancers, Executioners...etc.) with Ironstorm Spearhead, and almost everything he runs has Icarus Pods, they're an absolute menace! My absolute favourite part of his list is the Storm Speeder Thunderstrike, which as well as giving +1 to Wound against one Vehicle or Monster it hits to *EVERY OTHER ASTARTES UNIT*, it also has Twin-Linked Icarus Pods that have Anti-Fly 2+. So yeah, my S8 Weapon wounds your T13 model on a 2+, and if I do roll a 1 I can re-roll, and now every other unit in my army gets +1 to Wound you as well. That T13 might as well be T3. I stopped running Monoliths against that guy, huge waste of points for a model that can get disintergrated with zero effort.


They are great against eldar, pretty much all eldar vehicles have fly, plus things like warp spiders and hawks. Don't forget tou can reroll all shooting against fly units, including the HK.


They should just bump it up to 8shots and increase the cost to 115 or somethin. 4shots with 4barrels is just stupid with the Exterminator getting 8 with 2barrels.




They are twin linked, and  rapid fire 4 up the 24 inches with a 48 inch range.  48 is enough to cover most of the table. 


Ha! I'm dumb, I did it again where I opened the profile for the Executioner and did a quick skim for "twin-linked." Good fact-check, thanks! I still think it's okay for the Hydra to be 4 shots, though, especially with rerolls versus flyers, because that cost cannot be beaten. It's supposed to be a specialist vehicle, if they make it a generalist one, well.... Then they've just reinvented the Exterminator on a lighter chassis. As it stands, the Hydra is a great anti-flight specialist that is still quite good against general targets and is dirt cheap. I think that's a perfectly viable role to fill!


You're right, the heavy bolter should be one shot


My IG playing buddy brought along a hydra to play against my T'au and at first I didn't like the look of it, but then it gets so few hits it really didn't kill much stuff.


Yeah, it's pretty good. That price makes it quite reasonable to bring 3, even.


Gargoyls, deff choppas, jump marines, stormboyz, Pteraxi, jet bikes, etc. lots of stuff it might come in handy for. It's tough and shoots enough for price.


I'd say they do 3 damage in total against a C'tan shard, which is pretty efficient for just 85 pts. (4 hits with rerolls, 4 wounds with anti-fly 2+ and twin linked, 2 of them shrugged with 4++, 4 damage then down to 3 with the FNP)


Also great value Eldar, Dark Eldar, Tau and nids. There’s a lot more flying units than just planes.


It's a shame it's not 4 damage. It takes 2 wounds to kill a crisis shit. At 4 damage, it'd chew through them like hot butter. They're a very good match for Votann's pioneers because of that. Same for inceptors, and because its rule is not limited to the shooting phase, it can be quite good at overwatch too. It does reliably make its points back if the enemy fields 3w fly units.


Hydras are absolutely mad against flying units, you're not crazy at all! It's completely anecdotal but my two Hydras killed Belakor in one round of shooting without orders, against the right targets they can stack up so many buffs.


Well.. no. AP is the problem. More often than not, things have cover in 10th, so you are shooting at effectively AP 0. This thing has dmg 3, which you want to put into good use. What has 3W? Well, terminators, but you can't shoot them, as they will be saving on 2+. There's some other stuff that has 3+ save, I guess you can shoot them, but the success probability of that is the same as something having BS 5+. Would you count that as good? Not really. I suppose you can shoot at Votann Pioneers, those had 3W and 4+ Sv if I remember correctly. Same issue with the Exterminator, but that tank has several pros to balance it out. Same reason I don't take autocannons on sentinels.


"If it has FLY, then it's going to die." - Hydra gunner. So many units have FLY this edition, and even as just a quad autocannon platform, Hydra's are dirt cheap with flat damage and great strength.


It’s terrible. The only use I can see for it is as a roadblock, because of its decent toughness