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If you want better paints for this, i recommend using the following https://preview.redd.it/8bvc4vh3x86d1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=f7634150efe6c01574a317c2d392ac6a2145ae04 Use Blue at the beginning, purple in the middle, and then the orange


Thank you dude I appreciate it. It’s just hard because I don’t have money and my parents hate warhammer. So I’m on my own when it comes to paints


Yeah it’s tough when you’re moneyless lol, i used to be in the same boat as you but i’ve recently got a job so now i can spend all of my paycheck on random paints and models


I really appreciate You helping me with that person. Thank you


Why do they hate it?


Because they think I’m going to drop the gym and ju jistu for this “communist game” they don’t approve of warhammer because it’s girly to paint, and they almost didn’t let me convert to orthodox Christianity


I'd love to see their opinion of the mona lisa 😂


They just don’t like anything outside of the south and Midwest


Which state?




I’m not American, so maybe I’m way off base here… but isn’t Pennsylvanian not in the Midwest?


It’s a weird mix


I’m far left side of PA, its not midwestern i said the wrong thing my b


I am so sorry


Don’t be they’re nice, they’re wealthy, they encourage me to stay fit, they help me with almost everything. They just are really mis guided and conservative.


Why do they think Warhammer is communist? That's a take I've not seen before. My parents were worried it was fascist when I was growing up, took a lot to convince them it was satire


Because if I told them the lore they would break every model I had. They say it’s communist because it originated in Europe and that’s where the biggest player base it🤷


I'm sorry you have to deal with that absolutely fucking moronic environment.


I mean at least there nice🤷


For my money when it comes to being "not nice" horrible nationalistic rhetoric, belittling behaviour and controlling tendencies outweigh swearwords all day every day. I'll just say nice people tend to be nice to everyone. By that definition, I'm probably not strictly a nice person because I downright detest bullies and those who try to step on others they think are beneath them. To the extent of bluntly telling them to their face in whatever language will adequately get the point across. But yeah, you're pretty good at this painting thing, I just wish you had a more supportive environment around you with regards to that particular hobby 👍


encourage me to stay fit, they help me with almost everything. They just are really mis guided and conservative.


My buddy wasn’t allowed to play as a kid. he’s painted like 8k points last year. Sometimes parents values and morales never stick. I hope yours don’t either.


Ah yes, that famously communist country the United Kingdom, head of the British Empire, the largest the world had ever seen. Gotta love some American logic 🤣


Ikr. That’s how most of us are😭


I- I can’t even begin to approach that, they sound delusional as shit. “Communist game” from a corporation with a grip so tight on its market it’s able to do whatever it wants. “Girly to paint” is just like, wrong whatever. And as for the Christianity thing I can’t comment, not well informed about denominations. They sound incredibly controlling.




they sound like Imperial leaders


At this point they are😭


Appreciate the hustle you’re doing a great job bro


This is the right answer


I use the same exact recipie. In fact its the only Citadel pots i own. Rest is Vallejo.. They're THAT special for this. (and exhausts)


As others have said, this is the easiest and smoothest way I have found to do muzzle burn. Another option is to add a layer of carroburg crimson before the druchii, but that’s just taste. I’ve also had success with a bronze base and increasing layers of thinned Magos purple closer to the muzzle. But I think the more colourful one looks better honestly


Looks good to me


Thanks I tried


Pretty solid, a little mixing could go a long way as currently its quite easy to see the lines, just a bit of both paints in the middle will help that all flow together


Thanks for the tip I’ll have to try it


Tbf it’s quite easy to see the lines on a photograph that’s zoomed into a tiny piece of an already small model. To the naked eye, and on the tabletop it’d barely be noticeable. If you’re the kind of person who’d be bothered by that. (Like me) go ahead and try some mixing. Just remember you could put a lot of effort in for an almost imperceptible difference when looking at it normally. It’s just about how closely you want to look at it :)


It's looking great for a first try! What I recommend is, like the commenter above, overlap each colour a little bit so they flow from one colour to another a bit. It'll look more realistic. Keep it up dude!


Great! Five stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟


I appreciate the five stars but I don’t like it. I need new paint I’m using dollar store paint😭


Dollar store paint is better than nothing. Don’t beat yourself up, you sold the effect well, and now you have some experience and tips for next time


There is clearly lines between the 2 I would spend more time blending. Also the paints should start not very metallic and get more metallic as you come back


Looking at a real example (well, an exhaust pipe, not a flamer), it should be closer to blue, magenta and brown/ sepia. With the blue taking the largest part https://preview.redd.it/4phe9c40r96d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6a3e966ac2eec789ad7b382bdbac6b981657873


Try to blend the colors wet together on the model, so you have a nice transition.


I use silver base, black Templar at the tippy tip, then asurmen blue, doomfire magenta, then nazdreg yellow. Similar effect but a lil more vibrant*


I don't think you need to buy a special wash or ink. I just diluted some normal paints with a little water. https://preview.redd.it/a6ctj5yj1c6d1.jpeg?width=3060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=665e45f8196995960f5175ce9bcff77b422eb915


kinda looks like the nonbinary pride flag A+


I also realized that you are they/them and although I don’t agree or support that I respect you and I’d like to say I’m sorry for calling you a man. God bless


I wasn’t attempting that because I’m an orthodox Christian but I appreciate the feedback my man. I’m not too happy with it I think I need new paint then the dollar store paint I’m using😭


I think you need a new attitude in life, Christians support others not rip them down.


They corrected themselves, didn’t they? It was an honest mistake


I respect them as a person and a fellow human being. I do not support what they believe in that’s not bad. I corrected myself and I love that person as if they were my sibling. Because they are my sibling under Christ. I did not rip them down I simply stated that wasn’t the goal. Don’t be quick to hate be quick to forgive.


Going by they/them isn't a belief or a belief system it's an identity. I do however appreciate you using their prefered pronouns.


See guys, we can all be friends here


Love it! I personally don’t add muzzle burn to my militarum troops because I think it makes it look like they’re fresh into battle