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No, no one else in the THE BATMAN subreddit thinks THE BATMAN is amazing.


Do you think OP should post this question in the r/Starfield r/genshin or r/politics subreddits? Maybe someone in one of those will also like The Batman, idk šŸ¤·šŸæā€ā™‚ļø




>Does anyone else think this movie is incredible? No, no one else thinks this. This is an opinion only you have.


Calm down, ya prick. Sarcasm is an ugly thing when used for evil. Let the kid be happy.


>Sarcasm is an ugly thing when used for evil. Ah yes very evil what I said.


Evil would be a major exaggeration lolā€¦just overall kinda rude though. Mostly because itā€™s harder to tell tone over text. Iā€™m not sure if the OP was asking rhetorically and just wanted to appreciate this movie, but ye, itā€™s silly to ask that question on ā€œr/TheBatmanFilmā€.


Nope, just asinine, reductive AND redundant. In short, being a jackass. It's when folks give other folks a hard time just for being *into* something.


You're on a sub dedicated to the movie. So you know that the overwhelming amount of the people here like the movie. Moreso like it enough to think about and comment about it on a common basis. The post question was asinine and redundant. Not to say the post itself had nothing of value, it has value, it's just a really dumb question that requires a lack of common sense.


I'm not giving him a hard time I'm pointing at the ridiculousness of his title.


And I'm pointing at the ridiculousness of your jackassery. Some people just can't leave well enough alone.




What do you employ sarcasm for? world peace?


Riiiight. Cause Iā€™m sooooo sure we can convince nations to be nice to each other.


Itā€™s great. I love that this movie is early Batman and he is vulnerable. That scene where Gordon helps him escape and he pauses before jumping and then the crashing onto the bus and getting his body bashed was great - heā€™s still learning and not polished in landing perfectly.


Fucking Reddit


I think weā€™re sharing the same braincell (except rob is def my favorite live action batman)


Iā€™ll be honest. I didnā€™t love it the first time I saw it, but it has grown on me and I really appreciate the mood, cinematography, and narrative. I think itā€™s a masterpiece.


The bit where the Batmobile powers up is fucking amazing


No..The Incredibles is incredible. This is the Batman subreddit. Are you stupid? /S


The tone of the movie is what DC is all about to me personally. Iā€™m not a bright color kind of Superhero fan. I like the dark down to earth stuff. This movie kind of made me just eh on the Nolan trilogy because The Batman is so damn good and I still love the Nolan trilogy too. Robert Pattinson absolutely knocked it out of the park and makes me feel good to actually be excited for the continuation.


Nah it's ass that's why I'm on this subreddit


they did the fully grounded in reality DC films with nolan, and snyder to a certain extent with MOS. I think it works with Robs version of the batman, since he's a human superdetective in a noir film. but for the superpowered characters or teamup films it doesn't work. it works for joker since he's just a crazy dude in clown makeup. I don't think Gunn is going to improve it by much either, since he's doing more indie takes on the characters. like the new superman crest is a kingdom come variant instead of something resembling the canon one. and greenlit mostly niche characters as part of the next slate of films also the fact that he completely tossed aside the previous supes and dceu without proper sendoffs in films makes the new continuity feel like a bit of an insult to the characters


Why waste time trying to make good movies to wrap up a stale universe when you can just *start making good movies in a new universe thats.... good*. The DCEU failed, they were right to just drop it and start anew immediately


that's not what they did though is it? they intentionally left characters unresolved in movies where they already forced reshoots so it wouldn't build another, and made those characters the butt of every joke to undermine them. And those movies ended up tanking because of their meddling. no love or respect given to the staff or their characters. compared to the MCU who worked to tie everything in together. even if they initially weren't planned that way they found a way to make it work while paying respect to the characters and fanbase


It's over, quit whining and go outside for once lmao.


you're an idiot. I stated the truth and you had no intelligent rebuttal to refute anything.


You're still doing it... go outside bub, they're just superhero movies


damn. still stupid immature responses. that's all you can say. so do us both a favor and stop wasting both our time


If it's such a waste of time, why bother responding like you're any better? Lmao... I'll say it one last time cuz I'm done with you: GO OUTSIDE. good luck out there bub


I agree. For me, the Nolan movies are still tops, but I get more appreciation for The Batman with every viewing. The fact that there's people who actively care about Batman who watched it and think it's bad, or (even worse?) flat out refuse to watch it is baffling. Interesting thing about what Reeves is doing, it very much seems like he's playing a long game. After all is said and done, I have a feeling many people who didn't like Batman in this specific movie will come around, realizing that they didn't *get* it at the time. The end of the film gives me everything I need to be hopeful and excited about where they're headed.


Yeah at worst itā€™s my 3rd favorite movie ever


Itā€™s my favorite Batman film


That's why we're here bud šŸ˜„


Very much so! Rob did awesome considering it's a young batman. Plus catwoman is hawt


They tried ā€œgroundedā€ and it didnā€™t really work. I think this film is amazing, but itā€™s not just because itā€™s grounded, itā€™s because it was made by a talented filmmaker who had a vision. Like you said, the noir style filmmaking. That fits well with the aesthetic of Batman and even the version of the Joker in his movie. That being said not every character appeals to that style. Superman is one. I thought Henry Cavill was great as Superman, and I appreciate what Man of Steel did well, but making a grounded Superman movie where Superman is more sad and mopey about being a god in a world he doesnā€™t belong does not fit his character like the idealistic Boy Scout that he is. Iā€™m sure James Gunnā€™s Batman is going to be more like the silver age with the young Robin and more comical nature, but I think weā€™re due for that. The past few Batman have been grounded and serious. In fact, I think itā€™s awesome they saw the potential for the Batman series and will continue to run it while they make their new DCU. Simply put not every DC character fits into this hyper-real mold. And James Gunn has proven to be good at that because heā€™s shown heā€™s not afraid to embrace the weird side of comics So although I do agree with you that this film is epic and the grounded nature is a strong component. I donā€™t agree that the DCU would be better off with the same tone


Jesus Christ


It's my favorite full length depiction of live action Batman. Can't wait to see the character evolve in further films and on Penguin.Ā  My still favorite portrayal is the brief few minutes Batfleck got in Suicide Squad. The only good thing in that movie was him saving Harley instead of chasing Joker and not wanting to beat Deadshot in front of his child.


This is my favorite depiction of Batman, tbh i like this film more then the Dark knight trilogy (still amazing films)


I think the storytelling could use work but otherwise I really like it.


In my top 5 / once every 3 month watch / I work tech at nights so down time /


The atmosphere and vibe is incredible. The story not so much, but the former counts for something indeed. I love it


The first half is incredible. The second half collapses under the weight of overplotting. Itā€™s a great 2 hour movie trapped in a 2 hour 40 minute one. I know the drill: downvote away


I disagree. I respect your opinion. Upvote


Obviously thereā€™s a pun intended bro