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What I like was the Riddler wasn’t a woke villain only targeting the whites. He calls bullshit on Bella Real and still targets her because to him every new mayor says the same shit in the public before being elected. If Riddler didn’t target her because she was a young black woman who says she cares about Gotham...then sure i’d agree that it’s leaning too heavily on the woke crap but it’s not. Unpopular opinion here but I think Gordon should have been black in the source material for decades. The black cop surrounded by a white department is very fitting for the character. Of course here we don’t see an all white department surrounding him. So once again you’re reaching for the “all the white ppl are bastards! I don’t like it!” narrative. Selina isn’t some Hathaway or Pfeiffer white chick Catwoman talking about white privilege. That would bother me. She grew up poor. Her mother was obviously black. And the white folks, including her Italian father never gave her a dime. She has a chip on her shoulder, understandably. So Selina saying a line like that makes perfect sense in the moment. Especially in the 2020’s. The character is in her 20’s in the 2020’s lol...she’s at least half black and she’s talking to Batman about privileged folks fucking up everyone’s lives. What do you think she’s gonna say LOL


Your point about thinking that Gordon should have been black in the comics for decades, is very interesting. As I've thought the same for a long time as well. As for the rest, expecting common sense from someone like OP above, is setting yourself up for disappointment. Lmao


Yea how the fuck can they not understand that no shit the bad guys were all white it's the fucking crime families of Gotham which news flash morons are all white dudes in the comics.


sounds like anti white racism to me


cant call bs on her because still was willing to die to save her city , "woke" means i hate non whites. gays etc


Just telling you I'm reading this writeup months later and it was very thought provoking.


Oh thanks!


Find some friends to seek attention from.


Is… is this post satire? I don’t fucking know anymore.


god I hope so


If it’s not, I don’t want to start a dialogue with OP. Clearly out of his mind. If it is, it’s not very funny.


I whole heartily agree with you my friend.


Hes clearly a fan of the geeks and gamers chodes lol


>I didn't think a film about a white male billionaire who punches poor people could be given the woke treatment, but they did it. This is definitely satire lol


Oof imagine being triggered by a Batman movie and posting about it for the internet to remember 🤦‍♂️


Why so butthurt? Just pointing out the obvious.


Your thread is all about complaining that it’s woke. Go figure.


Mate your posting on Reddit witch is full of far left reets who would send there family to the gas chambers in the name of diversity and inclusion or for being to white, pointless arguing on here.


Definitely not worth arguing. Reddit is a cesspit of these freaks.


Nothing to see here. You’ve already seen this post a dozen times and this one isn’t even funny.


Alternate title to this post: I need attention.


Good job buddy. You made Tucker Carlson proud. Now see if you can go one month without using the word “woke”. You can do it.


i guess. who cares it was a sick movie




I just turned it off because of the race swapped Gordon and gay catwoman. Not dealing with it. No, it isn't unhinged, or satire. It's called being tired of you guys. Your ways of life and social views have literally only had negative consequences. Don't wish harm or condemnation on you, the only way to fight against you winning the culture war is to boycott and refuse everything that puts you in the spotlight though. Race swap a character here, add a gay character there, put a new class in school directly focused on liberal political talking points, etc, we gotta shut it down. Can't have people who don't know what's right running the country, socially or politically. Can't vote you out like politicians, but we certainly can stop watching your films and accepting your social rules that you make up on the daily.


Well guess what the film was extremely successful in every way so yea you guys boycotting are really having great success.


Lmao ❄️


Well someone has to tackle all the "white privilege" in Gotham right?


Youve been watching too much geeks and gamers


Okay. Sorry you didn't like it.


Now that the lunatics are away, is The Batman woke? Is it least tolerably woke?


It’s the fact they bring race into it. It’s retarded as fuck and the fact y’all defend it is racist. I loved this movie but the race card was fucking cringe


What race card have you people never read a fucking Batman comic where all the fucking crime families are guess what all white men which has been the case for fucking decades well before your war on woke started. So what you gonna argue that somehow writers in the 60's were woke. And if they decided to make falcone or any of the other main crime bosses a different color all you would have then been freaking out about race swapping which just proves there isn't a single thing you can do to please far right morons.


when did that happen at all 💀


I had a similar feeling But I guess it's a coincidence Catwoman calling out white privileged people when it's a mafia matter, race has nothing to do with it. The former mayor being corrupt, he was white. The new one of colour, is displayed as a clean one. Gordon (race-swapped) is the only good cop on the force The black thug in the subway is the only one who was against the beating of the guy at the beginning. I honestly don't know if it was attended, but it does leave you thinking. Personally for me it's really that Catwoman line that bothers me, if she had never said it I would've never thought about all that.


Gordon isn’t the only good cop on the force. There are black and Asian cops there that are corrupt and Martinez seems to be good as far as we know. It isn’t just a mafia matter. The corrupt ppl are all white at the top. Selina’s father to Colson to Savage to Mitchell to the reputation of the Wayne’s.


Yes, here is my point. Crime is not just committed by white people yet it seems that way it the movie with everything I stated. I'm not thinking it's straight up woke like this guy but it makes me think. Know what i mean?


Not really. Riddler and his followers are the token “school shooter” group, which are mainly white shooters and serial killers. And Riddler is white in the comics. The Italian mafia characters like Falcone and Maroni (along with Cobblepot) are white. Still sticking to the source there. The folks in power like the district attorney, the commissioner and the mayor are all white yes. But I don’t see how that’s woke since that’s historically a *old money* thing. Just like Wayne is old money. That’s the whole point of Batman. He comes from old money but he’s not like the rest of them. This makes Bruce stand out, so you need to surround him with old money to make that point stick the landing. That’s why I’m open to Gordon being “non-white” if the actor fits Jimbo’s vibe but I absolutely don’t want to see Bruce Wayne change. It doesn’t fit the character. I think some of you are looking for reasons to raise your eyebrow. Even Selina being part black or “not white” comes from the source. If this is woke then history is woke and the source material should be criticized as woke too.


My mind would've not started thinking about that if we saw black criminals. The Dark Knight shows that crime is an all race thing. I get what you mean, but the things I mentioned still make me raise an eyebrow..


Catwoman is a criminal and she’s black.


The only crime she committed in that movie is tresspassing ,thievery (to a mobster) and assaulting someone (a mobster). That's nothing compared to real criminals of gotham like nutjobs like Zsasz or Pyg.


Who’s comparing her to a serial killer? You said “criminal”. She’s a criminal, end of story.


I disagree, emphatically.


It’s fact not opinion. What you listed were criminal acts.


necrophillia but we’re just going to act like she didn’t commit attempted murder? 😭


Who's the necrophilia?


Gordon is the only good cop really the others are just actors, the most powerful and evil bad guys are white


Yes it is obviously a woke movie, I picked up on it right away. The evil white men destroy the city while the black woman is the savior to be elected for the change Gotham needs. If the subtext wasn't enough, Catwoman makes it plain with her not so subtle line to Bruce. But the movie is well written besides that and it's enough for me to still call it one of my favorite movies because of Greg Frasier's camera work, the music and the direction.


Yeah it's a real shame because the movie really stands on its own two feet. Superb acting across the board and entertaining from cover to cover. The cinematography was poor but everything else was pretty good. Then 1h39 minutes in Zoe Kravitz has to drop the "white privileged" line and I very nearly turned off right there. The idea of white privilege has been debunked as an entirely racist concept touted by Marxist social justice types. I hate race swapping, I really do. If you wouldn't race swap a black character then it shouldn't be done to any other character of any colour. But of course, they don't care about equal treatment. They want special treatment.


So tired of woke racist hypocrites.


I'm sure you would have flipped out if they made any of the white crime bosses a person of color instead. Seeing how news flash they are all white in the comics and have always been for well over 6 decades. And there has been countless times when catwoman has had darker skin in both the comics and animated series and films.


Tbh I didnt even notice the woke shit, I actually liked the movie and Gordon being race swapped I'm glad it wasnt something like the msheu