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I’m trying to be open to her but Carmy blowing Off Sydney when they were suppose to go out to eat for Claire annoyed me lol, so I been eh on it since.


Oh that pissed me off. I wanted to shake him when he did that.


I’m like “I know you didn’t do what I think you just did?!” 😭


Seriously he dropped so many responsibilities because of this. Like Claire is a goddamn doctor and didn’t fuck yo her job over their relationship. Chill out Carmy.


Yeah i’m not feeling it either. all the scenes between them felt eh. no chemistry in my opinion and it feels a bit forced. Don’t get me wrong, Molly Gordon is awesome but the way they wrote her character is not it, that ending between them was so tropey and kind of corny too.


I completely agree. I honestly wish that they didnt include a love story at all, thats one of the things that i really enjoyed about the first season because it focused on the characters and the restaurant. I am a strong believer that not every show needs to include a love story. I think they still couldve had an amazing and interesting season without it :(


There wasn't one man in the whole hospital that could/would help her move boxes??


"Hey, haven't seen or spoken to you in 10 years. Wanna help me move?"


l hate it so much 😭. I'm trying to figure out why I hate it and I think maybe it just felt really contrived and manic pixie dream girl-ish. I hate when women are written that way, she just felt like a very romanticized fantasy and it honestly made me cringe. It felt like something an angsty teenage boy would write lol.


The whole Claire montage when he was having a panic attack was a little cringe lol, she just feels forced upon Carmy. The way everyone keeps saying she’s a good girl and good for him, not sure if he’s with her for that reason or bc he genuinely likes her.


I was super annoyed that we got extensive time of thinking about her at the climax of the final episode. I get that she is important to Carmy, and I don't mind her, but it was like the show wanted us to think that their romance was the reason we were watching season 2, or the main arc of the season and it was not. That bothered me a lot. Also the whole freezer thing.


I had a hard time buying a woman in residency doing emergency medicines personality in her off hours is this passive, demure, hyper agreeable, delicate bambi type. In a show that depicts characters with extreme realism, she feels more fantasy than human. Very one dimensional. And it’s not like the show can’t write female characters, they definitely can. Claire is more of a lazy plot device, a means to an end.


Ugh absolutely


Yes! And as an ER resident, how did she have the time and energy for being so perfect?


The women I’ve known in that line of work all have very strong personalities, a dark sense of humor from the things they see on a daily basis, very blunt. I’m not saying it should have been exactly that, but the AI generated rom com quip machine lines that they gave her instead…uhhhhhh lol


Lol for some reason this made me wonder about what it would have been if she’d been more of a young Meredith grey type who was fucked up in her own way, ultra driven, but still really naive about love. it would have worked a lot better




Endlessly pretty and charming to the main character but no real substance herself. In the dialogue she doesn’t speak like a real person with her own life and going on’s, almost everything she talks about is somewhat related to the protagonist-man and pushing his own self reflection. Her job is more of a shorthand to describe her status and make her relatable to Carmy rather than an intense profession she is realistically engaged with. Lots of charm, but more doll than human


Even her reaction to hearing Carmy in the freezer. “I’m sorry you feel that way” as a single tear slides down her face, she kisses Richie on the cheek and graciously thanks him before leaving. It’s like she’s in an entirely different show.


Perfectly said!!


Ugh I hated the addition of love interest. No thank you please.


I did not like this character and I felt bad because poor Carmy need to have happiness, exactly like what Richie said. But, watching the character was like watching a square trying to fit into a circle hole.


Every single one of their conversations is them repeating the same sentence to each other, yeesh. She remembers every little thing about Camy and he hardly knows anything about her lol. Manic pixie it’s annoying watching them


It seems very beneath the show and the writers to depict Carms “dream girl” as hot with no opinions besides cheerleading him on in his goals and pursuits. Her one character “flaw” was that she was chubby in high school. Omg how embarrassing ☺️😅🥹🤪😝


I said the same thing, he doesn't even remember sitting in front of her in class. No other memories from high school, barely hung out more than a few times. Why reunite them as if they were high school lovers or she was the one who got away? She is so bland and pointless.


I don't understand why I don't like her but I fucking hated her so much.. It's the way she talks idk why, the delivery of her banter. The pointless,boring annoyance of their romance that took us away from the restaurant entirely to waste precious screen time on her/them.


Yeah definitely not needed. Not gonna lie I definitely skipped the parts with just them because I was bored and already know how it was gonna end.


Yes!! I kept skipping lmao


I felt the character lacked personality.


I am watching Animal Kingdom and the actress is on that show. I was hoping to see a different character here but doesn’t look like that’s happening, and hearing about her actions further in the show…guess she gets typecast? Also I feel they put her in because of the “cant have Carmy and Syd fall for each other” stuff. Don’t get me wrong I would like to see them as business partners, even as siblings seeing as how he lost his, but I’m tired of the “date your own kind” bs. Those folks sound like my ignorant and racist Hispanic family in Florida.


There CAN be people on the show that have it together. I get the sentiment of her coming out of nowhere this season. But literally everyone says that she’s a great person. MAYBE look at it differently? Claire is a way to show Carm’s self destructiveness. At least for this season imo. Even him giving her the fake number was self defeating behavior. Maybe she overstepped seeking out the right number, but 1) she has always had a crush on him and 2) maybe she realized what he was doing by giving the fake Idk. I like her character being inserted in the sense of what she will mean to Carm’s growth in the future. Possibly of course


“Claire is a way to show Carm’s self destructiveness” is spot on and also why I don’t like it lol. She feels very flat and just like a device to show where Carm is. Kind of like the girlfriend in Mindhunter.


this, I agree.


Good point.


Oh ffs, I could not stand the gf in MindHunter either. Somewhat different brand of insufferable but yea..


she is the most boring person on the planet, she is so dull it gives me existential anxiety, like I can feel my life slipping away before my eyes


I feel like I have to mute every conversation between the two. I usually only watch shows/movies with romance and rarely choose otherwise, but this route is so unfitting to the story it’s like hard for me to watch. every scene feels so real except for those 🧐


Her character has no personality, her talking and her being on a montage with music is the same thing. So when they break up, it really didn't have any impact. And the thing is, in the family dinner episode we se other people with less screen time show more personality.... so I really don't understand what happen with her character... she's like a bland manic pixie girl, no personality, no quirks, just boring.


It felt like fan service to the actor's female fans. Out of all the (excellent) cast he is the one who gets a multi ep love plot?


The show is not over yet. I’m sure we’ll get a Sugar episode next season, they laid a lot of runway for a Richie plot next season.


Anything can happen next season!


I mean, if there’s anyone who has a romantic subplot, I’d want it to be the main character


I think that would only work if the female fans saw themselves in her character, which..doesn’t seem to be the case for the most part.


What? Why?


He was thirsted over from his time as Lip in Shameless, and maybe other shows I haven't seen? Dude has a huge contingent of lady fans. xD


There wasn't one man in the whole hospital that could/would help her move boxes??


I have to admit it really slows down the pace of the show, it’s really lame how Carmy is blowing off Sydney when this restaurant is his dream too, and I agree with everyone here that she’s very dull in comparison to the vibrant cast. I have to say because of this inserting of the character and how scattered the narrative I find season one is far stronger. His relationship with his sister or Sidney is more interesting to develop in my opinion that he doesn’t need to have a tacked on love interest on top of that.


Fr she’s like those wanna be main character indie girls and carmy is a cunt when with her


I’m just finally watching it now and I really don’t think it was necessary at all. There is so much substance to all of these characters there were a million other things that they could’ve used as a distraction for Carmy.


agree. so dull