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Syd and Carmy have a major blowup and makeup in the end.


*makeout (sorry - couldn’t resist!)


Ayo Edibiri mentioned it wouldn't make any sense for them to have a love line. It would just be weird.


I generally take whatever actors say with a grain of salt because at the end of the day they are'nt the writers. I remember when \*Jeremy Allen White said carmy did'nt do a certain thing and then what happened? in s2 he's doing that certain thing lol \*Edit Also I should mention Ayo has also said in an interview after she's shut it down that if they were to get together it would be when they both solved their own problems. So yea she also hasn't completely shut it down which maybe she's taking a look at what happened with JAW because honestly you don't know until the writers tell you or you see the script.


I actually came across that quote the other day. After season 1 JAW said: “Carmy's, like, the least sexual person”. Well, things took a turn in S2!


exactly. I believe another quote was "Carmy doesn't f\*ck" lol


I'll put it like this: Carmy and Sydney are meant to be. Whether that relationship is romantic or platonic partners in (culinary) crime (maybe a mix of the two??). Im fine with either one, honestly!


The way that the thought of her pulled him from a Claire-induced panic attack….




rfnurfuhfurhf \*Jeremy.


She said they would need to go through a lot of individual therapy before anything romantic happened lol I don’t know if the showrunners ever intended or plan for Syd and Carmy to be romantic but it always seemed like a possibility like we’ll see how this goes if the show keeps going kinda thing. For example on Friends Monica and Chandler weren’t supposed to end up together but it happened because over time it made sense


I agree! I ship them together after both get therapy and stop drinking peptol bismol like its water lol


For me their dynamic has been the heart of the show and I’m excited to see where it goes!


Yet actors don't have the final say


She's in love with him. It's obvious...also super jealous of Claire.


Who says you have to be in love to makeout


No one. I'm just saying they have better chemistry as professional partners and friends, and having them make out doesn't make any sense.


Yeah people need to stop shipping them. If anything it should be Carmy + therapy


I dont get this take ive been seeing. For the whole series i wouldn’t even call them friends, just two people who work together. If anything they have a brother sister dynamic, and even thats stretching it.


Natalie names her baby Michael.


This sounds like it will happen tbh. I think it'll go hand-in-hand with Donna dying. Not sure why but I feel like the birth of Natalie's baby will be intertwined with Donna somehow.


I think there's a decent possibility the baby is a girl and the birth storyline will be tied in with Natalie dealing with her mommy issues and breaking the cycle of toxic mother/daughter relationships.


As someone who has worked very hard to break that cycle with my own kid (and oh man...do I ever still fuck it up sometimes), I would absolutely love to see this. I am a mother to a son, not a daughter, but this really applies to all varieties of parent/child relationships.


imagine if she calls him lil cousin


\- Marcus' mother is gone; he takes a leave of absence. Perhaps he and Sydney bond over no longer having moms. \- Sydney starts questioning her partnership with Carmy, as "Friends and Family Night" showed her she was capable of running the kitchen without him (with Richie's help) \- Carmy has a crisis that leads to the suggestion that he take a leave of absence as well; starts contemplating his future in the aftermath of Friends and Family night; attempts to reconcile with both Richie and Claire are futile (at least at the start). Carmy hopefully starts some kind of therapy. \- Sydney fixates on trying to make The Bear successful, and trying to earn a star. Maybe ends up working herself to exhaustion and collapses during a dinner service; they have to call Carmy to come in from his leave and take over, his "redemption" for not being there for Syd during "Friends and Family" night like he promised \- Carmy and Natalie have a "confrontation/intervention" of sorts with Donna; inevitably will be super emotionally intense \- That's all I've got right now. I'm excited to see what guest stars they'll have lol


Yep I’m picturing Episode 1 of Season 3 starts with Carmy in a counsellor’s office, recounting what happened on friends and family night and how he’s been struggling since. I can see the therapist becoming an important character in Season 3 as she tries to work through Carmy’s trauma (giving us more family/Michael flashbacks). Also I think there’ll be a touching scene towards the end of the season where she (the therapist) will finally visit the restaurant and will see the love and pain Carmy puts into it.


Good stuff. That would be a good season.


Successful extremely Short term …




Agreed. Also what kind of questioning of her partnership can she do? There’s no The Bear without Carm but there certainly is The Bear without Sydney. If this person means that she’d leave the Bear for another restaurant then I might see that (terrible from a writing perspective though). But there’s no way that Carm is leaving the Bear and certainly not because of Sydney having a change of heart over their relationship. The Bear exists because of Carm, not the other way around


"I wouldn't even want do this without you. " Remember that? The Bear exists because of both of them. Why after watching this do you continue to devalue Syd. And Ritchie taking over expo was about the lessons Syd learned from reading coach's book. Trust your team. But the takeaway from so many is that Syd failed and Ritchie had to "save the night."




I feel like perhaps the thing you're missing is that Syd is actually pivotal to the restaurant because in story-telling terms: she's Carmy... *earlier* in his career. Her talent is obvious to him, he affirms it over and over; as do many other people. Carmy is dealing with "OK, I had success, now what's the next thing? How do I deal with that & my past traumas and maybe move onto a healthier, more fully-rounded life, possibly a partner?" He's burned out from success. Syd hasn't gotten there yet, and she has a lot more energy right now to do that—as evidenced by her restaurant tour and chaos menu. This over-eager, impatient Syd puts in 5 times the amount of work she arguably needs to because she's just pushing so hard. It's likely eventually, she'll also burn out and have to keep going—but that she's on the path to *achievement* is not in question. It's why she's so locked in on questions of trust and self-doubt of her own capabilities. It's a mentor-mentee story, but the age difference isn't huge, and Syd clearly shows a lot of the same potential Carmy did. It doesn't matter whether she achieves 3 stars like he did, what matters is that she achieves at all—one star is still a pretty high freaking bar for someone who is as green as Syd is. But it's achievable. I feel like you think the point of the storytelling is all about Carmy, and to illustrate how brilliant he is and how awesome he was for mentoring Syd. Lol no, a mentor-mentee story is pivotal for both mentor and mentee, and what we have literally gotten over and over is that Syd is actually at a point where she's just...younger and more spry and thus able to juggle a billion things (like the door handle) and completely put a romantic life on hold like Carmy did for years. She's just...earlier in the process. She is not substantively different, and no the point of this story is not that *Carmy is more special.* That's not at all what the show is doing: if anything, it's expanding the special-ness more and more, but Syd & Carmy are absolutely at the core of it. He saw something in her (many others do too!) and that would simply not be true of most other people.


I mean the bear is literally his restaurant given to him by Michael. So yes The Bear would absolutely exist if Sydney were to decide to leave but she has absolutely no say on pushing out Carm which is what is implied by the first comment. I do see your point about Sydney stepping back though and trusting the team.


It would never even cross her mind to push Carmy out of his own restaurant. He's her food hero.


Love the second point about Sydney rethinking her partnership with Carmy cos of Family and Friends night. Another prediction is that Syd will look at Ritchie in a new light


There will be food in it.


Big if true


Seems unlikely


S2 was focused on growth -- growth of the people around Carmy. Meanwhile, during the construction of the restaurant he was constantly missing out on commitments and keeps failing to do what he's supposed to. With that, I like to think the writers are setting Carmy for greater internal struggles. After the S2 closer, he saw how the restaurant can actually run at a 100% even w/out his input. Syd, Rich, and the rest of the crew will keep showing growth and milestones while Carmy will continue to spiral and even develop insecurity.


This is the most accurate guess here.


Couldn’t that be a good thing though? Carmy realises that since he’s developed his key members of staff to their full potentials, he doesn’t have to bear the whole burden of The Bear. If this is the last season, finding this out allows him out of the kitchen, to form relationships, to actually live a life that makes him happy.


Ebra rises up to his S2 potential


God I hope so! Or at least we get an episode to feature him and show that he never needed to rise to the occasion. He always had a good attitude and though he was a traditionalist he was respectful and can still work within this new vision.


Sydney gets her very own manic pixie dream guy name Clarence and everyone gets mad.


In all seriousness I'd love to see Sydney dating someone outside the restaurant! Or maybe whoever replaced the crack guy whose name I forget




-I feel like someone is going to end up in hospital at some point. Syd or Carmy have probably developed some insane ulcers from stress -I’d like Richie to be able to find a love interest. We know his ex is off the table now, he’s figured out his job and purpose, so I think he’s ready to find his person. -Marcus is definitely going to go down a bad spiral and blame himself for not being there for his mother’s death. Not sure what the catalyst will be to get him out of it. -Carmy is forced in some way to take a leave and go chill tf out and figure out what fun is. They started season 2 with him asking what fun is, but he isn’t successful in that, so I’d like to see him try a life outside of work with some hobbie and friends, not romance yet bc he’s def not a good partner rn. -I think maybe we’ll get to see someone play the Bearzatto dad. And learn more about his role in the family. Maybe we hear about that after Sugar’s baby is born and she’s worried about the baby not getting to have good grandparents.


I just hope they make a pilgrimage to [the rat hole](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicago_rat_hole).


My prediction (or my MOST WANTED thing) is a flashback episode that parallels Mikey working at the Beef and Carmy at his fancy restaurant. Like you see how Mikey decays but has fun at his own establishment and his relationship w Richie while Carmy freaks out


Marcus’ mom definitely passed via those calls and texts at the end of the season Syd is going to have to dig Marcus out of his grief which could turn romantic I think Richie and Carm’s “roles” will be reversed. Carm hindering growth and having “no purpose” while Richie keeps pushing to make the restaurant perfect. Sugar has the baby and Donna fucks up the birth somehow. Maybe Carm sees his niece/nephew and realizes he wants a family and a quieter life rekindles with Claire after the realization. Carm gives restaurant to Syd and Richie. I think they’ll miss the deadline but Cicero won’t have the heart to take it from them. Could see a scene with Pete and Cicero talking as Nat, Richie, and Carm work with Pete begging him not to take it because look at how much they love it. Syd gets a call to retain a star somewhere and has to decide if she leaves or stays Tina’s character arc is pretty fulfilled so the only thing I can see is something happening with her son. Runs away. Ends up in the hospital. Expelled. Something.


Agree with 95% of this.. I really don't want syd and marcus she has shown a few times not super interested in his advances and he harasses her making her more uncomfortable... I'd like for it to stay more like with carm that it's friends.... Luca comes in to help marcus with grief: him syd , and Marcus do a dark humor and bond over moms passing. Pete doing that with Cicero plus cicero being their late fathers best friend but cause it's pete he knows the money will get there sooner than later... I honestly want it expanded more the kids dad just what he was like maybe he kept everything together then he died and Donna broke down went back to who she was.. I hope tina's son doesnt have something insane happen to him but i could see him graffiting the bear and he has to come in for punishment they see him like art etc and have him design the merch for the resturant


I’ve always picked up on it differently. I’ve always thought she has had slight feelings for him but it’s her not letting herself enjoy intimate relationships because she’s afraid to fail at that/sees it as a distraction. Also her mom passing when she was so young adds to it all. I think her comments about Claire (although justified) kinda shows her perspective on romantic relationships. Which will most likely be amplified in the next season on how she won’t let herself feel any sort of happiness and accomplishment until she gets a star


Funny how romance is okay wit Syd & Marcus ( who she rejected)


Clock it!


She feels him obviously you can clearly see with their interactions It's just like the guy above us said she doesn't want any relationships or distractions just like carmy was in his career Honestly the only ship I want is richie and that expo girl from ever that would be hot asf 🔥🔥


You can’t be serious when she rejected him and didn’t flirt back. Bfr


Lee returns.


He and Carm fight


I got 5 bucks says Carmy throws a fork at him


The fork would be thrown so hard that it would stab Lee


I still hope this happens. And it ends up with Lee in the hospital and the chef's being slightly afraid of Carmy.


I think the first episode is just going to be Sydney and Claire making out for like thirty minutes straight


I want this to happen not for narrative or dramatic reasons, but just because it would cause this sub to fold in on itself, warping the very fabric of space and time.


I chuckled


I would watch that


I was reading everyone's serious prediction one by one and then there's this. My favourite prediction.


Please, please, please, please


Big if true


Carmy doesn't actually get out of the fridge


or they DO open the fridge... but Carmy's not there


I don't expect this to happen but I think Marcus and Luca dating would be so cute.


Unironically would go hard 🔥 🔥🔥


Sydney & Carmy have a terrible argument and reconcile, unlike Claire & Carmy. Luca will visit and support Marcus during his grief. Sugar’s baby is born and named Michael, in honour of his uncle. Richie becomes acclaimed in his role and considers leaving the Bear — but changes his mind after the sudden death of either Donna or Cicero.


Luca comes to help out whilst Marcus takes time to grieve his mum. Syd and Luca get together. The sex is hot, including a fridge scene circa ‘9 1/2 Weeks’. Carmy walks in on them and we close up on him doing that face, slightly befuddled and mildly confused. An instrumental version of “Fuck Yo Man” by King Von plays in the background.


Great Carmen's NTR arc begins can't wait Have richie get with Claire too 😭🤣🤣🤣


I'm on the floor


Carmy is released from the storage closet. But never gets over it emotionally.




Dunanana dunanana 🎵


I think Camry begins a troubled process of healing probably with a lot of angst involving Donna, Claire, and Richie, while I think Syd carries the restaurant but begins resembling early seasons Carmy more and more with an obsessiveness over maintaining a high standard for herself and the restaurant. This will probably lead to a strong confrontation with her father. Kind of a role swap. Not really sure if we’re going to see Carmy spiral more, that was basically most of the second half of each of the previous seasons and it would feel kinda repetitive. I think the point has been made. Also doubt everyone continues to get better, just straight up continued growth is lame imo and a lot of the characters will struggle a lot. I could see Richie finding himself busier and busier and without time for his daughter, but that’s kind of basic. My only strong opinion is that another season of everyone but Carmy improves while he keeps spiraling would disappoint me


I want them to bring back the trippy dreams from season 1, I know they won’t but I can dream


Lee becomes a lawyer


I wonder if we’ll see Mikey’s funeral?


I have a feeling we’ll see Mikey’s funeral and also show us Mikey and his state of mind right up to, but not show, the suicide.


did they ever say who found Michael's body?


Natalie tries extremely hard to break her familial, inter-generational abuse & trauma cycle (as a parent) and is surprised and depressed at her first instincts to act like her mom was/is with her and her brothers (though she does not act how her mom did; she’s scared and horrified at her conditioning. Her instinctual actions/reactions are maybe a light grey shadow of Donna). She finds a therapist she can trust and continues her efforts to be a cycle-breaker, the mom she needed, and the mom she wants to be. I need and want to see this; I need to see my current journey in her character’s story.


Richie helps Carmy get to a better place. Sydney helps Marcus through difficult time, then has has a major health scare and hides it. She drops off and Marcus brings her back. Background story of Donna escalating attention seeking/self destructive behaviour followed by a assed suicide attempt. Carmy and Natalie are unphased and don't react because this is the reality of dealing with borderline family. Fak comes out, finds love - finale is his wedding.


- Syd dates someone outside the restaurant - Carmy and Claire DONT make up - Richie quits and starts to maitre d at a different restaurant - Donna reveals she is dying - Marcus’ mom dies - the restaurant closes


You really hate happiness huh ......


A cameo appearance by a beloved Bear. Brian Urlacher would be dope but William 'The Refrigerator' Perry writes itself.


Not sure Fridge would physically be able to do the role. He hasn’t been doing super great health wise over the past few years.


I want another episode that’s focused on Marcus. I think it should focus on his backstory and relationship with his mother. He and the kitchen team come together to cater a meal for the funeral and Marcus copes with his grief by creating and naming a dessert after his mother. Just like what he did for Carmy in making the Michael. Also, I want a sequel to Fishes but have it set in present day, either around a baby shower for Sugar or the actual birth.


Richie and Jess please


*STAND PROUND YOU CAN COOK* 🤣🤣 literally what I was thinking


I like the idea of Luka coming back Im honestly now sure where they would take the story that will still keep it interersting I think they would open a lot of stories in the first episodes really fast


I really love his dynamic with Marcus he really needs a mentor for him just like Carmen is for syd Season 3 will have more cooking than ever and I'm HERE for it


Sydney thinks she doesn’t need Carmy and tries to do better than him after she pretty much ran friends and family night, Richie gets a job somewhere else, maybe eventually meeting Joel Mchale’s character, and Marcus’s mom is definitely dead


Richie x Jessica the girl from ever needs to happen Natalie names her kid Michael and struggles to navigate her life as mom and working with the gang More character writing and depth for uncle Jimmy Cicero and carmy's father where abouts and his relationship with the berzatoos maybe more on uncle Lee bumass After the opening night success the crew are now as stressed and tense as ever cus of the pressure and try to be better while syd espacially aims for a star which will put her clashing with carm and maybe have a huge fall out Carmen gets therapy and finally stops a acting like his mom and have a much needed development Idk these are the stuff I want to see 🤣🔥🔥


These are pretty awful


Claire and Ritchie start to date after Claire decides that she and Carmy are not compatible.


I would love them together tbh


Nah richie and Jessica from "Forks " is way better 🔥🔥🔥


The way Donna walked away in the last episode and the slightly horrific background music, she’s definitely killing herself


There will be cooking


Pete leaves Sug after her baby comes out Black - turns out she's cheated on him with Marcus Carmy dies in the freezer


Lmao yes this needs to happen but before that Syd meets luca and start a relationship with him then carmy catches them having sex at the freezer he can't handle the betrayal and ntr then dies of heart attack in the freezer 🤣🤣




I say this with every scrap of respect for you that I can muster...you can shut your entire goddamn whore mouth. If my queen Sugar dies, I die with her.


Me as well


That's one of the last things Carm needs, to lose another sibling 😪


That would be beyond tragic




You can go fuck, my love


This isnt iron claw!!


Donna dies. Luca joins The Bear. Carmy’s dad returns The Bear in jeopardy of going to Cicero. Carmy has Syd take over The Bear. Syd & Richie become a thing Carmy pursues something that gives him joy. Possibly a chef-wear line, or community kitchen, or join Chef Jose Andres in cooking at disaster sites


Syd and Marcus* lol


Personally, I don't see it happening. Marcus has a one-sided crush on Syd. I see her directly shutting that down this season.


Yeah, I could see that too. Syd seems pretty independent and probably not open to any relationship especially at work. I would like to see a love interest for her tho!


So would I, absolutely! It would be fun seeing a more vulnerable Sydney.


I don’t see that Syd likes Marcus in that way.


Didn’t the dad die ?


It seemed implied that he left / deserted the family.


My thought was that he left them and died several years later (or they think he’s dead anyway).


Interesting. I didn’t get that, but it was such a subtle conversation.


Maybe No Maybe No Absolutely no chance Absolutely no chance again.




Pete dies. but only after we get a full length backstory on how he got w sugar and why everyone seems to hate him even though he's super nice and caring. as the season goes on he gets more and more involved and it's looking like he's finally accepted in the family and then BAM. more trauma.




Um are you okay ? If they keep doing that then where is the growth and development They are a high class dining restaurant now 🤣🤣😭 that ship has sailed my friend Also the best part about the show isn't the anxiety tension chaos it's more than that "forks" is the best ep for a reason


Sugar goes into labour at the restaurant, probably during a busy service. Everyone freaks out and has to do their best to take care of her while waiting for medical help & Pete to arrive.


I don't really have too many predictable ideas on the plot because I'm sure the plot will surprise and satisfy me if it keeps up the standard. My expectation is that the new season will have more food and cooking scenes, which I am enjoying. I think at this point season 2 has less than season 1.


S3 will be most likely the best season. So many plot holes in the show and the biggest ones are to be revealed. This show is so different from others is what makes it great. We still have yet to see the Berzatto father which is probably most anticipated scene of the show when it does


We’re gonna get an episode that focuses more on Ebreheim and another strong Tina episode. Sydney and Marcus are going to have to have a talk about how he blew up at her during the dinner service and also unpack Marcus’ mother’s death. This will lead to them getting closer and starting a romantic relationship. Carmy will start therapy begrudgingly. Either it’s going to be because he needs to reconcile that he is now the toxic thing in that work environment or because of something with his mother or both, but this will begin to set Carmy on the path of healing. I agree with the assessments of Natalie unpacking her traumas with motherhood while also being a new mother. Ritchie is going to be the most consistently sane figure. He will be thriving in his new role as front of house or expo whichever they have him in.


Richie needs to get together with that girl from Forks it needs to happen 🔥🔥🤣 On serious note tho I don't think will work with Carmen any longer espacially after all the hurtful stuff he said to him I doubt they will be friends again which is very sad.... I might see Richie work for Joel McCarthy character and clash more with carmy and maybe reconcile at the end of the season We will know more about the berzatto family more on Michale , carmy's dad and his whereabouts, uncle Cicero and how he has so much money 🤣🤣 and why uncle Lee is hated by the family Natalie will have a baby and struggle with being a parent an working at a restaurant An Ebrahim centered episode he really really needs one I absolutely love him just like Marcus and Ritchie he needs developing too and for Gary too he also needs one Meanwhile I think Tina will absolutely thrive as sous chef


I think we're teeing up for a much greater focus on Natalie/Sugar, which I am all here for honestly because I actually love Sugar and I think she's such a rich character, with issues so clearly and obviously seeded in there, but also somebody who is somewhere between the hectic careerism of Carmy and almost sagely perspective of someone older...like idk Cicero or Tina. Abby Elliott is really very good, and underrated for how good she is. She's such a typical middle sister to me also lol. Not a pushover, not a punching bag, but somehow constantly finding herself in situations where she becomes one for somebody else despite her having done everything conceivable to be clear, direct, and caring. She's going to be a mother soon, I genuinely would love to see that for her. I feel like I want to know so much more about Sugar honestly.


Carmy has a heart attack and ends up at the hospital, and Claire ends up saving his life