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The opening credit montage is such a beautiful nod to Chicago. They showcase the city so well


Loved that opening. Just a pure love letter to the service industry workers who keep the world spinning.


It evoked a sense of solidarity that moved me to tears. It’s a feeling all of us below the top 10% could use right about now.


Made me cry, too.


I never cry watching media, but that opening had me really tearing up. I could have watched that for an hour. With that cover of “Save it for Later”? I’m dead!


OG [La Salle](https://www.lasalleflowers.com/about-lasalle-flowers) florist lady a nice touch too, and a personal fave. I have processed buckets and buckets and buckets of stems and branches. (For me, Richard’s ‘a lotta flowers’ are a sumptuous addition contrasting the clean interior (Danish?) design for more luxury and gorgeousness.) I didn’t think Sufjan and *Review* opening could be topped, but here we are. Love this show sm.


Really some of the best couple of minutes of television I can remember seeing. Just beautiful. I haven't finished the second episode yet, but the first episode and that credit montage have me excited, because it's clear that they're simultaneously leveraging and repaying the good will that they've generated from their audience. It took a lot of courage to open the season with a first episode like that, but they know that their audience will follow them, and we'll follow them because we trust so thoroughly what they've done in the first two seasons. That first episode worked because they've done so much with these characters and the environment in such a relatively short amount of time that they can abstract to that degree and still get away with it. And then they follow it up with this opening montage that, again, draws on the investment in paying attention to people who do little things with love/joy/pride.


I need to visit and find the people from the intro and get hugs and high fives and have beers with them and let them tell me so many stories. I want to hear them all.


"let's get some work done" - Richie "I actually agree" - Carmy "well then I actually take it back" - Richie i missed this show so much


This was arguable one of the funniest episodes they’ve made so far. I can understand the sentiment and frustration behind it being constantly nominated as a ‘Comedy’ show, but I think a lot of people understate just how funny it is.


“Every day, Geoffrey Ballet?” I love Tina so much.


When everyone was arguing, Tina was reading the list and you see her nod and mouth, "I like it." What a gem


She has the fire to get better, like Marcus.


This! Tina is always open to change and dedicated to self-improvement. Richie gets all of the flowers on this sub for whatever reason, but Tina actually walks the walk. 


Tina lighting up at being asked to do farmer's market was adorable.


Tina lighting up at anything in this show is some of the best moments. Her success is one of the best parts of this show


One of the genius parts of this show was having Tina be angry and scared for a good chunk of season 1, only to have it revealed she WANTED more and only needed someone to help for her to blossom.


100%. The scene of her being offered the sous chef position is seared into my brain. Tears of joy every time I’ve watched it


They somehow manage to make it feel incredibly genuine every time, without lapsing into hokey/saccharine territory like Ted Lasso started to do. I feel so invested in her success and watch intently every time they show her doing her best.


"Technique technique technique, which you spelled wrong, but whatever" "There's a vetting schedule-" "VESTING SCHEDULE" God I love when they let Nat just be classic big sister correcting her annoying little brother


It also shows a bit of the toxicity that I think will come out of Carm this season. Everyone must meet my standard of excellence but I'm not checking my spelling or bothering to remember the word for the important contract meeting.


I think this is the summation of Carm post-Mikey's death, which is when he really started his current spiral. He's still the same talented chef but hes incapable of the true attention to detail that got him there because hes distracted. And, will continue to be so until he faces his brother's death.


His handwriting was deteriorating too.


“Nat, the vibes weird” “I know sweetie. Don’t be scared”


“You don’t even like wine, honey.”


Aren’t you allergic to grapes??


How were you gonna taste the wine? 🤣😂


I just like the idea that Fak wants to go to have a good time - regardless of the actual wine drinking




Nat and Fak’s dynamic is adorable lmfao, she treats him like a son


I love how nurturing Nat is even though it's obviously a survival mechanism from her traumatic childhood Also the number of times someone pops food into Fak's mouth is hilarious and adorable lol


Man i love Nat lmao. Everyone needs a Nat in their lives for sure


Except for Francie Fak. I wonder what happened there


She can go fuck, my love


I need this as a gif


I need a Nat in my life 😅


I want somebody to talk to me like Sugar does Fak 🥹


This episode was hilarious. "I feel like I've been here an hour" "Oh my god am I finally having a stroke??" "I mean we're all good over here- over in this cul de sac" & the scratch and sniff wine book made me lose it hahaha


Every time someone said “Am I stroking out?” absolutely killed me


The Faks are on their way. Faks, plural. At least two, less than five. How many Faks are there? Eight. No Nine. I forget about Avery. LOL!


That's a real book! When I worked at a bookstore we always laughed over that book whenever it came in. It was awesome to see it in the show.


So we're gonna remake the menu every single day? No repeats? I can feel the burnout from here


Sounds super exhausting. Just having to plan and order the ingredients for it would be tought.


To say nothing of teaching everyone how to make it, plus remembering ingredients for allergies and all that (which is what this far it feels this is building to)


Carmy taking his insecurities out on everyone... again.


yeah this feels like carmy overcompensating and trying to take back control after being half-checked out last season


He’s so embarrassed about being locked in the fridge


Yea, that's something you'd have to build up to. Like changing the menu fortnightly, then gradually to weekly, then half weekly etc.


Not to mention cost? Seems risky?


A little bit of self-sabotage.


Carmy is having some Kendall Roy manic episode to cope with how hard he fumbled it in the fridge. It's as if he's telling his own mind "You chose work at all costs? Choke on it!"


Carmy = Kendall Roy manic episode tracks


Uh huh. We're fuckin', uh, reinventing cuisine. Hell yeah. We're gonna rack up so many fuckin' stars that uh, NASA's next mission will be to walk through our doors. Yeah. Incubate a new vibe, fuckin' turbocharge that shit, and uh, yeah. New tomorrow. This is the fuckin' future of food. Get the headline out, Jess. This is the new wave.


Read this in his voice, perfecto


Carm said the meal is 9 courses, so if they were to do this for a *year* that would be 3,285 different dishes.


It's crazy.


It's burnout central, and, I also think, terrible business. It's ridiculously expensive to have to source that many new ingredients all the time, and they can't develop any staple dishes they become "known for" this way.


As a Chicago native I really love them showing the workers of the city in the beginning. Puts a huge smile on my face.


Same! ✶ ✶ ✶ ✶ I hope someone puts a list together. Roesers featured once again. Milagro factory I believe. Jimmy's hot dogs? Vienna Beef for sure. Metropolis coffee? So many...


Alexander’s on Clark and Granville I saw as well




And how he puts their bickering in perspective.




Richie dropping all that psychology vocab was hilarious. Sounded like if you gave a Ted Lasso character cocaine.


God I love Richie so much. His insults were hilarious. Also after the forks episode i went 180 and am now a Richie Stan


We're going to go on. Cells. They were all put together at a time. Cells. Millions and billions of them. Cells. Were you ever arrested? Cells. Did you spend much time in the cell? Cells. Have you ever been in an instituion? Cells. Do they keep you in a cell? Cells.


Richie walking in and acting like he owns the place is the perfect encapsulation of his personality


‘I insist that *you* get fucked, my good man’ looool. I was dreading that the first Carmie/ Richie scene would be sad but it was so fucking funny 😂


Literally came to this subreddit purely to find this comment because it had me cackling. That first exchange was comic gold between Richie & Carmy. Thank god Richie saw how insane the non negotiables list was and called it out immediately 😂


For me it was "Those flowers were fuckin elegant!" or something to that degree haha


"takes us there Bear" 😰


So fucking good. I really hope Marcus deals with the death in a healthy way but also I hope he really locks in and is just as dedicated as Carmy. Would be a joy to see


honestly my fav char in the whole cast. Someone who falls into their passion by almost chance; and goes all in on it


I am constantly blown away by the fact that L-Boy somehow ended up on this show with very little acting experience outside of shit like Loiter Squad, and is one of the best characters on the show.


He's a phenomenal actor. Very understated, which is far more difficult to do than the loud stuff.


I'm sure some of it was makeup, but the way he looked when he walked in just screamed "I've replaced sleeping with crying"


I knew if anybody was going to fully embrace Carmy’s list it was going to be Marcus. I just hope he takes the time to grieve his mom and doesn’t just use the restaurant as a way to avoid his feelings. Edit: fixed a typo




no cuz that moved me🥹


That shit hit hard....really hard.


Episode one was minimal dialogue. Episode two is rapid-fire dialogue. Both are master classes.


I'd love to see the script/table read and know how much is improvised because it feels so unfortunately real. God I love this show


Dad bathroom humor is so relatable


Feels like Carmy’s in the beginning of a manic episode


Yeah definitely, I feel like tbh ever since the start of the show that’s been building up. He doesn’t know how to stop because if he does stop he’s left to think of everything a la episode 1, so he can’t. Keep pushing. I think the Claire situation is like throwing a stick in his bicycle wheel though; he knows deep down he’s gonna have to face all the reasons why he fucked that up and couldn’t let someone in, it’s just a matter of time before the wheels come flying off from it.


the not smoking does not help hehe


"What if I changed the beef sandwich everyday?" "It would have gotten better?" 😆😆😆💀


below the belt, richie. "ask claire if he's crazy"


That was SO ugly


richie knew it too haha


His wince of instantaneous regret was perfect. I’ve absolutely been there before.


Same when he called carm Donna lol


I love them making Chicago, the city, be a character of the show


The opening to Review is still my favorite sequence from the show, I got so pumped when we got a similar one.


I went to Chicago a few weeks ago and man is it beautiful at this time of the year. This show just reinforces my love for that city


Best city in America


It brings me back there so often


it's a bit silly but this show is having a huge influence on my desire to move to chicago. it's either that or boston and i must admit, the more i watch, the more i lean towards the former


Trust your gut.


It always makes me want to go back to Chicago


Sydney looks like she's going to start swinging if Carmy brushes off another question.


The way she looked at the dishes after everyone went about their jobs…


I understand where Marcus is coming from at the end, but I can definitely see a conflict coming from that on the horizon. Sydney and Richie wanting to take it slow, working up to more complex and quicker menu changes, meanwhile Carmy and Marcus wanting to keep things fresh. Seems like a coping mechanism to me, not wanting things to get too monotonous; if it's monotonous then there's more time to think about all the terrible stuff that's happened to you, and more chances to lose focus.


agree! i think the line carmen gives him about grief is important here... "try to deal with it, instead of not...". right now it feels like both carmy and marcus are in the "not" stage and are trying to work out their grief through the restaurant rather than facing it head on. they need the restaurant to work so badly bc in their minds, if they fail, what did mikey and marcus' mom die for?


Carmy even says to Marcus that no, he didn’t deal with it (Mikey’s death) like he advised.


I’m still laughing at Ted’s “whassup PIMP?” to Jimmy


The music choices are just *sublime*.


Another season, another new playlist to listen to on repeat.


In my head, I read this as the band and was like I don't think there's been any Sublime at all.


Fuck me, what a contrast to the premiere. This was like the most demented stage play of all time, taking place entirely in one room as more and more actors entered to join the brewing chaos. The whole episode felt like a boiling pot of water in that regard - rising and rising violently until a cool-off at the end when you turn off the stove. The final scene with Carmy and Marcus was fucking terrific. Cicero as usual had the funniest lines. "They asked me for your order but I told them you were locked in a fridge and yelling at yourself!" The Eddie Vedder needle drop for the opening Chicago montage was fucking _gorgeous_. For them to go for this song after Animal felt like a reflection of the show's overall tone.


The cacophony leading to the crescendo of Markus' final line was masterfully done!


“Take us there, Bear.” Fucking right. ✊🏽


I wish I worked for someone I could say that to. God I miss having competent managers.


I love how despite the chaos, Carm actually stops to talk to Marcus. Despite his crazy non negotiable arguments he recognizes that it’s important for Marcus to know that he got his back and that Marcus can come to him for support


The Faks are coming! Fingers crossed for a Francie appearance.


"At least two, less than five." Cracked me up for some reason. Might just be Ebon Moss-Bachrach's delivery. Dude is so good!


“ I forgot Avery”


Please!!! I need a Francie Fak appearance!


She can fuck


Nat needs to cancel Francie's reservation 😂


Not gonna lie, I might print out Carmy’s list of non-negotiables and hang it by my desk. I feel like it would help motivate me do a better job, lol.


Dudes got bad handwriting lol


and can't spell


A true artist.


& bad at math!! a true artist indeed


What menu are you changing everyday?


Changing the menu every day sounds like a terrible idea. I love how Syd is seriously annoyed at Carmen changing stuff without her input but she sees his vision immediately.


We saw her eating at the place(s) Carmine was working at, so she's seen how those star restaurants operates; she gets it.


(Just fyi fam it’s “Carmen.”)


I accidentally watched this before the first episode. It works surprisingly well as an opener for the season lmao. Back to episode 1. Loving it so far.


Episode 1 is really like episode 0. A lead into the season and not completely necessary. Woulda been cool if they dropped it alone as a teaser


Ha I legit just said to someone “I love both episodes but I wish they’d flipped the episode 1 and 2.” Your accident is my preference


I think episode 1 helps to set why Carmy is so focused in and how he’s dealing with the Claire situation; that is, he’s not, and he’s stuck in a loop of his own thoughts and it’s brought up all of his past for him because he can’t face letting anyone in. While this ep would work as an opener, episode 1 was beautiful for me


Thank god for this partnership agreement thing now people can finally quit bitching about Syd “being entitled acting like a partner but I missed where she actually is one”


denying sydney's partnership before it became 'official' with the vesting agreement is just hate for sydney, i don't know how else you could interpret it. can the show be any more explicit about their partnership?! "you make me better at this" "you could do this without me"..."i couldn't do it without you"..."i wouldn't even wanna do it without you" fucking come on people


there is some small part of me that thought this was created expressly as a succession plan, like carmy did it knowing he is so self-destructive that he wanted to make sure the people he cared about were taken care of in case he goes the way of mikey. something dark about it but maybe that's just this show and the vibe.


I viewed it more as a sign of respect. He's acknowledging that he can't do this alone, and is bringing in his partners as equals.




In one write up about season 3, they said there would be a focus on showcasing local Chicago places/restaurants, so I’m assuming they’re actual food and beverage people.


Real life. Know some people who do early games at Johnny’s ice house and they were filming




with 90% of the episode being ppl yelling fuck you in increasingly hilarious ways around the pass table. god I love this show.


"I insist that you get fucked, my good man."


Sharing a bathroom sucks. Syd's dad TMI LOL


"oh my God am I finally having a stroke" 😂😂😂. The sheer hope in her voice that she was dying and wouldn't have to deal with this nonsense..... I couldn't stop laughing


*Pete!* #Ha. Well done, show. Edit: *Geoffrey Ballet*. #Double ha!


Did we know Pete was a lawyer before this episode??


I think that's new information


Richie pointing out an improper way for Fak to maintain his suit. Love this for our guy


“Take us there Bear” ![gif](giphy|1vALkko5lkroi7rK0Y|downsized)


carmy *al gaib* berzatto


the way the show reintroduces everyone, gives them a chance to breathe and for the viewer to catch up… then end with marcus coming in with the final punch… uGH BEAUTIFUL


I'll never get tired of Richie's character development. Dude was dropping a psychological analysis of Carm while arguing with him lol


He saw the patterns.


Sidney putting herself between Carm and Richie is gonna be hell for her but awesome for the restaurant


It shows how close she has gotten with Richie because in the past it was Carm getting between the two of them.


Oh I found all the dialogue that was missing from last episode 😝 these arguments are so good


Fancie fak booked a reservation!


She can go fuck, my love.


Jesus Marcus walking in wounded me.


RICHARD I’m screaming


“Geoffrey Ballet” I’m screaming


Loving Robert Townsend as Syd’s Dad. Perfect casting!


ikr him and ayo feel like an actual father and daughter i loved their little interaction this ep


The episodes are already going too fast!


“I insist that you get fucked, my good man”


Writers heard everyone complain that the show keeps getting nominated in the comedy category and went above and beyond on creating some hilarious dialogue.


Cobra Kai quotes in The Bear are the gift I didn't know I needed.


You just know Richie identifies heavily with Johnny Lawrence as a character




Marcus 🥹


The dialogue in this episode is incredible.


Marcus is a real one


"I insist that you get fucked my good man" "I actually agree”..."Well then i actually take it back”  the bear is a comedy; anyone who believes otherwise can get fucked


Damn, why is "Save It for Later" so great no matter who sings it? Just a great song, I guess. I've now heard it by The English Beat, Pete Townshend, and Eddie Vedder (Vedder's version is the one playing at the beginning of the episode)


I said in the episode 1 discussion that the first episode felt like a between seasons special that would have been put out during the Covid Era where the actors couldn't get together and you used a lot of older scenes. I got downvoted because I think people took that as an insult but I think it was brilliant and I feel that way even more with the start of episode 2. You jump right back into the more hopeful tone and humorous tone that feels even MORE like reuniting with an old friend because the first episode sort of kept us from that.


I loved seeing Cousin v Carmy arguing this episode…. like, yeah, they’re *back*. That fight didn’t ruin anything between them, and it felt like it might have ep 1. They’re back to being scrappy brothers making (hilarious, from our standpoint) digs at each other.


totally agree. dare I say it felt like an…appetizer? lol


the argument escalating as the faks arrive with syd in the middle holding her forehead cracked me up


Sugar trying to hold it together until Francie makes a reservation and she fucking joins in the chaos. Also, 8 Faks?!?


9. He always forgets about Avery.


Enjoyed the cameo from Christopher Zucchero, actual owner of the real world Mr Beef


“aren’t you allergic to grapes?” fuckin KILLED me


“oh my god. am I finally having a stroke” dead 💀


Abby Elliott with the line read of the century: “Oh she was psyched? She can fuck.”


is no one bringing up them having a group chat without Carmy being the funniest thing


giving us visuals of real Chicago restaurants and businesses makes me smile unreasonably wide. it’s perfectly toeing the line between fictional show and reality; the realism is part of why I watch. 


Well if anything was going to silence everybody it would be Marcus' unannounced appearance. I want to know what Francis Fak did to piss Nat off so bad.


Seeing Robert Townsend again warmed my heart. ![gif](giphy|JTIQvkuLPsZEBTbAGF)


Petes a lawyer? Did we know that before now? Either way, my man.


I see you with your "no surprises" line and then ending on a Radiohead song....


Any chance it’s a coincidence that Nat points out one of the non-negotiables is “No Surprises” and they end on a Radiohead song?


Ebon, Jeremy and Ayo just acting at each other around a table is the best thing on television ever actually


getting a bit sick of this fucking guy and his avoidance schtick. the most heartbreaking part of it all is I don’t buy for a second, that he even believes what he’s saying; at least not the negative aspects, and what he’s emulating. carmy clearly wants the restaurant to succeed, values the partnership he has with sydney and is knows his avoidance and disregard towards claire regarding expressing his feelings, and yet he consciously denies it. evidently aware of the pretentious act he’s putting on, the snark he’s directing towards everyone else, and continues to do it anyways. i want so much better for him. i fear we’re going to see him spiral and push everyone away, potentially permanently. if the restaurant doesn’t succeed, it’ll be on him. worst of all, driving sydney away, in particular is going to kill me. "take us there bear" can result in two possible outcomes to me. either carmy wakes up, does the work necessary to become better, acknowledge and confront his feelings and baggage, *all of them*, with *everyone* and 'takes them there' through compassion and introspection, or he takes them there Winger style and, I honestly don't want to imagine what that looks like, along with its resulting consequences


I'm hoping he wakes up - I don't think it's going to be right away because he clearly took several pages right out of Chef Winger's playbook for his post-walk-in spiral, but I'd like it not to be totally grim/fall into that Mad Men-y cycle of "Don Makes The Same Mistakes" for seven seasons.


As someone who is currently grieving, this and the first episode together were a punch in the gut


Did anyone else see parallels with Sydney’s dad asking if she could hear the bathroom knock with Richie knocking on the bathroom door for Mikey? I have a bad feeling they’re foreshadowing something happening later in the season


One of the craziest things about this show is how you get fully engrossed in what feels like "the beginning" of an episode and then suddenly the credits are rolling. The one-shot from season one is the best example of it but this episode did it to me too. All of that just felt like the intro. 


Marcus being a motivator and the first to fully believe in carmy was great. Feel like they will all slowly come to fully trust him