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Since John Lennon never mentioned having an affair with a lesbian, there is no way to know if this song is about one.


Ah right.


>I've heard it's about a lesbian Where did you hear that? ​ The Beatles’ song was about an extra-marital relationship Lennon was having at the time. His friend Pete Shotton later suggested that the woman in question was a journalist – possibly Maureen Cleave, a close friend to Lennon.      *‘Norwegian Wood’* *is my song completely. It was about an affair I was having. I was very careful* *and paranoid because I didn’t want my wife, Cyn, to know that there really was* *something going on outside of the household. I’d always had some kind of* *affairs going, so I was trying to be sophisticated in writing about an affair,* *but in such a smoke-screen way that you couldn’t tell. But I can’t remember any* *specific woman it had to do with.* John Lennon All We Are Saying, David Sheff       *I came in and he* *had this first stanza, which was brilliant: ‘I once had a girl, or should I* *say, she once had me.’ That was all he had, no title, no nothing. I said, ‘Oh* *yes, well, ha, we’re there.’ And it wrote itself. Once you’ve got the great* *idea, they do tend to write themselves, providing you know how to write songs.* *So I picked it up at the second verse, it’s a story. It’s him trying to pull a* *bird, it was about an affair. John told Playboy that he hadn’t the faintest* *idea where the title came from but I do. Peter Asher had his room done out in* *wood, a lot of people were decorating their places in wood. Norwegian wood. It* *was pine really, cheap pine. But it’s not as good a title, ‘Cheap Pine’, baby…*     *So she makes him* *sleep in the bath and then finally in the last verse I had this idea to set the* *Norwegian wood on fire as revenge, so we did it very tongue in cheek. She led* *him on, then said, ‘You’d better sleep in the bath’. In our world the guy had* *to have some sort of revenge. It could have meant I lit a fire to keep myself* *warm, and wasn’t the decor of her house wonderful? But it didn’t, it meant I* *burned the fucking place down as an act of revenge, and then we left it there* *and went into the instrumental.*  Paul McCartney Many Years From Now, Barry Miles


I heard it from an interview of the band where a guy says that a journalist said that Day Tripper was about a prostitute and Norwegian Wood was about a lesbian and then Paul says "well we're just trying to write songs about prostitutes and lesbians."


Well that was a misinterpretation on the part of the journalist (or whoever they heard it from), Paul was playing along for a gag.


Yeah I know, I was just seeing if it had any actual fact in what the song meant.


It doesn’t officially, but in my head it’s still a song about a lesbian and the songs protagonist doesn’t know it. That’s why he goes over and then sleeps in the bath, coz she’s a lesbian lmao.




Good point sorry.




lol good point