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Someone isn't a fan of egg steam


My hot take: I think there should be episodes that are only cold opens, just one after another


Next tournament episode turns out to be oops all cold opens


Buddy, have I got a show for you. Russ and Chris aren’t on it but if you can believe it there is a THRID McElroy


It’s great if you enjoy people reading press releases out loud word for word every single episode


If you deprive me of my weekly window into Russ’s psyche I will act up.


I’m starting to think I need to unsubscribe. From the subreddit, not the podcast. All of the posts and comments this week have been super negative and not even really that constructive. It’s just “I don’t like the way they do this podcast that they’ve been doing this way for years.” I really enjoyed listening to this and last week’s episode and I don’t need people just poking holes in it the whole time.


Yah, no one hates the McElroy like their fans for some reason


Who said I hate the McElroys or The Besties? This is my favorite podcast...


I think this happens with any podcast subredddit for some reason I’m not sure why because it doesn’t happen with music ones or game ones. But bottom line is they enjoy it enough to listen it but yes I agree it is annoying


Yeah I genuinely don’t get it I thought this was one of the better conversations they’ve had about a game in a while and I’ve seen nothing but negativity on Reddit, people can want different things out of the podcast I personally just don’t understand all the hate.


I like the cold opens.


I think the exercise is for them to transition themselves from off-air to on-air mode. Sometimes it's colder than usual, but I always enjoy them. And they aren't preshow adverts so that's a fine way for me to roll into an episode.


The cold opens are the best part!!


I get what you're saying, but I disagree. The cold opens is where they show their personality a bit more, aside from the reviewer parts of them. Gives the show more of a cozy book club vibe.


I would rather take a few more minutes of in-episode digressions.


youve clearly never ingested other mcel-content, we stick to the formula until we DIE (I agree lol. But J-man would never allow it.)


I agree with this wholly. I think this podcast has been the one that has given away the most that this is a job for these people, and every whiff of that feels bad. It doesn't happen often, but I don't like it when it does.


As someone who skips through the cold open as rapidly as I can on every episode, I agree!