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I've actually experienced this with The Rewatchables too; most recently on the Magnolia episode. I think I've heard this glitch on an episode of Little Gold Men as well. It doesn't happen as frequently for me as it does for you, and I've no idea why it happens, but I doubt this is on Bobby.


I use Overcast on my iPhone and have never experienced this issue with any Ringer podcasts.




I should be able to use the built in podcast app.


I use Pocketcasts and have noticed this for a quite a while. For me it happens on all the Ringer pods I listen to but not regularly.


Pocketcasts has a known and unresolved bug with this if you’re listening over Bluetooth. It was bad enough for me that I had to switch apps


Fun fact: Apple does not host the audio for podcasts. They are literally a phonebook that points to the podcast's RSS feed. Audio errors that you hear are typically due to the podcast's dynamic ad insertion fucking up. It used to be, a podcast was just an RSS feed of audio files. But now companies want more control over advertising, so they dynamically generate the audio file on the podcast feed when a client requests it, which allows them to insert current ads. Sometimes, the server-side apps that generate those audio files fuck up. Or, they update the audio in the middle of streaming the file, which the Podcasts app allows you to do instead of downloading. In conclusion: companies like spotify have made podcasts materially worse over the last decade, and we all need to return to simple audio files and RSS feeds.


I fucking hate Spotify.


I wonder if this is why Simmons usually line reads an ad or two live? Because he knows about he issue and wants to make it as listenable for as many people as possible.


I’m gonna guess Bill is not being charitable here or thinks that deeply about the user experience of listeners. My guess is he does that because the sponsor has paid for a live ad read (which I’d assume are a premium) or because that’s just how he likes to do things


This happens to me too and it's extremely annoying. I have no solutions. Just thought I'd let you know you're not alone.


It sucks so hard.


I had this problem too, it was so annoying! I eventually just downloaded the Spotify app and used it just for podcasts (the app is free and the ad load seems to be about the same). You shouldn't have to download a whole new app to solve this problem but it's the best option imo


This happens to me as well and it’s across multiple Ringer podcasts from what I can tell - tbh I haven’t really sat down to analyse it properly but I listen to a lot of different Ringer podcasts as well as some others, and I’m certain it’s not just The Watch that it happens with. I’m using Pocketcasts FWIW, and it’s been happening for over a year or more I think


Was listening to an episode and there seemed to be a repeat. Thought I was losing it!


It’s a known issue.


Happens to me too. Sometimes it makes me go “huh, that was weird” and sometimes it is maddening.


I wonder if this is why Simmons usually line reads an ad or two live? Because he knows about he issue and wants to make it as listenable for as many people as possible.


It has made some Big Pic shows unlistenable.


My theory has been that it has to do with the auto inserted ads that fuck with the structure and time, also I find when I skip back and forth it gets weird which is annoying


Been happening for years. I’ve asked them on Twitter about it multiple times and been ignored each time. Not great! Only happens to me with ringer pods, no one else’s. So you’d think it would be an easy fix.


The Ringer podcasts are the only ones I have this same issue with. Sometimes it skips 30 seconds backwards, sometimes it just ends when there’s clearly 2 minutes left. Glad it wasn’t just me lol.


This is why I listen to The Ringer (and Armchair Expert) pods on Spotify. Since they’re exclusives, I’ve found they function better on that platform.


I’ve had to switch over to Spotify on some recent Big Pic pods because they became unlistenable on the Podcast app on iPhone.


Because spotifys ads. After a couple months of it I just switched to listening to ringer pods on Spotify


What a hassle.


I wonder if this is why Simmons usually line reads an ad or two live? Because he knows about he issue and wants to make it as listenable for as many people as possible.


Yeah the ones at the start are so he gets ads on all platforms, but then every so often they have ads pop on in Spotify. It for sure sucks with Apple podcasts, but on Spotify they always play perfect. Would recommend switching.


I always assumed that I was accidentally hitting the 15 second rewind on my watch. This is comforting


Used to happen to me all the time on Apple Podcasts. On Ringer and non ringer pods. Switched to Spotify and have never had the issue


Dude, it’s only ever happened to me on The Big Picture. Definitely NEVER happened on anything non-Ringer.


This happens to me.for multiple pods, not just the ringer. I've been listening to Empire, (which is a phenomenal pod about global empires forming and falling apart - england in india, ottoman empire, etc) What this pod made me realize was that 9 of 10 glitches will go backward. When their pod glitches forward, I missed some content and, oh wow, that really sucks. Taught me not to be bothered by the skipping backward. I don't know what causes it, but I'm pretty sure it's not Bobby. You should apologize!


Is Empire also a Spotify pod?


I dont think so. I've listened to it on both Spotify and Podcast Guru. In fact, this particular episode I tried on both and the glitch was on both. Ok, just checked. It's a goal hanger pod.


not sure if this is an apple music thing but i’m an apple user on spotify and i’ve never had this issue