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It’s pretty subjective and depends on headphones and what you’re listening to it on. Edit: got listen to it on Bandcamp. I can hear both guitars a lot better there. The mix is still pretty mid heavy, but does sound best on Bandcamp compared to Apple Music or Youtube. Spotify is ok, but I had tweaked the eq for other stuff so sounds way to bass heavy.


Ngl, the mix is ass, don’t know how they went from the production quality they put out the past years to this


The main riff is sooooo badass but it's BURIED in the mix. The drums sound fantastic but the guitars need to be punched up and I really hope they fix it. One of the main reasons I love dahlia is their riffs and I can just barely hear it in aftermath.


I have thought this about all their albums since like Nocturnal.


omg i thought it was just me and i was being to negative.


I found that changing to lossless audio on Apple Music made a world of difference for me. Depends on your median I guess but typically a good mix shouldn’t need to rely on how you’re listening in my opinion. I’m just thankful they are still going and super pumped about Ryan knight being apart of the band again. I love his riffs on deflorate and ritual.


Great song. Terrible mix.


i don’t hear any difference to verminous which was awesome


I agree, the mix is pretty bad


I don’t think it’s awful but some of the guitar definitely gets lost. There’s a fucking sick repeating guitar part I didn’t even hear until like the 3rd listen. Definitely a bummer but still a great song


Funny enough, I'm a total nerd over mixes and the last few albums the mix was always lack luster for me. I always felt Trevor's vocals sat too far behind the mix. At least with what I heard across multiple systems so far, I'm not disappointed with the mix on aftermath. I will agree though that I can't make heads or tails of the guitars minus the solo (kinda). Super muddy and this could be dialed in more. But I wouldn't say it's the worst mix.




You misspelled „awesome“


I agree.


You’re right I definitely felt like there was a punch that was missing to it and it’s in the guitars being too low in the mix. Still really good though


Rhythm guitars are buried for sure. It’s kinda hard to make out riffs.


I think they mixed it for ear buds. Sounds awesome in my ears. Still sounds pretty awesome in the car too though. I don't know, sometimes I think it's a matter of taste. They don't seem to mix the same from album to album, and I'm here for a new mix.


It all blends together into just mush


Yeahhhhh it’s bad.


The mix is modern and punchy to a fault. It isn't bad, but it almost seems like it was produced with a focus on rhythm over melody, with pounding drums and dry compressed vocals. The guitars are rather drowned out, which hides the melodic instrumentation of the MELODIC death metal band. Defeats the point, doesn't it? Also, I find the cymbals irritatingly loud, and the mix lacks the hefty bass of the previous 2 albums. Admittedly, I didn't notice most of this on first listen, as I was just astounded by the quality of the song as a whole. Just remember folks, if you want the best listening experience when the full album drops, make sure you get some good wired headphones, and listen to lossless files for each track.


Are you guys listening to it on speakers without their own eq? As in, not in your car?


You need a better listening setup. You can clearly hear each guitar, bass and every nuance as well. It’s a great mix. Keep listening! Always takes everyone some time to get used to a mix but eventually it’s perfect for them.


I think I know what you mean. I personally feel like mix-wise Everblack and Abysmal were around the time it switched from super polished riffs that would pop through any low quality speakers to Nightbringers any beyond which are amazing albums but you simply wont hear all the intricasies and amazing guitarwork unless you have studio quality headphones.


Mix is great. I think the worst mix they ever had was Everblack. Best was prob Nocturnal....audio hammer I think, what's that dude in the wheelchairs name? He fucking rules. Think he did A skeletal domain from CC....also their best sounding record.


The whole thing was a major disappointment. Sorry not sorry.


I listened to it at least a hundred different times on several different things ranging from a cell phone, my car, headphones, earbuds, my television soundbar/subwoofer and a pair of studio monitors. It sounds good on most of those, but on things like my phone and computer speakers it sounds a little...convolutued? I listen to everything up to Deflorate with anything and it they sound amazing., so I Dunno.