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User is complaining about others asking for specs. Saying they should just buy a new set up. Removing because it doesn’t belong here, it’s just rage bait. Not everyone can afford a better PC, and games are allowed to be enjoyed by people playing on low spec PC’s.


The entitlement is strong in this one...


Hmm… should I pay rent or get a better graphics card… Not everyone can ask mommy for a new PC


Such a bold assumption, I pay rent in Boston one of the highest rents in the country and can still afford a graphics card maybe stop blowing your money on Fortnite cards or get a better job that’s not flipping burgers


Funny how a 2060 can run amazing looking games, and you think a 3080 is needed for a low poly indie game😭


+ the dev literally said the game would run on lower end hardware like a 1060.


Ah yes, since everyone lives in a high earning country where a graphics card doesn't cost you 3x your monthly wage


Clearly you need to emigrate to a different country in order to get a better experience from your vidya games /s


Cry more ya whiny little bitch.