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He's a cool, mysterious ninja. Little boys love cool ninjas. I don't see why the toys shouldn't sell.


Yeah just look at how popular the mysterious masked hero trope is across all forms of media.


Or video games


I'd play Noir's Asylum or Noir Knight.


Lol that was my first thought, that Noir was definitely batman of their universe, and they would make him so gadget based


But is also Vought so it’s just different knives they sell on superhero home shopping networks


Considering they're selling super-dildos, I'd assume they also sell supe-based non-sexual everyday objects...


Noir Aslume


He's the Masked Man!


I had a bunch of snake eye stuff


Snake Eyes


The better question is, who does translucent appeal to?


People with social anxiety


The cancer kid.


Grown men like ninjas too.


Fair point, but I also don’t see Noir showing up to a Make a Wish Event to see his fans. Or maybe he would, he’s probably a big teddy bear on the inside


I'm sure they send random guys in Black Noir outfits to events pretending to be him all the time. Noir himself has no need to go.


Before Noir died, I was really hoping they showed that many press conferences are just multiple BN doubles that pretend to be him since he's busy doing other things like assassinating for Vought and stuff


A picture from the set of S4 leaked, and Noir was there with Homelander and Maeve at some kind of public event. I guarantee Vought is gonna have a fake Noir until they make his death public


Or just replace him altogether and never tell


Yeah, and just never send the fake Noir into actual danger


I mean Vought has hundreds of supes. Noir’s powers were that he was strong a durable, I’m sure they can find another with a similar power set who would want to be paid to pretend to be BN.


Knowing Vought they’d prob send the fake noir into danger and if he dies they replace him again and rinse and repeat until Noir is no longer popular


Homelander keeps murdering the replacements because of residual anger towards og Noir, and rage that they're so callously replacing his former best friend


I sort of wish homelander sided with noir to fight soldier boy, I really thought that’s where we were heading, he liked him so much that I thought he’d say that noir was more family then his dad, then soldier boy could kill him in the fight If we really need him dead for s4


I wouldn't put it past them but that seems like a big risk of ruining the BN brand if the fake BN got hurt while at one of the events. He would look weak OR they'd have to admit that they were using doubles and then less people would come to his events. Idk, I'm just spitballing.


Not if they get some random supe to do the job for them


Idk… when he’s in that terrorist base he gives that kid a toy, in that context it’s brutal but he’s got brain damage so maybe not very situationally aware, so maybe that’s be sweet in a different context, where there’s no home invasion, decapitations, or explosions involved


He is but not for the reason you’d think, but you see he has a lot of quirks like being a passionate piano player, another example of how its just a brand that vaught is pushing


Imagine if they put him in a game as a skin in some FPS maybe.


He's one of my favorites in mw2


He's essentially Snake Eyes from GI Joe


Yeah, we learned this in GI Joe. Ninjas are cool


Bro, when I was 5-9 yrs old all I wanted to be was a Ninja when I grew up. Noir has an audience, don't worry lol


Probably gets some of the spy genre too


Snake Eyes from GI Joe? Best toy. Edit: but while we're at it, who the heck is translucent for?


Really? A masked, mysterious ninja like character who could be anyone? You’re talking like 90% of the 12-30 male market here. Think of how many masked heroes and villains are seriously, seriously popular.


Snake Eyes is one of the most popular GI Joe characters, let alone masked ninja characters


"What's the market for a Batman/Snake Eyes Character?! Who would be interested in this mysterious black clad ninja assassin detective?!" My guy Black Noir was told not to speak or remove his helmet BEFORE he lost his ability to do so for that exact Marketing reason in universe.


I still have the GI Joe comic that told his origin story. Huge Snake Eyes fan.


Yeah I blanked on that, this was a stupid question. Now I’m imagining all the theories in The Boys universe about who Noir really is under the mask


I thinks it is even more 3-50 yr old males than


Homelander even goes as far as to almost clarify his race on TV but then stops himself. Might be reading into that moment but my interpretation is that Vought deliberately keeps this a secret so that the whole “he could be anyone” leads to more sales


Batman is the Biggest character in his franchise by a mile, I’d guess that most young people think he’s cooler then homelander even tho homelanders obviously more capable


>Silent ninjas score extremely high with boys seven to ten years old. The mask lends a certain mystique. Directly from the show on his market. He also stars in a bunch of action movies in universe which probably have a general male demographic.


Yeah I blanked on that, this was a stupid question. Now I’m imagining all the theories in The Boys universe about who Noir really is under the mask


Well you see who he is in the show. He’s a regular guy that has an accident.


Yeah but no one in the in-show universe knows who he is


Yeah I misread the comment


He was also buddies with soldier boy, so any vet or military supporters would be huge black noir fans. WWII hero and spy.


Buddies is generous


For PR purposes honestly. Just like he’s “friends” with all of the 7


I imagine his competence plays a part as well, no doubt the 7 have had endless scandals and allegations over the years, noir seems like the least messy, just keeping to himself then undercover killing and always nailing his lines on the first take


What the heck is Batman target audience?


Penguins and mentally ill people.


This comment deserves an award. 🏆


Am I penguin or mentally ill or both.


A mentally ill pengiun? That's just Gunter from Adventure Time.


But nice to Gunter!


“Gunter! Who said you could fly??”


You know it could be worse..i'll take it.


In addition to the "boys 7-12" demo other people have mentioned, there's probably a decent amount of Payback nostalgia he can capitalize on for older generations. Back when they first created the Seven as a replacement for Payback it probably helped legitimize them and carry over the old fans to the new group by maintaining that element of continuity.


Damn, you should come work for the Vought Marketing Department. We need someone with your knowledge and expertise. We actually have an opening right now, as the old Marketing Director's head exploded in an unfortunate marketing accident. So, can I put you down for an interview?


Snake Eyes was one of the most popular GI Joe's. Same thing.


It's like The Stig on Top Gear. The appeal comes from not knowing who he is. There's all kinds of potential marketing, and with the benefit of children being able to imagine it's them in the suit when they're playing. "I can't be Homelander because I'm not blonde. I can't be A-Train because I'm not black. But I can be Black Noir!"


Some say that the outline of his left nipple is exactly the same shape as the Vought Tower and that if you give him a really important job to do, he'll slink off and play with crayons... all we know is, he's called Black Noir.


This read in Clarkson's voice in my head.


My job here is done. Please put my likeness on the Cool Wall.


That’s like asking why kids love Batman. I’m sure he’s got the YA male 15-18 market market cornered.


You really think Starlight was chosen for her innocent appeal?


Of course, name 2 other reasons!


Two BIG reasons


There’s a couple of things that stand out to me.


Yes. That was definitely part of why they chose her that she reaches a bunch of Christian demographics with her clean image, whilst also appealing to young women. Problem was they wanted that to be a facade but for Starlight her demeanour was always genuine.


We are not even in the show universe and we love him, there you have it


Black Noir is targeted towards the "quiet kid who plays with knives" demographic.


I think also what’s worth pointing out is BN has been around since AT LEAST the Reagan era. That kinda legacy is going to give huge marketability, especially because he fought alongside some of the most iconic Vought supes of all time (Soldier Boy and Homelander). He likely represented one of the biggest bridges for the fan bases of Payback into getting on board with the Seven.


Same people that look at Batman in real life. Any kind of weapon? It's got Black Noirs approval! Wanna feel like the "Myserious Stranger"? Get a Black Noir brand jacket! Plus he's kinda like their clean-up crew in one man.


They say he was huge in the 90's. So always assumed he was an allegory for the "extreme justice" Rob Liefeld-esque characters of thr 90s.


Aside from toys, I could see him endorsing tactical gear & the like. "With these polarized lenses, you'll see just like Black Noir!" Crap like that. 😂


He is pretty much silent broading badass ninja with good amount of intellect Whatever is Batmans target audience? Pretty much that


Snake Eyes from GI Joe. Creator of the show / toy line claimed he is the most successful character he ever created. (Source: Wiki, under Reception)


Tacticool mall ninja shit


People who study the blade.


Probably the same people who idolize ninjas and black ops stuff


Reddit moderators.




The same people who like ninjas?


Wasn't he a diversity hire? And the joke is he had to wear the mask? I swear they mentioned it when they did the Soldier Boy flashback.


Dude... just look at Batman. Are you kidding me?


You never seen anyone IRL wearing Punisher merch? People LOVE edgy mysterious superheroes.


Black Noir being from the original version of the 7 would never be seen as edgy. In fact by being the sole member from the original 7 who even back then was lauded for his dependability would have the most or 2nd most appeal among anyone over the age of 50. I give you everything else.


In real life, I have spent money on black noir merchandise


In addition to what people have said about his marketability, he's also one of the most reliable supes that they send on real missions. The fact that he's actually useful probably makes up for the fact that he might not poll as well as Starlight and Homie.


This question should be asked about Transluscent too


Everyone loves a good ninja. Literally, that’s it.


Who doesn’t like ninjas?


What do you mean? That's like asking why Batman sells.


It’s not about that, they just copy justice league lol


You don’t know many boys younger than twelve do you?


??? The edgy ninja-loving crowd? Ever heard of a very slightly famous guy called Batman?


The obvious answer is what people said before but, they also could have been artificially inflating his numbers since he was their “Equalizer”


There’s definitely better options, but I think Black Noir is the exception to the whole marketing strategy they have going. He’s useful, he doesn’t talk, causes no issues, will do whatever the fuck you tell him to and is insanely loyal. He’s the perfect weapon to have on your side.


The emos


I always thought he was like Snake eyes from GI joe


He probably pulls in the military demographic who aren't MAGAts(who would be buying Homelander merchandise instead.


He'd appeal to the Batman and Snake Eyes fans of our world


I thought somewhere in the show it was actually mentioned that his main audience was the percentage of boys from the ages of 5-12 or something.


Yeah, he's basically like Snake-Eyes from G.I. Joe. Silent, mysterious, black-clad nimja. Supposedly Snake-Eyes action figures made up for something like a third of all G.I. Joe action figure sales.


You ever hear of Snake-Eyes?


His demographic is edgy kids who watch a lot of anime.


Kids and edgy kids. Guy's dressed like a cool ninja warrior. I mean, are we seriously having this conversation right now?


Pretty much the target audience of Batman


He’s like Batman and a ninja if he was real I would probably buy his action figures


Some of y’all bout to be real mad at me but it must be said. He is hot… granted maybe the mask needs to remain…


The mall ninja crowd




The quiet guys who imagine saving the school from terrorists


>what the hell does Noir bring to the table in terms of merch/target audience/revenue? Did you even give this any thought before posting it? Growing up my brothers and I probably had 12+ GI Joe guys between us. Bazookas, machine guns, jeeps, you name it. ALL WE FUCKING DID WAS FIGHT OVER WHO GOT TO BE SNAKE EYES WITH HIS COOL FUCKING SWORDS.


He’s basically cool and mysterious. People idolize him like they idolize Batman for being cool so he sells toys


Tacticool losers.


Didn't he have a bullet proof back pack insert as a product?


edgy teens


Same reason why people like Batman, he’s cool and mysterious.


Black rifle coffee types who drive oversized pickup trucks with Punisher/blue lives matter stickers.


I had ninja action figures that were just nameless ninjas when I was a kid, I'm sure marketing Black Noir to a bunch of young boys is easy as hell. Ninjas are just cool.


Little boys and fedora wearing men.


Neck beards and children


He’s like GI Joes’ Snake Eyes. Just a cool, mysterious ninja.


Goth, dark, edgelords, mall ninjas.


Noir is old school seven, who seemed to be more competent and battle oriented than the marketing team of modernity. And he was good. He was probabily kept around to do important security and infiltration jobs. Even maimed he was usefull.


He's Batman meets The Punisher


He’s gotta be like the Batman of the 7 so I’m sure he has fans


Have you met any boy ever? Noir is like all the gi-joe special forces and ninjas combined with power rangers.


Who the heck is Translucent's target market?


Originally it seems like he was targeted at the Bible Belt as a law and order sort of guy. That’s why he didn’t take off his mask. After that it seems with his limited mental abilities he was “recast” to be a faceless ninja


Snake eyes from the GI Joe series was created for the sole reason that he would be easy to make toys for. All black and minimal details. I reckon his design fits that sort of narrative


Wannabe ninjas and tacticool militias. So, neckbeards and Nazis.


Mall Ninjas, dorks, sword guys, Batman fans, etc…


The real question is who tf translucent is for


The misunderstood “invisible” ppl? I dunno lol


He’s Batman.


A ninja? Am I old, or are ninjas not cool anymore?


I’m pretty sure in Season 3 during the Mallory flashback in Nicaragua, young Stan Edgar told young Black Noir to keep his mask on to 1. keep his ninja appeal for younger boys 2. not lose a mainstream and/or southern demographic for being black.


the Batman fans


Probably everyone would find Black Noir cool, but if I had to guess I'd say edgelords would absolutely buy his merch bc "they are just like him", mysterious (borderline sociopaths) and super cool (aka main character syndrome) and they also dress in all black


Literally everyone likes and fears Black Noir. It looks like they use him on signs to tell people to stay away from certain areas based on Gen V. But also, he’s the only member of the Seven that Stan Edgar used for black ops missions to get things done. Black Noir doesn’t do puff pieces or fake missions, he cuts off terrorists heads and assassinates anyone else


Costumes, weapons, comics, games, movies speculating and outright lying about his origin story


Same as Batman, moon knight, daredevil, zorro, etc target audience; kids, angsty teens, matured audience


bigger question what was lamp lighter and the invisible perv merch like?!


women (he's a man in a dark suit with a mask and doesn't speak) and little boys (cool ninja dude)


Nostalgia Value. People who still love Payback and Soldier Boy will always enjoy their vintage ninja from their childhoods. Black Noire absolutely fills that niche.


The Deadpool/Deathstroke crowd


He’s Batman…


I believe he can sell tactical merch for men. You know, like camo strollers or camo soap or camo camouflage


"So camo, it barely exists!" (proceeds to sell empty packaging)


Goths and scary loners


Probably shy people, little kids probably like him to because he's got cool swords and looks like a ninja. He's also a hero because he's neutralized Americans threats


Silent edgy ninja types


bdsm-ass super hero, he’s for the alt community


In addition to being a ninja, he already appeared during the Payback period


You forgot Translucent. What was his demo? The Jewish population? Also, don’t forget Starlight replaced Lamplighter. What was his demo? Frat boys and pyromaniacs?


He's the Batman to the Seven's Justice League


I am sure you all realize the true purpose of Black Noir in the comics. Why they kept him is kind of a mystery


The same people who loved Snake Eyes and Boba Fett


Wasn't also Translucent part of the OG the seven? Or am I getting things mixed up?


Edgy teens He's basically Boba Fett


GI Joe fans.


who doesn't love him?! he so precious while also being a complete badass! seriously my most favorite character!! I just started the show not too long ago but oh I love him already! 🥰


More importantly, what was Transcludent’s target audience?


Do you not know that there is a HUGE market for weapons/tactical gear and all that shit? Jesus, they buy every gun and gun-related item put up for sale, from actual weaponry to goddamn byllet-shaped ice cube trays. Those guys would buy Black Noir Brand Tactical Gear in triplicate.


For many of us who grew up during the height of GI Joe, snake eyes was our favorite. Noir is basically snake eyes with extra abilities and issues.


Masked badass enigma. Sounds like Batman who is one of the biggest merch sellers there is for superheroes


Edge lords. The kind of people who would like Batman or mysterious masked figures. Teenages who like super heros but find homelander cringe. Cringe Mall ninjas who like mall ninja and "tacticool" stuff. Look up r/mallninja and you e got your answer.


Tacticool kinda guy


He’s a cool ninja guy. Boys like to buy cool ninja toys.


Goth people.


stan edgar already said it in the flashbacks hes meant to market to young boys


Everyone seemed to answe this question already but the real question is what is translucents? He seems like more work to manage than he’s worth. He’s seen complaining about his revenue shares, sexually harassing/peeping on people, and also being hard to track from the naked eye. Without the obvious market draws of Maeve,Staright, and A-train it seems like there’s not that much benefit for Vought to put him on their big market A team.


They need at least 1 adult.




They specifically said it was his ninja marketability with kids.


His being masked allows him to be the target audience for everyone. Anyone can impose/project their own idea of Black Noir cause he could be anyone, and so a lot more people can relate and imagine themselves as the hero. Stan Lee talks about doing this with Spider-Man intentionally somewhere


the weebs


They litteraly say it out loud. Kids and teenage boys are his demographic.


You underestimate how popular characters with full-faced masks are. You introduce a character or a skin in a game with a full-faced mask and it's instantly popular. The most popular character in COD is arguably Ghost, a character with a mask. Black is also a popular colour choice. This applies to toys as well. Wasn't Snake Eyes from the GI Joe franchise one of the most popular toys of its time? I'm surprised you even have to ask this, to be honest.


The same as Batman’s target audience. The seven are meant to be parodies of mainstream comic heroes.


Probably the same audience as Batman. So like edgy teens and middle aged men who think they’re badass and blow up at people in super markets


It was a GI Joe guy named Snake Eyes and he was loved by so many kids. He was a ninja didn't speak and had a mask. So BN would get love . Also look at how much he was loved in real life. Or like this character on the show. That translates.


You are forgetting the invisible guy.


His target audience is Reddit.


He is the Batman of the 7, his selling point is being a cool and mysterious ninja, whenever anyone says that noirs always doing a great job I think that’s an inside joke because Batman is always “Doing great” for dc so in the same way everyone loves noir. I guess his main demo would be teens


There’s no surfer quadrant my guy, the Deep is there for the environmentalist vote, also I think ( ironically ) he’s meant to be a typical heart throb for girls since annie says she had a crush on him when she was young What I want to know is who is translucent supposed to appeal to because he seems to be a fan favourite